Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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Hey, Fort Fun Taliban,
You'd be a hit in Afghanistan


I'd like to know when Georgia libs are going to blow up Stone Mountain.

Thank you for bringing up Stone Mountain.

As a refresher, Stone Mountain outside Atlanta was where William J "Colonel Joe" Siimmons went up in a rented bus with some followers partly from the Leo Frank lynch mob to initiate the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the reincarnation of the original 1865 Klan that had disappeared by 1872. He did this on Thanksgiving evening 1915 under the Klan's first-ever burning cross, along with a bible, and unsheathed sword and an American flag, as an opportunistic scheme to capitalize on the then-sensational film "Birth of a Nation", based on a 1905 Lost Cause novel called "The Clansman".

A couple of years later the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), the same group that erected the statue in the OP along with hundreds of others, initiated the idea of a giant stone carving into Stone Mountain celebrating the valiant Confederacy in battle. They hired a noted sculptor who was also a rabid Klanner to tackle the project. At the same time they erected a plaque on a building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, honoring that building as the birthplace of the (original) Klan.

That Klan sculptor disengaged in a dispute and left the project to be completed by others. He then went on to carve Mount Rushmore. His name was Gutzon Borglum. The Stone Mountain carving, site of many a Klan honorific ritual, is now the largest relief sculpture in the world. The original plan was to include an altar to the KKK on the request of Helen Plane, President of the Atlanta chapter of the UDC, who wrote to him: "I feel it is due to the KKK that saved us from Negro domination and carpetbag rule, that it be immortalized on Stone Mountain".

The plaque on the building in Tennessee was turned around backward thirty years ago as a way for the building and the town to "turn its back on" the Klan. And the only complainants to whine about that were the Klan themselves, who regularly came to Pulaski for the same reason, to celebrate what one of the apologists in this thread would call their "heritage".
Leo Frank was guilty as sin. He had been pardoned by the governor of Georgia on the governor's last day in office (who took his Jewish payout and fled the state). Outraged citizens--black and white--stormed the prison and hauled the vermin off to be hung as his just desserts.

Oh? You were there in the pencil factory?

So let's see, that's 106 years ago and you were old enough to remember --- you're like 117 right? And you don't believe in "law"?

Frank was not "pardoned" by the way. You're about as deft at history as you are with picking an avatar.
Why don't you go slam your head in a car door, ADL lover. Frank was a guilty Jew who tried to pin the murder and rape of a 14-year-old Catholic girl on a series of illiterate black men. And lost. He was set to escape justice and the good people of Georgia hung his worthless evil ass. Good for them.

Was I close? Are you 120?

Gotta be somewhere around there if you're old enough to have witless witnessed a murder in 1913.
Did you take pics? Video?
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Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.
Hey, Fort Fun Taliban,
You'd be a hit in Afghanistan


I'd like to know when Georgia libs are going to blow up Stone Mountain.

Thank you for bringing up Stone Mountain.

As a refresher, Stone Mountain outside Atlanta was where William J "Colonel Joe" Siimmons went up in a rented bus with some followers partly from the Leo Frank lynch mob to initiate the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the reincarnation of the original 1865 Klan that had disappeared by 1872. He did this on Thanksgiving evening 1915 under the Klan's first-ever burning cross, along with a bible, and unsheathed sword and an American flag, as an opportunistic scheme to capitalize on the then-sensational film "Birth of a Nation", based on a 1905 Lost Cause novel called "The Clansman".

A couple of years later the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), the same group that erected the statue in the OP along with hundreds of others, initiated the idea of a giant stone carving into Stone Mountain celebrating the valiant Confederacy in battle. They hired a noted sculptor who was also a rabid Klanner to tackle the project. At the same time they erected a plaque on a building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, honoring that building as the birthplace of the (original) Klan.

That Klan sculptor disengaged in a dispute and left the project to be completed by others. He then went on to carve Mount Rushmore. His name was Gutzon Borglum. The Stone Mountain carving, site of many a Klan honorific ritual, is now the largest relief sculpture in the world. The original plan was to include an altar to the KKK on the request of Helen Plane, President of the Atlanta chapter of the UDC, who wrote to him: "I feel it is due to the KKK that saved us from Negro domination and carpetbag rule, that it be immortalized on Stone Mountain".

The plaque on the building in Tennessee was turned around backward thirty years ago as a way for the building and the town to "turn its back on" the Klan. And the only complainants to whine about that were the Klan themselves, who regularly came to Pulaski for the same reason, to celebrate what one of the apologists in this thread would call their "heritage".
Leo Frank was guilty as sin. He had been pardoned by the governor of Georgia on the governor's last day in office (who took his Jewish payout and fled the state). Outraged citizens--black and white--stormed the prison and hauled the vermin off to be hung as his just desserts.

Oh? You were there in the pencil factory?

So let's see, that's 106 years ago and you were old enough to remember --- you're like 117 right? And you don't believe in "law"?

Frank was not "pardoned" by the way until 1986. You're about as deft at history as you are with picking an avatar.

Actually, Mr. Frank had his sentence commuted in 1915 to life in prison. A pretty sweet deal if he was guilty as hell.

I am inclined to think Frank was guilty. After all, the other suspects were African American gentlemen, and Frank was a Honky. The honky dominated judicial system of Georgia wasn't known for letting guilty black folks slide on serious charges.
Hey, Fort Fun Taliban,
You'd be a hit in Afghanistan


I'd like to know when Georgia libs are going to blow up Stone Mountain.

Thank you for bringing up Stone Mountain.

As a refresher, Stone Mountain outside Atlanta was where William J "Colonel Joe" Siimmons went up in a rented bus with some followers partly from the Leo Frank lynch mob to initiate the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the reincarnation of the original 1865 Klan that had disappeared by 1872. He did this on Thanksgiving evening 1915 under the Klan's first-ever burning cross, along with a bible, and unsheathed sword and an American flag, as an opportunistic scheme to capitalize on the then-sensational film "Birth of a Nation", based on a 1905 Lost Cause novel called "The Clansman".

A couple of years later the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), the same group that erected the statue in the OP along with hundreds of others, initiated the idea of a giant stone carving into Stone Mountain celebrating the valiant Confederacy in battle. They hired a noted sculptor who was also a rabid Klanner to tackle the project. At the same time they erected a plaque on a building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, honoring that building as the birthplace of the (original) Klan.

That Klan sculptor disengaged in a dispute and left the project to be completed by others. He then went on to carve Mount Rushmore. His name was Gutzon Borglum. The Stone Mountain carving, site of many a Klan honorific ritual, is now the largest relief sculpture in the world. The original plan was to include an altar to the KKK on the request of Helen Plane, President of the Atlanta chapter of the UDC, who wrote to him: "I feel it is due to the KKK that saved us from Negro domination and carpetbag rule, that it be immortalized on Stone Mountain".

The plaque on the building in Tennessee was turned around backward thirty years ago as a way for the building and the town to "turn its back on" the Klan. And the only complainants to whine about that were the Klan themselves, who regularly came to Pulaski for the same reason, to celebrate what one of the apologists in this thread would call their "heritage".
Leo Frank was guilty as sin. He had been pardoned by the governor of Georgia on the governor's last day in office (who took his Jewish payout and fled the state). Outraged citizens--black and white--stormed the prison and hauled the vermin off to be hung as his just desserts.

Oh? You were there in the pencil factory?

So let's see, that's 106 years ago and you were old enough to remember --- you're like 117 right? And you don't believe in "law"?

Frank was not "pardoned" by the way. You're about as deft at history as you are with picking an avatar.

Actually, Mr. Frank had his sentence commuted in 1915 to life in prison. A pretty sweet deal if he was guilty as hell.

I am inclined to think Frank was guilty. After all, the other suspects were African American gentlemen, and Frank was a Honky. The honky dominated judicial system of Georgia wasn't known for letting guilty black folks slide on serious charges.

The evidence would indicate he was not. For instance the teeth marks on the victim did not line up with Frank's jaws at all.

In any case the poster has no standing to make his assertion unless he was an eyewitness to a murder that happened in 1913 which, if he was, he should have come forward to the authorities, shouldn't he, plus he's exposed himself has having no regard for the rule of law, cheering on a lynch mob, so fuck him.

Fuck him also for trying to derail the thread --- this topic ain't about Leo Fucking Frank.
Because otherwise, this nation is over. And the sooner you admit that you have no plan to live in peace with your fellow citizens, the sooner we can work on what to do about that.

All I am asking is that your side stop with the lies.

We live in peace now, I don't need to see statues and honor those who harmed black folks to do that.

What did I lie about?

You're a scholar and a Gentleman - But I suspect your knowledge of African American History is limited to what Big Brother has drilled into your head for the purpose of keeping you on the plantation. Do you know who the first slave holder in USA was ... a Black Man ... do you know that the Roots saga [Alex Haley] is pure fiction ... do you that slavers did not go ashore & capture Africans - too risky, they bought them mostly from moslems --- who still practice slavery today. Do you know the story of whipped William and how he was used to rile up Northern whites to fight against the south ? So far as the statues go --- I don't really care - that's just Big Brother trying to create issues to keep us at each others throats
The first slave holder in America (not the U.S. yet) was John Rolfe in us that he was a black man. And by the time the U.S. was created in 1776, there were hundreds if not thousands of do YOU determine which one was "the first"? Eh?

Actually well before that was the colony attempted by the Spaniard Lucas Vásquez de Ayllón in 1526 which brought at least 100 enslaved Africans to what would eventually become South Carolina. That would be 495 years ago. They were the first African slaves, although six years prior his associates had taken some 70 Indian slaves.

According to my History Books the United States wasn't formed till 1776 - by that time the Spaniards were no longer in South Carolina. So far as the English go - there is a record of slaves being purchased from a dutch ship at Jamestown, Virginia in 1619, The first LEGAL slave owner in the colonies was an African man named Anthony Johnson are peddling false info.
Do you understand the fucking stupidity of a Nazi analogy, and pretending that 12 percent is the same as fucking ZERO POINT TWO percent?

I mean, I was talking to RW. He is the fucking moron that made that comparison, and stood by it. And that is the conversation you jumped into. If you want to comment on his fucking stupid post, then address his fucking stupid post.

I am discussing the rest of this issue, in the rest of this thread. THIS bit, is about the stupid shit you people say, and me calling you on it.

If you don't want to discuss how fucking stupid you libs are, when you just use buzz words, with no understanding of what the words actually mean, because you are fucking retarded,


What you fucking don't fucking underfuckingstand in this fuckingly fucked analogy, is that fucking bad actors don't fucking all fucking work the same fucking way. Just because fucking Nazis fucking dealt in fucking genocide while fucking slaveholders fucking enslaved people, doesn't fucking affuckingfect the fucking fact that fucking Germany doesn't fucking hang up fucking statues and fucking monuments trying to fucking dilute and fucking sanitize and fucking whitewash the fucking inhufuckingmanity of their own fucking past, as do the fucking UDC edifices. Fucking both of them lost their fucking wars, did they fucking not?

Goodness gracious, that is a specious comparison.

And you are doing the same stupid fucking thing that rw and supercrackhead are doing. Pretending that some very minor similarity, means that they should have been dealt with the exact same way, and that if not, it is some sort of problem.

My point stands. There are good reasons for the way that we, here in America, dealt with the aftermath of the Civil War, and just saying "nazis" is not a good analogy, and in fact, is fucking stupid, and if you do that, then you are fucking stupid.

If you continue, I will point out some of the other many ways that the two sets of people are very different, and the two situations are very different, and thus, how incredibly fucking stupid you are.
NAZIS is not a good analogy ONLY because the Third Reich lasted twice as long as the loser Con-federacy did......maybe if the Con-federacy leaders had be held responsible in war crime trials like the leading NAZIS did, we wouldn't have had the Lost Cause Movement.

The analogy is flying over Purell's hood because he keeps trying to compare "the Nazis" with "the Confederates" instead of the real point of comparison, which is to compare "what the Lost Cause tried to do about the Confederacy's image" with "what Germany did NOT try to do with the Nazi image".

The Confederates were all exonerated by President Johnson with very few exceptions- those who committed war crimes, as well as President Davis and General Lee.

And Lee and Davis were exonerated posthumously- Davis having his citizenship restored by Southern Honky Jimmy Carter.
And, as we can see, that was a big mistake.
What you fucking don't fucking underfuckingstand in this fuckingly fucked analogy, is that fucking bad actors don't fucking all fucking work the same fucking way. Just because fucking Nazis fucking dealt in fucking genocide while fucking slaveholders fucking enslaved people, doesn't fucking affuckingfect the fucking fact that fucking Germany doesn't fucking hang up fucking statues and fucking monuments trying to fucking dilute and fucking sanitize and fucking whitewash the fucking inhufuckingmanity of their own fucking past, as do the fucking UDC edifices. Fucking both of them lost their fucking wars, did they fucking not?

Goodness gracious, that is a specious comparison.

And you are doing the same stupid fucking thing that rw and supercrackhead are doing. Pretending that some very minor similarity, means that they should have been dealt with the exact same way, and that if not, it is some sort of problem.

My point stands. There are good reasons for the way that we, here in America, dealt with the aftermath of the Civil War, and just saying "nazis" is not a good analogy, and in fact, is fucking stupid, and if you do that, then you are fucking stupid.

If you continue, I will point out some of the other many ways that the two sets of people are very different, and the two situations are very different, and thus, how incredibly fucking stupid you are.
NAZIS is not a good analogy ONLY because the Third Reich lasted twice as long as the loser Con-federacy did......maybe if the Con-federacy leaders had be held responsible in war crime trials like the leading NAZIS did, we wouldn't have had the Lost Cause Movement.

The analogy is flying over Purell's hood because he keeps trying to compare "the Nazis" with "the Confederates" instead of the real point of comparison, which is to compare "what the Lost Cause tried to do about the Confederacy's image" with "what Germany did NOT try to do with the Nazi image".

The Confederates were all exonerated by President Johnson with very few exceptions- those who committed war crimes, as well as President Davis and General Lee.

And Lee and Davis were exonerated posthumously- Davis having his citizenship restored by Southern Honky Jimmy Carter.
And, as we can see, that was a big mistake.

Maybe that can be a plank in the 2020 Democrat platform- to revoke the citizenship of the Confederates?

Have Lee and Davis' names removed, have confederate soldiers evicted from their graves?

Since the Dems don't want to talk about the economy, why not? They have to run on something.
Still playing dumb huh??

Ok....let's say there was a policy in the south that made it legal for black folks to go around and lynch and murder white women -- for no other reason than them being white women....they even nick name the policy Jane Crow...and on the rare occasion that someone is arrested for it -- the legal system insures that person gets off...

Obviously, it won't take a genius to deduce that most of the south would be against that.....

However, that is EXACTLY what the policy was in the south in regards to black men women and children-- that you some how claim you don't know much about....

Do you think this man would blow up a church killing four beautiful little girls and not expect legal punishment because he thought the white supremacist policy of Jim Crow wasn't popular??
View attachment 291796

I don't know. Possibly. Or it could be that he thought that the "Invisible Empire" would have the power to protect him, even though most people were against the murder of children.

I suspect you don't know either. YOU are just assuming the worst, because of the hate in your heart.
It's ironic for someone supportive of the Con-federacy and the slavery of fellow humans to talk about the hate in others' hearts.

Only if you ignore the last 150 years of American history, where celebrating the valor of the Confederate fighting men, has been seen as harmless, even healthy regional pride, and understood to NOT be supporting the defeated institution of slavery.

It is not credible that you missed that, so why are you pretending to be unaware of it?
I would find it very hard to sleep at night celebrating the valor of con-federates who fought to enslave their fellow humans. Can we assume that you have no conscience tugging at YOU in that regard?

Normal people judge historical figures by the standards of their time. IT takes a very special person, to judge someone from another century by today's standards,

and an even more special person, to then have a hysterical hissy fit about it.
Actually it's quite easy to judge someone from another time we have all the info necessary to do so.
Yea...200 years ago
We are not embracing the good ole days of slavery
You have to be Republican to do that

Shut your face anus.
Someone is turning all potty mouth

YOu fucktards do nothing but spew the most hateful slurs against good people, all day long and then are shocked when people respond to you, as you so richly deserve.

NOt only are you fucking assholes, but you are pussies about it.
Ah...and here we have the victimhood I've come to expect from you.

Fuck you.
Name-calling again. You don't handle things very well, do you?
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.
Hey, Fort Fun Taliban,
You'd be a hit in Afghanistan


I'd like to know when Georgia libs are going to blow up Stone Mountain.

Thank you for bringing up Stone Mountain.

As a refresher, Stone Mountain outside Atlanta was where William J "Colonel Joe" Siimmons went up in a rented bus with some followers partly from the Leo Frank lynch mob to initiate the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the reincarnation of the original 1865 Klan that had disappeared by 1872. He did this on Thanksgiving evening 1915 under the Klan's first-ever burning cross, along with a bible, and unsheathed sword and an American flag, as an opportunistic scheme to capitalize on the then-sensational film "Birth of a Nation", based on a 1905 Lost Cause novel called "The Clansman".

A couple of years later the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), the same group that erected the statue in the OP along with hundreds of others, initiated the idea of a giant stone carving into Stone Mountain celebrating the valiant Confederacy in battle. They hired a noted sculptor who was also a rabid Klanner to tackle the project. At the same time they erected a plaque on a building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, honoring that building as the birthplace of the (original) Klan.

That Klan sculptor disengaged in a dispute and left the project to be completed by others. He then went on to carve Mount Rushmore. His name was Gutzon Borglum. The Stone Mountain carving, site of many a Klan honorific ritual, is now the largest relief sculpture in the world. The original plan was to include an altar to the KKK on the request of Helen Plane, President of the Atlanta chapter of the UDC, who wrote to him: "I feel it is due to the KKK that saved us from Negro domination and carpetbag rule, that it be immortalized on Stone Mountain".

The plaque on the building in Tennessee was turned around backward thirty years ago as a way for the building and the town to "turn its back on" the Klan. And the only complainants to whine about that were the Klan themselves, who regularly came to Pulaski for the same reason, to celebrate what one of the apologists in this thread would call their "heritage".
Leo Frank was guilty as sin. He had been pardoned by the governor of Georgia on the governor's last day in office (who took his Jewish payout and fled the state). Outraged citizens--black and white--stormed the prison and hauled the vermin off to be hung as his just desserts.
(((Jewish payout)))
Hey, Fort Fun Taliban,
You'd be a hit in Afghanistan


I'd like to know when Georgia libs are going to blow up Stone Mountain.

Thank you for bringing up Stone Mountain.

As a refresher, Stone Mountain outside Atlanta was where William J "Colonel Joe" Siimmons went up in a rented bus with some followers partly from the Leo Frank lynch mob to initiate the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the reincarnation of the original 1865 Klan that had disappeared by 1872. He did this on Thanksgiving evening 1915 under the Klan's first-ever burning cross, along with a bible, and unsheathed sword and an American flag, as an opportunistic scheme to capitalize on the then-sensational film "Birth of a Nation", based on a 1905 Lost Cause novel called "The Clansman".

A couple of years later the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), the same group that erected the statue in the OP along with hundreds of others, initiated the idea of a giant stone carving into Stone Mountain celebrating the valiant Confederacy in battle. They hired a noted sculptor who was also a rabid Klanner to tackle the project. At the same time they erected a plaque on a building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, honoring that building as the birthplace of the (original) Klan.

That Klan sculptor disengaged in a dispute and left the project to be completed by others. He then went on to carve Mount Rushmore. His name was Gutzon Borglum. The Stone Mountain carving, site of many a Klan honorific ritual, is now the largest relief sculpture in the world. The original plan was to include an altar to the KKK on the request of Helen Plane, President of the Atlanta chapter of the UDC, who wrote to him: "I feel it is due to the KKK that saved us from Negro domination and carpetbag rule, that it be immortalized on Stone Mountain".

The plaque on the building in Tennessee was turned around backward thirty years ago as a way for the building and the town to "turn its back on" the Klan. And the only complainants to whine about that were the Klan themselves, who regularly came to Pulaski for the same reason, to celebrate what one of the apologists in this thread would call their "heritage".
Leo Frank was guilty as sin. He had been pardoned by the governor of Georgia on the governor's last day in office (who took his Jewish payout and fled the state). Outraged citizens--black and white--stormed the prison and hauled the vermin off to be hung as his just desserts.

Oh? You were there in the pencil factory?

So let's see, that's 106 years ago and you were old enough to remember --- you're like 117 right? And you don't believe in "law"?

Frank was not "pardoned" by the way until 1986. You're about as deft at history as you are with picking an avatar.
Why don't you go slam your head in a car door, ADL lover. Frank was a guilty Jew who tried to pin the murder and rape of a 14-year-old Catholic girl on a series of illiterate black men. And lost. He was set to escape justice and the good people of Georgia hung his worthless evil ass. Good for them.
I don't understand why those who defend the con-federates and their monuments also get tagged as anti-semitic. I don't see it at all...........
Still playing dumb huh??

Ok....let's say there was a policy in the south that made it legal for black folks to go around and lynch and murder white women -- for no other reason than them being white women....they even nick name the policy Jane Crow...and on the rare occasion that someone is arrested for it -- the legal system insures that person gets off...

Obviously, it won't take a genius to deduce that most of the south would be against that.....

However, that is EXACTLY what the policy was in the south in regards to black men women and children-- that you some how claim you don't know much about....

Do you think this man would blow up a church killing four beautiful little girls and not expect legal punishment because he thought the white supremacist policy of Jim Crow wasn't popular??
View attachment 291796

How do you know that suspect didn't expect punishment? He was probably a liberal, at the point in time the crime was committed, Alabama was solidly leftist

What Democrats of those days were also conservative, racist.

Conservatives have never been in favor of church bombings. Where did you get the idea they were?

The South has always been CONSERVATIVE.

As far as Alabama, they were certainly leftist for many years, going for the FDR Raw Deal 4 times in succession, voted for Wilson, Cox, Adlai E Stevenson, Al Smith, etc. All the liberal candidates.

Look at the Governors of Alabama.

You mean like George Wallace?

What you want a statue for him now.
You are a racist idiot, if you don't understand the analogy I don't know what to tell you.

1. Calling me a racist, just shows that you are a fucking retard.

So you call yourself a dumbass racist defender.

2. I understand the analogy far better than you. I just pointed out how fucking retarded it is, and how retarded you lefties are for making it or defending it. Note your complete inability to defend your analogy in any way.

It's nothing to defend, it is spot on Jackass.

Except when challenged on the specifics, you and your fellow loser RW, couldn't support your analogy at all.


Says the fool who honors men that terrorized a people because of the color of their skin.

Link to support your latest stupid claim, or concede that it was just more shit from your face anus.

Where the fuck have you been, oh that's right you skipped school in history class.
1. Calling me a racist, just shows that you are a fucking retard.

So you call yourself a dumbass racist defender.

2. I understand the analogy far better than you. I just pointed out how fucking retarded it is, and how retarded you lefties are for making it or defending it. Note your complete inability to defend your analogy in any way.

It's nothing to defend, it is spot on Jackass.

Except when challenged on the specifics, you and your fellow loser RW, couldn't support your analogy at all.


Says the fool who honors men that terrorized a people because of the color of their skin.

Link to support your latest stupid claim, or concede that it was just more shit from your face anus.

Where the fuck have you been, oh that's right you skipped school in history class.
Or was brainwashed by the Lost Cause people.
Several northern states had very small slave populations...NJ is one of them

We do not celebrate that history
Exactly. Dimwingers deny their racist history.
Yea...200 years ago
We are not embracing the good ole days of slavery
You have to be Republican to do that

Shut your face anus.
Someone is turning all potty mouth

YOu fucktards do nothing but spew the most hateful slurs against good people, all day long and then are shocked when people respond to you, as you so richly deserve.

NOt only are you fucking assholes, but you are pussies about it.
Looks like someone is having a temper tantrum
I'd like to know when Georgia libs are going to blow up Stone Mountain.

Thank you for bringing up Stone Mountain.

As a refresher, Stone Mountain outside Atlanta was where William J "Colonel Joe" Siimmons went up in a rented bus with some followers partly from the Leo Frank lynch mob to initiate the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the reincarnation of the original 1865 Klan that had disappeared by 1872. He did this on Thanksgiving evening 1915 under the Klan's first-ever burning cross, along with a bible, and unsheathed sword and an American flag, as an opportunistic scheme to capitalize on the then-sensational film "Birth of a Nation", based on a 1905 Lost Cause novel called "The Clansman".

A couple of years later the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), the same group that erected the statue in the OP along with hundreds of others, initiated the idea of a giant stone carving into Stone Mountain celebrating the valiant Confederacy in battle. They hired a noted sculptor who was also a rabid Klanner to tackle the project. At the same time they erected a plaque on a building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, honoring that building as the birthplace of the (original) Klan.

That Klan sculptor disengaged in a dispute and left the project to be completed by others. He then went on to carve Mount Rushmore. His name was Gutzon Borglum. The Stone Mountain carving, site of many a Klan honorific ritual, is now the largest relief sculpture in the world. The original plan was to include an altar to the KKK on the request of Helen Plane, President of the Atlanta chapter of the UDC, who wrote to him: "I feel it is due to the KKK that saved us from Negro domination and carpetbag rule, that it be immortalized on Stone Mountain".

The plaque on the building in Tennessee was turned around backward thirty years ago as a way for the building and the town to "turn its back on" the Klan. And the only complainants to whine about that were the Klan themselves, who regularly came to Pulaski for the same reason, to celebrate what one of the apologists in this thread would call their "heritage".
Leo Frank was guilty as sin. He had been pardoned by the governor of Georgia on the governor's last day in office (who took his Jewish payout and fled the state). Outraged citizens--black and white--stormed the prison and hauled the vermin off to be hung as his just desserts.

Oh? You were there in the pencil factory?

So let's see, that's 106 years ago and you were old enough to remember --- you're like 117 right? And you don't believe in "law"?

Frank was not "pardoned" by the way. You're about as deft at history as you are with picking an avatar.
Why don't you go slam your head in a car door, ADL lover. Frank was a guilty Jew who tried to pin the murder and rape of a 14-year-old Catholic girl on a series of illiterate black men. And lost. He was set to escape justice and the good people of Georgia hung his worthless evil ass. Good for them.

Was I close? Are you 120?

Gotta be somewhere around there if you're old enough to have witless witnessed a murder in 1913.
Did you take pics? Video?
Five of the Grand Jurors who voted to indict Frank for murder were themselves Jewish, and none of them ever voiced regret over their decision. In general, support for Frank seems to have been strongest among Jews from New York and other distant parts of the country and weakest among the Atlanta Jews with best knowledge of the local situation.
I'd like to know when Georgia libs are going to blow up Stone Mountain.

Thank you for bringing up Stone Mountain.

As a refresher, Stone Mountain outside Atlanta was where William J "Colonel Joe" Siimmons went up in a rented bus with some followers partly from the Leo Frank lynch mob to initiate the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the reincarnation of the original 1865 Klan that had disappeared by 1872. He did this on Thanksgiving evening 1915 under the Klan's first-ever burning cross, along with a bible, and unsheathed sword and an American flag, as an opportunistic scheme to capitalize on the then-sensational film "Birth of a Nation", based on a 1905 Lost Cause novel called "The Clansman".

A couple of years later the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), the same group that erected the statue in the OP along with hundreds of others, initiated the idea of a giant stone carving into Stone Mountain celebrating the valiant Confederacy in battle. They hired a noted sculptor who was also a rabid Klanner to tackle the project. At the same time they erected a plaque on a building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, honoring that building as the birthplace of the (original) Klan.

That Klan sculptor disengaged in a dispute and left the project to be completed by others. He then went on to carve Mount Rushmore. His name was Gutzon Borglum. The Stone Mountain carving, site of many a Klan honorific ritual, is now the largest relief sculpture in the world. The original plan was to include an altar to the KKK on the request of Helen Plane, President of the Atlanta chapter of the UDC, who wrote to him: "I feel it is due to the KKK that saved us from Negro domination and carpetbag rule, that it be immortalized on Stone Mountain".

The plaque on the building in Tennessee was turned around backward thirty years ago as a way for the building and the town to "turn its back on" the Klan. And the only complainants to whine about that were the Klan themselves, who regularly came to Pulaski for the same reason, to celebrate what one of the apologists in this thread would call their "heritage".
Leo Frank was guilty as sin. He had been pardoned by the governor of Georgia on the governor's last day in office (who took his Jewish payout and fled the state). Outraged citizens--black and white--stormed the prison and hauled the vermin off to be hung as his just desserts.

Oh? You were there in the pencil factory?

So let's see, that's 106 years ago and you were old enough to remember --- you're like 117 right? And you don't believe in "law"?

Frank was not "pardoned" by the way. You're about as deft at history as you are with picking an avatar.

Actually, Mr. Frank had his sentence commuted in 1915 to life in prison. A pretty sweet deal if he was guilty as hell.

I am inclined to think Frank was guilty. After all, the other suspects were African American gentlemen, and Frank was a Honky. The honky dominated judicial system of Georgia wasn't known for letting guilty black folks slide on serious charges.

The evidence would indicate he was not. For instance the teeth marks on the victim did not line up with Frank's jaws at all.

In any case the poster has no standing to make his assertion unless he was an eyewitness to a murder that happened in 1913 which, if he was, he should have come forward to the authorities, shouldn't he, plus he's exposed himself has having no regard for the rule of law, cheering on a lynch mob, so fuck him.

Fuck him also for trying to derail the thread --- this topic ain't about Leo Fucking Frank.
What is it with you people and lying?

The basic outline of events is not disputed. In 1913 Georgia, a 13-year-old pencil company worker named Mary Phagan was last seen alive visiting the office of factory manager Leo Frank on a Saturday morning to collect her weekly paycheck, while her raped and murdered body was found in the basement early the next morning and Frank eventually arrested for the crime. As the wealthy young president of the Atlanta chapter of B’nai B’rith, Frank ranked as one of the most prominent Jewish men in the South, and great resources were deployed in his legal defense, but after the longest and most expensive trial in state history, he was quickly convicted and sentenced to death.

The facts of the case against Frank eventually became a remarkable tangle of complex and often conflicting evidence and eyewitness testimony, with sworn statements regularly being retracted and then counter-retracted. But the crucial point is the enormous scale of the financial resources that were deployed on Frank’s behalf, both prior to the trial and afterward, with virtually all of the funds coming from Jewish sources. Currency conversions are hardly precise, but relative to the American family incomes of the time, the total expenditures by Frank supporters may have been as high as $25 million in present-day dollars, quite possibly more than any other homicide defense in American history before or after, and an almost unimaginable sum for the impoverished Deep South of that period. Years later, a leading donor privately admitted that much of this money was spent on perjury and similar falsifications, something which is very readily apparent to anyone who closely studies the case. When we consider this vast ocean of pro-Frank funding and the sordid means for which it was often deployed, the details of the case become far less mysterious. There exists a mountain of demonstrably fabricated evidence and false testimony in favor of Frank, and no sign of anything similar on the other side.

The police initially suspected the black night watchman who found the girl’s body, and he was quickly arrested and harshly interrogated. Soon afterward, a bloody shirt was found at his home, and Frank made several statements that seemed to implicate his employee in the crime. At one point, this black suspect may have come close to being summarily lynched by a mob, which would have closed the case. But he stuck to his story of innocence with remarkable composure, in sharp contrast to Frank’s extremely nervous and suspicious behavior, and the police soon shifted their scrutiny toward the latter, culminating in his arrest. All researchers now recognize that the night watchman was entirely innocent, and the material against him planted.

The evidence against Frank steadily mounted. He was the last man known to have seen the young victim and he repeatedly changed important aspects of his story. Numerous former female employees reported his long history of sexually aggressive behavior toward them, especially directed towards the murdered girl herself. At the time of the murder, Frank claimed to have been working alone in his office, but a witness who went there reported he had been nowhere to be found. A vast amount of circumstantial evidence implicated Frank.

A black Frank family servant soon came forward with sworn testimony that Frank had confessed the murder to his wife on the morning after the killing, and this claim seemed supported by the latter’s strange refusal to visit her husband in jail for the first two weeks after the day of his arrest.

Two separate firms of experienced private detectives were hired by Frank’s lavishly-funded partisans, and the agents of both eventually came to the reluctant conclusion that Frank was guilty as charged.

As the investigation moved forward, a major break occurred as a certain Jim Conley, Frank’s black janitor, came forward and confessed to having been Frank’s accomplice in concealing the crime. At the trial he testified that Frank had regularly enlisted him as a lookout during his numerous sexual liaisons with his female employees, and after murdering Phagan, had then offered him a huge sum of money to help remove and hide the body in the basement so that the crime could be pinned upon someone else. But with the legal noose tightening around Frank, Conley had begun to fear that he might be made the new scapegoat, and went to the authorities in order to save his own neck. Despite Conley’s damning accusations, Frank repeatedly refused to confront him in the presence of the police, which was widely seen as further proof of Frank’s guilt.

By the time of the trial itself, all sides were agreed that the murderer was either Frank, the wealthy Jewish businessman, or Conley, the semi-literate black janitor with a first-grade education and a long history of public drunkenness and petty crime. Frank’s lawyers exploited this comparison to the fullest, emphasizing Frank’s Jewish background as evidence for his innocence and indulging in the crudest sort of racial invective against his black accuser, whom they claimed was obviously the true rapist and murderer due to his bestial nature.

Those attorneys were the best that money could buy and the lead counsel was known as the one of the most skilled courtroom interrogators in the South. But although he subjected Conley to a grueling sixteen hours of intense cross-examination over three days, the latter never wavered in the major details of his extremely vivid story, which deeply impressed the local media and the jury. Meanwhile, Frank refused to take the stand at his own trial, thereby avoiding any public cross-examination of his often changing account.

Two notes written in crude black English had been discovered alongside Phagan’s body, and everyone soon agreed that these were written by the murderer in hopes of misdirecting suspicion. So they were either written by a semi-literate black such as Conley or by an educated white attempting to imitate that style, and to my mind, the spelling and choice of words strongly suggests the latter, thereby implicating Frank.

Taking a broader overview, the theory advanced by Frank’s legion of posthumous advocates seems to defy rationality. These journalists and scholars uniformly argue that Conley, a semi-literate black menial, had brutally raped and murdered a young white girl, and the legal authorities soon became aware of this fact, but conspired to set him free by supporting a complex and risky scheme to instead frame an innocent white businessman. Can we really believe that the police officials and prosecutors of a city in the Old South would have violated their oath of office in order to knowingly protect a black rapist and killer from legal punishment and thereby turn him loose upon their city streets, presumably to prey on future young white girls? This implausible reconstruction is particularly bizarre in that nearly all its advocates across the decades have been the staunchest of Jewish liberals, who endlessly condemned the horrific racism of the Southern authorities of that era, but then unaccountably chose to make a special exception in this one particular case.

Frank was a Jew who murdered and raped a 13 year old Catholic girl. He deserved to die, and I hope he suffered.
I'd like to know when Georgia libs are going to blow up Stone Mountain.

Thank you for bringing up Stone Mountain.

As a refresher, Stone Mountain outside Atlanta was where William J "Colonel Joe" Siimmons went up in a rented bus with some followers partly from the Leo Frank lynch mob to initiate the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the reincarnation of the original 1865 Klan that had disappeared by 1872. He did this on Thanksgiving evening 1915 under the Klan's first-ever burning cross, along with a bible, and unsheathed sword and an American flag, as an opportunistic scheme to capitalize on the then-sensational film "Birth of a Nation", based on a 1905 Lost Cause novel called "The Clansman".

A couple of years later the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), the same group that erected the statue in the OP along with hundreds of others, initiated the idea of a giant stone carving into Stone Mountain celebrating the valiant Confederacy in battle. They hired a noted sculptor who was also a rabid Klanner to tackle the project. At the same time they erected a plaque on a building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, honoring that building as the birthplace of the (original) Klan.

That Klan sculptor disengaged in a dispute and left the project to be completed by others. He then went on to carve Mount Rushmore. His name was Gutzon Borglum. The Stone Mountain carving, site of many a Klan honorific ritual, is now the largest relief sculpture in the world. The original plan was to include an altar to the KKK on the request of Helen Plane, President of the Atlanta chapter of the UDC, who wrote to him: "I feel it is due to the KKK that saved us from Negro domination and carpetbag rule, that it be immortalized on Stone Mountain".

The plaque on the building in Tennessee was turned around backward thirty years ago as a way for the building and the town to "turn its back on" the Klan. And the only complainants to whine about that were the Klan themselves, who regularly came to Pulaski for the same reason, to celebrate what one of the apologists in this thread would call their "heritage".
Leo Frank was guilty as sin. He had been pardoned by the governor of Georgia on the governor's last day in office (who took his Jewish payout and fled the state). Outraged citizens--black and white--stormed the prison and hauled the vermin off to be hung as his just desserts.

Oh? You were there in the pencil factory?

So let's see, that's 106 years ago and you were old enough to remember --- you're like 117 right? And you don't believe in "law"?

Frank was not "pardoned" by the way until 1986. You're about as deft at history as you are with picking an avatar.
Why don't you go slam your head in a car door, ADL lover. Frank was a guilty Jew who tried to pin the murder and rape of a 14-year-old Catholic girl on a series of illiterate black men. And lost. He was set to escape justice and the good people of Georgia hung his worthless evil ass. Good for them.
I don't understand why those who defend the con-federates and their monuments also get tagged as anti-semitic. I don't see it at all...........
Truth is truth, bitch.
I'd like to know when Georgia libs are going to blow up Stone Mountain.

Thank you for bringing up Stone Mountain.

As a refresher, Stone Mountain outside Atlanta was where William J "Colonel Joe" Siimmons went up in a rented bus with some followers partly from the Leo Frank lynch mob to initiate the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the reincarnation of the original 1865 Klan that had disappeared by 1872. He did this on Thanksgiving evening 1915 under the Klan's first-ever burning cross, along with a bible, and unsheathed sword and an American flag, as an opportunistic scheme to capitalize on the then-sensational film "Birth of a Nation", based on a 1905 Lost Cause novel called "The Clansman".

A couple of years later the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), the same group that erected the statue in the OP along with hundreds of others, initiated the idea of a giant stone carving into Stone Mountain celebrating the valiant Confederacy in battle. They hired a noted sculptor who was also a rabid Klanner to tackle the project. At the same time they erected a plaque on a building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, honoring that building as the birthplace of the (original) Klan.

That Klan sculptor disengaged in a dispute and left the project to be completed by others. He then went on to carve Mount Rushmore. His name was Gutzon Borglum. The Stone Mountain carving, site of many a Klan honorific ritual, is now the largest relief sculpture in the world. The original plan was to include an altar to the KKK on the request of Helen Plane, President of the Atlanta chapter of the UDC, who wrote to him: "I feel it is due to the KKK that saved us from Negro domination and carpetbag rule, that it be immortalized on Stone Mountain".

The plaque on the building in Tennessee was turned around backward thirty years ago as a way for the building and the town to "turn its back on" the Klan. And the only complainants to whine about that were the Klan themselves, who regularly came to Pulaski for the same reason, to celebrate what one of the apologists in this thread would call their "heritage".
Leo Frank was guilty as sin. He had been pardoned by the governor of Georgia on the governor's last day in office (who took his Jewish payout and fled the state). Outraged citizens--black and white--stormed the prison and hauled the vermin off to be hung as his just desserts.

Oh? You were there in the pencil factory?

So let's see, that's 106 years ago and you were old enough to remember --- you're like 117 right? And you don't believe in "law"?

Frank was not "pardoned" by the way until 1986. You're about as deft at history as you are with picking an avatar.
Why don't you go slam your head in a car door, ADL lover. Frank was a guilty Jew who tried to pin the murder and rape of a 14-year-old Catholic girl on a series of illiterate black men. And lost. He was set to escape justice and the good people of Georgia hung his worthless evil ass. Good for them.
I don't understand why those who defend the con-federates and their monuments also get tagged as anti-semitic. I don't see it at all...........

I like the way he describes lawless goons who commit a lynching and then start the Klan as "the good people of Georgia".
Nice touch.
Duty,honor, and bravery are never “lost causes.”
Especially in the attempt to get slavery established in new territories.
Robert E. Lee was opposed to slavery and the Confederate Constitution condemned the international slave trade. The abolitionist that pushed the Dred Scott case to US Supreme Court were the ones that destroyed the Missouri Comprise line of 1820.
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