Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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Nobody is arguing about making this one nation again, the Confederacy was traitors and they should not be honored with statues or monuments. What part of that can't your dumbass understand.

Said the man that refuses to address what moral authority he has, to renege on the forgiven given by the Union vets.

What the hell does forgiveness have to do with honoring traitors?

That forgiveness is what made US one nation again, after the division of the Civil War.

Ok, so what does that have to do with honoring traitors?

As you are trying to undo that forgiveness, you are trying to undone US being one nation.

What does honoring traitors have to do with forgiveness?

That is what this is all about. You hating and attacking America.

Isn't that what drove the Confederacy to take up arms against America, Smfh.

The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

Why would I accept a culture that enslaved, maimed, raped, lynched and murdered my ancestors.
What the hell does forgiveness have to do with honoring traitors?

Ok, so what does that have to do with honoring traitors?

What does honoring traitors have to do with forgiveness?

Isn't that what drove the Confederacy to take up arms against America, Smfh.

The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
We do not honor Nazi heritage

Honoring a heritage dedicated to the preservation of slavery is unwarranted

Nazis were big on wars of conquest and genocide.

What nations did the Confederates conquer? What peoples did they commit genocide on?

Or, instead of it being a good analogy, was it just a buzz word that you shit out of your face anus?

Uh black people.
Since 40% of the Confederacy was in slavery......


Shouldn’t 40% of Confederate statues depict slaves?

Now count how many of the Confederate Statues, celebrate slavery, and I'll be happy to see you match that number with statues about slaves. God. There are other stories you boring fucker.

The Confederacy was more about maintaining slavery than noble Generals on horseback


The focus on the impressive military valor of the Confederate Army, instead of the less noble cause of the war, is the type of thing an healthy society does, when looking at itself.

So, RW, what other cultures, do you attack like this?
Attack a culture dedicated to maintaining slavery?
The true legacy of the Confederacy


Really? A second ago, you were claiming the Confederacy was all about slavery. THe moment before, you were claiming they were about wars of conquest and genocide?

Now you show a picture about people wanting segregation?

How do I know this is not just another piece of shit you are throwing at the wall, to see if it will stick?
The legacy of the Confederacy

Slavery, hatred, intimidation and segregation

Not worthy of a monument
What the hell does forgiveness have to do with honoring traitors?

Ok, so what does that have to do with honoring traitors?

What does honoring traitors have to do with forgiveness?

Isn't that what drove the Confederacy to take up arms against America, Smfh.

The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
What is wrong with people who would want to remember that sort of heritage? Hundreds of years of history and they want to be remembered for starting and losing a war for one of the worst reasons anyone ever fought for.

So, generations of good southern Americans, and you want to define them by one loser?

Hey, that's cool.

If I get to define you by this guy.


What's good about folks who raped, maimed, bombed, tortured, lynched, Murdered and denied another group of people basic human rights based on the color of their skin.
What the hell does forgiveness have to do with honoring traitors?

Ok, so what does that have to do with honoring traitors?

What does honoring traitors have to do with forgiveness?

Isn't that what drove the Confederacy to take up arms against America, Smfh.

The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Which is part of what makes US, a common heritage and culture.

As you well know, which is why you are attacking it.

The part you are missing, just because I forgave you doesn't mean i have to honor your crimes with statues and monuments.

Part of the concept of forgiveness, is allowing other aspects of the person to be honored by their descendants.

It is not credible that you do not know that. You are attempting to renege on the forgiveness given long ago, by better men than you, and you do not have the moral authority to do so.

And your motive, is highly questionable.

There are Germans living today whose descendants were Nazis, they don't honor and remember them with statues and monuments because it is against the law. Anyone who treats another human being in that manner should never be honored.

That is a moronic analogy. Ask rw. He made that analogy and when challenged, he ran away from it, like a little girl.

What nations did the South try to conquer? What groups did they commit genocide on? What outside nation occupied them and ruled over them for generations? What nations were they split into?

Dumbest analogy ever. Which makes sense considering who it comes from.

The part you are missing he is, is not about conquering land it's about the treatment of another human being.
The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Which is part of what makes US, a common heritage and culture.

As you well know, which is why you are attacking it.

The part you are missing, just because I forgave you doesn't mean i have to honor your crimes with statues and monuments.

Part of the concept of forgiveness, is allowing other aspects of the person to be honored by their descendants.

It is not credible that you do not know that. You are attempting to renege on the forgiveness given long ago, by better men than you, and you do not have the moral authority to do so.

And your motive, is highly questionable.

There are Germans living today whose descendants were Nazis, they don't honor and remember them with statues and monuments because it is against the law. Anyone who treats another human being in that manner should never be honored.

That is a moronic analogy. Ask rw. He made that analogy and when challenged, he ran away from it, like a little girl.

What nations did the South try to conquer? What groups did they commit genocide on? What outside nation occupied them and ruled over them for generations? What nations were they split into?

Dumbest analogy ever. Which makes sense considering who it comes from.

The part you are missing he is, is not about conquering land it's about the treatment of another human being.
Blacks are not people in the minds of "his confederate ancestors" -- and apparently that sentiment has been passed down to that is why it is so hard for him to grasp the point you are trying to make.....
Said the man that refuses to address what moral authority he has, to renege on the forgiven given by the Union vets.

What the hell does forgiveness have to do with honoring traitors?

That forgiveness is what made US one nation again, after the division of the Civil War.

Ok, so what does that have to do with honoring traitors?

As you are trying to undo that forgiveness, you are trying to undone US being one nation.

What does honoring traitors have to do with forgiveness?

That is what this is all about. You hating and attacking America.

Isn't that what drove the Confederacy to take up arms against America, Smfh.

The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

Why would I accept a culture that enslaved, maimed, raped, lynched and murdered my ancestors.

Because otherwise, this nation is over. And the sooner you admit that you have no plan to live in peace with your fellow citizens, the sooner we can work on what to do about that.

All I am asking is that your side stop with the lies.
The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
We do not honor Nazi heritage

Honoring a heritage dedicated to the preservation of slavery is unwarranted

Nazis were big on wars of conquest and genocide.

What nations did the Confederates conquer? What peoples did they commit genocide on?

Or, instead of it being a good analogy, was it just a buzz word that you shit out of your face anus?

Uh black people.

Really? Germany, after the Nazis genocides, has ZERO POINT TWO PERCENT, reporting as Jewish.

America, after the Confederacy, has over TWELVE percentage black population.

Do you even know what the word "genocide" means? Or is it just a buzzword to you, to use to smear people you hate?
The part you are missing, just because I forgave you doesn't mean i have to honor your crimes with statues and monuments.

Part of the concept of forgiveness, is allowing other aspects of the person to be honored by their descendants.

It is not credible that you do not know that. You are attempting to renege on the forgiveness given long ago, by better men than you, and you do not have the moral authority to do so.

And your motive, is highly questionable.

There are Germans living today whose descendants were Nazis, they don't honor and remember them with statues and monuments because it is against the law. Anyone who treats another human being in that manner should never be honored.

That is a moronic analogy. Ask rw. He made that analogy and when challenged, he ran away from it, like a little girl.

What nations did the South try to conquer? What groups did they commit genocide on? What outside nation occupied them and ruled over them for generations? What nations were they split into?

Dumbest analogy ever. Which makes sense considering who it comes from.

The part you are missing he is, is not about conquering land it's about the treatment of another human being.
Blacks are not people in the minds of "his confederate ancestors" -- and apparently that sentiment has been passed down to that is why it is so hard for him to grasp the point you are trying to make.....

Nothing I have said, justifies any of that stupid shit you just said, you asshole.
Since 40% of the Confederacy was in slavery......


Shouldn’t 40% of Confederate statues depict slaves?

Now count how many of the Confederate Statues, celebrate slavery, and I'll be happy to see you match that number with statues about slaves. God. There are other stories you boring fucker.

The Confederacy was more about maintaining slavery than noble Generals on horseback


The focus on the impressive military valor of the Confederate Army, instead of the less noble cause of the war, is the type of thing an healthy society does, when looking at itself.

So, RW, what other cultures, do you attack like this?
Attack a culture dedicated to maintaining slavery?

Are you pretending to be too stupid to understand a simple question, or are you seriously that fucking stupid?
The true legacy of the Confederacy


Really? A second ago, you were claiming the Confederacy was all about slavery. THe moment before, you were claiming they were about wars of conquest and genocide?

Now you show a picture about people wanting segregation?

How do I know this is not just another piece of shit you are throwing at the wall, to see if it will stick?
The legacy of the Confederacy

Slavery, hatred, intimidation and segregation

Not worthy of a monument

So, without the COnfederacy, there would have been no slavery, hatred, intimidation and segregation? Is that what you are claiming?

This is a trick question RW. If you say, yes, I will point out how stupid your claim is, and thus how stupid you are.

So, think carefully, before you answer.

LOL!!! Did you see what I did there? I pretended you were capable of thought.

lol!!! I am hilarious.
The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
What is wrong with people who would want to remember that sort of heritage? Hundreds of years of history and they want to be remembered for starting and losing a war for one of the worst reasons anyone ever fought for.

So, generations of good southern Americans, and you want to define them by one loser?

Hey, that's cool.

If I get to define you by this guy.


What's good about folks who raped, maimed, bombed, tortured, lynched, Murdered and denied another group of people basic human rights based on the color of their skin.

Well, during WWII, they helped save the world from Nazis. So there is that.

You filthy crackhead.
The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Which is part of what makes US, a common heritage and culture.

As you well know, which is why you are attacking it.

The part you are missing, just because I forgave you doesn't mean i have to honor your crimes with statues and monuments.

Part of the concept of forgiveness, is allowing other aspects of the person to be honored by their descendants.

It is not credible that you do not know that. You are attempting to renege on the forgiveness given long ago, by better men than you, and you do not have the moral authority to do so.

And your motive, is highly questionable.

There are Germans living today whose descendants were Nazis, they don't honor and remember them with statues and monuments because it is against the law. Anyone who treats another human being in that manner should never be honored.

That is a moronic analogy. Ask rw. He made that analogy and when challenged, he ran away from it, like a little girl.

What nations did the South try to conquer? What groups did they commit genocide on? What outside nation occupied them and ruled over them for generations? What nations were they split into?

Dumbest analogy ever. Which makes sense considering who it comes from.

The part you are missing he is, is not about conquering land it's about the treatment of another human being.

He is the one that picked his analogy. I'm just pointing out how fucking stupid he is, and how fucking stupid his analogy is.

If you want to discuss the Confederacy's "treatment" of other humans, then let's stick to that, or at last to analogies that have done something similar. Just saying "nazis" because "nazis" are the worst, is they type of thing an incredible stupid and dishonest person would do.

AND it is worth noting, that it is incredible disrespectful to those that died in the Holocaust, to use them as a partisan prop, to score a political advantage against your enemies, you soulless monster.
Part of the concept of forgiveness, is allowing other aspects of the person to be honored by their descendants.

It is not credible that you do not know that. You are attempting to renege on the forgiveness given long ago, by better men than you, and you do not have the moral authority to do so.

And your motive, is highly questionable.

There are Germans living today whose descendants were Nazis, they don't honor and remember them with statues and monuments because it is against the law. Anyone who treats another human being in that manner should never be honored.

That is a moronic analogy. Ask rw. He made that analogy and when challenged, he ran away from it, like a little girl.

What nations did the South try to conquer? What groups did they commit genocide on? What outside nation occupied them and ruled over them for generations? What nations were they split into?

Dumbest analogy ever. Which makes sense considering who it comes from.

The part you are missing he is, is not about conquering land it's about the treatment of another human being.
Blacks are not people in the minds of "his confederate ancestors" -- and apparently that sentiment has been passed down to that is why it is so hard for him to grasp the point you are trying to make.....

Nothing I have said, justifies any of that stupid shit you just said, you asshole.
The only asshole here is you....but I assume a part of your asshole and bitch behavior is due to the fact, your side lost..and you can't get over it......
Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?

What gives you the right to attack this culture?

Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
What is wrong with people who would want to remember that sort of heritage? Hundreds of years of history and they want to be remembered for starting and losing a war for one of the worst reasons anyone ever fought for.

So, generations of good southern Americans, and you want to define them by one loser?

Hey, that's cool.

If I get to define you by this guy.


What's good about folks who raped, maimed, bombed, tortured, lynched, Murdered and denied another group of people basic human rights based on the color of their skin.

Well, during WWII, they helped save the world from Nazis. So there is that.

You filthy crackhead.
If by they, you mean the black soldiers who died to liberate people half a world away while remaining second class citizens themselves, yes -- they definitely helped save them from the Nazis...
The Confederates didn' fact, most of today's confederates have aligned with most of today's Nazis.....funny how that works
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...

Democrats always do these things under cover of thieves and house breakers.
Nobody is arguing about making this one nation again, the Confederacy was traitors and they should not be honored with statues or monuments. What part of that can't your dumbass understand.

Said the man that refuses to address what moral authority he has, to renege on the forgiven given by the Union vets.

What the hell does forgiveness have to do with honoring traitors?

That forgiveness is what made US one nation again, after the division of the Civil War.

Ok, so what does that have to do with honoring traitors?

As you are trying to undo that forgiveness, you are trying to undone US being one nation.

What does honoring traitors have to do with forgiveness?

That is what this is all about. You hating and attacking America.

Isn't that what drove the Confederacy to take up arms against America, Smfh.

The "treason" such as it was, was long ago forgiven. It is not credible that you don't know this, or even care about it.

They have long ago, been readmitted to the Union and are now honored as part of the larger American heritage and culture.

Indeed it was, and indeed it was long ago. Which has ZERO to do with a propaganda drive subsequently blanketed over the land to redefine what was behind the conflict it in the first place.

Nice try, deflector shields fail.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

ZERO in the post you quoted had anything to do with "cultures", "heritages" or "multiculturalism". Which is ironic since what the post called out was your attempt to deflect. It's not every brainiac that would try to counter a charge of deflection with yet another deflection.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...

Democrats always do these things under cover of thieves and house breakers.
But I thought democrats were the side who supported Jim Crow and all of the other shit confederates love??

Why would democrats be taking down statues of confederates?? did something change over the past 50 years??
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