Confirmed: Obamacare Is Already Killing Jobs – Thank You Democrats


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Confirmed: Obamacare Is Already Killing Jobs – Thank You Democrats (Video)​

by Jim Hoft
January 19, 2013

You thought the last four year were disastrous?
Wait until Obamacare hits. It’s already forcing companies to cut jobs and hours.

It’s now clear that Obamacare is already forcing businesses to cut employees and employee hours in order to comply to the law.

Thank you Democrats.
The National Review ( Obamacare?s Job-Killer - Jillian Kay Melchior - National Review Online )has more on Obamacare’s job-killing mandate.

American manufacturers are already struggling to recover, never mind expand. In that context, the Obama health law’s employer mandate proves especially counterproductive.

The Census Bureau doesn’t calculate how many manufacturing firms are near the 50-employee threshold. But its numbers do show that the majority of them are small enough that the employer mandate may be a significant problem. Of America’s total 258,662 manufacturing companies, 197,701 had fewer than 20 employees in 2010, around the time when hiring growth picked up. Another 46,005 had between 20 and 99 employees.

And it doesn’t matter that most manufacturers already provide health care: The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) estimates that 97 percent of its members already do so. Employers’ plans must cover at least 60 percent of employees’ average health expenses, and workers can’t contribute more than 9.5 percent of their family income, or the fees kick in anyway. That $2,000-per-employee penalty falls on top of the stiff taxes, trade barriers, and environmental limitations that manufacturers already have to contend with.


Read more:
Confirmed: Obamacare Is Already Killing Jobs ? Thank You Democrats (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
Wait until Obamacare hits. It’s already forcing companies to cut jobs and hours.

That's fine, eventually cutting their own throats will become more apparent to them.
Didn't see any references to temps in the NRO article, but it seems likely Obamacare increases the velocity of the destruction of the middle class by making it more desirable for corporations to churn temps than take on more than skeleton crews of full time line workers. To the extent jobs can be dumbed down through LEAN and other employee buy-in efficiency processes, the road ahead for blue collar America looks bleak indeed.

In other words Obamacare could be the final blow against the blue collar middle class, making blue collar labor little more than chattel traded back and forth between government programs and cheapskate corporate paychecks.

Hard to see any socialist elements to it in terms of benefits for workers. Corporations complain, but Fortune 200 corporations are finally achieving the objectives Reagan set out and Clinton took to the hoop in the 1990s with Phil Gramm's help. The US workforce is on its knees thanks to thirty years of betrayal orchestrated by the financial services sector and executed by every president since Carter including so-called liberals Clinton and Obama.

Obamacare is in fact more about what global corporations want (cheap, desperate labor and government handouts in down time) than small business or labor wants (dependable high skill labor). It is a sort of noir humor element listening to weirdo nutballs like Jowls Hannity and Pigboy Limbaugh rail against what their Fortune 200 program sponsors lobbied for like crazy behind the scenes.

And so it goes.
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Confirmed: Obamacare Is Already Killing Jobs – Thank You Democrats (Video)​

by Jim Hoft
January 19, 2013

You thought the last four year were disastrous?
Wait until Obamacare hits. It’s already forcing companies to cut jobs and hours.

It’s now clear that Obamacare is already forcing businesses to cut employees and employee hours in order to comply to the law.

Thank you Democrats.
The National Review ( Obamacare?s Job-Killer - Jillian Kay Melchior - National Review Online )has more on Obamacare’s job-killing mandate.

American manufacturers are already struggling to recover, never mind expand. In that context, the Obama health law’s employer mandate proves especially counterproductive.

The Census Bureau doesn’t calculate how many manufacturing firms are near the 50-employee threshold. But its numbers do show that the majority of them are small enough that the employer mandate may be a significant problem. Of America’s total 258,662 manufacturing companies, 197,701 had fewer than 20 employees in 2010, around the time when hiring growth picked up. Another 46,005 had between 20 and 99 employees.

And it doesn’t matter that most manufacturers already provide health care: The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) estimates that 97 percent of its members already do so. Employers’ plans must cover at least 60 percent of employees’ average health expenses, and workers can’t contribute more than 9.5 percent of their family income, or the fees kick in anyway. That $2,000-per-employee penalty falls on top of the stiff taxes, trade barriers, and environmental limitations that manufacturers already have to contend with.


Read more:
Confirmed: Obamacare Is Already Killing Jobs ? Thank You Democrats (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Find a new mantra. Obamacare isn't going away, no matter how many wet dreams you Nutter's have about it. You made your case against it in November and the American People decided to keep it.
Maobamacare is doing exactly what it was intended to do, make employer based health insurance untenable and force everyone into a single payer system. Have you noticed, we no longer discuss insurance, it's all about care now.
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Well, now, that is good news for people who don't want jobs. The gubmint will take care of us, ya know.

Love the new argument from the left. There is no defending that piece of shit legislation, so now they just say it's the law of the land and we better accept it. Insist that congress fix it, they say. Yea, right. The drafters of the socialist legislation carefully wrote it to be exactly what they wanted- oppressive taxation and a transfer of more power from the people to the regime. They don't think it's broken, so why will they listen to us when we tell them to fix it?

The whole reason it was written and shoved through is because they want more of our money to redistribute, more say in how we live (and die) and they will get another wish, which is population control.
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Confirmed: Obamacare Is Already Killing Jobs – Thank You Democrats (Video)​

by Jim Hoft
January 19, 2013

You thought the last four year were disastrous?
Wait until Obamacare hits. It’s already forcing companies to cut jobs and hours.

It’s now clear that Obamacare is already forcing businesses to cut employees and employee hours in order to comply to the law.

Thank you Democrats.
The National Review ( Obamacare?s Job-Killer - Jillian Kay Melchior - National Review Online )has more on Obamacare’s job-killing mandate.

American manufacturers are already struggling to recover, never mind expand. In that context, the Obama health law’s employer mandate proves especially counterproductive.

The Census Bureau doesn’t calculate how many manufacturing firms are near the 50-employee threshold. But its numbers do show that the majority of them are small enough that the employer mandate may be a significant problem. Of America’s total 258,662 manufacturing companies, 197,701 had fewer than 20 employees in 2010, around the time when hiring growth picked up. Another 46,005 had between 20 and 99 employees.

And it doesn’t matter that most manufacturers already provide health care: The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) estimates that 97 percent of its members already do so. Employers’ plans must cover at least 60 percent of employees’ average health expenses, and workers can’t contribute more than 9.5 percent of their family income, or the fees kick in anyway. That $2,000-per-employee penalty falls on top of the stiff taxes, trade barriers, and environmental limitations that manufacturers already have to contend with.


Read more:
Confirmed: Obamacare Is Already Killing Jobs ? Thank You Democrats (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Find a new mantra. Obamacare isn't going away, no matter how many wet dreams you Nutter's have about it. You made your case against it in November and the American People decided to keep it.

Maobamacare is doing exactly what it was intended to do, make employer based health insurance untenable and force everyone into a single payer system. Have you noticed, we no longer discuss insurance, it's all about care now.

I have no problem with that. Why we insist on imposing the onus of health insurance on the employer is beyond me. Just another layer in an already bureaucratic-heavy system.

Maybe Obamacare has been the Dems plan to segue to single payer one day all along?
Love the new argument from the left. There is no defending that piece of shit legislation, so now they just say it's the law of the land and we better accept it. Insist that congress fix it, they say.

Yep, that's right. It's not going away.

Do you WANT to help fix it, or would you rather just obsess about it?

Yea, right. The drafters of the socialist legislation carefully wrote it to be exactly what they wanted- oppressive taxation and a transfer of more power from the people to the regime.

Carefully? LOL It was drafted by committee!

Have you read it? I have...all of it.

They don't think it's broken, so why will they listen to us when we tell them to fix it?

Broken? No. Perfect? No. It needs some effort to make it better. Wanna join in, or would you rather stay on the sidelines and bitch? (Lemme guess......)

The whole reason it was written and shoved through is because they want more of our money to redistribute, more say in how we live (and die) and they will get another wish, which is population control.

Prove it. Betcha can't.
Maobamacare is doing exactly what it was intended to do, make employer based health insurance untenable and force everyone into a single payer system. Have you noticed, we no longer discuss insurance, it's all about care now.

I have no problem with that. Why we insist on imposing the onus of health insurance on the employer is beyond me. Just another layer in an already bureaucratic-heavy system.

Maybe Obamacare has been the Dems plan to segue to single payer one day all along?

There's no maybe involved, Maobama said himself he favored a single payer system, but also said it would take time. Maobamacare was just the first step. The left has always been about incrementalism.
Confirmed: Obamacare Is Already Killing Jobs – Thank You Democrats (Video)​

by Jim Hoft
January 19, 2013

You thought the last four year were disastrous?
Wait until Obamacare hits. It’s already forcing companies to cut jobs and hours.

It’s now clear that Obamacare is already forcing businesses to cut employees and employee hours in order to comply to the law.

Thank you Democrats.
The National Review ( Obamacare?s Job-Killer - Jillian Kay Melchior - National Review Online )has more on Obamacare’s job-killing mandate.

American manufacturers are already struggling to recover, never mind expand. In that context, the Obama health law’s employer mandate proves especially counterproductive.

The Census Bureau doesn’t calculate how many manufacturing firms are near the 50-employee threshold. But its numbers do show that the majority of them are small enough that the employer mandate may be a significant problem. Of America’s total 258,662 manufacturing companies, 197,701 had fewer than 20 employees in 2010, around the time when hiring growth picked up. Another 46,005 had between 20 and 99 employees.

And it doesn’t matter that most manufacturers already provide health care: The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) estimates that 97 percent of its members already do so. Employers’ plans must cover at least 60 percent of employees’ average health expenses, and workers can’t contribute more than 9.5 percent of their family income, or the fees kick in anyway. That $2,000-per-employee penalty falls on top of the stiff taxes, trade barriers, and environmental limitations that manufacturers already have to contend with.


Read more:
Confirmed: Obamacare Is Already Killing Jobs ? Thank You Democrats (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Find a new mantra. Obamacare isn't going away, no matter how many wet dreams you Nutter's have about it. You made your case against it in November and the American People decided to keep it.

Obamacare hurts the American Economy. The people that voted for it were sold a bill of goods ("We need to pass it so we can find out what is in it")
Confirmed: Obamacare Is Already Killing Jobs – Thank You Democrats (Video)​

by Jim Hoft
January 19, 2013

You thought the last four year were disastrous?
Wait until Obamacare hits. It’s already forcing companies to cut jobs and hours.

It’s now clear that Obamacare is already forcing businesses to cut employees and employee hours in order to comply to the law.

Thank you Democrats.
The National Review ( Obamacare?s Job-Killer - Jillian Kay Melchior - National Review Online )has more on Obamacare’s job-killing mandate.

American manufacturers are already struggling to recover, never mind expand. In that context, the Obama health law’s employer mandate proves especially counterproductive.

The Census Bureau doesn’t calculate how many manufacturing firms are near the 50-employee threshold. But its numbers do show that the majority of them are small enough that the employer mandate may be a significant problem. Of America’s total 258,662 manufacturing companies, 197,701 had fewer than 20 employees in 2010, around the time when hiring growth picked up. Another 46,005 had between 20 and 99 employees.

And it doesn’t matter that most manufacturers already provide health care: The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) estimates that 97 percent of its members already do so. Employers’ plans must cover at least 60 percent of employees’ average health expenses, and workers can’t contribute more than 9.5 percent of their family income, or the fees kick in anyway. That $2,000-per-employee penalty falls on top of the stiff taxes, trade barriers, and environmental limitations that manufacturers already have to contend with.


Read more:
Confirmed: Obamacare Is Already Killing Jobs ? Thank You Democrats (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Find a new mantra. Obamacare isn't going away, no matter how many wet dreams you Nutter's have about it. You made your case against it in November and the American People decided to keep it.

Obamacare hurts the American Economy. The people that voted for it were sold a bill of goods ("We need to pass it so we can find out what is in it")

please, healthcare insurance needed reforming,

it's a good start.:eusa_angel:
What nutballs don't seem to get is insurance companies passed Obamacare, not liberals. It is socialism in the form of welfare for major corporations, but it kills small business and micro businesses; not much question about that - especially the sort of co-legislation funneling more services to hospitals while cutting payments for the same services given in doctors' offices.

All in all it is actually pretty hilarious how at street level both sides of the partisan divide misunderstand pretty much everything about Obamacare, while at the pretend-expert level, Obamacare is deliberately misrepresented.

All in all Obamacare is economy killing legislation. Single payer government services could well be the cheapest way out unless nutballs are able to overturn it somehow.
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Confirmed: Obamacare Is Already Killing Jobs – Thank You Democrats

[ame=]Demolition Man - Murder Death Kill (Scene) - YouTube[/ame]
Wait until Obamacare hits. It’s already forcing companies to cut jobs and hours.

That's fine, eventually cutting their own throats will become more apparent to them.

ARE YOU so stupid as to how businesses operate???

Obviously YOUR household continually spends more then you take in!

A) you idiot... The people that prepare what health care premiums are telling us premiums are going up over next 5 years by 141% You idiot!
And the reason is I'll make it simple for you...
1) insurance companies must MUST make a profit or they will not be allowed to sell!
2) Profit comes from after deducting expenses.
3) Today the average company spends 80% on claims.. it is a fact YOU obviously don't but nevertheless is a reality!
So when Obama care did away with Pre-existing conditions.. insurance companies lump everyone together to come up with what the premiums
are needed to pay future claims!

DUMMY for example smokers no longer are identified so their cancer claims will raise the cost and therefore PREMIUMS dumb f...k!
So you idiots who have obviously NO idea how insurance works INClUDING our dumb f...k Pres... that's why companies are dropping employees hrs
to 35 so they don't have to pay HIGHER insurance premiums that are going UP every day!

All because you dummies have NO idea how this works and YET dummies like you are in charge!
It won't work. Health care will collapse as the experts are predicting - premiums can't continue to climb and more companies will go out of business selling insurance and that means higher premiums and the vicious cycle continues!!!
OP- You mean 24/7 fear mongering by the Pub Propaganda machine. O-care is proven to work- see Masscare and every other rich country prove it. It's the gd Pub Plan, if they would really vote to end the Big Health scam...
Maobamacare is doing exactly what it was intended to do, make employer based health insurance untenable and force everyone into a single payer system. Have you noticed, we no longer discuss insurance, it's all about care now.

I have no problem with that. Why we insist on imposing the onus of health insurance on the employer is beyond me. Just another layer in an already bureaucratic-heavy system.

Maybe Obamacare has been the Dems plan to segue to single payer one day all along?

There's no maybe involved, Maobama said himself he favored a single payer system, but also said it would take time. Maobamacare was just the first step. The left has always been about incrementalism.

Again, no problem with that. The Dems have to be incrementalists by default since the right favors stagnation.

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