Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

If they cited against the revolution they were traitors to their fellow colonists.


All colonists were subjects, loyal to the Crown. There were no two-sides to the rebellion. Many were on the fence, most. The rebels turned on neighbors, fiends, and family. My family was involved -- on all sides.

learn your friggin history and :anj_stfu:
Poor yankees didnt have much choice either

Once drafted into the army they had to serve or die by firing squad

In fact whites on both sides generally believed blacks were inferior

Which course was the true definition of racism
Agree with caveats because of a lack of a wider context, and lacking nuanced arguments (no time here?).
40 percent of the population was in bondage

Cotton was king and provided an overwhelming percentage of the southern economy. Slaves were the key to that economy.

Whether you owned slaves or not, you still benefit from that economy
White sharecroppers had no vested interest in the slave economy

They were quite poor, owned no slaves, and lived almost 100% off the land they farmed

You'd Better cal for backup ... BackAgain ??? Koolaid Fellows calling...

The Lost Cause​

The Lost Cause is an interpretation of the American Civil War (1861–1865) that seeks to present the war from the perspective of Confederates and in the best possible terms. Developed by white Southerners, many of them former Confederate generals, in a postwar climate of economic, racial, and social uncertainty, the Lost Cause created and romanticized the “Old South” and the Confederate war effort, often distorting history in the process. For this reason, many historians have labeled the Lost Cause a myth or a legend. It is an important example of public memory, one in which nostalgia for the Confederate past is accompanied by a collective forgetting of the horrors of slavery. Providing a sense of relief to white Southerners who feared being dishonored by defeat, the Lost Cause was largely accepted in the years following the war by white Americans who found it to be a useful tool in reconciling North and South. The Lost Cause has lost much of its academic support but continues to be an important part of how the Civil War is commemorated in the South and remembered in American popular culture.

In This Entry​

Contributor: Caroline E. Janney

Six Tenets​

No back up required. You’re busy arguing about stuff I’ve never claimed.

But you’re too retarded to notice. 👍
The residents of the states that seceded were no longer required to be loyal to the USA any more than the Founders, once they made the Declaration of Independence were required to be loyal to King George.

The Founders had no legal right to secede from England, but judged the British government to be oppressive, abusive, and non representative of the concerns and needs of the people. And it was the same oppressiveness, abusiveness, and non representative of the concerns and needs of the southern states that ultimately prompted their decision to secede.

From the Declaration of Independence:
"WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . ."

Whether or not the seceding states were right or wrong in their complaints is irrelevant. Their complaints were never addressed. In America's bloodiest war they were defeated and forced to remain in the union. They did not attain parity in political power until they gained sufficient population to be a political force.

But all sides of that debate should be part of American history and taught to every citizen who should understand it all and in the process understand the need for the electoral college and what the Founders intended the government to be.

To destroy or do away with historical monuments and markers that progressives don't like is not only unAmerican but irresponsible and borders on evil.
The above is false.

Those who forsook their oaths are as foul or worse than those who tried to takeover America with Trump.

Those facts will never be forsworn and or mistold. They all are traitorus scum of the earth.
What is it you usually say? Oh yeah -- irrelevant.

We do have archives at our disposal and we know most of your scream names and sock puppets. ;)
Zzz. I have been BackAgain. I was Liability. I was Ilar. I’ve never had a sock account. And you are a faggot and a liar. Same old story. 🥱

Now, back to the actual point: The Dainty is a fraud and a butthurt pussy. He posts consistently off topic. He has an obsession with me (probably because I enjoy exposing his as the faggoty fraud he is).

By the way, the actual thread topic (which may come as a surprise to The Dainty) remains: the tearing down of the Confederate Memorial. I cannot help but notice that the Dainty doesn’t much discuss the topic.
White sharecroppers had no vested interest in the slave economy

They were quite poor, owned no slaves, and lived almost 100% off the land they farmed
Again your ignorance of history is

White sharecroppers were extremely vested in maintaining slavery.
1: It maintained a racial hierarchy where no matter how dirty, stinking, ignorant and illiterate, they still held a position of racial superiority and all the benefits it entailed over Black people.

2: A huge population of freed Black people who were already used to working much harder than the backwards sharecroppers would be a huge source of competition when the cotton market and other markets were open to all.
The non-slaveowning white small farmers sold their excess to the slave owners. 90% of their excess went to the slave industry,

After the CW, the poor whites and blacks were played out against each other by the wealthy,

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