Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

From this morning's Washington Post:

Judge says removal of Confederate statue at Arlington can proceed

Updated December 19, 2023 at 8:29 p.m. EST|Published December 19, 2023 at 5:54 p.m. EST

"A day after halting work to remove the Confederate memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, a federal judge in Virginia on Tuesday said he would allow the removal to proceed.
On Tuesday evening, Judge Rossie D. Alston Jr. of the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Virginia ruled against a request from a group called Defend Arlington that the memorial remain undisturbed."
Voltaire believed an absudity.

“It is a serious question among them whether they [Africans] are descended from monkeys or whether the monkeys come from them. Our wisemen have said that man was created in the image of God. Now here is a lovely image of the Divine Maker: a flat and black nose with little or hardly any intelligence. A time will doubtless come when these animals will know how to cultivate the land well, beautify their houses and gardens, and know the paths of the stars: one needs time for everything.” -Voltaire,“Les Lettres d’Amabed” p. 462-463

He did. It was a learned attitude through out Europe and the New World. It persisted for many generations too. Atrocities followed. Native Americans were treated similarly as well.
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A new generation of Civil War scholars is filling in what one commentator calls the “skipped history” of White Southerners who fought for the Union Army. For me, the emerging revisionist account of the conflict is personal. I have discovered the story of a great-great-grandfather who was threatened with hanging as a “damned old Lincolnite” by his neighbors in the Alabama mountains.

My given name is an Anglicized version of the biblical middle name of James Hiel Abbott, who died in 1877 after helping his son slip through rebel lines to enlist in the 1st Alabama Cavalry, a distinguished regiment of bluecoat fighters whose story was deliberately excluded from the Alabama Department of Archives and History in Montgomery. That son is buried in the national military cemetery at Chattanooga, Tenn. Until a few years ago, I was among the thousands of Southerners who never knew they had kin buried under Union Army headstones.


How did a regiment of 2,066 fighters and spies from the mountain South, chosen by Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman as his personal escort on the March to the Sea, get erased? Oddly, the explanation reaches back to Columbia University, whose pro-Confederate Dunning School of Reconstruction history at the start of the 20th century spread a false narrative of Lost Cause heroism and suffering among aristocratic plantation owners.
He did. It was a learned attitude through out Europe and the New World. It persisted for many generations too. Atrocities followed. Native Americans were treated similarly as well.
Exactly. The atrocity Native Americans have faced is ongoing and makes the holocaust look like a holiday. That's not being anti semitic, it's speaking the truth. And it's a truth these descendants of colonizers need to face.

“I’m a human being, I’m not anyone’s mascot! And I am America’s conscience. And that’s what they don’t want to look at. They would rather look at a cartoon character than at the deceit of this country and this government.”-Russell Means
Could you tap out a few lines of what you personally are aiming to accomplish?
I am virtually certain all of us who truly know about slavery think that way back in the founders days there were not people who hated slavery. Generally similar to today's democrats who hate wealth because they have little if any wealth.
WTH_Progs? said:
Why should we forget their sacrifice and the implications?

What sacrifice?
You've never taken a history class, have you? Be honest
They flip flop like a dying fish. They start discussing the 1860s and suddenly with no warning they change it to being the 1930s and then suddenly they flash to the 1960s and seem to believe Democrats reformed and yet per them things have not improved a bit.
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They flip flop like a dying fish. They start discussing the 1860s and suddenly with no warning they change it to being the 1930s and then suddenly they flash to the 1960s and seem to believe Democrats reformed and yet per them things have not improved a bit.

They switch when they are losing, and they are ALWAYS losing because their policies are driven by hate, racism and greed, not logic

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