Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

The above is false.

Those who forsook their oaths are as foul or worse than those who tried to takeover America with Trump.

Those facts will never be forsworn and or mistold. They all are traitorus scum of the earth.
Did you take an oath to be loyal to the U.S. government in order to be a citizen? I didn't. I'm pretty sure the Founders didn't.

But to assume that it is always wrong to oppose or reject the government no matter how bad that government might be is just dumb. It makes a God of government which our Founders never intended in the least. If that was the way the world was intended we would all be living as subjects of some despot.
Did you take an oath to be loyal to the U.S. government in order to be a citizen? I didn't. I'm pretty sure the Founders didn't.

But to assume that it is always wrong to oppose or reject the government no matter how bad that government might be is just dumb. It makes a God of government which our Founders never intended in the least. If that was the way the world was intended we would all be living as subjects of some despot.
If you don’t like the government vote.

Anything else is anti democratic, anti America, and illegal
Did you take an oath to be loyal to the U.S. government in order to be a citizen? I didn't. I'm pretty sure the Founders didn't.

But to assume that it is always wrong to oppose or reject the government no matter how bad that government might be is just dumb. It makes a God of government which our Founders never intended in the least. If that was the way the world was intended we would all be living as subjects of some despot.
I took an oath when I became a member of the Armed Forces.

You make poor assumptions, there. Always oppose a bad government. That is what we did in 2020 and agan in 2024.

As an American citizen, you have a duty to be loyal to your country. The officers who resigned their commissions to support a slaveocracy made an immoral choice, yes.

If you don't like the government, vote.
I took an oath when I became a member of the Armed Forces.

You make poor assumptions, there. Always oppose a bad government. That is what we did in 2020 and agan in 2024.

As an American citizen, you have a duty to be loyal to your country. The officers who resigned their commissions to support a slaveocracy made an immoral choice, yes.

If you don't like the government, vote.
You said the magic words

They resigned their commissions which released them from their oath
It's becoming clear that this poster has never done any comprehensive study of the history.
Best to leave them to their own devices, some people prefer ignorance.
You are the one posting from ignorance
At least slaves were fed? The majority of the proceeds and production from their labor was stolen from them you ignorant fucking moron. :icon_rolleyes:
But all that changed after the war when the carpetbaggers took over, right?
Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition
Though dozens of congressional Republicans protested the move, the Army says it will begin work in coming days

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The U.S. Army intends to remove a Confederate memorial from Arlington National Cemetery next week as part of its ongoing work to rid Defense Department property of divisive rebel imagery, defying dozens of congressional Republicans who have vociferously protested the move.

Why would Republicans object to the removal of Confederate monuments if the Confederates were Democrats??? 🤔

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