Confirmed: 450,000 ballots had no down-ballot...only Biden

We already know there were 650,000 ballots in PA were taken from their envelopes and tossed onto the pile without any GOP witnesses present.
Yes. And that's illegal. The mail in ballots run 80/20 Biden. So, the State Legislature may need to subtract 520k votes from Biden and 130k from Trump.
The problem with your analysis is that if this was part of a democratic plot, wouldn't those ballots be 100/0 for Biden?

And why did The Republican city commissioner in Philadelphia let that happen?

And wouldn't the vote in
No, only the ones they forged. There were still a few legitimate votes.
Asymptomatic is not the same thing as immune, moron.

Impact of asymptomatic infection and acquired immunity on ...

— Widespread asymptomatic immunity would likewise have implications for ... efficacy of transfusions from survivors versus from control donors.

Don't they have books where you come from? › pmc › articles › PMC4829342
Of course immunity is asymptomatic. what symptoms would you have if you aren't infected?

Your cite doesn't prve what you think it proves, moron.

Like all pathological con-artists, they’ve been counting on the gentlemanly behavior of others, and their opponent’s hesitancy to undermine belief in our election system, even while they thoroughly undermined and ate the system from within, until it had all the credibility of Dan Rather. And then they expected us to keep believing it.

Now imagine them actually trying to run the country. Be not afraid.
Wore a mask. That would have prevented Trump from getting the coronavirus, and 100,000 deaths.
No pumpkin---you obviously don't understand basics like wearing a mask does not stop the virus from spreading completely. It slows it down, but doesn't stop it.
If wearing masks were only 30% effective, that would have prevented 100,000 deaths. It's simple reduction in the exponential spread. A slight reduction in spread, actually yields a much larger reduction in cases and deaths.
No pumpkin----the VIRUS IS GOING TO spread regardless---you can't stop it. At best you can slow its spread down (giving it more time to mutate btw before herd immunity which is likely going to enable the virus to develop strains that spread easier (which we now have) and into strains that will become more deadly.......Slowing it down could have enabled more research and vaccine to fight the virus or could have allowed more time for a more damaging strain--------but in either case, the virus would still spread and would have still killed the same patients who couldn't be fully isolated which would have only been those in nursing homes that Cuomo and the other dem governors purposely infected early on to artificially raise the death rate early on.
No pumpkin----the VIRUS IS GOING TO spread regardless---you can't stop it. At best you can slow its spread down (giving it more time to mutate btw before herd immunity which is likely going to enable the virus to develop strains that spread easier (which we now have) and into strains that will become more deadly.......
The coronavirus is like a hole in the side of a ship. By slowing the rate the water comes in (the rate of infection) and keep it below the capacity of the bilge pumps (the capacity of the medical community) and you can stay afloat.

Herd immunity is like opening all the seacocks. just can't wait for Joe and the progressives that prop him up to usher in socialism and
Big Brother Chinese style governance, can you. It's cute.

I want several of the things that Rump is selling ( hard line on Illegals, hard line on China, hard line on gubmint bloat, allies pull their weight, etc. ).

I just don't want your arrogant, ignorant, lying, demented Orange Baboon-God to be the one selling it.

Right message... wrong messenger.

From the perspective of your POS... it's all about him... not the People nor the Republic nor its Constitution.

Your boy is scum.... everybody knows it... and he's got to go.

Next time... serve-up much of his agenda... but without him or any of his litter... and you might (a) regain power and (b) hold onto it longer.

I (and vast legions of our fellow Americans) voted AGAINST your scumbag... not FOR Sleepy Old Uncle Joe and Company.

Got it now?
Yeah...I got it. You're either a liar, or an extreme idiot (it doesn't matter which) who claims to agree with the Trump agenda but would prefer to sit by, thumb up ass, and watch Joe Biden bury all the policies you say you want so deep it would take a team of geologists to find them when he and his socialist whore Kamala
are through.

Your poor offended sensibilities are so delicate and bruised you would rather see retrograde losers like
Mitt Romney sweep back into power, knife fighting against socialists like AOC and her cult to reign supreme
in the schizophrenic corrupt Biden administration (which may or may not survive their own epic corruption
and pissing all over our election laws, which you seem really okay with, like all cowardly pieces of shit
speaking of irredeemable scum).

Drop dead. America doesn't need backstabbers like you.
and pissing all over our election laws, which you seem really okay with, like all cowardly pieces of shit
speaking of irredeemable scum).

Drop dead. America doesn't need backstabbers like you.
You know Trump has been claiming that US elections are rigged, and filled with fraud, whether he wins or loses.
No pumpkin----the VIRUS IS GOING TO spread regardless---you can't stop it. At best you can slow its spread down (giving it more time to mutate btw before herd immunity which is likely going to enable the virus to develop strains that spread easier (which we now have) and into strains that will become more deadly.......
The coronavirus is like a hole in the side of a ship. By slowing the rate the water comes in (the rate of infection) and keep it below the capacity of the bilge pumps (the capacity of the medical community) and you can stay afloat.

Herd immunity is like opening all the seacocks.
Herd immunity is obtained through vaccines.
All that is required is to show that the ballots were handled unlawfully, like the ones that were counted without any Republican witnesses present.
Agreed, if the Trump team can do that, they will either win outright or force an appeal.
What would the legal remedy be? If those ballots are not traceable.

Remember the concept in law says

Ubi jus ibi remedium

The remedy is obvious, which is why I caution that the bar will be high and proof required.
You know Trump has been claiming that US elections are rigged, and filled with fraud, whether he wins or loses.
Yes. And it's true either way, though obviously less true if Trump somehow manages to convince the court
to slap down the blatant fraud of Joe Biden and his cabal of socialists that are propping the swamp thing up.

No one can look at all the fraud we've seen in this election and say there is no fraud involved.
In this election there is MASSIVE fraud involving thousands of instances of voter suppression and disenfranchisement.

What is your point?
Obviously not dismissed as you claimed.

As for evidence, it was in my post and in the link.

Sharpies are unreadable by the machines, election officials provided them to only Republicans as a CLEAR effort to suppress Republican votes.

Fact check: 'SharpieGate' controversy in Arizona is a false claim › news › factcheck › 2020/11/04

Claim: Ballots in Phoenix marked with Sharpies were disqualified.
Claimed by: Marco Trickovic
Fact check by USA Today: False

In Georgia, ballots where the voter ONLY voted for president:

• Trump: 818
• Biden: 95,801

Ballots where the voter voted for president and at least one other race:

• Trump: 2,456,915
• Biden: 2,376,081

That is indeed evidence of fraud - but it isn't proof. We need proof in order to take this down.

Facts are confirmed by evidence.
In a trial, proof is what the trier of the fact (jury or judge without a jury) needs to become satisfied that there is "a preponderance of the evidence" in civil (non-criminal) cases and the defendant is guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt" in criminal prosecutions.

Yes, but in order to prevail, the Trump team must convince a judge that a remedy is required. Unless something more than circumstantial evidence is offered, that's won't happen.
All that is required is to show that the ballots were handled unlawfully, like the ones that were counted without any Republican witnesses present.

Agreed, if the Trump team can do that, they will either win outright or force an appeal.
We already know there were 650,000 ballots in PA were taken from their envelopes and tossed onto the pile without any GOP witnesses present.
Yes. And that's illegal. The mail in ballots run 80/20 Biden. So, the State Legislature may need to subtract 520k votes from Biden and 130k from Trump. That easily flips the state to Trump, with an updated total of Biden 239 ECV and Trump 237. First one with certified results totaling 270 wins!

SURE, BLAME THE VICTIMS OF THE LEFT’S FOUR-YEAR-LONG SMEAR CAMPAIGN: Why were the polls so far off again? Trump voters are near impossible to predict.
They can just throw them out. They are illegal ballots.

Since that is a fairly drastic remedy, the bar for imposing will be high, and rightly so. The Trump team will need to prove the ballots are fraudulent.

I agree with you that this is all coordinated and planned across states, as such it invalidates the entire presidential election and the remedy that the SCOTUS must impose is to throw the election to the House of Representatives.
Yes, but in order to prevail, the Trump team must convince a judge that a remedy is required. Unless something more than circumstantial evidence is offered, that's won't happen.
At the very least when ALL the fraud is looked at in totality we have to say letting this crime stand
would be tantamount to an endorsement of the crime of ballot fraud and that has dire effects not only for this particular election but all elections that come after this.

Letting these crimes stand is no less than the end of democracy in this nation. Because if you let this stand
how can you then ignore the precedent you set?
You know that lying in a video is not a crime. Lying to the USPS Postal Inspectors is a felony.

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