Confirmed: Fraudulent Polygamy Cult Tipster is Barack Obama Delegate

Not living in the same house.

It's different, though you can't see it because you're too busy sticking up for them.

He doesn't live there.

I'd think you'd be for sticking up for the rights of people who live alternate lifestyles. But I only believe in rights of NON CHRISTIAN alternate lifestyles.

It's open season on Christians, has been for some time. Christians don't deserve rights and nobody cares if they get shit on.
Oh and by the way, you were real quick to chastise Barack Obama for his "ties" to the Reverand Wright.

But all of a sudden, you change your tune with a polygamist sect that has ties to Warren Jeffs. What a role model you are.

Bull shit, none of them are running for office and you are comparring apples and fucking pineapples.

Once again rights apply to all EQUALLY or NONE of us have ANY rights at all.

Remember your little tirade when an angry neighbor calls the social service people on you and makes false accusations. Depending on the seriousness of the claim you to will LOSE any children you have until YOU can prove you did not do what ever some "do gooder" thought you were doing.
If this had been the home of a bunch of gay men who were fostering boys, home schooling them and taking them to gay rallies, and a right wing delegate had given the tip, the attitude would be different.
Bull shit, none of them are running for office and you are comparring apples and fucking pineapples.

Once again rights apply to all EQUALLY or NONE of us have ANY rights at all.

Remember your little tirade when an angry neighbor calls the social service people on you and makes false accusations. Depending on the seriousness of the claim you to will LOSE any children you have until YOU can prove you did not do what ever some "do gooder" thought you were doing.

So you consider marrying off underage girls a right? Or beating infants until their too exhausted to fight back??

If CPS comes to my house on a call, and finds I've been holding my children under the frickin water-faucet and beating them sensless like the baboons in this sect, then they can do something about it. You fail recognize the fact that the call may have been fabricated, but the evidence is there to incriminated these people.....big difference in your little scenario.

But I guess you knew that. What a deusch. It's people like you that have caused the lack of ethical law in this country.
In 1992 no one believed that the US Government would wantonly cause the death of 83 citizens either. All on trumped up charges.

Before that no one believed the FBI would assassinate an unarmed mother while she held her baby in her arms. After that one not only was the case against Weaver thrown out, but the FBI people involved in his wife's killing were all PROMOTED. Did I mention they also killed his 14 year old son while he was doing nothing illegal on his OWN property.

In the mid 90's no one believed armed masked Agents of the Federal Government would raid a house full of unarmed family members to seize a 5 year old boy with out even notifying the local police, and after it was apparent the family would comply with any legal order given by a court.

Go ahead keep selling away our rights. Remember when they come for you, no claiming they have no right.

are you really bringing up WACO, RUBY RIDGE and a fucking CUBAN ILLEGAL ALIEN?

wow you are desperate.

So you consider marrying off underage girls a right? Or beating infants until their too exhausted to fight back??

If CPS comes to my house on a call, and finds I've been holding my children under the frickin water-faucet and beating them sensless like the baboons in this sect, then they can do something about it. You fail recognize the fact that the call may have been fabricated, but the evidence is there to incriminated these people.....big difference in your little scenario.

But I guess you knew that. What a deusch. It's people like you that have caused the lack of ethical law in this country.

They haven't been charged with that. Nobody has been charged with anything. Children services are "investigating". There are no criminal charges pending, and the DA isn't behind the investigation.

And generally, when children services conducts an investigation, unless they find substantial proof of abuse, the children aren't removed.
are you really bringing up WACO, RUBY RIDGE and a fucking CUBAN ILLEGAL ALIEN?

wow you are desperate.


Well I am NOT bringing up things that happened 130 to 160 years ago and were banned over 118 years ago, but thanks for playing.
You defended his post where he announced he thinks it is perfectly ok for ANYONE to fabricate anything against people they do not like.


I didn't defend him in the slightest. I was mocking you for blaming him for the ills of a perceived tyrannical government.

Your ability to misconstrue actually rivals Shogun's, and believe me, that's saying something.
So you consider marrying off underage girls a right? Or beating infants until their too exhausted to fight back??

If CPS comes to my house on a call, and finds I've been holding my children under the frickin water-faucet and beating them sensless like the baboons in this sect, then they can do something about it. You fail recognize the fact that the call may have been fabricated, but the evidence is there to incriminated these people.....big difference in your little scenario.

But I guess you knew that. What a deusch. It's people like you that have caused the lack of ethical law in this country.

Ohh so now they have been beating the children? What fanatsy world did you get that story from? Funny it was not mentioned at ALL by the State in their case. I guess they just forgot to mention that.

Further it appears that the supposed 13 year old that gave birth is NOW 23 , you know 10 DAMN years ago and NOT in Texas.

But do keep making shit up.

yea, because the origin of your fucking cult has no relevance in a polygamist bastion just on the other side of the fucking arizona border.


also, to be honest, it makes sense that you would identify with a POLYGAMIST like David Koresh. He was busy fucking barely post-pubescent girls too. But, I guess thats the kind of thing, like the stark similarity between catholicism and lutheranism, that you were hoping no one would remember.

I didn't defend him in the slightest. I was mocking you for blaming him for the ills of a perceived tyrannical government.

Your ability to misconstrue actually rivals Shogun's, and believe me, that's saying something.

Bullshit, but do pretend otherwise if it helps you sleep at night. Ohh wait that is your line isn't it?
Bullshit, but do pretend otherwise if it helps you sleep at night. Ohh wait that is your line isn't it?

I sleep just fine, but thanks for your concern. For the record, I don't agree with Brian. But you've already made up your mind about my opinion so there you have it.
They won't believe the truth. They have their bias, and any facts that get in the way of that are dismissed. It's called "bigotry". It just cracks me up that these are the same people who whine when gay people aren't given marriage licenses and allowed to adopt children. IT'S JUST A LIFESTYLE, folks. Anybody can live any lifestyle, so long as nobody is being hurt.

And so far, there's no evidence that anybody is being hurt, and the tip was a hoax. So what do you have? Righteous indignation over your own twisted fantasies about the lifestyle.


yea, because the origin of your fucking cult has no relevance in a polygamist bastion just on the other side of the fucking arizona border.


also, to be honest, it makes sense that you would identify with a POLYGAMIST like David Koresh. He was busy fucking barely post-pubescent girls too. But, I guess thats the kind of thing, like the stark similarity between catholicism and lutheranism, that you were hoping no one would remember.

Not one shred of evidence that charge is true either. It in fact only appeared AFTER the FBI needed to come up with some reason to keep surrounding the compound after it became apparent the ATF fucked up royally. And the charge was only made by disgruntled ex members of the cult, never proven and impossible now to prove because, well the FBI burned up all the girls.
Not one shred of evidence that charge is true either. It in fact only appeared AFTER the FBI needed to come up with some reason to keep surrounding the compound after it became apparent the ATF fucked up royally. And the charge was only made by disgruntled ex members of the cult, never proven and impossible now to prove because, well the FBI burned up all the girls.

uh huh.

it's all one giant new world order conspiracy, isn't it?

maybe you'd have felt more vindicated if the polygamists holed themselves up in ANOTHER fucking COMPOUND..

In a video made by the Davidians and released during the siege, Koresh stated that he had been told by God to procreate with the women in the groups to establish a "House of David," his "Special People." This involved married couples in the group dissolving their marriages and agreeing that only Koresh could have sexual relations with the wives. On the tape, Koresh is also shown with several minors who claimed to have had babies fathered by Koresh. In total, Koresh had fourteen young children who stayed with him in the compound.

A video clip of an interview between Koresh and an Australian television station notes that he was accused of impregnating the aged widow of the founder of Branch Davidianism. He sarcastically said that if the charges were true, if he had "made an 82 year-old woman pregnant... I do miracles, I'm God!"

I know this is a silly question but since I"VE posted my sources would you care to post yours?
Last I heard the state was saying it was "only" a child welfare investigation. And I reiterate...child welfare investigations, except in the case of the most egregious child abuse (dunking babies in boiling water, kids in the hospital, drug sales in a household with children) do NOT remove children from the home. They conduct the investigation with the kids in the home. When they DO take kids, they generally allow the parents a chance to name a relative or friend who will lodge the child for the duration of the investigation.

You'd think Texas would have learned by now.
no, you'd think texas would stop providing a breeding ground for nutty fucking dogma junkies that flourish like bacteria in a petrie dish of agar and welfare.

I understand your outrage over what was happening to these children, however I have to disagree with your assertion that the ends justify the means, so to speak. IMO, the means are never justified when they involve circumventing civil liberties and due process. It's just bad precedent and a very slippery slope. The irony of course here is that the others offering the same opinion on this thread quickly change their tune when civil liberties and due process are circumvented in the name of the war on terror. IMO, it's not justified there either. Or like I said, anywhere anytime. If you want to live in a society that values civil liberties, you must be prepared to accept the bad with the good. You simply can't have it both ways.
Whatever you think of their beliefs, that doesn't change the fact that it isn't illegal to live in a compound with 18 women and 400 children (or however the numbers work). It's not illegal to live with your gay lover, your swinging friends and raise your children as a herd, it's not illegal to worship Satan...whatever you personally think of those things, it doesn't give anyone the right to step in and dismantle the family, cult, whatever.

This is what they did to the Indians, you should be outraged. They took the kids away, plopped them in boarding schools and punished them for speaking their native tongues...because they didn't approve and wanted to "assimilate" them.

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