Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

The statue, designed to represent the American South and unveiled in 1914, features a bronze woman, crowned with olive leaves, standing on a 32-foot (9.8-meter) pedestal. The woman holds a laurel wreath, plow stock and pruning hook, and a biblical inscription at her feet says: "They have beat their swords into plough-shares and their spears into pruning hooks."

The secession of the Confederacy was the Second American Revolution against tyranny.

Sadly, unlike in the first revolution, the good guys lost and the bad guys won.
The statue, designed to represent the American South and unveiled in 1914, features a bronze woman, crowned with olive leaves, standing on a 32-foot (9.8-meter) pedestal. The woman holds a laurel wreath, plow stock and pruning hook, and a biblical inscription at her feet says: "They have beat their swords into plough-shares and their spears into pruning hooks."

Read the rest of it retard.

And “reconciliation” 50 years after the war was over?


With people you claim where disgusting dirty racist democrats is that right? Why are you upset about removing monuments of reconciliation to people you guys claim have always been working against Black equality? You still want to reconcile with that over Black Americans? This is why this tactic fails. It doesn't make any sense. You clown boys want to argue black voters should be opposed to dirty racist democrats while at the same time you argue for reconciliation with those same racist Democrats. You Bingos aren't that bright, are you? 😄
The secession of the Confederacy was the Second American Revolution against tyranny.

Sadly, unlike in the first revolution, the good guys lost and the bad guys won.
This Bingo has to imagine his beloved Slave State was some sentinel against tyranny. 😄 These are deeply stupid and emotionally stunted Bingos.
"The monument was created at the end of the civil war to reconcile the nation into one and celebrate unity. Unity is abhorrent today."

Umm, no, poster CatBreath, it wasn't. And your own link says it wasn't. WTH!?

Other reportage:
"Supporters of the statue, which was erected almost 50 years after the Civil War ended, say it was part of an effort to promote reconciliation between the North and the South. But critics argued the memorial glosses over slavery with elements such as a frieze showing an enslaved Black man following his owner and an enslaved woman — described on the cemetery’s website as a “mammy” — holding the baby of a Confederate officer."

Color me skeptical that that statue give comfort, solace, and reconciliation today.
The monument was created at the end of the civil war to reconcile the nation into one and celebrate unity. Unity is abhorrent today.
No it wasn't. The Daughters of the Confederacy never spent a dollar for that. It was a celebration of Jim Crow, and now its gone.
No it wasn't. The Daughters of the Confederacy never spent a dollar for that. It was a celebration of Jim Crow, and now its gone.
Quote from the article
The memorial was built to promote reconciliation between the North and South and that removing the memorial erodes that reconciliation.
Reconciliation and unity are dead issues. The memorial, any memorial, to unity has no place in America today.
With people you claim where disgusting dirty racist democrats is that right? Why are you upset about removing monuments of reconciliation to people you guys claim have always been working against Black equality? You still want to reconcile with that over Black Americans? This is why this tactic fails. It doesn't make any sense. You clown boys want to argue black voters should be opposed to dirty racist democrats while at the same time you argue for reconciliation with those same racist Democrats. You Bingos aren't that bright, are you? 😄
You are brain damaged that's why you can't understand.

I support the removal of this or any monument or memorial that represents or purports to represent reconciliation or unity. Unity, reconciliation or just plain getting along has no place in today's America.
Segregation forever. Rashad Mendenhall is right.
You are brain damaged that's why you can't understand.

I support the removal of this or any monument or memorial that represents or purports to represent reconciliation or unity. Unity, reconciliation or just plain getting along has no place in today's America.
Segregation forever. Rashad Mendenhall is right.
Not segregation you Bingo, just your subjugation.
Oh yeah, like that's gonna happen. You can't even stop a bunch of illegal farm boys from taking over Chicago.
It did happen you dipshit. The monument was removed. That isn't segregation. You Confederate lovers don't get a seperate but equal plot of public land to display your fail monuments. They just get removed or put in a museum where people can learn what deplorable mutant traitors they were.
It did happen you dipshit. The monument was removed. That isn't segregation. You Confederate lovers don't get a seperate but equal plot of public land to display your fail monuments, they just get removed or put in a museum where people can learn what deplorable mutant traitors they were.
The monument deserved to be removed as does any other monument or memorial that supports unity.
Tear it down or blow it up.

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