Confirmed: CHINA OWNS JOE - Joe Biden's Dirty Little Secret / Influence Peddling Exposed

More fake Russian propaganda. The Trump cult is so easily led but of course the posters may be Russian tolls. Kinda like a troll circle jerk, Funny. LOL

You may want to keep your powder dry, the authenticity of the emails, photos, and videos has been confirmed. This is going to get a lot worse for Democrats.
why are you making excuses ? you could care less if its all true ! selling out to your communist allies is a badge of honor for a democrat !

1) I doubt they are true.
2) If they were true, it has nothing to do with Joe Biden.
3) Even if Joe Biden knew his son was engaged with some bad people, Trump is still a lot worse, as 220,000 dead and 60 million unemployed will attest to.

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you're backtracking now, lying as you go. This has been verified. It has been validated. Hunter's own partner has flipped and is cooperating. The State Department has already testified that Joe ignored their warning and met with them. Burma reps during a trial in Ukraine recently testified under oath that they bribed the Biden's.

You snowflakes are once again denying reality to try to protect criminals / traitors who can not be protected from existing evidence.

Biden is a proven lying, corrupt, Influence-Peddling, traitor and is China's official bitch, just like Feinstein.

You may want to keep your powder dry, the authenticity of the emails, photos, and videos has been confirmed. This is going to get a lot worse for Democrats.

Actually, if the best you have is Hunter in a bathing suit with his girlfriend, you really are kind of weak.
you're backtracking now, lying as you go. This has been verified. It has been validated. Hunter's own partner has flipped and is cooperating. The State Department has already testified that Joe ignored their warning and met with them. Burma reps during a trial in Ukraine recently testified under oath that they bribed the Biden's.

Okay, I realize that you are going hysterical now, but even Fox is backing away from this...

Let's not forget, this kind of shit is what got Trump impeached. I know it's hard to remember that, as we've had him fuck up so many other things since.
Okay, I realize you think this is something that I should care about... but I don't.

You know what I care about? The tens of thousands of dollars I've lost in Trump's recession.

That's what most people are going to care about.

I bet you'd "care" if it was a drug-addled Trump son who was selling influence to our major enemy in the world.

As you know too, it was a Trump boom and CHINA recession. Personally, I've already made back all I lost and a lot more.
Thank you very much for admitting Joe Biden is a lying, treasonous piece of shit!

Joe Biden claimed he knew nothing about what Hunter was doing...despite the e-mails and his 14-hour flight to China during they never spoke about how Hunter was tagging along on the tax payer-funded flight to sell out the US and sell his dad's influence while there?!

Okay, I realize you think this is something that I should care about... but I don't.

You know what I care about? The tens of thousands of dollars I've lost in Trump's recession.

That's what most people are going to care about.
what business are you in ?
More fake Russian propaganda. The Trump cult is so easily led but of course the posters may be Russian tolls. Kinda like a troll circle jerk, Funny. LOL

You may want to keep your powder dry, the authenticity of the emails, photos, and videos has been confirmed. This is going to get a lot worse for Democrats.
it wont matter to the communist America hating dems ...hopefully the independent voters will come to the right conclusion.
I bet you'd "care" if it was a drug-addled Trump son who was selling influence to our major enemy in the world.

As you know too, it was a Trump boom and CHINA recession. Personally, I've already made back all I lost and a lot more.

Actually, you'd be hard pressed to find any comments from me on the antics of Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric...

I mostly ignore them.

Trump was the one who fucked up the plague and the recession and the riots.

So you got your Double Wide out of hock from the Pawn Shop? I'm happy for you.
We're still waiting for a Biden official denial.
Meantime, the E-Mails are confirmed!

Confirmed to be fakes..

View attachment 403144
Who confirmed them to be fake????

The FBI???

Or some bullshit leftist site that just likes to spew bullshit (without any evidence)???

Sorry, Joey, but if you want to claim the emails are fake, we need a :link: from a credible source....
Thank you very much for admitting Joe Biden is a lying, treasonous piece of shit!

Joe Biden claimed he knew nothing about what Hunter was doing...despite the e-mails and his 14-hour flight to China during they never spoke about how Hunter was tagging along on the tax payer-funded flight to sell out the US and sell his dad's influence while there?!

Okay, I realize you think this is something that I should care about... but I don't.

You know what I care about? The tens of thousands of dollars I've lost in Trump's recession.

That's what most people are going to care about.
You should care about the fact that you have been defending and making excuses for a traitor, that Joe got Busted, & even you just admitted Joe had a meeting Joe himself still denies, despite pictures showing them together.

All Joe can do now is continue to deny all the undeniable evidence, which makes him look even more mentally unstable.

Pelosi plans to remove his dementia-suffering ass 5 minutes after he takes the oath of office if he wins anyway...that is if the Democrats and Deep State protects his proven criminal ads, as they did with Hillary, long enough to make it to election day.

Again, the Democrats are exposed for having their nomination to another criminal traitor who belongs in prison instead of on a ballot...for the 2nd Presidential election in a row.

Next time instead of a name on the ballot they should just put their candidate's prison inmate #.

I bet you'd "care" if it was a drug-addled Trump son who was selling influence to our major enemy in the world.

As you know too, it was a Trump boom and CHINA recession. Personally, I've already made back all I lost and a lot more.

Actually, you'd be hard pressed to find any comments from me on the antics of Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric...

I mostly ignore them.

Trump was the one who fucked up the plague and the recession and the riots.

So you got your Double Wide out of hock from the Pawn Shop? I'm happy for you.
pBwuhahahaha....sheer panic. Now you are just ranting, spewing hate.

Thank you very much for admitting Joe Biden is a lying, treasonous piece of shit!

Joe Biden claimed he knew nothing about what Hunter was doing...despite the e-mails and his 14-hour flight to China during they never spoke about how Hunter was tagging along on the tax payer-funded flight to sell out the US and sell his dad's influence while there?!

Okay, I realize you think this is something that I should care about... but I don't.

You know what I care about? The tens of thousands of dollars I've lost in Trump's recession.

That's what most people are going to care about.
what business are you in ?
Joey does padded resumes for people that are pretty much unemployable....

It seems his business suffered when unemployment got so low that employers were desperate enough to hire almost anybody (rendering Joey's services unnecessary).... :laughing0301:

So you deny already existing confirmation / evidence this laptop and the e-mails are really Hunter Biden's?!

"Hunter Biden’s attorney called John Paul’s shop a few days ago and asked for Hunter’s computers back."

The e-mail sent from Hunter Biden's lawyer to the owner of the computer repair store ASKING FOR HUNTER BIDEN'S LAPTOP BACK has been reported / published.

(What a f*ing idiot...)

So you're saying Hunter was swapping emails with Russian agents????

After all, they were on his laptop!!!!

Except we don't know it was his laptop.... The Blind computer shop owner said it was... Um. yeah. Seriously, the computer shop owner who took in the computer was legally blind.

Yeah, right!

Hunter Biden email detailing alleged Chinese ties confirmed by source: report
By Kenneth Garger
October 16, 2020 | 10:47pm

An email thread that appears to show Hunter Biden pursuing a lucrative energy business deal in China — and possibly cutting his father in on the action — has been verified as authentic by one of its recipients, Fox News reported Friday night.

The Fox report also cast light on a tantalizing mystery in the emails, as first raised by The Post — a reference to 10 percent of the proposed business’s equity perhaps going to “The big guy.”

“The big guy” was a reference to Joe Biden, Fox revealed, citing unnamed “sources.”

If these pictures existed, you'd have posted them by now with the naughty bits blurred out.

They don't.

Well, you're not too proud to keep embarrassing yourself, I'll give you that! Now WHY you are proud of it, I have no clue.
why are you making excuses ? you could care less if its all true ! selling out to your communist allies is a badge of honor for a democrat !

1) I doubt they are true.
2) If they were true, it has nothing to do with Joe Biden.
3) Even if Joe Biden knew his son was engaged with some bad people, Trump is still a lot worse, as 220,000 dead and 60 million unemployed will attest to.

View attachment 403145
Tell me why Hunter Biden's attorneys were demanding that the lap top be returned? Explain that to me... I'll Wait..
I bet you'd "care" if it was a drug-addled Trump son who was selling influence to our major enemy in the world.

As you know too, it was a Trump boom and CHINA recession. Personally, I've already made back all I lost and a lot more.

Actually, you'd be hard pressed to find any comments from me on the antics of Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric...

I mostly ignore them.

Trump was the one who fucked up the plague and the recession and the riots.

So you got your Double Wide out of hock from the Pawn Shop? I'm happy for you.

Of course, you have nothing to say about the Trump kids, they're good, hard working people who are successful. What would you have to say?

Then you lie about the China Virus and the riots in Democrat-led cities. Go for it!

And they aren't. Take a look at Tramp kids before you pick on Hunter. They were born in wealth (on paper only)

They're all successful. A very pleasant change from lots of kids born into wealth.

Then you have Hunter, also born into wealth, a drug-addled kid who has never grown up. He doesn't even remember that he took three laptops, that were wet for some reason, in for repair.

Is Biden really qualified to be president if he believes everything he was told by a drug addict?
With a 10% "cut for the Big Guy"? Hunter complaining to his father that his dad (Joe) demands a piece of his income? There is no way that my kid is going to be rolling in the $Millions that was rolling into Hunter, and me never inquire as to "How in the hell are you bringing in that kind of dough?"

Turley Explains what to watch for as this story develops:


What dog isn't barking?


The New York Post confronted the Biden campaign with thousands of emails that showed clear support for allegations that Hunter Biden was given millions as part of an influence-peddling scheme related to his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The problem now is the absence of "barks" from the Biden camp. The computer files revealed a host of embarrassing pictures of Hunter Biden using drugs or exposed in other embarrassing ways. The emails contain dates and addresses that match up with confirmed records.

If they are fabricated, there were three barks that we would have expected within hours of the release.

Bark 1: This was not Hunter Biden’s computer

The most obvious response would be that this is not the computer of Hunter Biden.

So we have the question of a laptop with a “Beau Biden Foundation” sticker on it with highly incriminating files.

Someone in the campaign must have called Hunter Biden and he had to have told them whether or not it was his laptop.

The response on ownership has been crickets, for days.

Bark 2: These were not Hunter Biden’s photos or emails

Even if the campaign cannot deny that the computer was Hunter Biden’s, it could deny that these incriminating pictures and emails were his.

Again, crickets.

Note that if these are fabricated emails or pictures, this would be a serious federal crime and the basis for legal action.

The Biden camp has no shortage of lawyers. Indeed, they have been signing up lawyers in droves in preparation for election challenges.

Yet, there is not a single allegation of fraud or fabrication after days of a brewing scandal.

Bark 3: This is defamation

Perhaps this bark is the most telling. If these emails or pictures are fabricated, it is a clear case of defamation and other tort actions.

It would seem that one of the hundreds of lawyers currently lined up by the Biden campaign would fire off an "intent to sue" letter.

Truth is a defense to defamation, so the letter might start with the earlier bark and deny that this was Hunter Biden’s computer and these were Hunter Biden’s file.

One big difference between the legal and political worlds is that in the latter there is no protection for the right to remain silent. In politics, scandals can be managed but not silently.

Instead of these obvious barks, the public heard something closer to a vague whimper: that the campaign could not find any notation on Vice President Biden's official schedule that he met with a Ukrainian figure connected to the payments to his son Hunter Biden.

It would be a curious sight in itself for Biden’s official schedule to include “meeting with Ukrainian connected to Hunter.” Many meetings are not part of an official schedule that staffers know is subject to official records laws for preservation and review.

That is what is so curious about the Hunter Biden story and it is becoming “curiouser and curiouser.”

What are we free to infer from this? Well, the inference to the best explanation is obvious.
  1. This is Hunter's laptop.
  2. The Pictures, Videos and Emails are authentic.
  3. The Biden Crime Family was shaping the Foreign Policy of the United States in a fashion that pour $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions into to coffers of the Biden Crime Family, with a cut for "The Big Guy". The Family Crime Boss, Joe Biden.

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