Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

What a beautiful monument.
I prefer this one:

Stay under your rock you moron. Your utter stupidity is mind boggling. Lee was a better man than you’ll ever be boy. Try learning actual history.
I have not seen a single Democrat call Grant or Sherman heroes. It tells us something,
Are you so fucked in the head that you think I care if nobody (wing nut Trumpers) like me???

What a dope
Yet here you are whining about it you lifelong loser. And just had to throw a mention of Trump in there too. We don’t pity you. We laugh at you.
Lee was a decent man and a very able General.

Unfortunately he fought for an evil cause

Much like Rommel
So he should have kicked the South aside and been a traitor to the South? Grant is who should refuse orders from Abe. Sherman as well.

Grant would get 20,000 of his killed and simply call for more troops to kill. Grant lost about 100,000 more troops than Lee lost.
Stay under your rock you moron. Your utter stupidity is mind boggling. Lee was a better man than you’ll ever be boy. Try learning actual history.
If you all really believe that then why are you all such cowards coming here to pretend that those Confederate Democrats aren't your people? :dunno:
If you all really believe that then why are you all such cowards coming here to pretend that those Confederate Democrats aren't your people? :dunno:
For myself, I am a proud Republican. I was a Democrat. But man it sucks to be one today.
So he should have kicked the South aside and been a traitor to the South? Grant is who should refuse orders from Abe. Sherman as well.

Grant would get 20,000 of his killed and simply call for more troops to kill. Grant lost about 100,000 more troops than Lee lost.
Listen to this anti-American cretin

I find it telling that all these racists quit the Dem party right when Civil Rights laws passed.
Got a list of your racist Dems who quit the party right after Republicans broke your racist Dem filibuster of the CRA?

Forum List
