Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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What the hell does forgiveness have to do with honoring traitors?

Ok, so what does that have to do with honoring traitors?

What does honoring traitors have to do with forgiveness?

Isn't that what drove the Confederacy to take up arms against America, Smfh.

The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

Why would I accept a culture that enslaved, maimed, raped, lynched and murdered my ancestors.

Because otherwise, this nation is over. And the sooner you admit that you have no plan to live in peace with your fellow citizens, the sooner we can work on what to do about that.

All I am asking is that your side stop with the lies.

We live in peace now, I don't need to see statues and honor those who harmed black folks to do that.

What did I lie about?
And never forget...Nikki Haley did the same thing.
and by the way, if Nikki Haley gets the mantle passed to her by Trump -- all of you trumpers will start worshiping her like you cultists do..and you will kindly forget that she sided with those uppity blacks and libs against the neo-confederate crusade
Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
We do not honor Nazi heritage

Honoring a heritage dedicated to the preservation of slavery is unwarranted

Nazis were big on wars of conquest and genocide.

What nations did the Confederates conquer? What peoples did they commit genocide on?

Or, instead of it being a good analogy, was it just a buzz word that you shit out of your face anus?

Uh black people.

Really? Germany, after the Nazis genocides, has ZERO POINT TWO PERCENT, reporting as Jewish.

America, after the Confederacy, has over TWELVE percentage black population.

Do you even know what the word "genocide" means? Or is it just a buzzword to you, to use to smear people you hate?

Do you understand the crimes and inhumanity that was done by the Confederacy.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Who made the decision to remove the statue? And where is it going now?
You had better get a good camera and take pictures of as many statues and symbols around our nation as you can because the progressive WOKE fascists are going to tear it down....
Because, as we know....CRCs have horrible memories. IF they don't have all these statues and crosses and creches out there, paid for by our taxes, they forget all about the Civil War and their religion and holidays like Xmas.
Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
What is wrong with people who would want to remember that sort of heritage? Hundreds of years of history and they want to be remembered for starting and losing a war for one of the worst reasons anyone ever fought for.

So, generations of good southern Americans, and you want to define them by one loser?

Hey, that's cool.

If I get to define you by this guy.


What's good about folks who raped, maimed, bombed, tortured, lynched, Murdered and denied another group of people basic human rights based on the color of their skin.

Well, during WWII, they helped save the world from Nazis. So there is that.

You filthy crackhead.

So they saved the world from Nazis, but back home they hated their fellow Americans because they had a different skin color. Smfh.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.

That's a good commie fascist......
Yes, I know this all bothers you wannabe klan members. Remember when you pussies had the guts to wear your hoods? Oh wait, you pussies were hiding then, too. Nevermind.

The Klan were democrats moron

Cripes learn something
"WERE" is the operative word here. And look who defends these statues and the so-called con-federate flag now. CRCs such as yourself.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.

How about Slave Owner, Tom Jefferson? Should his statue be removed from his memorial in Washington DC?

Would you be in favor of putting a statue of Trump in that memorial?
Did Thomas Jefferson start a war against the United States?
The part you are missing, just because I forgave you doesn't mean i have to honor your crimes with statues and monuments.

Part of the concept of forgiveness, is allowing other aspects of the person to be honored by their descendants.

It is not credible that you do not know that. You are attempting to renege on the forgiveness given long ago, by better men than you, and you do not have the moral authority to do so.

And your motive, is highly questionable.

There are Germans living today whose descendants were Nazis, they don't honor and remember them with statues and monuments because it is against the law. Anyone who treats another human being in that manner should never be honored.

That is a moronic analogy. Ask rw. He made that analogy and when challenged, he ran away from it, like a little girl.

What nations did the South try to conquer? What groups did they commit genocide on? What outside nation occupied them and ruled over them for generations? What nations were they split into?

Dumbest analogy ever. Which makes sense considering who it comes from.

The part you are missing he is, is not about conquering land it's about the treatment of another human being.

He is the one that picked his analogy. I'm just pointing out how fucking stupid he is, and how fucking stupid his analogy is.

If you want to discuss the Confederacy's "treatment" of other humans, then let's stick to that, or at last to analogies that have done something similar. Just saying "nazis" because "nazis" are the worst, is they type of thing an incredible stupid and dishonest person would do.

AND it is worth noting, that it is incredible disrespectful to those that died in the Holocaust, to use them as a partisan prop, to score a political advantage against your enemies, you soulless monster.

You are a racist idiot, if you don't understand the analogy I don't know what to tell you.
You had better get a good camera and take pictures of as many statues and symbols around our nation as you can because the progressive WOKE fascists are going to tear it down....
Because, as we know....CRCs have horrible memories. IF they don't have all these statues and crosses and creches out there, paid for by our taxes, they forget all about the Civil War and their religion and holidays like Xmas.
You're about as useless as an asshole with tastebuds.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.
They were pardoned.

In the aftermath of the Civil War, President Andrew Johnson on this day in 1868 issued pardons to all Confederate soldiers who fought in that conflict. The president extended “unconditionally, and without reservation ... a full pardon and amnesty for the offence [sic] of treason against the United States, or of adhering to their enemies during the late Civil War, with restoration of all rights, privileges, and immunities under the Constitution and the laws.”

In his Christmas Day Proclamation, Johnson said his action would “renew and fully restore confidence and fraternal feeling among the whole, and their respect for and attachment to the national [e.g., federal] government, designed by its patriotic founders for the general good.”

All Confederate soldiers gain presidential pardons, Dec. 25, 1868

So why are morons like you trying to destroy fraternal feelings among the whole? Because you HATE America??


So does that mean the Confederates loved America.

They loved THEIR PART OF AMERICA. They were NOT too keen on the North but it wasn't they who attacked the Northern States. Once the North went South then it was no longer an ideological war; for most it was defending their homes.

The tragedy should never have happened imo.

But from 1868 on there was no Confederate America; just the USA.

Those statues you want removed are of 100% Americans. By removing them you are spitting on the generosity and Legacy of the Winners of the conflict.


So you think traitors and those who committed treason should be honored. Nazi are not given statues and monuments in the Germany just because that is part of their history.
Looks like there's a definite connection between those on this thread bemoaning the taking down of con-federate flags....and those neo-nazis.
You had better get a good camera and take pictures of as many statues and symbols around our nation as you can because the progressive WOKE fascists are going to tear it down....
Because, as we know....CRCs have horrible memories. IF they don't have all these statues and crosses and creches out there, paid for by our taxes, they forget all about the Civil War and their religion and holidays like Xmas.
You're about as useless as an asshole with tastebuds.
Awwwwwwwww :itsok:
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.

How about Slave Owner, Tom Jefferson? Should his statue be removed from his memorial in Washington DC?

Would you be in favor of putting a statue of Trump in that memorial?
Did Jefferson fight on the side of the British?? I don't remember......probably not since I don't see anyone flying British flags to remember their "British" heritage...

Jefferson however did own slaves and was a racist, bigoted homophobe.

Were you aware as governor of Virginia he advocated life sentences in prison for men who took it in the caboose? Were you aware that he was a slave-owner who porked his own (female) slaves? If we, as a nation, are going to remove recognition from the paisan Chris Columbus who discovered this nation and eliminate his holiday, it is appropriate to do the same for Jefferson.
Yea, glad you admit that the country was founded on white supremacy -- but Jefferson and his other fellow slave holders wrote something called the Constitution, in it they wrote the very thing that those "darkies" used to defeat the very white supremacy this country was founded on, so thanks TJ

By the way, that country that was founded on white supremacy, that was the same country Confederates decided to wage war against because the confederates didn't think the US was white supremacist enough.....understand now dumb ass?

And that sentiment of this country not being white supremacist enough is the same sentiment that these revisionist Confederates have circles jerks about when it comes to their confederate monuments...

So its appropriate to have a memorial in a Chocolate City for Jefferson in your view?

why not remove his statue, dump it in the tidal basin and rededicate the shrine in honor of H. Rap Brown and have his immortal words "Burn baby burn" chiseled into the marble?
Jefferson monuments were not erected all across the south as an opposition statement to Civil Rights, you do understand that right??

I tell you want, start a campaign all across the Confederacy of erecting Jefferson statues...most other Americans will think you are erecting it to honor Jeffersonian democracy or the constitution -- but you would really be doing it because he owned slaves..and that would be totally awesome because you can trigger the blacks and the libs but they won't even know it....try it out....
What the hell does forgiveness have to do with honoring traitors?

Ok, so what does that have to do with honoring traitors?

What does honoring traitors have to do with forgiveness?

Isn't that what drove the Confederacy to take up arms against America, Smfh.

The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

Why would I accept a culture that enslaved, maimed, raped, lynched and murdered my ancestors.
Because otherwise, this nation is over. And the sooner you admit that you have no plan to live in peace with your fellow citizens, the sooner we can work on what to do about that.
All I am asking is that your side stop with the lies.

Again Ironical Post is Ironical ----- the statue/monument campaign of a century ago, along with the rewritten history books along with the infusions into entertainment media ---------- ARE the lies that are now being stopped.

So what you're asking apparently is that the stoppers of the lies stop stopping the lies, yea that said lies may live on forever.
There are Germans living today whose descendants were Nazis, they don't honor and remember them with statues and monuments because it is against the law. Anyone who treats another human being in that manner should never be honored.

That is a moronic analogy. Ask rw. He made that analogy and when challenged, he ran away from it, like a little girl.

What nations did the South try to conquer? What groups did they commit genocide on? What outside nation occupied them and ruled over them for generations? What nations were they split into?

Dumbest analogy ever. Which makes sense considering who it comes from.

The part you are missing he is, is not about conquering land it's about the treatment of another human being.
Blacks are not people in the minds of "his confederate ancestors" -- and apparently that sentiment has been passed down to that is why it is so hard for him to grasp the point you are trying to make.....

Nothing I have said, justifies any of that stupid shit you just said, you asshole.
The only asshole here is you....but I assume a part of your asshole and bitch behavior is due to the fact, your side lost..and you can't get over it......

Really? Ok. Then support anything you just said, or admit that you are just an asshole spewing shit from his face anus.
That is a moronic analogy. Ask rw. He made that analogy and when challenged, he ran away from it, like a little girl.

What nations did the South try to conquer? What groups did they commit genocide on? What outside nation occupied them and ruled over them for generations? What nations were they split into?

Dumbest analogy ever. Which makes sense considering who it comes from.

The part you are missing he is, is not about conquering land it's about the treatment of another human being.
Blacks are not people in the minds of "his confederate ancestors" -- and apparently that sentiment has been passed down to that is why it is so hard for him to grasp the point you are trying to make.....

Nothing I have said, justifies any of that stupid shit you just said, you asshole.
The only asshole here is you....but I assume a part of your asshole and bitch behavior is due to the fact, your side lost..and you can't get over it......

Really? Ok. Then support anything you just said, or admit that you are just an asshole spewing shit from his face anus.
You want me to support how I know that your side lost??

Ok....Exhibit A......this post.......

Any other questions??
You had better get a good camera and take pictures of as many statues and symbols around our nation as you can because the progressive WOKE fascists are going to tear it down....
Because, as we know....CRCs have horrible memories. IF they don't have all these statues and crosses and creches out there, paid for by our taxes, they forget all about the Civil War and their religion and holidays like Xmas.
You're about as useless as an asshole with tastebuds.
Awwwwwwwww :itsok:
You haven't changed a bit have you ... no wit just shit ... 80 % of the brain is fluid. Unfortunately, in your case, it's brake fluid.
Said the man that refuses to address what moral authority he has, to renege on the forgiven given by the Union vets.

What the hell does forgiveness have to do with honoring traitors?

That forgiveness is what made US one nation again, after the division of the Civil War.

Ok, so what does that have to do with honoring traitors?

As you are trying to undo that forgiveness, you are trying to undone US being one nation.

What does honoring traitors have to do with forgiveness?

That is what this is all about. You hating and attacking America.

Isn't that what drove the Confederacy to take up arms against America, Smfh.

The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

ZERO in the post you quoted had anything to do with "cultures", "heritages" or "multiculturalism". Which is ironic since what the post called out was your attempt to deflect. It's not every brainiac that would try to counter a charge of deflection with yet another deflection.

Historical statues and celebrating history and being proud of your groups history, is part of any group's culture and heritage.

As you well know. So, that was just a dodge. and consider your dodge mocked and dismissed.

My questions stand.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Who made the decision to remove the statue? And where is it going now?

It's going back to the UDC who (the court ruled) still own it. And it's not the first statue they put up that they've agreed to take back and find a more appropriate place for it than a public building where it sits and implies a local government imprimatur (which was the whole point of putting them there in the first place).

But we have wags on here who want to tell the UDC that they can't take their own property back, simultaneously telling a town they don't live in what that town can do with their own property. Control Freakism gone wild.

The courthouse dates from 1785. More about Pittsboro from Wiki:

>> The area did not have large plantations, but farmers also depended on slave labor. In 1860 nearly one-third of the county population was made up of enslaved African Americans. After the Civil War and emancipation, whites used violence and other means to enforce white supremacy and suppress the freedmen's vote. The Ku Klux Klan and other supremacist groups were active in the county.[6]

In 1885 Pittsboro was the scene of a notorious mass lynching of four African Americans, including a woman, that earned statewide condemnation. They were tenant farmers. A masked mob took Jerry Finch, his wife Harriet, and Lee Tyson from jail, where they were being held after arrest as suspects in a robbery/murder case.[6] Harriet Finch was one of four black women to be lynched in the state.[7] They also took and hanged John Pattishall, who was awaiting trial for two other unrelated robbery/murders.[8]

Violence continued during the stress of economic hard times at the end of the century and into the early 20th century, when the state disenfranchised most blacks. This political exclusion lasted until after 1965 and passage of the Voting Rights Act. In 2019, a statue erected in 1907 of a Confederate soldier outside the Chatham County Courthouse in Pittsboro was taken down.[9][10] <<
-- looks like a natural progression from a distasteful past.

Oh and note that period when blacks were disenfranchised, coincides with the same era all these statues and monuments were going up and the same UDC was rewriting schoolbooks. Those are not unrelated. In the bigger picture (beyond the town) the same era coincides with Jim Crow laws and segregation, with the nadir of lynchings and race riots, with the release of "Birth of a Nation", with the re-formation of the Ku Klux Klan, and even with the "gentlemen's agreement" that kept blacks out of baseball from 1889 to 1947. All of these sprang from the same sewer.
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