Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition


Not true. Most people do not know recent history, let alone ...

But slavery was the primary issue with SC first state to secede. They wrote official documents on it. And the one state right that drove the war -- the state right to owning slaves, slavery.
Slavery was very important to the tiny minority of rich slave owners

But poor white farmers did not fight and die to preserve someone else's slaves

Any more than poor white yankee farmers fought and died to free the slaves
Frame it any way you want, but he was disloyal to his nation. While an US Army man, he took an oath.
The residents of the states that seceded were no longer required to be loyal to the USA any more than the Founders, once they made the Declaration of Independence were required to be loyal to King George.

The Founders had no legal right to secede from England, but judged the British government to be oppressive, abusive, and non representative of the concerns and needs of the people. And it was the same oppressiveness, abusiveness, and non representative of the concerns and needs of the southern states that ultimately prompted their decision to secede.

From the Declaration of Independence:
"WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . ."

Whether or not the seceding states were right or wrong in their complaints is irrelevant. Their complaints were never addressed. In America's bloodiest war they were defeated and forced to remain in the union. They did not attain parity in political power until they gained sufficient population to be a political force.

But all sides of that debate should be part of American history and taught to every citizen who should understand it all and in the process understand the need for the electoral college and what the Founders intended the government to be.

To destroy or do away with historical monuments and markers that progressives don't like is not only unAmerican but irresponsible and borders on evil.
Slavery was very important to the tiny minority of rich slave owners

But poor white farmers did not fight and die to preserve someone else's slaves

Any more than poor white yankee farmers fought and died to free the slaves

True for the most part. Rich Slave owners had much power in those states. Poor whites in the South feared black uprisings. Freeing the slaves in their minds meant -- the end. Many poor whites were hostile to Negroes. Some weren't. But there were many poor whites who fought to keep slavery intact. It was their economy and culture.

Yankees? Mixed bag, but how many walked away saying -- oh no, we're not fighting for those negroes?
and remembered in American popular culture
Gone with the Wind (1939) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition
Though dozens of congressional Republicans protested the move, the Army says it will begin work in coming days

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The U.S. Army intends to remove a Confederate memorial from Arlington National Cemetery next week as part of its ongoing work to rid Defense Department property of divisive rebel imagery, defying dozens of congressional Republicans who have vociferously protested the move.

Why would Republicans object to the removal of Confederate monuments if the Confederates were Democrats??? 🤔

In case anyone here doesn't know it, the Confederate army lost the war. I don't understand the notion of paying homage to a whole bunch of losers.
Presidents are not in charge of oil companies.
Presidents are in charge of protecting national security and national interests.

Wingnuts have been telling us for decades that American security depends on American energy. Trump could have stopped this sale, just like he stopped this one:

Hmmm....what is different about Saudi Arabia? That's the $2 BILLION dollar question, right Jared Kushner?
Slavery was very important to the tiny minority of rich slave owners

But poor white farmers did not fight and die to preserve someone else's slaves

Any more than poor white yankee farmers fought and died to free the slaves
40 percent of the population was in bondage

Cotton was king and provided an overwhelming percentage of the southern economy. Slaves were the key to that economy.

Whether you owned slaves or not, you still benefit from that economy
Slavery was very important to the tiny minority of rich slave owners

But poor white farmers did not fight and die to preserve someone else's slaves

Any more than poor white yankee farmers fought and died to free the slaves
That's some Lost Cause bullshit. 😄 Slave ownership ranged from over 40% to 25% of families in Southern States according to the census. 1/4 th at the low and and nearly half at the high end isn't a tiny minority, it's representative of the depraved, backward culture.
The residents of the states that seceded were no longer required to be loyal to the USA any more than the Founders, once they made the Declaration of Independence were required to be loyal to King George.

And that made them traitors - in rebellion.

The Founders had no legal right to secede from England, but judged the British government to be oppressive, abusive, and non representative of the concerns and needs of the people. And it was the same oppressiveness, abusiveness, and non representative of the concerns and needs of the southern states that ultimately prompted their decision to secede.
For a while, the British allowed the extra-legal committees and colonial congresses to exist in the colonies. Many colonists who became rebels did not agree with your premises. Many were angry at the Parliament, not the Crown. There were no two sides to the arguments in the colonies over things.

Most who went to the continental congresses were not there to rebel against the Crown. A few who attended the first continental congress, walked away when rebellion was called. Yet the rebels still used their arguments as propaganda. One name in particular stands out: the Reverend John Zubly.
The confederates were nothing like the rebels of 1700s. The confederates were arguing with equals they had signed pacts with. The rebels of 1700s may have been subjects rebelling, but they were not citizens.


Whether or not the seceding states were right or wrong in their complaints is irrelevant.
Only in your mind.
To destroy or do away with historical monuments and markers that progressives don't like is not only unAmerican but irresponsible and borders on evil.

So you hate progressives. I got it. Historical monuments and markers that do not glorify the Confederacy should stand, but where is an argument. Memorials should bother no one. And there a few Black Progressives down south, that agree with me and are not a part of your pathetic and hateful caricatures.

And even if all you say is true (it's not), the tearing down is very American. Learn America history. And eff your moralistic claptrap about evil. Can teh bs.
True for the most part. Rich Slave owners had much power in those states. Poor whites in the South feared black uprisings. Freeing the slaves in their minds meant -- the end. Many poor whites were hostile to Negroes. Some weren't. But there were many poor whites who fought to keep slavery intact. It was their economy and culture.

Yankees? Mixed bag, but how many walked away saying -- oh no, we're not fighting for those negroes?
Poor yankees didnt have much choice either

Once drafted into the army they had to serve or die by firing squad

In fact whites on both sides generally believed blacks were inferior

Which course was the true definition of racism

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