Confirmed: 450,000 ballots had no down-ballot...only Biden

At the very least when ALL the fraud is looked at in totality we have to say letting this crime stand
would be tantamount to an endorsement of the crime of ballot fraud and that has dire effects not only for this particular election but all elections that come after this.

Letting these crimes stand is no less than the end of democracy in this nation. Because if you let this stand
how can you then ignore the precedent you set?
Trump claimed 3 - 5 million illegal votes in 2016, and Trump did nothing about them. His election integrity commission wsa disbanded before it could find more than a handful of illegal votes.
You know that lying in a video is not a crime. Lying to the USPS Postal Inspectors is a felony.
Did you read the article.
You know that lying in a video is not a crime. Lying to the USPS Postal Inspectors is a felony.
Did you read the article.

Yes. I looked to see if it mentioned whether he filed a sworn affidavit, and I didn't see mention of one.
Trump claimed 3 - 5 million illegal votes in 2016, and Trump did nothing about them. His election integrity commission wsa disbanded before it could find more than a handful of illegal votes.
Ummm...he WON that election! :icon_rolleyes:
So without any details at all or knowledge of that commission it's at least reasonable to assume
the effort it would take to track down ballot fraud was not deemed worth the results considering
the election was his already.

And considering the MASSIVE fraud and law breaking we have seen so far what happened in 2016
is not germane in 2020.
You know that lying in a video is not a crime. Lying to the USPS Postal Inspectors is a felony.
Did you read the article.

Yes. I looked to see if it mentioned whether he filed a sworn affidavit, and I didn't see mention of one.
Ok, I think we were on different wavelengths as to what you and I were talking about.
My apologies.
Trump claimed 3 - 5 million illegal votes in 2016, and Trump did nothing about them. His election integrity commission wsa disbanded before it could find more than a handful of illegal votes.
Ummm...he WON that election! :icon_rolleyes:
So without any details at all or knowledge of that commission it's at least reasonable to assume
the effort it would take to track down ballot fraud was not deemed worth the results considering
the election was his already.
As you said, if you allow fraud in one election, you encourage it in the next.

Apparently Trump encourages in-person election fraud.
At the very least when ALL the fraud is looked at in totality we have to say letting this crime stand
would be tantamount to an endorsement of the crime of ballot fraud and that has dire effects not only for this particular election but all elections that come after this.
Trump let any election fraud from 2016 stand.
As you said, if you allow fraud in one election, you encourage it in the next.

Apparently Trump encourages in-person election fraud.
Wow! Great point! :rolleyes:
Every election ever held has some corruption in it. No election has had the massive amount of voter fraud
this one has had. It's like the difference between a parking ticket and a hit and run driver that causes a chain
reaction twenty car pile up.

You want to discourage law breaking when you see it but this IS VITAL that we do something now.
A single parking ticket not quite so urgent.
...Yeah...I got it...
Doubtful, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

...You're either a liar, or an extreme idiot (it doesn't matter which)...
I seldom lie (I'm lazy... far too much trouble to keep track of who I lied to) and that is certainly not the case in this instance. I represented my viewpoint accurately to you.

I'm no whiz-kid but I'm also no idiot, thank you very much.

...who claims to agree with the Trump agenda...
I agree with elements of the Rump agenda... not all.

...but would prefer to sit by, thumb up ass, and watch Joe Biden bury all the policies you say you want...
Incorrect. I did not idly sit by (whereabouts of thumb aside)... rather, I actively voted against your POS. I told you... Right Message... Wrong Messenger. deep it would take a team of geologists to find them when he and his socialist whore Kamala are through...
Yep. And that's a tragedy as well. But I weighed the cost of waiting another four years for a better GOP candidate vs. keeping Benito Rump in power.

Your boy is a petulant narcissistic arrogant ignorant sociopath - entirely unfit regardless of what agenda he's pushing - the agenda is secondary to his irrationality.

...Your poor offended sensibilities are so delicate and bruised you would rather see retrograde losers likeMitt Romney sweep back into power...
A President joking about becoming President for life... calling a free press the Enemy of the People... encouraging militia violence, etc... goes a little deeper than that.

There were a hundred-and-one ways to implement his agenda without the unstable sociopathic behaviors that your boy has exhibited even prior to taking office.

Next time, (a) fine-tune the agenda and float it again in 2024, but (b) choose someone who can pull it off without the Me-Me-Me-Me-Me-Me-All-About-Me behaviors.

...knife fighting against socialists like AOC and her cult to reign supreme...
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe will take care of that... not to worry. the schizophrenic corrupt Biden administration (which may or may not survive their own epic corruption...
What "Biden administration" would that be? I'm not aware of one, myself. Oh, and, given that he hasn't even announced Cabinet posts yet, that's just plain silly.

Not to mention the pot calling the kettle black.

...and pissing all over our election laws...
Who has pi$$ed all over our election laws? Which State(s) are you referring to?

Individual States design and operate their own election mechanisms, within parameters.

...which you seem really okay with...
Incorrect. I am never, ever 'okay' with violations of election laws.

All you need to do is to serve-up credible evidence from credible authoritative sources of a volume sufficient to be statistically significant, and you 're all set. all cowardly pieces of shit speaking of irredeemable scum)...
You tell 'em, my precious little Internet troll-princess... don't get your panties in a bunch, darlin' get another chance in another four years.

...Drop dead. America doesn't need backstabbers like you.
No backstabbing at work here... merely a lifelong commitment to our People, their Republic and its Constitution... something I took an oath to defend.

Your Orange Baboon-God is a POS, unfit for his high office, and he is being sent home before he can do yet more damage to American democracy.
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. It's like the difference between a parking ticket and a hit and run driver that causes a chain
reaction twenty car pile up.
The other difference is the last election they had a photograph of an illegally parked car. In this election they claim a massive multi-car pileup, but when asked for evidence, they say that statistically that many accidents happened.
Your remedy calls for disenfranchising legal votes.

Akin to showing that voting with out voter ID, should result in throwing out all the in-person votes.

False. The bar is set so that legal votes are not thrown out. The Trump team must establish that the ballots are not valid.
Yes, but in order to prevail, the Trump team must convince a judge that a remedy is required. Unless something more than circumstantial evidence is offered, that's won't happen.
At the very least when ALL the fraud is looked at in totality we have to say letting this crime stand
would be tantamount to an endorsement of the crime of ballot fraud and that has dire effects not only for this particular election but all elections that come after this.

Letting these crimes stand is no less than the end of democracy in this nation. Because if you let this stand
how can you then ignore the precedent you set?

Now all you lunkheads need is (a) credible evidence and (b) volume of a size sufficient to be statistically significant in impacting the overall election results.

Oh... before December 14, 2020, by the way.

Good luck with that. :auiqs.jpg:
So? Many people only cast a vote for president. That's why voter turnout during the midterms is so much lower.

You've got squat here.
As with everything you post, this is entirely false.
In this highly charged election, many people only voted for president, which is what motivates the difference between a presidential and mid-term election. Since the 1800's you have a 20% rise in votes, when people can vote for the president.

Voter turnout is always lower than in a presidential election year.

Why Americans Don't Vote in the Midterm Elections - The ...
...No election has had the massive amount of voter fraud this one has had...
Please identify for us the location and nature of this fraud.

Please serve it up from an authoritative source ( election commission, state attorney general, DoJ, etc. ).

Please ensure that this 'fraud' is of sufficient volume to be statistically significant - capable of reversing the present 'called' result of the election.

We're all waiting.

So are the courts. :abgg2q.jpg:
Your Orange Baboon-God is a POS, unfit for his high office, and is being sent home before he can do yet more damage to American democracy.
An outstanding economy, pre covid of course.

No entanglements in pointless foreign wars.

Doing something about runaway crime and illegal immigration on our Southern border.

Historic peace accords in the Middle East thought to be impossible before Trump.

Snapping back at China and ending their piracy of American technology.

Getting our European allies to stop their deadbeat attitude towards mutual defense packs.

End our involvement in the pointless money sucking Paris climate accord.

Likewise ending a horrible deal with Iran legitimizing them and guaranteeing them
a pathway to their nuclear weapons for the world's number one sponsors of terrorism.

A fitting end for an Iranian terrorist butcher. U.S. Strike Ordered by Trump Kills Key Iranian Military Leader in Baghdad

An end to ISIS as an effective terrorist force in the Middle East.

Standing up to Government Approved Media and calling out the liars.

Same with Deep State Globalist parasites that infest our upper government echelons.

Hopefully you get the idea. You are one little hateful insect hurling invective at Trump.
Don't be shocked if the coup attempt to cheat Trump at the ballot box fails.
Corruption on this scale cannot be allowed to stand though I'm sure you approve
of disenfranchising millions of American voters.

That's the sort of worthless pile of dog shit you seem to be.
Akin to showing that voting with out voter ID, should result in throwing out all the in-person votes.
False. The bar is set so that legal votes are not thrown out. The Trump team must establish that the ballots are not valid.
They can't determine the legitimacy of any individual ballot by inspecting it. Any proof exists on the exterior envelope, which is not linked to the ballot.
You know that lying in a video is not a crime. Lying to the USPS Postal Inspectors is a felony.

As is leaking internal investigations to the CCP press as Strasser did. No matter what else happens, this postal inspector Strasser will end up in prison. Barr is already going after him. Apparently the Post Office isn't deep enough state to provide immunity like the FBI is.
You know that lying in a video is not a crime. Lying to the USPS Postal Inspectors is a felony.
Did you read the article.

Yes. I looked to see if it mentioned whether he filed a sworn affidavit, and I didn't see mention of one.
Here's an article stating he signed a second affidavit...

The House Oversight Committee said Tuesday that Mr. Hopkins had executed another affidavit recanting his allegations, but he said afterward he was pressured into signing the document by investigators with the USPS Office of Inspector General.

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