Congrats 2 New Mod: Care4all

wtf is it with 11?
IN Brief, Care posted once on how she kept seeing the number 11 and since then a few of us has teased her about it. That is one thing for some reason I cannot put to rest. It is all in fun and not meant to be mean towards care.

Ok I'm really trying to click out of this
Back your accusation.

Look at that, I didn't even have to. She fessed to her spite. But that was only one instance. I think she only gets that way with me because I'm the only person who sees past her facade.

I didn't see a confession to spite. To whoopin your ass, yeah.

Y'know, even Jesus finally got pissed and whooped up on the moneychangers in the temple.

I've engaged in quite a few debates with her over the years and boards. if you aren't a dick, she just states her case.

If YOU pissed her off, that makes you a member of an elite group. I wouldn't be bragging.
I didn't see a confession to spite. To whoopin your ass, yeah.

She's resorted to personal attacks more than once because I didn't agree with her liberal bullshit.

If YOU pissed her off, that makes you a member of an elite group. I wouldn't be bragging.

I can't help it if I'm the only person that can handle my own against her. She's really not that strong at debating. Her points are usually way off base, and her views are about as whacky as they come. Wanting illegal immigrants out of our country is akin to the Nazi treatment of Jews? Let's get real.
I didn't see a confession to spite. To whoopin your ass, yeah.

She's resorted to personal attacks more than once because I didn't agree with her liberal bullshit.

If YOU pissed her off, that makes you a member of an elite group. I wouldn't be bragging.

I can't help it if I'm the only person that can handle my own against her. She's really not that strong at debating. Her points are usually way off base, and her views are about as whacky as they come. Wanting illegal immigrants out of our country is akin to the Nazi treatment of Jews? Let's get real.

C'mon dude .. really. You and I agree more often than not. Probably half your rep has come from me.

You're taking this too personal. The only thing she'll defend to the death is her shoes. People believe shit. You expect them to believe any less than you? I don't back off my beliefs. Do you? Not that I've seen. Don't expect her to.

There should be MORE liberals like her. The Dem party wouldn't be as fucked as it is if people like her were the majority. And you and I would probably still be members.

None of that has anything to do with the fact I think she can handle the job of a mod on this board. I've made few mistakes in that arena, and you seem to forget the days when 500 posts was considered a good day.

Have a little faith, brother. ;)
There should be MORE liberals like her. The Dem party wouldn't be as fucked as it is if people like her were the majority. And you and I would probably still be members.

I don't get it. She's about as liberal and stubborn a liberal as I've seen. She's a die hard supporter of subsidized programs, which is my main concern with the Democrat party in the first place. I thought you were on the same page when it comes to subsidies. Why would more people like her make the Democratic party better?

As for her modding, we'll see. It's not that I don't trust your judgment, it's that I don't trust hers. At the same time, I don't really care. I haven't been reprimanded by a mod in months, and that was just one of jillian's hissy fits.
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