Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

I was about your age when me and the Democrats split up. Back in time to elect Reagan. I reversed course on Reagan from my earlier days as a loyal Democrat. Back then it was much less a cult than it is today. It declined in other words. I am 85 with a very long history of lying politicians. They make me sick.

Take Biden. The cost at our border is immense. But he lies saying it is a closed border. After he sees film of tens of thousands of aliens from all over this planet, he has the gall to lie to us saying he closed the border. Trump had solved the problem. Biden reversed course.
Yes you are a cracker mullet Republican.
So you were a Democrat when they were Confederates and segregationists and then you switched..... kinda like we've been saying this entire time. 😄
No, I was a Democrat under FDR, Truman, IKE, Kennedy, Johnson and
Carter. That must make me a traitor.
Yet here you are whining about it you lifelong loser. And just had to throw a mention of Trump in there too. We don’t pity you. We laugh at you.
I have no idea what you think is whining ya little troll.

But that laughing you hear is me laughing at you… one of the dumbest posters on this board( and that’s saying something in this shithole)
Civil rights passed in 1965. It took about 15 years to flip the South from Dem to solidly Republican.

You along with the rest of the racists
Wait, What?

You just claimed all your racist Dems flipped to RepublicN as soon as the CRA passed. Now you claim it took 15 years?

Ok, provide that list.

This is fun…..
If you all really believe that then why are you all such cowards coming here to pretend that those Confederate Democrats aren't your people? :dunno:
I’m no coward you pissant. We don’t remove history. YOU do because you’re a pussy snowflake who can’t handle the truth.
So he should have kicked the South aside and been a traitor to the South? Grant is who should refuse orders from Abe. Sherman as well.

Grant would get 20,000 of his killed and simply call for more troops to kill. Grant lost about 100,000 more troops than Lee lost.
A traitor to slavery rather
I have no idea what you think is whining ya little troll.

But that laughing you hear is me laughing at you… one of the dumbest posters on this board( and that’s saying something in this shithole)
No you Shitstain, that dumbest poster is YOU retard. You’re one of the biggest crybabies here. Keep laughing as Trump wins again. Go ahead and compare your education level LUSH. You’ll get embarrassed again loser.
The South had no intention of ending slavery, peacefully or otherwise.
They would have had to. The industrial revolution was a killing blow. Moreover maintaining slaves was too expensive for most to continue. They had to be fed, clothed, get medical care. Much like blacks today want to be taken care of.

It was a benefit to turn those former black slaves into land owning sharecroppers. The plantation got the benefit of the labor without providing anything but a miniscule share value.

Adding insult to injury, poor whites also became share croppers giving the former slaves a bit of competition.

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