Confiscate All Personal Assets In Excess Of $20 Million!

Transform America overnight into the nation it should be and can be! Confiscate all personal assets in excess of $20 million.

And this, boys and girls, is why we have a Second Amendment

How many Americans do you think will have need to defend fortunes in excess of $20 million? That neo-aristocracy represents less than one percent of the entire U.S. population.

Or are you urging ordinary Americans to prepare for defending that category's holdings against being reduced from excessive wealth to reasonable wealth? If so, please explain your reasoning.

You would have really enjoyed Soviet living circa 1950's 60's.

It won't be a government that I'll recognize if this ever transpires.
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Whenever I post this proposal I am amazed by the number of impassioned protests I receive from those whose only hope of ever paying down their credit card debt is hitting the Lottery.

There are multi-millionaires who have favorably contemplated the redistribution of America's hoarded wealth resources but I get howling protests from those who haven't a pot to piss in.

The only thing I can attribute this to is the effectiveness of the right-wing brainwash as implemented by the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Steve Mahlsberg, et. al. What else could it be?
You would have really enjoyed Soviet living circa 1950's 60's.
No. That's communism.

And for your information, there is no communist entity that would permit a citizen/subject to possess a $20 million fortune. In fact one would be sent to the Siberia gulag for such an offense.
Has nothing to do with viewpoints and everything to do with independence and personal property.
The other question is what to do with all the liquidated assets, as basically you have eliminated the market of people who could afford to buy them?
Let's suppose you had fifty million dollars in assets and a law was passed to confiscate all personal assets in excess of twenty million. What would you do?

Hint: Do you have relatives? Close friends? How about favorite charities or public institutions you like? Etcetera. In other words, make horizontal what was vertical. Spread it around. Let's have lots of millionaires and no billionaires. Lots of people spending lots of money rather than a few greedy, gluttonous bastards hoarding it or using it to corrupt our government. Make America a better place. Make many new friends and become revered by many.

Alot of the assets are in stocks and bonds. Once the government confiscates them, thier value drops as no one has the money to buy such large amounts of securities anymore, except corporations. That would increase thier power, something I assume you are against.
No. Corporate assets are necessary operating revenues.

As to your question: Government would assume possession of those stocks and bonds and a significant percentage of their value would be expended by financing a massive, unlimited repair and construction effort to completely restore and improve our national infrastructure, expand our highway systems, vastly expand and improve our public transportation systems and supplement the expansion of such necessary local public services as police, fire, education, health, libraries, museums, etc.

In addition to the many millions of jobs such an effort would create, can you imagine the shining example of social perfection your country would become within a single decade.

Also who decides what assets are confiscated?
That would be up to the Congress of the New American Republic.

Bascially why don't you go and rob these people yourself instead of letting the government do it for you?
Because, basically, if it were my intention to "rob" the greedy I would take all they have, not leave them with substantial wealth. And for your information, $20 million is substantial wealth.

By the way; as a defender of the super-rich, what is your net worth?

You do know that once a larger amount of people have more money, economics demands that prices will go up, as sellers can get away with higher prices. Also what you describe is a wealth limit, not confiscation, where you force people to give away money. For confiscation you mean the government taking it.

Any law that forces a person to get rid of thier wealth or have the government take it would probably be found unconsitutional as exceeding the commerce clause, as well as the fact that nowhere in the consitution is there a wealth tax.

It doesn't matter how much I make. This is an issue of basic rights, to be secure in your legally accumulated property, regardless of how much of it you have.

Your concept is both socialistic and fascist at the same time. nice job.
Whenever I post this proposal I am amazed by the number of impassioned protests I receive from those whose only hope of ever paying down their credit card debt is hitting the Lottery.

There are multi-millionaires who have favorably contemplated the redistribution of America's hoarded wealth resources but I get howling protests from those who haven't a pot to piss in.

The only thing I can attribute this to is the effectiveness of the right-wing brainwash as implemented by the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Steve Mahlsberg, et. al. What else could it be?

Or maybe we are not jealous covetous jerks like you are.

My credit card debt is my own problem, my other debt is my own problem. When some rich person goes out and buys something on MY credit card, then its thier problem.

You just don't like other people having more than you. Envy, one of the deadly sins.
Transform America overnight into the nation it should be and can be! Confiscate all personal assets in excess of $20 million.

And this, boys and girls, is why we have a Second Amendment

How many Americans do you think will have need to defend fortunes in excess of $20 million? That neo-aristocracy represents less than one percent of the entire U.S. population.

Or are you urging ordinary Americans to prepare for defending that category's holdings against being reduced from excessive wealth to reasonable wealth? If so, please explain your reasoning.

Who the hell are you to decide what is excessive?

Again, get a gun and do it yourself.
You would have really enjoyed Soviet living circa 1950's 60's.
No. That's communism.

And for your information, there is no communist entity that would permit a citizen/subject to possess a $20 million fortune. In fact one would be sent to the Siberia gulag for such an offense.

You're correct, I was referring to the 1920's and the kulak peasants. Bolsheviks were stripping away land and property rights from the peasants who had worked hard for ownership of their property. My apologies for placing you in the cold war.
You do know that once a larger amount of people have more money, economics demands that prices will go up, as sellers can get away with higher prices.
Really? Why is that an inflexible economic rule? Why can't prices go down -- as is usually the case when consumer volume increases?

Also what you describe is a wealth limit, not confiscation, where you force people to give away money. For confiscation you mean the government taking it.
No. What I've described is an option. Briefly stated; either dispose of it or it will be confiscated by the IRS.

Simple enough.

Any law that forces a person to get rid of thier wealth or have the government take it would probably be found unconsitutional as exceeding the commerce clause, as well as the fact that nowhere in the consitution is there a wealth tax.
What I've proposed will require imposition of radical laws specifically engineered to facilitate the equitable redistribution of this Nation's wealth resources. So any existing laws and regulations that would stand in the way of the restructuring will be changed or eliminated.

It doesn't matter how much I make. This is an issue of basic rights, to be secure in your legally accumulated property, regardless of how much of it you have.
Then you must have an existing grievance against the IRS. If so, and if you are an ordinary wage-earner, and if my proposal were enacted, your income tax rate probably would be reduced as one element of the redistribution.

Would you protest that?

Your concept is both socialistic and fascist at the same time. nice job.
Socialistic, yes. But diametrically opposed to fascism.

(Fascism is the growth of a corporatocracy which dictates policy to government. It is a form of rule by the rich.)
I say we do it! But if it does not work out (ie in a year shit falls apart) all the people involved with this idea agree to kill themselves on TV so that the world can learn from their stupidity!
Who the hell are you to decide what is excessive?
And who are you to decide what isn't?

Again, get a gun and do it yourself.
Violent revolution is a last resort.

At this time I am advocating peaceful political revolution. Something on the order of what took place in the sixties, only a bit more radical, more productive and more intelligently structured and directed.
Who the hell are you to decide what is excessive?
And who are you to decide what isn't?

Again, get a gun and do it yourself.
Violent revolution is a last resort.

At this time I am advocating peaceful political revolution. Something on the order of what took place in the sixties, only a bit more radical, more productive and more intelligently structured and directed.

And when the economy tanks will you kill yourself on TV for us?
I say we do it! But if it does not work out (ie in a year shit falls apart) all the people involved with this idea agree to kill themselves on TV so that the world can learn from their stupidity!
Aside from a small group of highly pissed-off formerly uber-wealthy, what do you suppose could go wrong? Within ten years the United States would be a social and political Utopia.

The Nation has the money to do that. The problem is the bulk of our wealth resources has been hijacked by a bunch of greedy individuals who have methodically exploited an economic system which was extremely vulnerable to manipulation via political corruption.

If you are aware of pitfalls which I am blind to I will appreciate your input.
I say we do it! But if it does not work out (ie in a year shit falls apart) all the people involved with this idea agree to kill themselves on TV so that the world can learn from their stupidity!
Aside from a small group of highly pissed-off formerly uber-wealthy, what do you suppose could go wrong? Within ten years the United States would be a social and political Utopia.

The Nation has the money to do that. The problem is the bulk of our wealth resources has been hijacked by a bunch of greedy individuals who have methodically exploited an economic system which was extremely vulnerable to manipulation via political corruption.

If you are aware of pitfalls which I am blind to I will appreciate your input.

Read The Aquariums of Pyongyang. They tried that same scenario and it all went downhill from there.
Kill all people with an IQ under 100 and transform the USA into what it's supposed to be!!!!

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