Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

"Ed Rollins, however, stated in the 2008 documentary Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story, that "[Atwater] was telling this story about how a Living Bible was what was giving him faith and I said to Mary (Matalin)...)

'I really, sincerely hope that he found peace.' She said, 'Ed, when we were cleaning up his things afterwards, the Bible was still wrapped in the cellophane and had never been taken out of the package,' which just told you everything there was. He was spinning right to the end."

Where is your mysterious leftwinger in this?
Who gives a shit about what Lee Atwater said? When did he become the arbiter of truth about the issue?
That doesn't alter the fact that no one ever voted on taking the monuments down.
The treasonous war criminals in the South who engaged in lawless, treasonous rebellion and insurrection against the United States to preserve slavery – secession was solely about preserving slavery – sought to destroy America.

Those who sought to destroy America are enemies of the Unites States and deserve no monuments.
Now read up on stockpiling permits, how if they aren't used they go bye bye. If oil companies take advantage of the opened territory great. But given that it is darn near inaccessible, I wouldn't hold my breath.
You claim that Biden is hampering energy production, and I prove you wrong, with multiple links.

You claim that Biden has stymied new exploration, and I prove you wrong with multiple links.

You claim that refinery capacity has not expanded and I show you that Trump sold our largest refinery to Saudi Arabia.

And you don't have the integrity or the honesty to admit that you were wrong, Foxfyre. Now you want to deflect to oil companies sitting on permits, which has nothing to do with what you accused Biden of.

Have you always been dishonest, or did FOX do that to you?
The Yankees were the enemy. They were the ones invading the homes of Southern Americans. They were the ones raping, burning and murdering their way through the South.

Six Tenets​

It's like a friggin' religion for you lunatics. :rofl:

The Lost Cause of the Confederacy

The Lost Cause​

The Lost Cause is an interpretation of the American Civil War (1861–1865) that seeks to present the war from the perspective of Confederates and in the best possible terms. Developed by white Southerners, many of them former Confederate generals, in a postwar climate of economic, racial, and social uncertainty, the Lost Cause created and romanticized the “Old South” and the Confederate war effort, often distorting history in the process. For this reason, many historians have labeled the Lost Cause a myth or a legend. It is an important example of public memory, one in which nostalgia for the Confederate past is accompanied by a collective forgetting of the horrors of slavery. Providing a sense of relief to white Southerners who feared being dishonored by defeat, the Lost Cause was largely accepted in the years following the war by white Americans who found it to be a useful tool in reconciling North and South. The Lost Cause has lost much of its academic support but continues to be an important part of how the Civil War is commemorated in the South and remembered in American popular culture.

Who gives a shit about what Lee Atwater said? When did he become the arbiter of truth about the issue?

Six Tenets :rofl:

Your religious instruction starts here

Six Tenets​

It's like a friggin' religion for you lunatics. :rofl:

The Lost Cause of the Confederacy

The Lost Cause​

The Lost Cause is an interpretation of the American Civil War (1861–1865) that seeks to present the war from the perspective of Confederates and in the best possible terms. Developed by white Southerners, many of them former Confederate generals, in a postwar climate of economic, racial, and social uncertainty, the Lost Cause created and romanticized the “Old South” and the Confederate war effort, often distorting history in the process. For this reason, many historians have labeled the Lost Cause a myth or a legend. It is an important example of public memory, one in which nostalgia for the Confederate past is accompanied by a collective forgetting of the horrors of slavery. Providing a sense of relief to white Southerners who feared being dishonored by defeat, the Lost Cause was largely accepted in the years following the war by white Americans who found it to be a useful tool in reconciling North and South. The Lost Cause has lost much of its academic support but continues to be an important part of how the Civil War is commemorated in the South and remembered in American popular culture.

No one gives a flying fuck what some scumbag Yankee has to say on the subject. "The lost cause" is a liberal myth created to justify the crimes of Abraham Lincoln.
That is how the laws of war work, dumbass. Firing the first shot when you're evicting foreign trespassers is not an act of war.
Democrats amaze me defending a particular Republican. Abe had troops not merely in his own house, but he had troops in the states house called South Carolina. When a state says it is time to leave, read up on Ft. Ord in CA, you double time it out. Abe deliberately delivered war by not following what the state told him to do. It was in their own state and not in ILL nor in DC.
Maybe Foxfyre didn't explain it because Trump didn't sell it to Saudi Arabia. None of it was American owned.

The thread topic is destruction of American history.
Who was president in May, 2017? Whose administration allowed our national security to be sold to Saudi Arabia?

The treasonous war criminals in the South who engaged in lawless, treasonous rebellion and insurrection against the United States to preserve slavery – secession was solely about preserving slavery – sought to destroy America.

Those who sought to destroy America are enemies of the Unites States and deserve no monuments.
Lincoln committed treason by making war on sovereign states of the union. He had no authority to use the military to "preserve the union." If a state doesn't want to belong to the union any longer, that's its right.
Lincoln committed treason by making war on sovereign states of the union. He had no authority to use the military to "preserve the union." If a state doesn't want to belong to the union any longer, that's its right.


Your "lost cause" horseshit means nothing to me.

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