Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

Why would I accept a culture that enslaved, maimed, raped, lynched and murdered my ancestors.

Because otherwise, this nation is over. And the sooner you admit that you have no plan to live in peace with your fellow citizens, the sooner we can work on what to do about that.

All I am asking is that your side stop with the lies.

We live in peace now, I don't need to see statues and honor those who harmed black folks to do that.

What did I lie about?

Said the man that just said he would not accept a culture who's ancestors "enslaved, blah, blah, blah " his ancestors.

So, what kind of "peace" are you talking about?
But I thought democrats were the side who supported Jim Crow and all of the other shit confederates love??

Why would democrats be taking down statues of confederates?? did something change over the past 50 years??

You are a babbling fool trying too late to be relevant. The "I thought" part of your message should serve as a disclaimer.
So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
We do not honor Nazi heritage

Honoring a heritage dedicated to the preservation of slavery is unwarranted

Nazis were big on wars of conquest and genocide.

What nations did the Confederates conquer? What peoples did they commit genocide on?

Or, instead of it being a good analogy, was it just a buzz word that you shit out of your face anus?

Uh black people.

Really? Germany, after the Nazis genocides, has ZERO POINT TWO PERCENT, reporting as Jewish.

America, after the Confederacy, has over TWELVE percentage black population.

Do you even know what the word "genocide" means? Or is it just a buzzword to you, to use to smear people you hate?

Do you understand the crimes and inhumanity that was done by the Confederacy.

Do you understand the fucking stupidity of a Nazi analogy, and pretending that 12 percent is the same as fucking ZERO POINT TWO percent?

I mean, I was talking to RW. He is the fucking moron that made that comparison, and stood by it. And that is the conversation you jumped into. If you want to comment on his fucking stupid post, then address his fucking stupid post.

I am discussing the rest of this issue, in the rest of this thread. THIS bit, is about the stupid shit you people say, and me calling you on it.

If you don't want to discuss how fucking stupid you libs are, when you just use buzz words, with no understanding of what the words actually mean, because you are fucking retarded,

And never forget...Nikki Haley did the same thing.
and by the way, if Nikki Haley gets the mantle passed to her by Trump -- all of you trumpers will start worshiping her like you cultists do..and you will kindly forget that she sided with those uppity blacks and libs against the neo-confederate crusade

Nikki Haley wont..but by all means build your fantasy,.,.all prepped and ready to go with canned arguments and "i gotcha by your own petard!" shouts.
Would a shallow group you are.
But I thought democrats were the side who supported Jim Crow and all of the other shit confederates love??

Why would democrats be taking down statues of confederates?? did something change over the past 50 years??

You are a babbling fool trying too late to be relevant. The "I thought" part of your message should serve as a disclaimer.
In other words, you are dumb ass who can't admit that you support racists.....

Again, why are there no democrats down there trying to prevent these confederate monuments from being taken down??

Either answer that question or shut the fuck up, pussy
So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
What is wrong with people who would want to remember that sort of heritage? Hundreds of years of history and they want to be remembered for starting and losing a war for one of the worst reasons anyone ever fought for.

So, generations of good southern Americans, and you want to define them by one loser?

Hey, that's cool.

If I get to define you by this guy.


What's good about folks who raped, maimed, bombed, tortured, lynched, Murdered and denied another group of people basic human rights based on the color of their skin.

Well, during WWII, they helped save the world from Nazis. So there is that.

You filthy crackhead.

So they saved the world from Nazis, but back home they hated their fellow Americans because they had a different skin color. Smfh.

I have no idea of the racial views of the southern troopers of WWII. I can speak to those of the North, at least the ones I knew personally growing up.

You asked a question and I answered it. Do you have something to say in response, or is this where you admit that you don't give a fuck about the facts of the matter, you just spew hate?
And never forget...Nikki Haley did the same thing.
and by the way, if Nikki Haley gets the mantle passed to her by Trump -- all of you trumpers will start worshiping her like you cultists do..and you will kindly forget that she sided with those uppity blacks and libs against the neo-confederate crusade

Nikki Haley wont..but by all means build your fantasy,.,.all prepped and ready to go with canned arguments and "i gotcha by your own petard!" shouts.
Would a shallow group you are.
I guarantee you if Trump tells you to support Nikki will do exactly what he tells you and you will get the fuck over what she did to your confederate cause..just like the bitch you are
The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

Why would I accept a culture that enslaved, maimed, raped, lynched and murdered my ancestors.

Because otherwise, this nation is over. And the sooner you admit that you have no plan to live in peace with your fellow citizens, the sooner we can work on what to do about that.

All I am asking is that your side stop with the lies.

We live in peace now, I don't need to see statues and honor those who harmed black folks to do that.

What did I lie about?

You're a scholar and a Gentleman - But I suspect your knowledge of African American History is limited to what Big Brother has drilled into your head for the purpose of keeping you on the plantation. Do you know who the first slave holder in USA was ... a Black Man ... do you know that the Roots saga [Alex Haley] is pure fiction ... do you that slavers did not go ashore & capture Africans - too risky, they bought them mostly from moslems --- who still practice slavery today. Do you know the story of whipped William and how he was used to rile up Northern whites to fight against the south ? So far as the statues go --- I don't really care - that's just Big Brother trying to create issues to keep us at each others throats
Part of the concept of forgiveness, is allowing other aspects of the person to be honored by their descendants.

It is not credible that you do not know that. You are attempting to renege on the forgiveness given long ago, by better men than you, and you do not have the moral authority to do so.

And your motive, is highly questionable.

There are Germans living today whose descendants were Nazis, they don't honor and remember them with statues and monuments because it is against the law. Anyone who treats another human being in that manner should never be honored.

That is a moronic analogy. Ask rw. He made that analogy and when challenged, he ran away from it, like a little girl.

What nations did the South try to conquer? What groups did they commit genocide on? What outside nation occupied them and ruled over them for generations? What nations were they split into?

Dumbest analogy ever. Which makes sense considering who it comes from.

The part you are missing he is, is not about conquering land it's about the treatment of another human being.

He is the one that picked his analogy. I'm just pointing out how fucking stupid he is, and how fucking stupid his analogy is.

If you want to discuss the Confederacy's "treatment" of other humans, then let's stick to that, or at last to analogies that have done something similar. Just saying "nazis" because "nazis" are the worst, is they type of thing an incredible stupid and dishonest person would do.

AND it is worth noting, that it is incredible disrespectful to those that died in the Holocaust, to use them as a partisan prop, to score a political advantage against your enemies, you soulless monster.

You are a racist idiot, if you don't understand the analogy I don't know what to tell you.

1. Calling me a racist, just shows that you are a fucking retard.

2. I understand the analogy far better than you. I just pointed out how fucking retarded it is, and how retarded you lefties are for making it or defending it. Note your complete inability to defend your analogy in any way.
What is wrong with people who would want to remember that sort of heritage? Hundreds of years of history and they want to be remembered for starting and losing a war for one of the worst reasons anyone ever fought for.

So, generations of good southern Americans, and you want to define them by one loser?

Hey, that's cool.

If I get to define you by this guy.


What's good about folks who raped, maimed, bombed, tortured, lynched, Murdered and denied another group of people basic human rights based on the color of their skin.

Well, during WWII, they helped save the world from Nazis. So there is that.

You filthy crackhead.

So they saved the world from Nazis, but back home they hated their fellow Americans because they had a different skin color. Smfh.

I have no idea of the racial views of the southern troopers of WWII. I can speak to those of the North, at least the ones I knew personally growing up.

You asked a question and I answered it. Do you have something to say in response, or is this where you admit that you don't give a fuck about the facts of the matter, you just spew hate?
You have no idea of the racial views of folks from the south?

Do you think a system of Jim Crow (legal apartheid) just popped up out of nowhere despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

Do you think black men who also fought for this country in that same world war were lynched and their racist murderers not even convicted despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

You folks really twist yourself into pretzels to defend your confederate fetish
But I thought democrats were the side who supported Jim Crow and all of the other shit confederates love??

Why would democrats be taking down statues of confederates?? did something change over the past 50 years??

You are a babbling fool trying too late to be relevant. The "I thought" part of your message should serve as a disclaimer.
In other words, you are dumb ass who can't admit that you support racists.....

Again, why are there no democrats down there trying to prevent these confederate monuments from being taken down??

Either answer that question or shut the fuck up, pussy

Nobody asked if I support racists. But I dont mind the charge at all. Let that arrow fly and fall like a dud.

No democrat would prevent this because democrats are the perpetrators..under cover of darkness. Now why would they commit the crime of historical vandalism and then try and stop it?

As i said you are very confused. Your posts are almost word salad like a psychopath.
And never forget...Nikki Haley did the same thing.
and by the way, if Nikki Haley gets the mantle passed to her by Trump -- all of you trumpers will start worshiping her like you cultists do..and you will kindly forget that she sided with those uppity blacks and libs against the neo-confederate crusade

Nikki Haley wont..but by all means build your fantasy,.,.all prepped and ready to go with canned arguments and "i gotcha by your own petard!" shouts.
Would a shallow group you are.
I guarantee you if Trump tells you to support Nikki will do exactly what he tells you and you will get the fuck over what she did to your confederate cause..just like the bitch you are

I guarantee you your President will not tell anyone to support Nikki Haley. Now move this to the fantasy thread..where Trump isnt president but orders people to vote for nikki haley :)
So, generations of good southern Americans, and you want to define them by one loser?

Hey, that's cool.

If I get to define you by this guy.


What's good about folks who raped, maimed, bombed, tortured, lynched, Murdered and denied another group of people basic human rights based on the color of their skin.

Well, during WWII, they helped save the world from Nazis. So there is that.

You filthy crackhead.

So they saved the world from Nazis, but back home they hated their fellow Americans because they had a different skin color. Smfh.

I have no idea of the racial views of the southern troopers of WWII. I can speak to those of the North, at least the ones I knew personally growing up.

You asked a question and I answered it. Do you have something to say in response, or is this where you admit that you don't give a fuck about the facts of the matter, you just spew hate?
You have no idea of the racial views of folks from the south?

Do you think a system of Jim Crow (legal apartheid) just popped up out of nowhere despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

Do you think black men who also fought for this country in that same world war were lynched and their racist murderers not even convicted despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

You folks really twist yourself into pretzels to defend your confederate fetish
"Southern Troopers"? Is that what you are calling Robert KKK Byrd and the boys these days?
"But county officials argued in court that the monument was private property, owned by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and a judge hearing the group’s challenge declined to block the removal."

Wonder why these neo-confederates ain't pissed off at the UDC??
What's good about folks who raped, maimed, bombed, tortured, lynched, Murdered and denied another group of people basic human rights based on the color of their skin.

Well, during WWII, they helped save the world from Nazis. So there is that.

You filthy crackhead.

So they saved the world from Nazis, but back home they hated their fellow Americans because they had a different skin color. Smfh.

I have no idea of the racial views of the southern troopers of WWII. I can speak to those of the North, at least the ones I knew personally growing up.

You asked a question and I answered it. Do you have something to say in response, or is this where you admit that you don't give a fuck about the facts of the matter, you just spew hate?
You have no idea of the racial views of folks from the south?

Do you think a system of Jim Crow (legal apartheid) just popped up out of nowhere despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

Do you think black men who also fought for this country in that same world war were lynched and their racist murderers not even convicted despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

You folks really twist yourself into pretzels to defend your confederate fetish
"Southern Troopers"? Is that what you are calling Robert KKK Byrd and the boys these days?
Ask your confederate statue circle jerk teammate...he is the one who used the term "southern troopers"

Yea, Robert Byrd was a racist back in those days...probably a racist up until his death......I wonder how pissed he was to see how Democrats changed from being the conservative racists to the party of liberal civil righters ......

I know it definitely pissed off all of them confederate lovers -- maybe that is why so many of them became republicans...

maybe that's why they always manage to show up at Trump rallies instead of Bernie rallies...

Since 40% of the Confederacy was in slavery......


Shouldn’t 40% of Confederate statues depict slaves?

Now count how many of the Confederate Statues, celebrate slavery, and I'll be happy to see you match that number with statues about slaves. God. There are other stories you boring fucker.

The Confederacy was more about maintaining slavery than noble Generals on horseback


The focus on the impressive military valor of the Confederate Army, instead of the less noble cause of the war, is the type of thing an healthy society does, when looking at itself.

So, RW, what other cultures, do you attack like this?
Attack a culture dedicated to maintaining slavery?

Are you pretending to be too stupid to understand a simple question, or are you seriously that fucking stupid?
Your question is absurd
Befitting of a poster who supports the institution of slavery and wants to erect monuments to a slave society
So, generations of good southern Americans, and you want to define them by one loser?

Hey, that's cool.

If I get to define you by this guy.


What's good about folks who raped, maimed, bombed, tortured, lynched, Murdered and denied another group of people basic human rights based on the color of their skin.

Well, during WWII, they helped save the world from Nazis. So there is that.

You filthy crackhead.

So they saved the world from Nazis, but back home they hated their fellow Americans because they had a different skin color. Smfh.

I have no idea of the racial views of the southern troopers of WWII. I can speak to those of the North, at least the ones I knew personally growing up.

You asked a question and I answered it. Do you have something to say in response, or is this where you admit that you don't give a fuck about the facts of the matter, you just spew hate?
You have no idea of the racial views of folks from the south?

Do you think a system of Jim Crow (legal apartheid) just popped up out of nowhere despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

Do you think black men who also fought for this country in that same world war were lynched and their racist murderers not even convicted despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

You folks really twist yourself into pretzels to defend your confederate fetish

Correct. Support for such programs could have been very high. Or they could have relatively weak majorities. Or they could have been somewhat unpopular, but with a strongly motivated minority supporting them against a less motivated majority.

I don't know. I've never looked into the support that policy had at that time period, historically.

But regardless, I was asked something good about Southern Whites, and I gave one example, ie they helped a lot, in defeating HItler and the Nazis.

Do you want to address that fact, or are you just here to bog the thread down in mindless partisan race baiting pap?
You had better get a good camera and take pictures of as many statues and symbols around our nation as you can because the progressive WOKE fascists are going to tear it down....
Because, as we know....CRCs have horrible memories. IF they don't have all these statues and crosses and creches out there, paid for by our taxes, they forget all about the Civil War and their religion and holidays like Xmas.
You're about as useless as an asshole with tastebuds.
Awwwwwwwww :itsok:
You haven't changed a bit have you ... no wit just shit ... 80 % of the brain is fluid. Unfortunately, in your case, it's brake fluid.
My dear boy....I am so sorry to hear that you are obsessed with me to the point that you cannot even debate the simplest of has to be
What the hell does forgiveness have to do with honoring traitors?

Ok, so what does that have to do with honoring traitors?

What does honoring traitors have to do with forgiveness?

Isn't that what drove the Confederacy to take up arms against America, Smfh.

The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

ZERO in the post you quoted had anything to do with "cultures", "heritages" or "multiculturalism". Which is ironic since what the post called out was your attempt to deflect. It's not every brainiac that would try to counter a charge of deflection with yet another deflection.

Historical statues and celebrating history and being proud of your groups history, is part of any group's culture and heritage.

As you well know. So, that was just a dodge. and consider your dodge mocked and dismissed.

My questions stand.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
I'm sorry to hear that if you don't have a statue in front of you on public property, you forget everything about history.
What the hell does forgiveness have to do with honoring traitors?

Ok, so what does that have to do with honoring traitors?

What does honoring traitors have to do with forgiveness?

Isn't that what drove the Confederacy to take up arms against America, Smfh.

The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
What is wrong with people who would want to remember that sort of heritage? Hundreds of years of history and they want to be remembered for starting and losing a war for one of the worst reasons anyone ever fought for.

So, generations of good southern Americans, and you want to define them by one loser?

Hey, that's cool.

If I get to define you by this guy.

What you and others on the right fail to understand – likely willfully – is that these monuments were created not to recognize ‘generations of good southern Americans’; rather, they were created long after the end of the ‘civil’ War to codify the fear, racism, and hate used to intimidate and control ‘uppity’ black Americans during the turn of the last century – monuments intended to foster Jim Crow, Black Codes, segregation, and lynching.
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