Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

Ok, feel free to quote me saying what you claim.

Quote me, or you have admitted you are a lying sack of shit.

Treasonous war criminals like Lee and Davis were conservatives – just like you; party affiliation is irrelevant.

And conservatives today continue to defend and embrace the racism, bigotry, and hate of Lee and Davis.
I'll concede im wrong when I see you type out that you think Democratic Confederates like Lee are shit people from a shit culture.
Sorry sport, you made a claim. Back it up, or you have admitted you are a lying sack of shit.

You right wingers got mad at American Muslims for building a Mosque after 9-11, but want to keep symbols standing that represent 200 years of 9-11's.
Stop being a pussy. My claim of you being a cowardly racist pussy is proven by you being too pussy and racist to answer the simple question.
So once again you can't produce a single racist post by me.

You lose again, loser.

I accept your concession.
Nope. All the confederate states are now republican..

First of all Dumbass, there is no such thing as confederate states today.

But the Southern states all kicked your racist Dimwinger asses out. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
So once again you can't produce a single racist post by me.

You lose again, loser.

I accept your concession.
The fact that you continue telling us how we don't know how to think relative to our voting for democrats shows your racism. You don't say that to white democrats, or the Jews here when 75 percent of the Jews in America vote democrat.
First of all Dumbass, there is no such thing as confederate states today.

But the Southern states all kicked your racist Dimwinger asses out. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
All the former confederate states are republican, and they didn't kick anybody out.
First of all Dumbass, there is no such thing as confederate states today.

But the Southern states all kicked your racist Dimwinger asses out. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
The Confederacy included the states of Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia.

Those are basically red states now, right.
The fact that you continue telling us how we don't know how to think relative to our voting for democrats shows your racism. You don't say that to white democrats, or the Jews here when 75 percent of the Jews in America vote democrat.
No stupid, it applies to all you dumbfuck Dimwingers who blindly vote for the cretins who always tell you they are on your side, then screw you once the election is over.

This thread topic has to do with reparations, so discussing Jews is off topic.

So I will ask you once again to produce a single post by me that is racist. We have done this dance many times, and you have failed miserably every time, vermin
The Confederacy included the states of Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia.

Those are basically red states now, right.
Thanks for confirming my post stating the fact those states kicked you racist Dimwingers to the curb.

Good post.:113::113::113::113:
So once again you can't produce a single racist post by me.

You lose again, loser.

I accept your concession.
I accept yours with you being too cowardly and racist to make a simple denouncement. Your inability to denounce Lee and Jefferson and Confederates and their deplorable mutant culture is all the evidence I need.
I accept yours with you being too cowardly and racist to answer the simple question. You're inability to denounce Lee and Jefferson and Confederates and their deplorable mutant culture is all the evidence I need.
So once again you can't produce a single racist post by me.

You lose again, loser.

I accept your concession.
First of all Dumbass, there is no such thing as confederate states today.

But the Southern states all kicked your racist Dimwinger asses out. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
You arguments that Black American democrats like IM2 are the ideological children of Confederates is stupid. Their progeny make themselves obvious by calling themselves the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy you cowardly little shit. Let's hear you denounce them and their shit culture.
You arguments that Black American democrats like IM2 are the ideological children of Confederates is stupid. Their progeny make themselves obvious by calling themselves the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy you cowardly little shit. Let's hear you denounce them and their shit culture.
Your desperation is cute, Buttercup.

My facts remain...............the Southern states kicked the racist Dimwinger party to the curb after their rebellion against the US.
I just did. You fucked up and tried to argue Black democrats are Confederates like some dumb fucking Bingo.
Really? I called black democrats Confederates?

quote me, Simp.

I correctly said Southern states kicked the racist Dimwinger party to the curb. There is nobody alive today who is a Confederate, moron.

I guess they didn't teach you much about American in Jamaica, vermin. If you ever have any questions about how America works just PM me, I will be happy to educate you in private instead of humiliating your ignorance in front of the board.

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