Congrats 2 New Mod: Care4all

Bullshit junior? Any relation to Bullshit senior?

Hmmm...cow chips...a chip off the old may be on to something.


On another question...what is the significance of the 11?

You're flirtin with negrep disaster flying those Broncos colors.:eusa_eh:

Just sayin ....:eusa_whistle:

I see the significance of the 11 was answered...I asked too soon.

Are you a Dallas fan?
There should be MORE liberals like her. The Dem party wouldn't be as fucked as it is if people like her were the majority. And you and I would probably still be members.

I don't get it. She's about as liberal and stubborn a liberal as I've seen. She's a die hard supporter of subsidized programs, which is my main concern with the Democrat party in the first place. I thought you were on the same page when it comes to subsidies. Why would more people like her make the Democratic party better?

As for her modding, we'll see. It's not that I don't trust your judgment, it's that I don't trust hers. At the same time, I don't really care. I haven't been reprimanded by a mod in months, and that was just one of jillian's hissy fits.

Look, this sin't a political discussion. It's congrats for a new mod. You don't trust her judgment. Cool. I do. If any mod proves me wrong on that, they will be "I used to be a mod ..."

She'll be fair with you as a mod. Not that you've been the lone voice trying ot crap on her congratualtory thread.:eusa_whistle::lol:

I didn't appoint her for political reasons.

I fyou want to discuss politics, start a thread. Not here.
Hmmm...cow chips...a chip off the old may be on to something.


On another question...what is the significance of the 11?

You're flirtin with negrep disaster flying those Broncos colors.:eusa_eh:

Just sayin ....:eusa_whistle:

I see the significance of the 11 was answered...I asked too soon.

Are you a Dallas fan?

Steelers, thanks. Have been since 1970. If I can hang when they suck, I Can ride the wagon when they are World Champs. :eusa_whistle:
You're flirtin with negrep disaster flying those Broncos colors.:eusa_eh:

Just sayin ....:eusa_whistle:

I see the significance of the 11 was answered...I asked too soon.

Are you a Dallas fan?

Steelers, thanks. Have been since 1970. If I can hang when they suck, I Can ride the wagon when they are World Champs. :eusa_whistle:

Right on...actually, I haven't followed football in about 30 years at which time I was living in Colorado, thus the old logo...only reason I got into it this year was because it is big with many on another board that I am on.

Lucky for me I change my sig every few days...I'll be sure and have it changed before they beat the Steelers on Monday night the 9th...:lol:
I see the significance of the 11 was answered...I asked too soon.

Are you a Dallas fan?

Steelers, thanks. Have been since 1970. If I can hang when they suck, I Can ride the wagon when they are World Champs. :eusa_whistle:

Right on...actually, I haven't followed football in about 30 years at which time I was living in Colorado, thus the old logo...only reason I got into it this year was because it is big with many on another board that I am on.

Lucky for me I change my sig every few days...I'll be sure and have it changed before they beat the Steelers on Monday night the 9th...:lol:

Been a few year since I watched pro sports. The refs remind me of our government. :eusa_eh:
I suppose I should make a thread relevant post and say congrats to Care...quite honestly I only recall reading one thread that you were involved in and you seemed to have your, stuff together and from what most others are appears that you were a good choice...good luck with it.
Steelers, thanks. Have been since 1970. If I can hang when they suck, I Can ride the wagon when they are World Champs. :eusa_whistle:

Right on...actually, I haven't followed football in about 30 years at which time I was living in Colorado, thus the old logo...only reason I got into it this year was because it is big with many on another board that I am on.

Lucky for me I change my sig every few days...I'll be sure and have it changed before they beat the Steelers on Monday night the 9th...:lol:

Been a few year since I watched pro sports. The refs remind me of our government. :eusa_eh:

Lol, you reminded me of a good movie...

There should be MORE liberals like her. The Dem party wouldn't be as fucked as it is if people like her were the majority. And you and I would probably still be members.

I don't get it. She's about as liberal and stubborn a liberal as I've seen. She's a die hard supporter of subsidized programs, which is my main concern with the Democrat party in the first place. I thought you were on the same page when it comes to subsidies. Why would more people like her make the Democratic party better?

As for her modding, we'll see. It's not that I don't trust your judgment, it's that I don't trust hers. At the same time, I don't really care. I haven't been reprimanded by a mod in months, and that was just one of jillian's hissy fits.
let it go man
she'll be a fair mod
I suppose I should make a thread relevant post and say congrats to Care...quite honestly I only recall reading one thread that you were involved in and you seemed to have your, stuff together and from what most others are appears that you were a good choice...good luck with it.

Care is cool. Lots of people are cool. She can handle the job. Lots of people I think are cool can't.
Could it be? :eek:


[ame=]YouTube - The Brady Bunch Kids Opening[/ame]

The mods have become the The Gunny Bunch!

Only question is which lady is Mrs. Gunny. :eusa_whistle:

And the guys can fight for whomever is the oldest.

Oh and Mal can be Alice. :eusa_whistle:
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I suppose I should make a thread relevant post and say congrats to Care...quite honestly I only recall reading one thread that you were involved in and you seemed to have your, stuff together and from what most others are appears that you were a good choice...good luck with it.

Care is cool. Lots of people are cool. She can handle the job. Lots of people I think are cool can't.

I heard's not a popularity contest...or at least shouldn't be and it takes a special kind of person who can leave their politics and prejudices at the door, which imo is important in doing a good job of that sort.
Look, this sin't a political discussion.


You're the one who brought it up.

Did I? Look Again. I just stomped inm joining a program already in progress. I suspect that if you mess with her two mod specifically (yet unnamed) will hang you by your balls with piano wire, Do the physics.:lol:

Shouldn't matter. You don't attack mods for their actions as mods. The weenies that do will be fed to the dogs.

On a personal note ... being mean to care is SO uncool. I would feel guilty and she and I don't agree politically on much. Try to see the perosn beyond the politics. It can be done, y'know?
Shouldn't matter. You don't attack mods for their actions as mods. The weenies that do will be fed to the dogs.

I haven't attacked her actions as a mod, as she hasn't done any actions that I know of. I was attacking her character.

On a personal note ... being mean to care is SO uncool.

We, as humans, reap what we sow. She's no exception.

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