Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

But all that changed after the war when the carpetbaggers took over, right?
Not really. Deplorable southerners used provisions in the 13th Amendment that allowed for slavery of criminals as motivation for vagrancy laws that saw many newly freed blacks back working those same farms. I'm not defending the deplorable northern whites who went along with Jim crow and segregation, there's plenty of deplorable to go around.
I agree

Most whites in both armies looked down on black people as inferior

Which means slaves were not worth dying over
Why are you coming with these pussy arguments? The Confederates absolutely fought and died to protect slavery. Just because they saw blacks as socially inferior doesn't mean they didn't see them as valuable personal property.
White sharecroppers had no vested interest in the slave economy

They were quite poor, owned no slaves, and lived almost 100% off the land they farmed

But they were still white
Lowlife white trash were still higher in the social order than the most skilled slave.

Worth fighting for
That's a load of leftwing horseshit.
Republicans we must accept responsibility for the horseshit spread today by the Democrats. We had a chance to own the teachers union. We had a chance to purchase the Media. We had chances to own the film industry. WE in short allowed them to modify history to favor Democrats.
I urge all Republicans to watch a speaker by the name of Patrick Bet David who lays it all out.

Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition
Though dozens of congressional Republicans protested the move, the Army says it will begin work in coming days

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The U.S. Army intends to remove a Confederate memorial from Arlington National Cemetery next week as part of its ongoing work to rid Defense Department property of divisive rebel imagery, defying dozens of congressional Republicans who have vociferously protested the move.

Why would Republicans object to the removal of Confederate monuments if the Confederates were Democrats??? 🤔
Because it is history and helped shape this country. Taking history away is another way to destroy a country,
Watching Republicans get infuriated over the removal of statues of Democrats doesn't stop being amusing.
With all of the problems we have in the country right now...removing statues and renaming schools and streets is akin to putting a few band aids on someone that's just been savagely attacked with a machete! The nation is bleeding to death and the left is worried about this shit! It's embarrassing...
Why are you coming with these pussy arguments? The Confederates absolutely fought and died to protect slavery. Just because they saw blacks as socially inferior doesn't mean they didn't see them as valuable personal property.
Bullshit. We are tired of the lies told by Goats. The South had to fight or die at First Manassas.
Republicans we must accept responsibility for the horseshit spread today by the Democrats. We had a chance to own the teachers union. We had a chance to purchase the Media. We had chances to own the film industry. WE in short allowed them to modify history to favor Democrats.
I urge all Republicans to watch a speaker by the name of Patrick Bet David who lays it all out.

Just more fuckup victimhood bob.
Lincoln committed treason by making war on sovereign states of the union. He had no authority to use the military to "preserve the union." If a state doesn't want to belong to the union any longer, that's its right.
Arlington National Cemetery is where heroes are buried, patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend America from its enemies, such as the treasonous war criminals from the South who defended slavery in their treasonous, lawless rebellion and insurrection to destroy the United States.
Synthoholic thinks the government can tell people who they can sell their property to.
It seems that the guy on the radio, Michael Savage who wrote the book Liberalism is a Mental Disorder hit the nail on it's head.

And this has been researched.

It has been claimed that left-wingers or liberals (US sense) tend to more often suffer from mental illness than right-wingers or conservatives. This potential link was investigated using the General Social Survey cumulative cross-sectional dataset (1972-2018). A search of the available variables resulted in 5 items measuring one's own mental illness (e.g., ”Do you have any emotional or mental disability?”). All of these items were weakly associated with left-wing political ideology as measured by self-report, with especially high rates seen for the “extremely liberal” group. These results mostly held up in regressions that adjusted for age, sex, and race. For the variable with the most data (n = 11,338), the difference in the mental illness measure between “extremely liberal” and “extremely conservative” was 0.39 d. Temporal analysis showed that the relationship between mental illness, happiness, and political ideology has existed in the GSS data since the 1970s and still existed in the 2010s. Within-study meta-analysis of all the results found that extreme liberals had a 150% increased rate of mental illness compared to moderates. The finding of increased mental illness among left-wingers is congruent with numerous findings based on related constructs, such as positive relationships between conservatism, religiousness and health in general.
Presidents are in charge of protecting national security and national interests.

Wingnuts have been telling us for decades that American security depends on American energy. Trump could have stopped this sale, just like he stopped this one:

Hmmm....what is different about Saudi Arabia? That's the $2 BILLION dollar question, right Jared Kushner?
No because the sale was between the Dutch and the Arabs. You managed to shit your diaper again. (Folks, I ended with that diaper remark only due to how he answered to the poster he talked to.) He is trying to shit us. Presidents are not in charge when a firm is owned by the Dutch and the other owned by the Arabs.
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Not true. Most people do not know recent history, let alone ...

But slavery was the primary issue with SC first state to secede. They wrote official documents on it. And the one state right that drove the war -- the state right to owning slaves, slavery.
There are two arguments about the South.

Why did they secede is Argument A. To the argument A, secede, they wanted to keep workers for minimum costs and not see them take off.
Why did Abe invade is Argument B. Abe invaded the South at Manassas VA in order to conquer them. His pithy excuse is they must be slaves of the Union or die by cannon fire. And he picked killing them using cannons.
There are two arguments about the South.

Why did they secede is Argument A. To the argument A, secede, they wanted to keep workers for minimum costs and not see them take off.
Why did Abe invade is Argument B. Abe invaded the South at Manassas VA in order to conquer them. His pithy excuse is they must be slaves of the Union or die by cannon fire. And he picked killing them using cannons.
Okay, but you're deaf dumb blind to Abe.
It seems that the guy on the radio, Michael Savage who wrote the book Liberalism is a Mental Disorder hit the nail on it's head.

And this has been researched.

It has been claimed that left-wingers or liberals (US sense) tend to more often suffer from mental illness than right-wingers or conservatives. This potential link was investigated using the General Social Survey cumulative cross-sectional dataset (1972-2018). A search of the available variables resulted in 5 items measuring one's own mental illness (e.g., ”Do you have any emotional or mental disability?”). All of these items were weakly associated with left-wing political ideology as measured by self-report, with especially high rates seen for the “extremely liberal” group. These results mostly held up in regressions that adjusted for age, sex, and race. For the variable with the most data (n = 11,338), the difference in the mental illness measure between “extremely liberal” and “extremely conservative” was 0.39 d. Temporal analysis showed that the relationship between mental illness, happiness, and political ideology has existed in the GSS data since the 1970s and still existed in the 2010s. Within-study meta-analysis of all the results found that extreme liberals had a 150% increased rate of mental illness compared to moderates. The finding of increased mental illness among left-wingers is congruent with numerous findings based on related constructs, such as positive relationships between conservatism, religiousness and health in general.
Just more junk from you Bob.

When did you lose your critical thinking skills and give your brain to the likes of mike savage?
With all of the problems we have in the country right now...removing statues and renaming schools and streets is akin to putting a few band aids on someone that's just been savagely attacked with a machete! The nation is bleeding to death and the left is worried about this shit! It's embarrassing...
The Republican House passed only 22 bills this year, and they were things like naming post offices.

Monuments to treasonous war criminals and defenders of slavery have no place among true American heroes and patriots – Democrats correctly understand these facts.

Republicans are once again on the wrong side of the issues and the wrong side of history in their defense of the indefensible.

Democrats erected the statues.

Now Jones is flummoxed again
It's becoming clear that this poster has never done any comprehensive study of the history.
Best to leave them to their own devices, some people prefer ignorance.
I took a pledge awhile back to not feed the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in other exercises in futility. I violate that so much LOL. :)

Seriously I am convinced progressives/leftists/Democrats whatever they call themselves are incapable of actually comprehending an argument, incapable of understanding complex concepts, and incapable of articulating any kind of argument but just parrot the assigned talking points. It is extremely frustrating trying to have a rational conversation with them, much less a reasoned debate.

They will never understand why it is so important for U.S. citizens to know all our history, the good and the bad, and the underlying components that went into it. They've complete bought into the 'woke' religion that is taking us to hell in a handbasket of disinformation and ignorance.

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