Congrats 2 New Mod: Care4all

And I just love your boots! Waterproof and everything! :thup:

I had to shop around quite a bit to find just the right pair that didn't chafe.

You ever look for a pair of rubber boots that went to your groin that wouldn't rub you raw? Not easy, I promise.


Screw you and EZ. Between the two of you today, I'm going to need a new keyboard.:lol:

My bad. We'll stop talking about my tiddlybits now.
At first I thought Jon was being sarcastic about Care, but he said he meant what he said.

Anyone that knows her knows that she is one of the most sweetest, level headed posters on here. Even if you don't agree with her, she doesn't resort to name calling and cussing.

She will make a great mod!

yep....i remember a while back i was doing my usual tirade against Chris...and then Care showed up....i felt soiled ...and immediately went into the bathroom and washed out my mouth with soap....and then wept....

hahahahahahaha! OH my Gosh! i truly am not this saint.... jsanders is right to a degree...and so was Ravi... I did come down hard on him once, after he gave me more crud than i was able to handle....which was alot...but i was mean to him, for my standards....

i think when i lost my cool i told him that a name change wouldn't help or change his character....that it was in his blood... or something like such...i remember feeling badly for a while after i wrote it.... :(

Just relaaaaaax and breeeeeeaaathe....

Getting smaller and farther away...smaller and farther away....






Back in actual reality, felling refreshed and relaxed...

Ahhhhhh...Cathartic, wasn't it?

Not only have i never made such hints, but i wouldn't accept a mod position if it were handed to me on a golden platter. I would ban so many mother fuckers off this board in the first 30 seconds, heads would spin.

In your dreams, toots.

i'm calling bullshit junior.

btw ... Anyone that gets too out of hand with care before she gets locked on, she's been instructed to go to crimsonwhite or del .. The we ban 'em all brothers ... For assistance.

Just giving fair warning. :badgrin:

hahahahahahaha! OH my Gosh! i truly am not this saint.... jsanders is right to a degree...and so was Ravi... I did come down hard on him once, after he gave me more crud than i was able to handle....which was alot...but i was mean to him, for my standards....

i think when i lost my cool i told him that a name change wouldn't help or change his character....that it was in his blood... or something like such...i remember feeling badly for a while after i wrote it.... :(

You were mean to someone?:eek:

she said crud, too.

Where? I might have to rethink this ....:eusa_think:
The question is will Care ban me 11 times? LMAO

you know, when i first came on to read this thread it said that there were 111 posts, then in my pm box there is a pm that says MM gave me 111 rep points, then before 11:11pm you got dude to put the 11 in the avatar he gave me!

paybacks are hell best remember such!!!! :lol::lol:
The question is will Care ban me 11 times? LMAO

you know, when i first came on to read this thread it said that there were 111 posts, then in my pm box there is a pm that says MM gave me 111 rep points, then before 11:11pm you got dude to put the 11 in the avatar he gave me!

paybacks are hell best remember such!!!! :lol::lol:
And here everyone was saying how sweet you are. :razz::lol:

Alright Ladies, you gave me a whooping fanny hurts so I'll go sulk in my bed. Thank you for the laughter.

I'll be on the board tomorrow about 11 am if I'm not banned. LMAO

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