Congrats 2 New Mod: Care4all

I think he would be in agreement....we so differed politically, but he knows i enjoyed reading his near daily sparring with you... and he knew i was honest, so I'd also like to think that he would take this as a gentleman. :) and thanks midcan!

I fixed it for you

So did I. :D
Hey Dude, lol I love ya man. She is going to crack up laughing. :lol:
This is a joke right? Care4All is one of the most spiteful posters on this board, and now she's a mod?


Are you high? Or just confused? Don't make me get this sword out.:evil:

yea i dont see it either.....Care is always cool.....CONGRATS Care...:eusa_angel:

At first I thought Jon was being sarcastic about Care, but he said he meant what he said.

Anyone that knows her knows that she is one of the most sweetest, level headed posters on here. Even if you don't agree with her, she doesn't resort to name calling and cussing.

She will make a great mod!

Are you high? Or just confused? Don't make me get this sword out.:evil:

yea i dont see it either.....Care is always cool.....CONGRATS Care...:eusa_angel:

At first I thought Jon was being sarcastic about Care, but he said he meant what he said.

Anyone that knows her knows that she is one of the most sweetest, level headed posters on here. Even if you don't agree with her, she doesn't resort to name calling and cussing.

She will make a great mod!

Yeah, if she cussed and name called, she woulda been promoted to Admin!

yea i dont see it either.....Care is always cool.....CONGRATS Care...:eusa_angel:

At first I thought Jon was being sarcastic about Care, but he said he meant what he said.

Anyone that knows her knows that she is one of the most sweetest, level headed posters on here. Even if you don't agree with her, she doesn't resort to name calling and cussing.

She will make a great mod!

Yeah, if she cussed and name called, she woulda been promoted to Admin!


She would have to shave her head and start taking 'roids' to bulk up too.
At first I thought Jon was being sarcastic about Care, but he said he meant what he said.

Anyone that knows her knows that she is one of the most sweetest, level headed posters on here. Even if you don't agree with her, she doesn't resort to name calling and cussing.

She will make a great mod!

Yeah, if she cussed and name called, she woulda been promoted to Admin!


She would have to shave her head and start taking 'roids' to bulk up too.

I thought she already did that?


Are you high? Or just confused? Don't make me get this sword out.:evil:

yea i dont see it either.....Care is always cool.....CONGRATS Care...:eusa_angel:

At first I thought Jon was being sarcastic about Care, but he said he meant what he said.

Anyone that knows her knows that she is one of the most sweetest, level headed posters on here. Even if you don't agree with her, she doesn't resort to name calling and cussing.

She will make a great mod!

And Jon would NOT make a great mod.

Are you high? Or just confused? Don't make me get this sword out.:evil:

yea i dont see it either.....Care is always cool.....CONGRATS Care...:eusa_angel:

At first I thought Jon was being sarcastic about Care, but he said he meant what he said.

Anyone that knows her knows that she is one of the most sweetest, level headed posters on here. Even if you don't agree with her, she doesn't resort to name calling and cussing.

She will make a great mod!

yep....i remember a while back i was doing my usual tirade against Chris...and then Care showed up....i felt soiled ...and immediately went into the bathroom and washed out my mouth with soap....and then wept....
sanders has always wanted to be mod. He throws hints at it every now and then. This nothng more than a little mod envy coming from him.


Not only have I never made such hints, but I wouldn't accept a mod position if it were handed to me on a golden platter. I would ban so many mother fuckers off this board in the first 30 seconds, heads would spin.

And Jon is just upset because Care smacked him down once or twice in her own special way. :thup:

In your dreams, toots.

I'm calling bullshit junior.
Obviously you are still on dial up. Neither Care nor EZ are heifers.

'Twas a joke. Referencing what Gunny said about him sending out EZ to deliver the news that a person has been picked as a new mod.

EZ knows I'm joking.

I hope.

You BETTER hope.:lol:

And I knew you were as well. Not going to save you if EZ doesn't though.:lol:

I'm letting her use my pic as an avatar. So we're all cool now.
If I remember correctly, Care was not a "supporting member", but now she is.

Does that mean that she had to pay to become mod?

Or did she just earn the Supporting Member badge for free when she became a mod?

Or was she a stealth supporting member, like bonez?

Wow. You actually notice shit like that? Who gives a f-?

Mods automatically fall into supporting member status. Part of the usergroup. She didn't have to pay a thing.

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