Confuse a Liberal..ask them why they resist and what they hate about Trump

I do not care for Trump for a multiple of solid reasons.
First and foremost is his constant lying. It is really getting old. He lies about the fact that he is a great businessman and the best deal maker in the world. That is till he ran up against Nancy.
I do not like how he suggests that he would rather have all the dictators around the world as his allies rather than countries that have solid democracies.
It also bothers me a lot that the supposed Christian cumminty supports this serial woman abuser
I especially don't like the way he tries to downgrade everyone he is opposed to. A President in my opinion should not try and downgrade others as it really only makes him look the fool;.
The fact that he is constantly attacking the press and calling them fake news when their stories are proven to be accurate. Only a Dictator or want a be needs to constantly lie about the press. Without the press we have no republic.
He is doing exactly what I said he would do. Hurt our economy with his poorly thought our trade war. Now the idiot wants to pull out of Nato. No one should be that dumb. Complaining that they are not paying their fair share is good but to say he want to give Putin back the old USSR is stupidity taken to its breaking point. Destroying Nato would do just that.
Another complaint I have against the Donald is his handling of our southern border. His constant lie about how a wall would stop the flow of drugs into this country. That is not only a lie but it is an extremely stupid lie. As long as there is a market for the drugs they will get into this country and we know that they are coming in through the ports and very little is coming over the southern border no matter how many times he lies about that simple fact.

He's in top 400 of richest men in the world. It's a lie that he is a great businessman?

You have watched too much CNN, no longer able to tell the reality from fiction and lies.
The answers or lack thereof will blow your mind. One would think that folks who appear to be so passionate with their hatred could easily explain why they are so riled up.
The best answers you’ll get (simplified and un-spun ) are as follows:
“His skin tone has an orange tint”
“He works for America’s Best...not lowlifes and illegals”
“He’s mean to and talks bad about illegal aliens”
“He’s trying too hard to protect Americans both physically and fiscally”
“He won’t perpetuate and foster that anything goes free for all we’re used to under the black dude”
“He wants America in the driver’s seat in all foreign affairs”
“When he says ‘Americans First’ he makes foreigners feel excluded”
“He won’t support ‘the sky is falling’ theory of global warming”
“He supports a society rooted in Christian values”
Those with half an iQ will use “spending” as they’re smart enough to know they should be embarrassed to abmit they hate him because he’s mean to illegals and works for America’s Best.

No one ‘hates’ Trump.

But it’s perfectly appropriate and warranted to hate Trump’s failed, wrongheaded agenda.

To oppose Trump’s ignorance, arrogance, fear, bigotry, and hate.

To acknowledge the fact that Trump is wrong on the issues and unfit to be president.

And it’s likewise appropriate and warrant to work to ensure Trump is voted out of office in 2020 – to the benefit of America and the American people.

Hey Jones you were called out in the Bull Ring....any particular reason you haven't engaged?:rolleyes:

Bull Ring - Abortion Debate; Chuz Life vs. C_Clayton_Jones
The answers or lack thereof will blow your mind. One would think that folks who appear to be so passionate with their hatred could easily explain why they are so riled up.
The best answers you’ll get (simplified and un-spun ) are as follows:
“His skin tone has an orange tint”
“He works for America’s Best...not lowlifes and illegals”
“He’s mean to and talks bad about illegal aliens”
“He’s trying too hard to protect Americans both physically and fiscally”
“He won’t perpetuate and foster that anything goes free for all we’re used to under the black dude”
“He wants America in the driver’s seat in all foreign affairs”
“When he says ‘Americans First’ he makes foreigners feel excluded”
“He won’t support ‘the sky is falling’ theory of global warming”
“He supports a society rooted in Christian values”
Those with half an iQ will use “spending” as they’re smart enough to know they should be embarrassed to abmit they hate him because he’s mean to illegals and works for America’s Best.

Because racist idiots like you support him.

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Seems rational...haha
I’m certain you can prove that you hate President’s supported by racists by linking us to all your posts where you showed your displeasure with the Kenyan King because he had the support of Louis Farrakhan.
OR did you just start hating President’s whom may be supported by alleged racists?

Unfortunately I was not a member here when our greatest President, Barack Obama was in office.

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