Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
So you would not remove a statue of hitler? you and the confederacy. You lost u get nothing
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
So you would not remove a statue of hitler? you and the confederacy. You lost u get nothing

How offensive are flags, and statues, exactly?
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
So you would not remove a statue of hitler? you and the confederacy. You lost u get nothing

How offensive are flags, and statues, exactly?
Fly a flag with a swastika in my face and you will find out
You fall for a fake tweet while calling someone else an imbecile.

Prove it's a fake tweet...
You have is backwards, you brought it so it's on you to prove it is real.

Whassamatter, dumbfuck? You can't prove you're not a full of shit con?

That's ok, I can prove you are...

The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton

Mr Quigg’s declaration of allegiance to Mrs Clinton sounds unconvincing - and contradicts earlier statements.

Last year, he sent a tweet to Mr Trump reading:

@realDonaldTrump. You Sir are the only hope we have of getting WHITE AMERICA BACK! We all will be voting for you! CHURCH OF INVISABLE EMPIRE

— Wm. Quigg (@GrandDragonCa) September 17, 2015
But that, Mr Quigg insists, “was before we found out about what Hillary Clinton’s main agenda was.”
Thanks for admitting he supported Hillary when the election occurred, Dumbfuck. :5_1_12024:

You've already been caught lying, dumbfuck.

But you just confirmed the KKK supported Hillary in 2016.

Prove it's a fake tweet...
You have is backwards, you brought it so it's on you to prove it is real.

Whassamatter, dumbfuck? You can't prove you're not a full of shit con?

That's ok, I can prove you are...

The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton

Mr Quigg’s declaration of allegiance to Mrs Clinton sounds unconvincing - and contradicts earlier statements.

Last year, he sent a tweet to Mr Trump reading:

@realDonaldTrump. You Sir are the only hope we have of getting WHITE AMERICA BACK! We all will be voting for you! CHURCH OF INVISABLE EMPIRE

— Wm. Quigg (@GrandDragonCa) September 17, 2015
But that, Mr Quigg insists, “was before we found out about what Hillary Clinton’s main agenda was.”
Thanks for admitting he supported Hillary when the election occurred, Dumbfuck. :5_1_12024:

You've already been caught lying, dumbfuck.

But you just confirmed the KKK supported Hillary in 2016.


Nostra is there medication for your eyeballs?
I don't get why people are up in arms at "Cultural artifacts".

Truth be told if slavery is a concern, then the American flag is just as concerning as the Confederate one, if not more so.

Watch, next they will ban American flags.

AGAIN --- American flags, like "Jefferson", like "Washington", like any number of other Red Herrings trotted in to diffuse the issue, HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CULT OF THE LOST CAUSE.

Prove it's a fake tweet...
You have is backwards, you brought it so it's on you to prove it is real.

Whassamatter, dumbfuck? You can't prove you're not a full of shit con?

That's ok, I can prove you are...

The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton

Mr Quigg’s declaration of allegiance to Mrs Clinton sounds unconvincing - and contradicts earlier statements.

Last year, he sent a tweet to Mr Trump reading:

@realDonaldTrump. You Sir are the only hope we have of getting WHITE AMERICA BACK! We all will be voting for you! CHURCH OF INVISABLE EMPIRE

— Wm. Quigg (@GrandDragonCa) September 17, 2015
But that, Mr Quigg insists, “was before we found out about what Hillary Clinton’s main agenda was.”
Thanks for admitting he supported Hillary when the election occurred, Dumbfuck. :5_1_12024:

You've already been caught lying, dumbfuck.

But you just confirmed the KKK supported Hillary in 2016.


Less than 24 hours ago you admitted being schooled on the fact that "the Klan" as such does not exist (here). You even said you "looked forward" to my correcting bullshit.

Now here you are back to pretending it does. Consider yourself corrected, after less than one day.

The memory is the second thing to go.
You have is backwards, you brought it so it's on you to prove it is real.

Whassamatter, dumbfuck? You can't prove you're not a full of shit con?

That's ok, I can prove you are...

The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton

Mr Quigg’s declaration of allegiance to Mrs Clinton sounds unconvincing - and contradicts earlier statements.

Last year, he sent a tweet to Mr Trump reading:

@realDonaldTrump. You Sir are the only hope we have of getting WHITE AMERICA BACK! We all will be voting for you! CHURCH OF INVISABLE EMPIRE

— Wm. Quigg (@GrandDragonCa) September 17, 2015
But that, Mr Quigg insists, “was before we found out about what Hillary Clinton’s main agenda was.”
Thanks for admitting he supported Hillary when the election occurred, Dumbfuck. :5_1_12024:

You've already been caught lying, dumbfuck.

But you just confirmed the KKK supported Hillary in 2016.


Less than 24 hours ago you admitted being schooled on the fact that "the Klan" as such does not exist (here). You even said you "looked forward" to my correcting bullshit.

Now here you are back to pretending it does. Consider yourself corrected, after less than one day.

The memory is the second thing to go.
I made no such admission because you are lying.

104 pages of this tripe!

Race and Politics remain unresolved in the good ol' USA.
Coolio! :blsmile:
(Just think what our 'Grand Experiment' could of been if Democrats had avoided 'identity politics'!).
Trump literally referred to a person as his own "African American" -- and yo dic sucking ass didn't say shit about that...

The only people who get triggered over identity politics are the closet racists who want to deny the existence of anyone who doesn't look like them..fuk what you whining about

An unresolved problem until our Republic disappears.
We could have been totally great except for this chained collar around all our necks.
104 pages of this tripe!

Race and Politics remain unresolved in the good ol' USA.
Coolio! :blsmile:
(Just think what our 'Grand Experiment' could of been if Democrats had avoided 'identity politics'!).
Trump literally referred to a person as his own "African American" -- and yo dic sucking ass didn't say shit about that...

The only people who get triggered over identity politics are the closet racists who want to deny the existence of anyone who doesn't look like them..fuk what you whining about

Trump has an odd and off putting style. He often uses insensitive language.

And that is the best you have on him. HIs POLICIES and his ACTIONS are all about serving the interests of the nation as a whole, AS HE SEES THEM, (please don't waste our time explaining how you disagree with him on issues).

His actual behavior and actions, do not justify your hysterical race baiting and hatred.

You are the problem here, not Trump, not us Trump supporters.


Unfuckingbelievable, do you read this horse shit b4 u post it.

His post is spot-on except for the professional victims like yourself who fail to grasp it!

Whassamatter, dumbfuck? You can't prove you're not a full of shit con?

That's ok, I can prove you are...

The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton

Mr Quigg’s declaration of allegiance to Mrs Clinton sounds unconvincing - and contradicts earlier statements.

Last year, he sent a tweet to Mr Trump reading:

@realDonaldTrump. You Sir are the only hope we have of getting WHITE AMERICA BACK! We all will be voting for you! CHURCH OF INVISABLE EMPIRE

— Wm. Quigg (@GrandDragonCa) September 17, 2015
But that, Mr Quigg insists, “was before we found out about what Hillary Clinton’s main agenda was.”
Thanks for admitting he supported Hillary when the election occurred, Dumbfuck. :5_1_12024:

You've already been caught lying, dumbfuck.

But you just confirmed the KKK supported Hillary in 2016.


Less than 24 hours ago you admitted being schooled on the fact that "the Klan" as such does not exist (here). You even said you "looked forward" to my correcting bullshit.

Now here you are back to pretending it does. Consider yourself corrected, after less than one day.

The memory is the second thing to go.
I made no such admission because you are lying.


No, not "Next" ------------ "Previous". That's why I linked this, YOUR post:

Except he ISN'T "the supreme leader" OR "Grand Poohah" because there's no such thing.

>> In April 1944, the IRS filed a lien for $685,305 in unpaid taxes, penalties and interest from 1920s against the Klan. The special Klonvocation convened by [Grand Wizard] Colescott decided to dissolve the organization.[9][10] Before formally stepping down on April 23, 1944,[3] he founded a provisional governing committee consisted of five members.[4][11] On April 23, the final Klonvocation gathering was held in Atlanta. Its decisions disbanded the central Klan organization, "repealed all degrees, vacated all offices, voided all charters, and relieved every Klansman of any obligation whatever". << -- Wiki

Actual fact.

Moreover whoever this Will Kwigg Klown is, you have only his word --- that is, the "word" of a klown playing dress-up ---- that any such 'donations' happened at all.
So, you are saying there is no more Klan.


I've been saying that since about 78,000 posts ago. You should maybe READ them.
Then why are you Dimwingers always whining and crying about the Klan?

I don't know what a "Dimwinger" is but sometimes I see some revisionist posting bullshit, and I correct it. There's no " whining" or "crying" needed. I just post the facts. Why do I do that? Because I like being in a position that can't possibly be defeated.
I look forward to you corrected every libnut who posts about the Klan........ya know, since you are all about the facts.
Thanks for admitting he supported Hillary when the election occurred, Dumbfuck. :5_1_12024:

You've already been caught lying, dumbfuck.

But you just confirmed the KKK supported Hillary in 2016.


Less than 24 hours ago you admitted being schooled on the fact that "the Klan" as such does not exist (here). You even said you "looked forward" to my correcting bullshit.

Now here you are back to pretending it does. Consider yourself corrected, after less than one day.

The memory is the second thing to go.
I made no such admission because you are lying.


No, not "Next" ------------ "Previous". That's why I linked this, YOUR post:

So, you are saying there is no more Klan.


I've been saying that since about 78,000 posts ago. You should maybe READ them.
Then why are you Dimwingers always whining and crying about the Klan?

I don't know what a "Dimwinger" is but sometimes I see some revisionist posting bullshit, and I correct it. There's no " whining" or "crying" needed. I just post the facts. Why do I do that? Because I like being in a position that can't possibly be defeated.
I look forward to you corrected every libnut who posts about the Klan........ya know, since you are all about the facts.
In which one did I say there was no more Klan vs pointing YOU claimed there was no more Klan?


You've already been caught lying, dumbfuck.

But you just confirmed the KKK supported Hillary in 2016.


Less than 24 hours ago you admitted being schooled on the fact that "the Klan" as such does not exist (here). You even said you "looked forward" to my correcting bullshit.

Now here you are back to pretending it does. Consider yourself corrected, after less than one day.

The memory is the second thing to go.
I made no such admission because you are lying.


No, not "Next" ------------ "Previous". That's why I linked this, YOUR post:

I've been saying that since about 78,000 posts ago. You should maybe READ them.
Then why are you Dimwingers always whining and crying about the Klan?

I don't know what a "Dimwinger" is but sometimes I see some revisionist posting bullshit, and I correct it. There's no " whining" or "crying" needed. I just post the facts. Why do I do that? Because I like being in a position that can't possibly be defeated.
I look forward to you corrected every libnut who posts about the Klan........ya know, since you are all about the facts.
In which one did I say there was no more Klan vs pointing YOU claimed there was no more Klan?


Are you disputing that Grand Wizared Colescott dissolved the KKK on April 23 1944, yes or no?
104 pages of this tripe!

Race and Politics remain unresolved in the good ol' USA.
Coolio! :blsmile:
(Just think what our 'Grand Experiment' could of been if Democrats had avoided 'identity politics'!).
Trump literally referred to a person as his own "African American" -- and yo dic sucking ass didn't say shit about that...

The only people who get triggered over identity politics are the closet racists who want to deny the existence of anyone who doesn't look like them..fuk what you whining about

Trump has an odd and off putting style. He often uses insensitive language.

And that is the best you have on him. HIs POLICIES and his ACTIONS are all about serving the interests of the nation as a whole, AS HE SEES THEM, (please don't waste our time explaining how you disagree with him on issues).

His actual behavior and actions, do not justify your hysterical race baiting and hatred.

You are the problem here, not Trump, not us Trump supporters.


Unfuckingbelievable, do you read this horse shit b4 u post it.

His complaint about Trump, was insensitive language. That is the best he had.

And that is more than you people normally have. Normally you have to fucking lie.

Trump's policies and actual results, do not justify your hate filled hysteria.

You are a lying asshole.

But you just confirmed the KKK supported Hillary in 2016.


Less than 24 hours ago you admitted being schooled on the fact that "the Klan" as such does not exist (here). You even said you "looked forward" to my correcting bullshit.

Now here you are back to pretending it does. Consider yourself corrected, after less than one day.

The memory is the second thing to go.
I made no such admission because you are lying.


No, not "Next" ------------ "Previous". That's why I linked this, YOUR post:

Then why are you Dimwingers always whining and crying about the Klan?

I don't know what a "Dimwinger" is but sometimes I see some revisionist posting bullshit, and I correct it. There's no " whining" or "crying" needed. I just post the facts. Why do I do that? Because I like being in a position that can't possibly be defeated.
I look forward to you corrected every libnut who posts about the Klan........ya know, since you are all about the facts.
In which one did I say there was no more Klan vs pointing YOU claimed there was no more Klan?


Are you disputing that Grand Wizared Colescott dissolved the KKK on April 23 1944, yes or no?

In which one did I say there was no more Klan vs pointing YOU claimed there was no more Klan?

Back up your claim, liar.:5_1_12024:
Less than 24 hours ago you admitted being schooled on the fact that "the Klan" as such does not exist (here). You even said you "looked forward" to my correcting bullshit.

Now here you are back to pretending it does. Consider yourself corrected, after less than one day.

The memory is the second thing to go.
I made no such admission because you are lying.


No, not "Next" ------------ "Previous". That's why I linked this, YOUR post:

I don't know what a "Dimwinger" is but sometimes I see some revisionist posting bullshit, and I correct it. There's no " whining" or "crying" needed. I just post the facts. Why do I do that? Because I like being in a position that can't possibly be defeated.
I look forward to you corrected every libnut who posts about the Klan........ya know, since you are all about the facts.
In which one did I say there was no more Klan vs pointing YOU claimed there was no more Klan?


Are you disputing that Grand Wizared Colescott dissolved the KKK on April 23 1944, yes or no?

In which one did I say there was no more Klan vs pointing YOU claimed there was no more Klan?

Back up your claim, liar.:5_1_12024:

--------- so that's a "no"?
I made no such admission because you are lying.


No, not "Next" ------------ "Previous". That's why I linked this, YOUR post:

I look forward to you corrected every libnut who posts about the Klan........ya know, since you are all about the facts.
In which one did I say there was no more Klan vs pointing YOU claimed there was no more Klan?


Are you disputing that Grand Wizared Colescott dissolved the KKK on April 23 1944, yes or no?

In which one did I say there was no more Klan vs pointing YOU claimed there was no more Klan?

Back up your claim, liar.:5_1_12024:

--------- so that's a "no"?
Nope.. It's the same challenge you are wimping out on, liar.

In which one did I say there was no more Klan vs pointing YOU claimed there was no more Klan?

Back up your claim, liar.:5_1_12024:
4,000 or less Klan members left out of a total population of 370 million.
Why is this even being discussed? :dunno:
When did the Republicans ever push for segregation?

The Triple K is paid by Democrat operatives to show up at Trump events to cause trouble.

There is no such thing as the KKK. It hasn't existed since 1968 when it was sued out of existence.

As you said, every single supposed Klansman can be traced to the FBI or is a democrat provocateur.
The Klan broke up into hundreds of small groups without central leadership. Most have gotten rid of the white robes and hoods and have replaced them with red MAGA hats

The Klan died generations ago. The current splinter groups, are at best a pale shadow of what it was, and more likely have no real connection to the past organization at all.

They number in the thousands.

For you to claim that that long ago group, is somehow connected to a modern and massive movement, primarily concerned with better trade and immigration policy,

is just you being a race baiting asshole.

Why are you such a fucking asshole? What do you gain from being such fucking asshole? DO you get off on it?

Seriously RW, something is really, really wrong with you, and you should see someone about it.

I get the feeling you are not young, but it is never to late to deal with your problems.

The klan has broken into pieces without national leadership. Hundreds of white supremacy groups have risen to fill the void

That is how we got Charlottesville

Except they have not filled that void. They are a pale shadow of what they once were.

Which is why we got Charlottesville.

They spend their time and energy now, looking for tricks to try to latch on to larger issues or movements, to create the illusion that they are large enough to be relevant.

In the hopes that they can convince some people that they matter, and thus recruit enough people to start growing, ect ect ect.

A plan they have no hope of pulling off, without their allies in the liberal media, lying for them.
No, not "Next" ------------ "Previous". That's why I linked this, YOUR post:
In which one did I say there was no more Klan vs pointing YOU claimed there was no more Klan?


Are you disputing that Grand Wizared Colescott dissolved the KKK on April 23 1944, yes or no?

In which one did I say there was no more Klan vs pointing YOU claimed there was no more Klan?

Back up your claim, liar.:5_1_12024:

--------- so that's a "no"?
Nope.. It's the same challenge you are wimping out on, liar.

In which one did I say there was no more Klan vs pointing YOU claimed there was no more Klan?

Back up your claim, liar.:5_1_12024:

So if it's not a "no" it's a yes.

So you're disputing the established historical fact that James Colescott dissolved the Klan in 1944. Even though I documented it yesterday.

As I said --- the memory is the second thing to go.
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