Confiscate All Personal Assets In Excess Of $20 Million!

Transform America overnight into the nation it should be and can be! Confiscate all personal assets in excess of $20 million.

You're joking right? This is one of those gotcha threads?
Transform America overnight into the nation it should be and can be! Confiscate all personal assets in excess of $20 million.

And this, boys and girls, is why we have a Second Amendment

How many Americans do you think will have need to defend fortunes in excess of $20 million? That neo-aristocracy represents less than one percent of the entire U.S. population.

Or are you urging ordinary Americans to prepare for defending that category's holdings against being reduced from excessive wealth to reasonable wealth? If so, please explain your reasoning.

Most modern farms easily exceed $20 million in assets yet only produce average salaries. If you took those assets away food price would skyrocket & people will starve.
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Or maybe we are not jealous covetous jerks like you are.
Rudeness is the weakling's imitation of strength. So much for your weakening argument.

Who the hell are you to decide what is excessive?
And who are you to decide what isn't?

Again, get a gun and do it yourself.
Violent revolution is a last resort.

At this time I am advocating peaceful political revolution. Something on the order of what took place in the sixties, only a bit more radical, more productive and more intelligently structured and directed.

I'm not actively proposing taking away people's wealth. You are. The burden of proof is on you to justify an action, and so far all you show is your envy.
You do know that once a larger amount of people have more money, economics demands that prices will go up, as sellers can get away with higher prices.
Really? Why is that an inflexible economic rule? Why can't prices go down -- as is usually the case when consumer volume increases?

Also what you describe is a wealth limit, not confiscation, where you force people to give away money. For confiscation you mean the government taking it.
No. What I've described is an option. Briefly stated; either dispose of it or it will be confiscated by the IRS.

Simple enough.

What I've proposed will require imposition of radical laws specifically engineered to facilitate the equitable redistribution of this Nation's wealth resources. So any existing laws and regulations that would stand in the way of the restructuring will be changed or eliminated.

It doesn't matter how much I make. This is an issue of basic rights, to be secure in your legally accumulated property, regardless of how much of it you have.
Then you must have an existing grievance against the IRS. If so, and if you are an ordinary wage-earner, and if my proposal were enacted, your income tax rate probably would be reduced as one element of the redistribution.

Would you protest that?

Your concept is both socialistic and fascist at the same time. nice job.
Socialistic, yes. But diametrically opposed to fascism.

(Fascism is the growth of a corporatocracy which dictates policy to government. It is a form of rule by the rich.)

My protest is that I am not a covetous person, who would use the fact that people of my wealth outnumber people who have more than me. Your idea wouldn't require just radical laws, it would require consitutional amendments. The other issue is just how do you assure the government does the right thing with the confiscated wealth? Why wouldnt they just keep it themselves? With that much money THEY could do whatever the hell they wanted to.

Going after someone else's property is just the first step in going after mine. Our country wasn't founded on using the government to take stuff from people just because they have more of it.
I say we do it! But if it does not work out (ie in a year shit falls apart) all the people involved with this idea agree to kill themselves on TV so that the world can learn from their stupidity!
Aside from a small group of highly pissed-off formerly uber-wealthy, what do you suppose could go wrong? Within ten years the United States would be a social and political Utopia.

The Nation has the money to do that. The problem is the bulk of our wealth resources has been hijacked by a bunch of greedy individuals who have methodically exploited an economic system which was extremely vulnerable to manipulation via political corruption.

If you are aware of pitfalls which I am blind to I will appreciate your input.

I just love your "underpant gnomes" logic on this

1. Take everyone's wealth of $20 million
2. ????????????
3. Utopia!
Most modern farms easily exceed $20 million in assets yet only produce average salaries. If you took those assets away food price would skyrocket & people will starve.
Those are mainly business assets. The issue is personal assets, which are separable.

Those assets are in the farmers name. He personally owns the land, home, buildings, storage facilities & equipment. These assets are required for him to make a living wage.
i don't have a problem with rich people paying their fair share. i do have a problem with confiscatory policy.
How unusual. Someone who has a problem with the Internal Revenue Code. I can't believe it.

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