Confirmed..Chinese read Clinton emails in real time

Why is Trump suddenly so keen to have the Chinese angle investigated...when he's been strangely silent about a possible Russian hack?
Makes ya go "hmmmmmm".

Are you really this stupid? I understand your desperation to support your little shrillary, but c'mon. This is a real fucking big deal. It has nothing to do with trump, it has everything to do with the security of this nation.
Trump will do a major press conference:

1. charging Hillary and Strzok with spying for China

2. Mueller knew the FISA warrant was a crick, his investigation ends and

3. Sessions is fired and deported.
Can Hillary and Strzok be indicted as accessories in the murders or our Chinese spy network?
Why is Trump suddenly so keen to have the Chinese angle investigated...when he's been strangely silent about a possible Russian hack?
Makes ya go "hmmmmmm".

So why was barry silent about russian hacking attempts when he was warned years ago?
Oh, of course...the old "But, What About...?" argument.
That absolves everyone of everything.
Don't you just love the smell of diversion desperation.
Any link beside FOX? You know better then that OP especially for breaking news...


Yeah. CSPan.. You want to go wading thru an hour of congress critters voguing for the cameras?

The IG report is real. The IG office forwarded the info to the FBI. Unfortunately, the FBI contact was Peter Strzok, who BURIED this (predictably). The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server. It's not new. What's new is how the FBI BURIED the lead.

Your claim, "The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server" is suspect, to put it charitably.

FBI rejects fringe report, promoted by Trump, that China hacked Hillary Clinton's emails

'The Daily Caller's story appears to have originated not with the Justice Department, but from a claim by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who said during a July House committee hearing that virtually all of Clinton's emails had been obtained by a "foreign entity." The source of his knowledge, Gohmert said, was a report produced by the Intelligence Community Inspector General, a CIA watchdog agency.

The Daily Caller did not confirm the existence of such a report, instead citing an anonymous former intelligence officer who it said had been briefed on what the ICIG report contained.

In pushing back on the Daily Caller's story, however, the FBI on Wednesday pointed to its own report, issued by the Justice Department Inspector General in June. That report said the "FBI investigation and its forensic analysis did not find evidence that Clinton's email server systems were compromised."'

You expect the FBI to turn itself in for suppressing what they knew about the Hillary server being compromised??? :auiqs.jpg:

This is not news. There are credible reports that the Comey's "non-indictment" indictment that he read to the world had different wording on the phrasing of whether her server had been compromised.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A draft statement former FBI Director James Comey prepared in anticipation of concluding the Hillary Clinton email case without criminal charges was heavily edited to change the "tone and substance" of the remarks, a Republican senator said Thursday.

Some of the edits proposed to the May 2016 draft, obtained by The Associated Press, appear to soften the gravity of the bureau's findings.

Comey, for instance, initially wrote that the FBI believed that Clinton and her aides were "grossly negligent" in their handling of classified information, language also contained in the relevant criminal statute.

But the text was edited to say they were simply "extremely careless" in their use of a personal email server, a phrase Comey adopted for his July 5 public announcement that the FBI would not be recommending charges.

In addition, while Comey initially said it was "reasonably likely" that "hostile actors" had gained access to Clinton's email server, the text was edited to say that such an intrusion was "possible."

The original version noted that the FBI had worked with partners in the intelligence community to determine whether the server had been compromised. While it was unclear what significance this had, it was omitted from Comey's final text.

[[[flacaltenn-- maybe NOW we know who the "partners in the intelligence community were that Comey is referring to.. Could be a cover-thine-ass for the fact that the IGeneral INFORMED them of the "hostile actor" intrusions" and they chose to cover it up.. ]]]]

Hillary Clinton’s Email Was Probably Hacked, Experts Say

When the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said on Tuesday that his investigators had no “direct evidence” that Hillary Clinton’s email account had been “successfully hacked,” both private experts and federal investigators immediately understood his meaning: It very likely had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work.

Mr. Comey described, in fairly blistering terms, a set of email practices that left Mrs. Clinton’s systems wide open to Russian and Chinese hackers, and an array of others. She had no full-time cybersecurity professional monitoring her system. She took her BlackBerry everywhere she went, “sending and receiving work-related emails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries.” Her use of “a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent.”

“Reading between the lines and following Comey’s logic, it does sound as if the F.B.I. believes a compromise of Clinton’s email is more likely than not,” said Adam Segal, the author of “Hacked World Order,” who studies cyberissues at the Council on Foreign Relations. “Sophisticated attackers would have known of the existence of the account, would have targeted it and would not have been seen.”

Mr. Comey couched his concern on Tuesday by repeating the intelligence community’s favorite phrase — “we assess” — four times, but ultimately reached no hard-and-fast conclusion. “We assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal email account,” he said.

But Mr. Comey painted a different picture.

“Hostile actors gained access to the private commercial email accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact,” he said.

And that would have meant that tracking the trail of electronic breadcrumbs back to her server would have been a pretty simple task. After that, their ability to break in would have been a mix of skill and luck, but they had plenty of time to get it right.

Hillary screwed up national security sixteen ways with her arrogance and paranoia. There's NO DOUBT if her prime correspondents were hacked that most of world's Intel orgs KNEW of the server and attacked it..

Can Hillary and Strzok be indicted as accessories in the murders or our Chinese spy network?

Excellent point chief.. Not saying this is related. But it fits the time frame. And folks should be reminded that we never FOUND and prosecutor the traitor that helped the Chinese.. Or at least, nothing ever went public.

Report: China executed at least a dozen CIA agents from 2010-12

The New York Times is reporting that the Chinese government executed at least a dozen US intelligence agents and sources from 2010-12 thus destroying a network the agency had built over a period of many years.

The Chinese also imprisoned several other US assets, leaving the agency's Chinese intelligence operations in shambles.

Beijing killed at least a dozen CIA sources and imprisoned several others, former and current U.S. officials told The New York Times. One asset was reportedly shot in front of his coworkers. The systematic campaign largely did away with a CIA espionage network that took the U.S. years to build.

Intelligence coming out of China was at its best early in 2010, but by the end of the year, the flow had decreased. By 2011, the CIA realized that their sources were disappearing.

THIS is the reason for security protocols and secured communications. And that was the RISK that Hillary put on our key figures and assets and sources abroad with her arrogance and defiance.

Your claim, "The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server" is suspect, to put it charitably.

FBI rejects fringe report, promoted by Trump, that China hacked Hillary Clinton's emails

'The Daily Caller's story appears to have originated not with the Justice Department, but from a claim by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who said during a July House committee hearing that virtually all of Clinton's emails had been obtained by a "foreign entity." The source of his knowledge, Gohmert said, was a report produced by the Intelligence Community Inspector General, a CIA watchdog agency.

The Daily Caller did not confirm the existence of such a report, instead citing an anonymous former intelligence officer who it said had been briefed on what the ICIG report contained.

In pushing back on the Daily Caller's story, however, the FBI on Wednesday pointed to its own report, issued by the Justice Department Inspector General in June. That report said the "FBI investigation and its forensic analysis did not find evidence that Clinton's email server systems were compromised."'

In a way, you have to admire the goofs.

Clinton's email server was practically open to everyone, or so they claim, and thus it should be obvious that dozens of intelligence services practically owned it, along with, very likely, a host of more skillful hackers. That serves to demonstrate the egregiousness of Hillary's conduct.

Says the FBI: But we didn't find any evidence for a breach. Counter the goofs: But that's because all these hackers were so skillful, neither of them left a single trace behind. Which, if true, means there cannot be any evidence, hence the claims that there was a breach - let alone dozens of breaches - are based on hot air.

But yeah, "Crucify her (anyway)!"

But, you know, on the other side of that debate shows up that force of nature, that towering intellect and beacon of forensic cyber skills, the most sincere and hon. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas. Makes you shake in your boots, that one.

I s
Your claim, "The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server" is suspect, to put it charitably.

FBI rejects fringe report, promoted by Trump, that China hacked Hillary Clinton's emails

'The Daily Caller's story appears to have originated not with the Justice Department, but from a claim by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who said during a July House committee hearing that virtually all of Clinton's emails had been obtained by a "foreign entity." The source of his knowledge, Gohmert said, was a report produced by the Intelligence Community Inspector General, a CIA watchdog agency.

The Daily Caller did not confirm the existence of such a report, instead citing an anonymous former intelligence officer who it said had been briefed on what the ICIG report contained.

In pushing back on the Daily Caller's story, however, the FBI on Wednesday pointed to its own report, issued by the Justice Department Inspector General in June. That report said the "FBI investigation and its forensic analysis did not find evidence that Clinton's email server systems were compromised."'

In a way, you have to admire the goofs.

Clinton's email server was practically open to everyone, or so they claim, and thus it should be obvious that dozens of intelligence services practically owned it, along with, very likely, a host of more skillful hackers. That serves to demonstrate the egregiousness of Hillary's conduct.

Says the FBI: But we didn't find any evidence for a breach. Counter the goofs: But that's because all these hackers were so skillful, neither of them left a single trace behind. Which, if true, means there cannot be any evidence, hence the claims that there was a breach - let alone dozens of breaches - are based on hot air.

But yeah, "Crucify her (anyway)!"

But, you know, on the other side of that debate shows up that force of nature, that towering intellect and beacon of forensic cyber skills, the most sincere and hon. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas. Makes you shake in your boots, that one.


I see we still have utterly clueless posters still trying to pretend the FBI has credibility or something. lol what a hoot.
Any link beside FOX? You know better then that OP especially for breaking news...


Yeah. CSPan.. You want to go wading thru an hour of congress critters voguing for the cameras?

The IG report is real. The IG office forwarded the info to the FBI. Unfortunately, the FBI contact was Peter Strzok, who BURIED this (predictably). The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server. It's not new. What's new is how the FBI BURIED the lead.

Your claim, "The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server" is suspect, to put it charitably.

FBI rejects fringe report, promoted by Trump, that China hacked Hillary Clinton's emails

'The Daily Caller's story appears to have originated not with the Justice Department, but from a claim by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who said during a July House committee hearing that virtually all of Clinton's emails had been obtained by a "foreign entity." The source of his knowledge, Gohmert said, was a report produced by the Intelligence Community Inspector General, a CIA watchdog agency.

The Daily Caller did not confirm the existence of such a report, instead citing an anonymous former intelligence officer who it said had been briefed on what the ICIG report contained.

In pushing back on the Daily Caller's story, however, the FBI on Wednesday pointed to its own report, issued by the Justice Department Inspector General in June. That report said the "FBI investigation and its forensic analysis did not find evidence that Clinton's email server systems were compromised."'

You expect the FBI to turn itself in for suppressing what they knew about the Hillary server being compromised??? :auiqs.jpg:

This is not news. There are credible reports that the Comey's "non-indictment" indictment that he read to the world had different wording on the phrasing of whether her server had been compromised.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A draft statement former FBI Director James Comey prepared in anticipation of concluding the Hillary Clinton email case without criminal charges was heavily edited to change the "tone and substance" of the remarks, a Republican senator said Thursday.

Some of the edits proposed to the May 2016 draft, obtained by The Associated Press, appear to soften the gravity of the bureau's findings.

Comey, for instance, initially wrote that the FBI believed that Clinton and her aides were "grossly negligent" in their handling of classified information, language also contained in the relevant criminal statute.

But the text was edited to say they were simply "extremely careless" in their use of a personal email server, a phrase Comey adopted for his July 5 public announcement that the FBI would not be recommending charges.

In addition, while Comey initially said it was "reasonably likely" that "hostile actors" had gained access to Clinton's email server, the text was edited to say that such an intrusion was "possible."

The original version noted that the FBI had worked with partners in the intelligence community to determine whether the server had been compromised. While it was unclear what significance this had, it was omitted from Comey's final text.

[[[flacaltenn-- maybe NOW we know who the "partners in the intelligence community were that Comey is referring to.. Could be a cover-thine-ass for the fact that the IGeneral INFORMED them of the "hostile actor" intrusions" and they chose to cover it up.. ]]]]

Hillary Clinton’s Email Was Probably Hacked, Experts Say

When the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said on Tuesday that his investigators had no “direct evidence” that Hillary Clinton’s email account had been “successfully hacked,” both private experts and federal investigators immediately understood his meaning: It very likely had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work.

Mr. Comey described, in fairly blistering terms, a set of email practices that left Mrs. Clinton’s systems wide open to Russian and Chinese hackers, and an array of others. She had no full-time cybersecurity professional monitoring her system. She took her BlackBerry everywhere she went, “sending and receiving work-related emails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries.” Her use of “a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent.”

“Reading between the lines and following Comey’s logic, it does sound as if the F.B.I. believes a compromise of Clinton’s email is more likely than not,” said Adam Segal, the author of “Hacked World Order,” who studies cyberissues at the Council on Foreign Relations. “Sophisticated attackers would have known of the existence of the account, would have targeted it and would not have been seen.”

Mr. Comey couched his concern on Tuesday by repeating the intelligence community’s favorite phrase — “we assess” — four times, but ultimately reached no hard-and-fast conclusion. “We assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal email account,” he said.

But Mr. Comey painted a different picture.

“Hostile actors gained access to the private commercial email accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact,” he said.

And that would have meant that tracking the trail of electronic breadcrumbs back to her server would have been a pretty simple task. After that, their ability to break in would have been a mix of skill and luck, but they had plenty of time to get it right.

Hillary screwed up national security sixteen ways with her arrogance and paranoia. There's NO DOUBT if her prime correspondents were hacked that most of world's Intel orgs KNEW of the server and attacked it..

That was a ton of verbiage, none of which backed your claim that ""The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server."

Did you notice that?
I s
Your claim, "The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server" is suspect, to put it charitably.

FBI rejects fringe report, promoted by Trump, that China hacked Hillary Clinton's emails

'The Daily Caller's story appears to have originated not with the Justice Department, but from a claim by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who said during a July House committee hearing that virtually all of Clinton's emails had been obtained by a "foreign entity." The source of his knowledge, Gohmert said, was a report produced by the Intelligence Community Inspector General, a CIA watchdog agency.

The Daily Caller did not confirm the existence of such a report, instead citing an anonymous former intelligence officer who it said had been briefed on what the ICIG report contained.

In pushing back on the Daily Caller's story, however, the FBI on Wednesday pointed to its own report, issued by the Justice Department Inspector General in June. That report said the "FBI investigation and its forensic analysis did not find evidence that Clinton's email server systems were compromised."'

In a way, you have to admire the goofs.

Clinton's email server was practically open to everyone, or so they claim, and thus it should be obvious that dozens of intelligence services practically owned it, along with, very likely, a host of more skillful hackers. That serves to demonstrate the egregiousness of Hillary's conduct.

Says the FBI: But we didn't find any evidence for a breach. Counter the goofs: But that's because all these hackers were so skillful, neither of them left a single trace behind. Which, if true, means there cannot be any evidence, hence the claims that there was a breach - let alone dozens of breaches - are based on hot air.

But yeah, "Crucify her (anyway)!"

But, you know, on the other side of that debate shows up that force of nature, that towering intellect and beacon of forensic cyber skills, the most sincere and hon. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas. Makes you shake in your boots, that one.


I see we still have utterly clueless posters still trying to pretend the FBI has credibility or something. lol what a hoot.

Do you think Trump has credibility?
Your claim, "The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server" is suspect, to put it charitably.

FBI rejects fringe report, promoted by Trump, that China hacked Hillary Clinton's emails

'The Daily Caller's story appears to have originated not with the Justice Department, but from a claim by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who said during a July House committee hearing that virtually all of Clinton's emails had been obtained by a "foreign entity." The source of his knowledge, Gohmert said, was a report produced by the Intelligence Community Inspector General, a CIA watchdog agency.

The Daily Caller did not confirm the existence of such a report, instead citing an anonymous former intelligence officer who it said had been briefed on what the ICIG report contained.

In pushing back on the Daily Caller's story, however, the FBI on Wednesday pointed to its own report, issued by the Justice Department Inspector General in June. That report said the "FBI investigation and its forensic analysis did not find evidence that Clinton's email server systems were compromised."'

In a way, you have to admire the goofs.

Clinton's email server was practically open to everyone, or so they claim, and thus it should be obvious that dozens of intelligence services practically owned it, along with, very likely, a host of more skillful hackers. That serves to demonstrate the egregiousness of Hillary's conduct.

Says the FBI: But we didn't find any evidence for a breach. Counter the goofs: But that's because all these hackers were so skillful, neither of them left a single trace behind. Which, if true, means there cannot be any evidence, hence the claims that there was a breach - let alone dozens of breaches - are based on hot air.

But yeah, "Crucify her (anyway)!"

But, you know, on the other side of that debate shows up that force of nature, that towering intellect and beacon of forensic cyber skills, the most sincere and hon. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas. Makes you shake in your boots, that one.


They're true believers, and they get their intel briefings from Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Alex Jones.
A Chinese state-owned company reportedly hacked former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server, then inserted code that forwarded them a copy of virtually every email she sent or received after that -- a revelation President Trump is demanding be investigated.


The code reportedly was discovered in 2015 by the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), which then warned FBI officials of the intrusion.

A source briefed on the matter confirmed to Fox News the details of the Caller’s reporting, and said that the ICIG was so concerned by the revelation that officials drove over to the FBI to inform agents -- including anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok -- of the development after it was discovered via the emails' metadata.

Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton's server, got copy of every email in real-time

Another Clinton scandal covered up by the FBI, while they leaked a dossier they knew was fake in order to get a FISA warrant to investigate Trump's campaign.

Fake news vs real threat. Imagine what the Chinese would have known about a President Hillary. Talk about blackmail with a capital "B".

The Justice Department is so corrupt..I'm not sure it can be salvaged.

The report says 'reportedly'. Right in the headline. And you take that to mean 'confirmed'?

You honestly do not know the difference between 'reportedly' and 'confirmed'?

I guess most of you Trumpbots really are uneducated.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?
The report says 'reportedly'. Right in the headline. And you take that to mean 'confirmed'?

Why do you repeat the obviously fraudulent term "reportedly", when the link goes to Faux Gnus? They are an entertainment outfit, tailored to the baser needs of white, mostly male, demented geezers with a median age of around 79, desperately seeking for ways to incite them without the meat-heads crossing the limits of both their lazy, apathetic brains and their pacemakers. Everyone posting a link to that outfit should be laughed out of polite company, as should be everyone who would take such link seriously. If this place had any - even the most lowly - standard, anyone thinking (let's be charitable here) that anything should be deemed "confirmed" because it was "reported" by Faux Gnus would be banned for life.
I s
Your claim, "The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server" is suspect, to put it charitably.

FBI rejects fringe report, promoted by Trump, that China hacked Hillary Clinton's emails

'The Daily Caller's story appears to have originated not with the Justice Department, but from a claim by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who said during a July House committee hearing that virtually all of Clinton's emails had been obtained by a "foreign entity." The source of his knowledge, Gohmert said, was a report produced by the Intelligence Community Inspector General, a CIA watchdog agency.

The Daily Caller did not confirm the existence of such a report, instead citing an anonymous former intelligence officer who it said had been briefed on what the ICIG report contained.

In pushing back on the Daily Caller's story, however, the FBI on Wednesday pointed to its own report, issued by the Justice Department Inspector General in June. That report said the "FBI investigation and its forensic analysis did not find evidence that Clinton's email server systems were compromised."'

In a way, you have to admire the goofs.

Clinton's email server was practically open to everyone, or so they claim, and thus it should be obvious that dozens of intelligence services practically owned it, along with, very likely, a host of more skillful hackers. That serves to demonstrate the egregiousness of Hillary's conduct.

Says the FBI: But we didn't find any evidence for a breach. Counter the goofs: But that's because all these hackers were so skillful, neither of them left a single trace behind. Which, if true, means there cannot be any evidence, hence the claims that there was a breach - let alone dozens of breaches - are based on hot air.

But yeah, "Crucify her (anyway)!"

But, you know, on the other side of that debate shows up that force of nature, that towering intellect and beacon of forensic cyber skills, the most sincere and hon. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas. Makes you shake in your boots, that one.


I see we still have utterly clueless posters still trying to pretend the FBI has credibility or something. lol what a hoot.

Do you think Trump has credibility?

Trump has nothing to do with Hillary's and Obama's criminal activities and national security violations they should sitting in prison for. Your rather dimwitted attempts at trying to deflect from that fact are pretty juvenile and amateurish. He has far more credibility than you or OldeEurope do, easily so.
Last edited:
Any link beside FOX? You know better then that OP especially for breaking news...


Yeah. CSPan.. You want to go wading thru an hour of congress critters voguing for the cameras?

The IG report is real. The IG office forwarded the info to the FBI. Unfortunately, the FBI contact was Peter Strzok, who BURIED this (predictably). The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server. It's not new. What's new is how the FBI BURIED the lead.

Your claim, "The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server" is suspect, to put it charitably.

FBI rejects fringe report, promoted by Trump, that China hacked Hillary Clinton's emails

'The Daily Caller's story appears to have originated not with the Justice Department, but from a claim by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who said during a July House committee hearing that virtually all of Clinton's emails had been obtained by a "foreign entity." The source of his knowledge, Gohmert said, was a report produced by the Intelligence Community Inspector General, a CIA watchdog agency.

The Daily Caller did not confirm the existence of such a report, instead citing an anonymous former intelligence officer who it said had been briefed on what the ICIG report contained.

In pushing back on the Daily Caller's story, however, the FBI on Wednesday pointed to its own report, issued by the Justice Department Inspector General in June. That report said the "FBI investigation and its forensic analysis did not find evidence that Clinton's email server systems were compromised."'

You expect the FBI to turn itself in for suppressing what they knew about the Hillary server being compromised??? :auiqs.jpg:

This is not news. There are credible reports that the Comey's "non-indictment" indictment that he read to the world had different wording on the phrasing of whether her server had been compromised.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A draft statement former FBI Director James Comey prepared in anticipation of concluding the Hillary Clinton email case without criminal charges was heavily edited to change the "tone and substance" of the remarks, a Republican senator said Thursday.

Some of the edits proposed to the May 2016 draft, obtained by The Associated Press, appear to soften the gravity of the bureau's findings.

Comey, for instance, initially wrote that the FBI believed that Clinton and her aides were "grossly negligent" in their handling of classified information, language also contained in the relevant criminal statute.

But the text was edited to say they were simply "extremely careless" in their use of a personal email server, a phrase Comey adopted for his July 5 public announcement that the FBI would not be recommending charges.

In addition, while Comey initially said it was "reasonably likely" that "hostile actors" had gained access to Clinton's email server, the text was edited to say that such an intrusion was "possible."

The original version noted that the FBI had worked with partners in the intelligence community to determine whether the server had been compromised. While it was unclear what significance this had, it was omitted from Comey's final text.

[[[flacaltenn-- maybe NOW we know who the "partners in the intelligence community were that Comey is referring to.. Could be a cover-thine-ass for the fact that the IGeneral INFORMED them of the "hostile actor" intrusions" and they chose to cover it up.. ]]]]

Hillary Clinton’s Email Was Probably Hacked, Experts Say

When the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said on Tuesday that his investigators had no “direct evidence” that Hillary Clinton’s email account had been “successfully hacked,” both private experts and federal investigators immediately understood his meaning: It very likely had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work.

Mr. Comey described, in fairly blistering terms, a set of email practices that left Mrs. Clinton’s systems wide open to Russian and Chinese hackers, and an array of others. She had no full-time cybersecurity professional monitoring her system. She took her BlackBerry everywhere she went, “sending and receiving work-related emails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries.” Her use of “a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent.”

“Reading between the lines and following Comey’s logic, it does sound as if the F.B.I. believes a compromise of Clinton’s email is more likely than not,” said Adam Segal, the author of “Hacked World Order,” who studies cyberissues at the Council on Foreign Relations. “Sophisticated attackers would have known of the existence of the account, would have targeted it and would not have been seen.”

Mr. Comey couched his concern on Tuesday by repeating the intelligence community’s favorite phrase — “we assess” — four times, but ultimately reached no hard-and-fast conclusion. “We assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal email account,” he said.

But Mr. Comey painted a different picture.

“Hostile actors gained access to the private commercial email accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact,” he said.

And that would have meant that tracking the trail of electronic breadcrumbs back to her server would have been a pretty simple task. After that, their ability to break in would have been a mix of skill and luck, but they had plenty of time to get it right.

Hillary screwed up national security sixteen ways with her arrogance and paranoia. There's NO DOUBT if her prime correspondents were hacked that most of world's Intel orgs KNEW of the server and attacked it..

That was a ton of verbiage, none of which backed your claim that ""The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server."

Did you notice that?

No I did not. Probably because my reading comprehension doesn't suck and I'm not allergic to facts and evidence that conflict with my pre-ordained opinions...

If you have "hostile actors" gaining access to Clinton Associates who were in regular connection to the Clinton server and assume that the hackers are not dense and stupid -- it's REQUIRED that you assume these same "hostile actors" would FLOCK to the Clinton server.. Because that was the ultimate hacking prize..

You probably nodded off during the explanation of "having evidence of being hacked" and actually having the system invaded, pillaged, and removing the evidence.

With the servers NEVER BEING EXAMINED by US Intel, there are STILL TOOLS to examine the intrusions in real time from the collections data of the Intel Agencies that are ARCHIVED and can be analyzed AFTER the intrusions have occurred. This is why the OP story on the Intel Comm. IG report to the FBI is so entirely important.
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