Confirmed: CHINA OWNS JOE - Joe Biden's Dirty Little Secret / Influence Peddling Exposed

And they aren't. Take a look at Tramp kids before you pick on Hunter. They were born in wealth (on paper only)

They're all successful. A very pleasant change from lots of kids born into wealth.

Then you have Hunter, also born into wealth, a drug-addled kid who has never grown up. He doesn't even remember that he took three laptops, that were wet for some reason, in for repair.

Is Biden really qualified to be president if he believes everything he was told by a drug addict?
With a 10% "cut for the Big Guy"? Hunter complaining to his father that his dad (Joe) demands a piece of his income? There is no way that my kid is going to be rolling in the $Millions that was rolling into Hunter, and me never inquire as to "How in the hell are you bringing in that kind of dough?"

Turley Explains what to watch for as this story develops:

View attachment 403182

What dog isn't barking?

View attachment 403185

The New York Post confronted the Biden campaign with thousands of emails that showed clear support for allegations that Hunter Biden was given millions as part of an influence-peddling scheme related to his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The problem now is the absence of "barks" from the Biden camp. The computer files revealed a host of embarrassing pictures of Hunter Biden using drugs or exposed in other embarrassing ways. The emails contain dates and addresses that match up with confirmed records.

If they are fabricated, there were three barks that we would have expected within hours of the release.

Bark 1: This was not Hunter Biden’s computer

The most obvious response would be that this is not the computer of Hunter Biden.

So we have the question of a laptop with a “Beau Biden Foundation” sticker on it with highly incriminating files.

Someone in the campaign must have called Hunter Biden and he had to have told them whether or not it was his laptop.

The response on ownership has been crickets, for days.

Bark 2: These were not Hunter Biden’s photos or emails

Even if the campaign cannot deny that the computer was Hunter Biden’s, it could deny that these incriminating pictures and emails were his.

Again, crickets.

Note that if these are fabricated emails or pictures, this would be a serious federal crime and the basis for legal action.

The Biden camp has no shortage of lawyers. Indeed, they have been signing up lawyers in droves in preparation for election challenges.

Yet, there is not a single allegation of fraud or fabrication after days of a brewing scandal.

Bark 3: This is defamation

Perhaps this bark is the most telling. If these emails or pictures are fabricated, it is a clear case of defamation and other tort actions.

It would seem that one of the hundreds of lawyers currently lined up by the Biden campaign would fire off an "intent to sue" letter.

Truth is a defense to defamation, so the letter might start with the earlier bark and deny that this was Hunter Biden’s computer and these were Hunter Biden’s file.

One big difference between the legal and political worlds is that in the latter there is no protection for the right to remain silent. In politics, scandals can be managed but not silently.

Instead of these obvious barks, the public heard something closer to a vague whimper: that the campaign could not find any notation on Vice President Biden's official schedule that he met with a Ukrainian figure connected to the payments to his son Hunter Biden.

It would be a curious sight in itself for Biden’s official schedule to include “meeting with Ukrainian connected to Hunter.” Many meetings are not part of an official schedule that staffers know is subject to official records laws for preservation and review.

That is what is so curious about the Hunter Biden story and it is becoming “curiouser and curiouser.”

What are we free to infer from this? Well, the inference to the best explanation is obvious.
  1. This is Hunter's laptop.
  2. The Pictures, Videos and Emails are authentic.
  3. The Biden Crime Family was shaping the Foreign Policy of the United States in a fashion that pour $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions into to coffers of the Biden Crime Family, with a cut for "The Big Guy". The Family Crime Boss, Joe Biden.View attachment 403182View attachment 403185
A few of my friends in the FBI white collar crime division are speechless... They refuse to talk about this except to say they are disgusted.... The refusal to discuss this tells me there are active criminal investigations into some of the data.... IT also explains why nothing has been let out and why it was with held from Trump due to the nature of the investigation.
The October surprise that's not a surprise
Have you noticed the lockdown maintain by leftist controlled mainstream media?

That's what you do with fake news.
If it's fake news, why doesn't the FBI say something???

They've had Hunter's laptop for damn near a year, so they've certainly had plenty of time to tell if the emails are "fake"....
They are. The FBI took the laptop and trying to verify the authenticity of the emails and pictures especially it came from Guilliani who worked with Derkach and Telizhenko both Russian agents that are now ban by State Department from entering US.
The October surprise that's not a surprise
Have you noticed the lockdown maintain by leftist controlled mainstream media?

That's what you do with fake news.
If it's fake news, why doesn't the FBI say something???

They've had Hunter's laptop for damn near a year, so they've certainly had plenty of time to tell if the emails are "fake"....
They are. The FBI took the laptop and trying to verify the authenticity of the emails and pictures especially it came from Guilliani who worked with Derkach and Telizhenko both Russian agents that are now ban by State Department from entering US.
And after damn near a year of having the laptop in their possession (they actually got it from the SHOP OWNER), the FBI hasn't issued a statement that the emails are fake...

If they did (and I missed it), then post the :link:
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The October surprise that's not a surprise
Have you noticed the lockdown maintain by leftist controlled mainstream media?

Something is wrong with your beliefs. You are missing something big.

If I hacked your lap top then used those information against you ( without your permission ), then exposed it in public like tweeter or Facebook.

That is a violation of your RECTUM. This is similar to a revenge porn. You cannot used those media ( tweeter or Facebook or instagram) to exposed those information violating someone unless it’s readily available in public. GOT THAT?
The October surprise that's not a surprise
Have you noticed the lockdown maintain by leftist controlled mainstream media?

That's what you do with fake news.
If it's fake news, why doesn't the FBI say something???

They've had Hunter's laptop for damn near a year, so they've certainly had plenty of time to tell if the emails are "fake"....
They are. The FBI took the laptop and trying to verify the authenticity of the emails and pictures especially it came from Guilliani who worked with Derkach and Telizhenko both Russian agents that are now ban by State Department from entering US.
And after damn near a year of having the laptop in their possession (they actually got it from the SHOP OWNER), the FBI hasn't issued a statement that the emails are fake...

If they did (and I missed it), then post the :link:
What link are you asking?
I bet Joe Biden never thought his crack-head son and his a bunch of his e-mails would be his downfall.

And they aren't. Take a look at Tramp kids before you pick on Hunter. They were born in wealth (on paper only)
'B....b...b...but Trump & his kids....'

STFU - this thread is about the China Sell-Out Joe Biden and his traitorous crackhead son Hunter.

Enough 'lie, deny, & Justify' from the criminal-defending snowflakes!

It's OVER! Its just been validated....confirmed. Joe is a criminal POS who sold out to China!

Once again, in another election, we find out the Democratic Party nominee should be in a prison cell instead of on a ballot on election day!
The Lap top and emails has nothing to do with China. What am I missing?
And they aren't. Take a look at Tramp kids before you pick on Hunter. They were born in wealth (on paper only)

They're all successful. A very pleasant change from lots of kids born into wealth.

Then you have Hunter, also born into wealth, a drug-addled kid who has never grown up. He doesn't even remember that he took three laptops, that were wet for some reason, in for repair.

Is Biden really qualified to be president if he believes everything he was told by a drug addict?
With a 10% "cut for the Big Guy"? Hunter complaining to his father that his dad (Joe) demands a piece of his income? There is no way that my kid is going to be rolling in the $Millions that was rolling into Hunter, and me never inquire as to "How in the hell are you bringing in that kind of dough?"

Turley Explains what to watch for as this story develops:

View attachment 403182

What dog isn't barking?

View attachment 403185

The New York Post confronted the Biden campaign with thousands of emails that showed clear support for allegations that Hunter Biden was given millions as part of an influence-peddling scheme related to his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The problem now is the absence of "barks" from the Biden camp. The computer files revealed a host of embarrassing pictures of Hunter Biden using drugs or exposed in other embarrassing ways. The emails contain dates and addresses that match up with confirmed records.

If they are fabricated, there were three barks that we would have expected within hours of the release.

Bark 1: This was not Hunter Biden’s computer

The most obvious response would be that this is not the computer of Hunter Biden.

So we have the question of a laptop with a “Beau Biden Foundation” sticker on it with highly incriminating files.

Someone in the campaign must have called Hunter Biden and he had to have told them whether or not it was his laptop.

The response on ownership has been crickets, for days.

Bark 2: These were not Hunter Biden’s photos or emails

Even if the campaign cannot deny that the computer was Hunter Biden’s, it could deny that these incriminating pictures and emails were his.

Again, crickets.

Note that if these are fabricated emails or pictures, this would be a serious federal crime and the basis for legal action.

The Biden camp has no shortage of lawyers. Indeed, they have been signing up lawyers in droves in preparation for election challenges.

Yet, there is not a single allegation of fraud or fabrication after days of a brewing scandal.

Bark 3: This is defamation

Perhaps this bark is the most telling. If these emails or pictures are fabricated, it is a clear case of defamation and other tort actions.

It would seem that one of the hundreds of lawyers currently lined up by the Biden campaign would fire off an "intent to sue" letter.

Truth is a defense to defamation, so the letter might start with the earlier bark and deny that this was Hunter Biden’s computer and these were Hunter Biden’s file.

One big difference between the legal and political worlds is that in the latter there is no protection for the right to remain silent. In politics, scandals can be managed but not silently.

Instead of these obvious barks, the public heard something closer to a vague whimper: that the campaign could not find any notation on Vice President Biden's official schedule that he met with a Ukrainian figure connected to the payments to his son Hunter Biden.

It would be a curious sight in itself for Biden’s official schedule to include “meeting with Ukrainian connected to Hunter.” Many meetings are not part of an official schedule that staffers know is subject to official records laws for preservation and review.

That is what is so curious about the Hunter Biden story and it is becoming “curiouser and curiouser.”

What are we free to infer from this? Well, the inference to the best explanation is obvious.
  1. This is Hunter's laptop.
  2. The Pictures, Videos and Emails are authentic.
  3. The Biden Crime Family was shaping the Foreign Policy of the United States in a fashion that pour $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions into to coffers of the Biden Crime Family, with a cut for "The Big Guy". The Family Crime Boss, Joe Biden.View attachment 403182View attachment 403185
A few of my friends in the FBI white collar crime division are speechless... They refuse to talk about this except to say they are disgusted.... The refusal to discuss this tells me there are active criminal investigations into some of the data.... IT also explains why nothing has been let out and why it was with held from Trump due to the nature of the investigation.

I have relatives in those (HIGH OFFICERS with S) agencies (with S). I asked them the same question and why they are taking so long.
The answer ( professionally) they cannot reveal any information at this time but they are being looked in to.

But to tell you they are disgusted. That is funny. How do you know that particular agents is specifically working in that case? That is why they called it (confidentiality) assigned or special agents. To tell you they are disgusted? That is kind of funny.
why are you making excuses ? you could care less if its all true ! selling out to your communist allies is a badge of honor for a democrat !

1) I doubt they are true.
2) If they were true, it has nothing to do with Joe Biden.
3) Even if Joe Biden knew his son was engaged with some bad people, Trump is still a lot worse, as 220,000 dead and 60 million unemployed will attest to.

View attachment 403145
you're backtracking now, lying as you go. This has been verified. It has been validated. Hunter's own partner has flipped and is cooperating. The State Department has already testified that Joe ignored their warning and met with them. Burma reps during a trial in Ukraine recently testified under oath that they bribed the Biden's.

You snowflakes are once again denying reality to try to protect criminals / traitors who can not be protected from existing evidence.

Biden is a proven lying, corrupt, Influence-Peddling, traitor and is China's official bitch, just like Feinstein.

Compared to Trump? That is so funny. The whole world knows that Trump is serial liar, corrupted, dishonest and disgusting defective flawed human being.
Corrupt? Biden tax returns are available.

Trump is fighting for his life to hide his tax returns all the way to SC, sued and paid millions of $ for fraud. Donnie is a Putin lover, a real TRAITOR. He is currently sued for rape waiting for DNA.

So who are you taking about?
This is the latest information from Snopes. You may want to update yourself.

The October surprise that's not a surprise
Have you noticed the lockdown maintain by leftist controlled mainstream media?

That's what you do with fake news.
If it's fake news, why doesn't the FBI say something???

They've had Hunter's laptop for damn near a year, so they've certainly had plenty of time to tell if the emails are "fake"....

This is the latest from Snopes. You may want to read it but do not stare at it to update yourself.

The biggest question is it came from Rudy who is working with 2 Russian agents Derkach and Telizhenko who are just recently ban from entering US by State Departments happened in last 4 weeks. Link below. NOT sure if this is connected to the lap top but it’s smell like a rotten fish to me.

The October surprise that's not a surprise
Have you noticed the lockdown maintain by leftist controlled mainstream media?

That's what you do with fake news.
If it's fake news, why doesn't the FBI say something???

They've had Hunter's laptop for damn near a year, so they've certainly had plenty of time to tell if the emails are "fake"....
They are. The FBI took the laptop and trying to verify the authenticity of the emails and pictures especially it came from Guilliani who worked with Derkach and Telizhenko both Russian agents that are now ban by State Department from entering US.
And after damn near a year of having the laptop in their possession (they actually got it from the SHOP OWNER), the FBI hasn't issued a statement that the emails are fake...

If they did (and I missed it), then post the :link:
Yup - another dog not barking.

The Twitter fiasco continues to reverberate. For a while, Left Wing Propagandist Scum Twitter suspended the Trump campaign’s account, as well as Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s account and many others, for linking to the New York Post’s story about Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden’s corruption. Republicans have reacted angrily, and Senator Josh Hawley, on behalf of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Terrorism and Crime has requested Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg to appear and testify at a proposed hearing titled “Digital Platforms and Election Interference.” Reportedly, the full Judiciary Committee will vote to subpoena Dorsey on Tuesday.

The issue isn’t druggy Hunter–but rather the corrupt career of Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden.

The documents show a level of corruption that is remarkable even by Swamp standards–for example, Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden proposing to take equity in a Chinese company secretly, through a 10 percent stake held on his behalf by Hunter. But how do we know that they are genuine?

First, because Biden hasn’t denied that the hard drive belonged to Hunter, and the documents contained thereon are real. His calling the Post’s stories a “smear” was a non-denial denial.

Second, because there is a witness. The Democrats have to be careful, because there is a real, live repair shop owner who is ready to explain what happened and to vouch for the integrity of the hard drive. I think this is largely why Biden et al. have gone to ground rather than seriously contest the corruption to which Hunter’s files testify.

One of America's Top Prosecutors who brought down the Mob, Rudy Giuliani explains the provenance of the Hunter Biden hard drive:
“The way I came to have this was my lawyer was contacted by this gentleman who owns this store that fixes hard drives. Hunter Biden had come into the store probably a year ago, turned over three devices. The guy couldn’t fix one, fixed the other immediately and had to keep the hard drive,” Giuliani explained. “Hunter Biden came back in two days and brought him some kind of keyboard that would help and within a fairly short period of time he had it fixed. He started calling Biden to pick it up. Couldn’t get any answer, any response, didn’t get paid.”
Druggy Hunter Dropped Off The Laptop
“For some reason Hunter Biden never showed up. One of the reasons may be, the gentleman says, Hunter Biden was so drunk that he had a little trouble even getting his name out. And since I’ve now looked at the hard drive I find that to be very credible because – and this may be an exaggeration – but he looks like he’s high on crack every other day for the last five or six years.”
Yet, Nation after Nation was eagerly giving Druggy Hunter $Millions.
The computer store owner made four copies of the hard drive but turned the original over to the FBI. He gave two copies to his friends in case he was killed. He waited four or five months before he sent letters to various Republicans asking if they would be interested in the data.
Nobody in interested, not even Republicans, not even during impeachment.
“We were the first to respond, or the only ones to respond,” the president’s personal attorney explained.
That's why we need you guys, everyone else is either in the swamp or scared of the swamp.
Giuliani’s attorney, Bob Costello, met up with the store owner and spent about a week reviewing the information it contained to make sure it was legal to release. The contract Hunter Biden signed said that if the computer wasn’t picked up in 90 days it would be considered abandoned and the owner would obtain possession.
Not Hacked. Not Stolen. Surrendered by Druggy Biden.
The information, however, wasn’t validated until Giuliani received a copy and reviewed the information. Based on dates and information from a confidential informant, Giuliani was able to validate it was, in fact, Hunter’s computer.
More details at the link. One wonders, why hasn’t the FBI done anything, given that it has had Hunter’s hard drive for ten months?
Based on what’s known, Giuliani stated Hunter Biden should be in prison for failing to register as a foreign agent, which is what Paul Manafort went to jail for.
Good point! Did Hunter register as a foreign agent? Giuliani says that he didn’t. Is that still a crime, or was it a one-time-only expedient to be used against associates of President Trump?

Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden is the ultimate swamp creature. What we know about his corruption is plenty bad enough, but what has come to light is only the tip of the iceberg.
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I bet Joe Biden never thought his crack-head son and his a bunch of his e-mails would be his downfall.

And they aren't. Take a look at Tramp kids before you pick on Hunter. They were born in wealth (on paper only)

Hunter was snorting cocaine off of a kid. Its beyond appalling and depraved.
I bet Joe Biden never thought his crack-head son and his a bunch of his e-mails would be his downfall.

Everyone knows this is a phony story. The Trump Administration was warned that the Russians were using Giuliani to spread fake information about Biden.
China really does own Joe Biden and the Biden family....and Joe Biden really did sell out his own Feinstein did.

You are the sellout. You have sold your soul to Putin by spreading false information.
I bet Joe Biden never thought his crack-head son and his a bunch of his e-mails would be his downfall.

And they aren't. Take a look at Tramp kids before you pick on Hunter. They were born in wealth (on paper only)
Hunter was snorting cocaine off of a kid. Its beyond appalling and depraved.
He needs to be in rehab. Left to his Family Crime Boss, Joe Biden, he was being dispatched to suck up bribes in exchange for Family Crime Boss Biden selling out the American People, for a cut delivered by his son who was rapidly heading for a grave. This scandal may save Hunter's life by getting him away from his terrible horrible exploitive father.

Of course, the issue isn’t Hunter–a sad, drug-addled case–but rather the light that the documents shed on the corrupt career of Joe Biden.

The Post’s documents show a level of corruption that is remarkable even by Swamp standards–for example, Joe Biden proposing to take equity in a Chinese company secretly, through a 10 percent stake held on his behalf by Hunter. But how do we know that they are genuine?

First, because Biden hasn’t denied that the hard drive belonged to Hunter, and the documents contained thereon are real. His calling the Post’s stories a “smear” was a non-denial denial.

Second, because there is a witness. The Democrats have to be careful, because there is a real, live repair shop owner who is ready to explain what happened and to vouch for the integrity of the hard drive. I think this is largely why Biden et al. have gone to ground rather than seriously contest the corruption to which Hunter’s files testify.

At Townhall, Rudy Giuliani explains the provenance of the Hunter Biden hard drive:

“The way I came to have this was my lawyer was contacted by this gentleman who owns this store that fixes hard drives. Hunter Biden had come into the store probably a year ago, turned over three devices. The guy couldn’t fix one, fixed the other immediately and had to keep the hard drive,” Giuliani explained. “Hunter Biden came back in two days and brought him some kind of keyboard that would help and within a fairly short period of time he had it fixed. He started calling Biden to pick it up. Couldn’t get any answer, any response, didn’t get paid.”
“For some reason Hunter Biden never showed up. One of the reasons may be, the gentleman says, Hunter Biden was so drunk that he had a little trouble even getting his name out. And since I’ve now looked at the hard drive I find that to be very credible because – and this may be an exaggeration – but he looks like he’s high on crack every other day for the last five or six years.”
According to Giuliani, the computer store owner made four copies of the hard drive but turned the original over to the FBI. He gave two copies to his friends in case he was killed. He waited four or five months before he sent letters to various Republicans asking if they would be interested in the data.
“We were the first to respond, or the only ones to respond,” the president’s personal attorney explained.
Giuliani’s attorney, Bob Costello, met up with the store owner and spent about a week reviewing the information it contained to make sure it was legal to release. The contract Hunter Biden signed said that if the computer wasn’t picked up in 90 days it would be considered abandoned and the owner would obtain possession.
The information, however, wasn’t validated until Giuliani received a copy and reviewed the information. Based on dates and information from a confidential informant, Giuliani was able to validate it was, in fact, Hunter’s computer.
More details at the link. One wonders, why hasn’t the FBI done anything, given that it has had Hunter’s hard drive for ten months?

Based on what’s known, Giuliani stated Hunter Biden should be in prison for failing to register as a foreign agent, which is what Paul Manafort went to jail for.
Good point! Did Hunter register as a foreign agent? Giuliani says that he didn’t. Is that still a crime, or was it a one-time-only expedient to be used against associates of President Trump?

Joe Biden is perhaps the ultimate swamp creature. What we know about his corruption is plenty bad enough, but my guess is that what has come to light is only the tip of the iceberg.


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And they aren't. Take a look at Tramp kids before you pick on Hunter. They were born in wealth (on paper only)

They're all successful. A very pleasant change from lots of kids born into wealth.

Then you have Hunter, also born into wealth, a drug-addled kid who has never grown up. He doesn't even remember that he took three laptops, that were wet for some reason, in for repair.

Is Biden really qualified to be president if he believes everything he was told by a drug addict?
With a 10% "cut for the Big Guy"? Hunter complaining to his father that his dad (Joe) demands a piece of his income? There is no way that my kid is going to be rolling in the $Millions that was rolling into Hunter, and me never inquire as to "How in the hell are you bringing in that kind of dough?"

Turley Explains what to watch for as this story develops:

View attachment 403182

What dog isn't barking?

View attachment 403185

The New York Post confronted the Biden campaign with thousands of emails that showed clear support for allegations that Hunter Biden was given millions as part of an influence-peddling scheme related to his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The problem now is the absence of "barks" from the Biden camp. The computer files revealed a host of embarrassing pictures of Hunter Biden using drugs or exposed in other embarrassing ways. The emails contain dates and addresses that match up with confirmed records.

If they are fabricated, there were three barks that we would have expected within hours of the release.

Bark 1: This was not Hunter Biden’s computer

The most obvious response would be that this is not the computer of Hunter Biden.

So we have the question of a laptop with a “Beau Biden Foundation” sticker on it with highly incriminating files.

Someone in the campaign must have called Hunter Biden and he had to have told them whether or not it was his laptop.

The response on ownership has been crickets, for days.

Bark 2: These were not Hunter Biden’s photos or emails

Even if the campaign cannot deny that the computer was Hunter Biden’s, it could deny that these incriminating pictures and emails were his.

Again, crickets.

Note that if these are fabricated emails or pictures, this would be a serious federal crime and the basis for legal action.

The Biden camp has no shortage of lawyers. Indeed, they have been signing up lawyers in droves in preparation for election challenges.

Yet, there is not a single allegation of fraud or fabrication after days of a brewing scandal.

Bark 3: This is defamation

Perhaps this bark is the most telling. If these emails or pictures are fabricated, it is a clear case of defamation and other tort actions.

It would seem that one of the hundreds of lawyers currently lined up by the Biden campaign would fire off an "intent to sue" letter.

Truth is a defense to defamation, so the letter might start with the earlier bark and deny that this was Hunter Biden’s computer and these were Hunter Biden’s file.

One big difference between the legal and political worlds is that in the latter there is no protection for the right to remain silent. In politics, scandals can be managed but not silently.

Instead of these obvious barks, the public heard something closer to a vague whimper: that the campaign could not find any notation on Vice President Biden's official schedule that he met with a Ukrainian figure connected to the payments to his son Hunter Biden.

It would be a curious sight in itself for Biden’s official schedule to include “meeting with Ukrainian connected to Hunter.” Many meetings are not part of an official schedule that staffers know is subject to official records laws for preservation and review.

That is what is so curious about the Hunter Biden story and it is becoming “curiouser and curiouser.”

What are we free to infer from this? Well, the inference to the best explanation is obvious.
  1. This is Hunter's laptop.
  2. The Pictures, Videos and Emails are authentic.
  3. The Biden Crime Family was shaping the Foreign Policy of the United States in a fashion that pour $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions into to coffers of the Biden Crime Family, with a cut for "The Big Guy". The Family Crime Boss, Joe Biden.View attachment 403182View attachment 403185
A few of my friends in the FBI white collar crime division are speechless... They refuse to talk about this except to say they are disgusted.... The refusal to discuss this tells me there are active criminal investigations into some of the data.... IT also explains why nothing has been let out and why it was with held from Trump due to the nature of the investigation.
It gets worse. And even with what we now know, be assured that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden is now facing questions over his business dealings with an oligarch in Kazakhstan.

Biden Crime Family Collects Vig From Yet Another Poor Nation.​

Biden is facing fresh questions over business dealing in yet another nation — Kazakhstan.

Between 2012 and 2014 — when his father, Family Crime Boss, Joe Biden served as Vice President — Hunter Biden worked as a go-between to Kenes Rakishev, a Kazakh oligarch with close ties to the country’s longtime kleptocratic leader Nursultan Nazarbayev, The Daily Mail reported.

The British tabloid obtained emails from “anti-corruption campaigners” in Kazakhstan showing Hunter making contact with Rakishev and attempting to facilitate investment for his cash in New York, Washington DC and a Nevada mining company.

Through his connections, emails show Hunter Biden successfully engineered a $1 million "investment" from Rakishev to filmmaker Alexandra Forbes Kerry — the daughter of ex-Sen., ex-Secretary of State for Obama, and former Democrat presidential nominee John Kerry.

Hunter Biden traveled to the country’s capital of Astana for business talks.

Rakishev repeatedly ran into problems finding western business partners due to the murky origins of his wealth. The respected International Finance Corp. pulled out a planned deal with him over “liabilities” stemming from his connections to the country’s rulers.

As in other nations like Ukraine and China where Hunter plied his trade, Family Crime Boss, Joe Biden may not have been far behind. The Mail published a photo they obtained from the “Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery” showing Hunter Biden with his beaming father alongside Rakishev.

Hunter Biden and Rakishev also enjoyed a long and chummy personal correspondence as well, emails show.

“I’m on vacation with family at Lake Michigan . . . trying to spend some much needed time with my wife and daughters. It’s my 20th anniversary of marriage tomorrow,” Hunter told Rakishev in 2013.

Family Crime Boss, Joe Biden, aka "The Big Guy" has repeatedly vouched ignorance of all of his drug addled son's multi million dollar dealings with foreign nations. So, when he is posing in pictures with the Hunter's marks, apparently, "The Big Guy" has no idea who these folks are and never inquired as to what they were getting in exchange for their $Millions they were giving Druggy Hunter, of which Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden, aka "The Big Guy", was taking a cut.
I bet Joe Biden never thought his crack-head son and his a bunch of his e-mails would be his downfall.

And they aren't. Take a look at Tramp kids before you pick on Hunter. They were born in wealth (on paper only)
Hunter was snorting cocaine off of a kid. Its beyond appalling and depraved.
He needs to be in rehab. Left to his Family Crime Boss, Joe Biden, he was being dispatched to suck up bribes in exchange for Family Crime Boss Biden selling out the American People, for a cut delivered by his son who was rapidly heading for a grave. This scandal may save Hunter's life by getting him away from his terrible horrible exploitive father.

Of course, the issue isn’t Hunter–a sad, drug-addled case–but rather the light that the documents shed on the corrupt career of Joe Biden.

The Post’s documents show a level of corruption that is remarkable even by Swamp standards–for example, Joe Biden proposing to take equity in a Chinese company secretly, through a 10 percent stake held on his behalf by Hunter. But how do we know that they are genuine?

First, because Biden hasn’t denied that the hard drive belonged to Hunter, and the documents contained thereon are real. His calling the Post’s stories a “smear” was a non-denial denial.

Second, because there is a witness. The Democrats have to be careful, because there is a real, live repair shop owner who is ready to explain what happened and to vouch for the integrity of the hard drive. I think this is largely why Biden et al. have gone to ground rather than seriously contest the corruption to which Hunter’s files testify.

At Townhall, Rudy Giuliani explains the provenance of the Hunter Biden hard drive:

“The way I came to have this was my lawyer was contacted by this gentleman who owns this store that fixes hard drives. Hunter Biden had come into the store probably a year ago, turned over three devices. The guy couldn’t fix one, fixed the other immediately and had to keep the hard drive,” Giuliani explained. “Hunter Biden came back in two days and brought him some kind of keyboard that would help and within a fairly short period of time he had it fixed. He started calling Biden to pick it up. Couldn’t get any answer, any response, didn’t get paid.”
“For some reason Hunter Biden never showed up. One of the reasons may be, the gentleman says, Hunter Biden was so drunk that he had a little trouble even getting his name out. And since I’ve now looked at the hard drive I find that to be very credible because – and this may be an exaggeration – but he looks like he’s high on crack every other day for the last five or six years.”
According to Giuliani, the computer store owner made four copies of the hard drive but turned the original over to the FBI. He gave two copies to his friends in case he was killed. He waited four or five months before he sent letters to various Republicans asking if they would be interested in the data.
“We were the first to respond, or the only ones to respond,” the president’s personal attorney explained.
Giuliani’s attorney, Bob Costello, met up with the store owner and spent about a week reviewing the information it contained to make sure it was legal to release. The contract Hunter Biden signed said that if the computer wasn’t picked up in 90 days it would be considered abandoned and the owner would obtain possession.
The information, however, wasn’t validated until Giuliani received a copy and reviewed the information. Based on dates and information from a confidential informant, Giuliani was able to validate it was, in fact, Hunter’s computer.
More details at the link. One wonders, why hasn’t the FBI done anything, given that it has had Hunter’s hard drive for ten months?

Based on what’s known, Giuliani stated Hunter Biden should be in prison for failing to register as a foreign agent, which is what Paul Manafort went to jail for.
Good point! Did Hunter register as a foreign agent? Giuliani says that he didn’t. Is that still a crime, or was it a one-time-only expedient to be used against associates of President Trump?

Joe Biden is perhaps the ultimate swamp creature. What we know about his corruption is plenty bad enough, but my guess is that what has come to light is only the tip of the iceberg.

Great points. The big issue is joe biden and what he has done with the bribery, extortion, being compromised by china, selling out the US.
I bet Joe Biden never thought his crack-head son and his a bunch of his e-mails would be his downfall.

And they aren't. Take a look at Tramp kids before you pick on Hunter. They were born in wealth (on paper only)
Hunter was snorting cocaine off of a kid. Its beyond appalling and depraved.
He needs to be in rehab. Left to his Family Crime Boss, Joe Biden, he was being dispatched to suck up bribes in exchange for Family Crime Boss Biden selling out the American People, for a cut delivered by his son who was rapidly heading for a grave. This scandal may save Hunter's life by getting him away from his terrible horrible exploitive father.

Of course, the issue isn’t Hunter–a sad, drug-addled case–but rather the light that the documents shed on the corrupt career of Joe Biden.

The Post’s documents show a level of corruption that is remarkable even by Swamp standards–for example, Joe Biden proposing to take equity in a Chinese company secretly, through a 10 percent stake held on his behalf by Hunter. But how do we know that they are genuine?

First, because Biden hasn’t denied that the hard drive belonged to Hunter, and the documents contained thereon are real. His calling the Post’s stories a “smear” was a non-denial denial.

Second, because there is a witness. The Democrats have to be careful, because there is a real, live repair shop owner who is ready to explain what happened and to vouch for the integrity of the hard drive. I think this is largely why Biden et al. have gone to ground rather than seriously contest the corruption to which Hunter’s files testify.

At Townhall, Rudy Giuliani explains the provenance of the Hunter Biden hard drive:

“The way I came to have this was my lawyer was contacted by this gentleman who owns this store that fixes hard drives. Hunter Biden had come into the store probably a year ago, turned over three devices. The guy couldn’t fix one, fixed the other immediately and had to keep the hard drive,” Giuliani explained. “Hunter Biden came back in two days and brought him some kind of keyboard that would help and within a fairly short period of time he had it fixed. He started calling Biden to pick it up. Couldn’t get any answer, any response, didn’t get paid.”
“For some reason Hunter Biden never showed up. One of the reasons may be, the gentleman says, Hunter Biden was so drunk that he had a little trouble even getting his name out. And since I’ve now looked at the hard drive I find that to be very credible because – and this may be an exaggeration – but he looks like he’s high on crack every other day for the last five or six years.”
According to Giuliani, the computer store owner made four copies of the hard drive but turned the original over to the FBI. He gave two copies to his friends in case he was killed. He waited four or five months before he sent letters to various Republicans asking if they would be interested in the data.
“We were the first to respond, or the only ones to respond,” the president’s personal attorney explained.
Giuliani’s attorney, Bob Costello, met up with the store owner and spent about a week reviewing the information it contained to make sure it was legal to release. The contract Hunter Biden signed said that if the computer wasn’t picked up in 90 days it would be considered abandoned and the owner would obtain possession.
The information, however, wasn’t validated until Giuliani received a copy and reviewed the information. Based on dates and information from a confidential informant, Giuliani was able to validate it was, in fact, Hunter’s computer.
More details at the link. One wonders, why hasn’t the FBI done anything, given that it has had Hunter’s hard drive for ten months?

Based on what’s known, Giuliani stated Hunter Biden should be in prison for failing to register as a foreign agent, which is what Paul Manafort went to jail for.
Good point! Did Hunter register as a foreign agent? Giuliani says that he didn’t. Is that still a crime, or was it a one-time-only expedient to be used against associates of President Trump?

Joe Biden is perhaps the ultimate swamp creature. What we know about his corruption is plenty bad enough, but my guess is that what has come to light is only the tip of the iceberg.

Great points. The big issue is joe biden and what he has done with the bribery, extortion, being compromised by china, selling out the US.

Today the Post featured a story even more explosive than the one Twitter and Facebook tried to suppress yesterday:
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family.” emails obtained by The Post show.

One email sent to Biden on May 13, 2017, with the subject line “Expectations,” included details of “remuneration packages” for six people involved in an unspecified business venture.
The emails indicate that Hunter was to receive an annual salary of $850,000. Somewhere on the planet there is a greedier person than Hunter Biden, but you would have to look hard to find him. But of course, no one cared then, or now, about Hunter.
In addition, the email outlined a “provisional agreement” under which 80 percent of the “equity,” or shares in the new company, would be split equally among four people whose initials correspond to the sender and three recipients, with “H” apparently referring to Biden.

H is obviously Hunter, and Jim is no doubt Jim Biden, Crime Family Boss, Joe’s brother. But who is “the big guy” on whose behalf Hunter would take an additional 10 percent of the company’s equity? Let’s be clear here: Hunter Biden is a crack-smoking, barely employable nobody. A Chinese conglomerate would not cut Hunter in on a proposed business deal in order to obtain his non-existent expertise. Rather, the point of Hunter’s involvement can only be “the big guy,” on whose behalf Hunter would take an additional 10 percent of the proposed company’s shares. Is the big guy former Vice President and, as of May 2017, likely presidential contender Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden? I can’t think of any plausible alternative.

Instead of trying to suppress the Post’s coverage, based on Hunter’s abandoned hard drive that is now in the possession of the FBI, reporters might consider asking Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden about his history of enriching himself and his family at the expense of the American people.
because of President Biden's policies from 2008 to 2016, China...don't let your children see this post...China SCREWS US ON TRADE! And Bernie's fans know that, that's why 3 out of 4 them will vote for Trump, ensuring he continues to be president...FOR AN ETERNITY!
Something is wrong with your beliefs. You are missing something big.

If I hacked your lap top then used those information against you ( without your permission ), then exposed it in public like tweeter or Facebook.

That is a violation of your RECTUM. This is similar to a revenge porn. You cannot used those media ( tweeter or Facebook or instagram) to exposed those information violating someone unless it’s readily available in public. GOT THAT?

What is this supposed to mean?

Nothing was hacked. Where does that come from?

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