Congrats to Dems. on the Cap & trade bill win!

March 6 (Bloomberg) -- Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore left the White House seven years ago with less than $2 million in assets, including a Virginia home and the family farm in Tennessee. Now he's making enough to put $35 million in hedge funds and other private partnerships.

Gore invested the money with Capricorn Investment Group LLC, a Palo Alto, California, firm that selects the private funds for clients and invests in makers of environmentally friendly products, according to a Feb. 1 securities filing. Capricorn was founded by billionaire Jeffrey Skoll, former president of EBay Inc. and an executive producer of Gore's Oscar-winning documentary film on global warming.

Gore Invests $35 Million for Hedge Funds With EBay Billionaire -

Al Gore is a fraud and most of the science in his film that he was given an Oscar for has been debunked , he is an envirobuisnessman much like those that have pushed Global Warming for years. Make no mistake Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, and others could care less about the planet, this is about money. They needed to create a market where none existed and needed the Federal Govt. to do it for them and the taxpayers to fund it.

Gore’s Oscar-winning performance in An Inconvenient Truth telling the audience that sea-level worldwide could rise 20 feet, Science magazine has come out with a report that says sea levels will rise even higher than expected - up to 200 centimeters which, according to my calculations, is about 78-odd inches or six-and-a-half feet.
We didn't ask for the Gores' electric bills, so we can't say how much efficiency improvement the family has accomplished. But the e-mail was on target in 2007; it's out of date now.

– Andrew Karter

So given the fact that in 2008 these upgrades were made and the bills were 10% higher according to his Utility bills, and given the fact the writer of the article didnt bother to get them gor 2009, they are basing this on the mere fact that the home is LEED cert. okay!

Not really. It isn't an article, it's Factcheck.

It was a completely straightforward presentation of the facts. Gore's homes were not energy efficient in 2006 and they are now in 2009.

Not hard to understand.
did you miss the fact his energy usage went up AFTER those "upgrades"?
Sarah i was trying to be semi polite, but you're a fucking idiot hack. This bill your dopey, partisan ass supports is a total joke. It's not even physically possible to meet the guidelines set forth in this stupid bill. By 2050, we have to reduce our carbon emissions by 83% which would equal the amount of carbon emissions from the year 1910!! :lol:

How are we going to reduce our emissions that much when the only way to power airplanes is by fossil fuels and commercial air travel accounts for more than 17% of our carbon emissions, are your limo libs gonna give up their private jets to try and help? There is absolutely no way we can meet these new regulations. So please stick your futile attempts to defend this bullshit up your carbon release valve .......
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We didn't ask for the Gores' electric bills, so we can't say how much efficiency improvement the family has accomplished. But the e-mail was on target in 2007; it's out of date now.

– Andrew Karter

So given the fact that in 2008 these upgrades were made and the bills were 10% higher according to his Utility bills, and given the fact the writer of the article didnt bother to get them gor 2009, they are basing this on the mere fact that the home is LEED cert. okay!

Not really. It isn't an article, it's Factcheck.

It was a completely straightforward presentation of the facts. Gore's homes were not energy efficient in 2006 and they are now in 2009.

Not hard to understand.

Based on what? a cert. from LEED he had the same cert, in 2008 and the writer even admits that they have no utility bills for 09. It does take energy you know to power a house. You know, I have a monitor thats energy efficient and guess what it still uses it energy too. You do see the fallacy in this right, its the same fallacy with the carbon tax on coal , you realize it takes energy to make steele and what else does it take to make steele? Something else, it takes energy to make just about everything, so when you start taxing energy, prices go up to offset the taxes. and guess who pays for that? you and I do. It's not hard.
We didn't ask for the Gores' electric bills, so we can't say how much efficiency improvement the family has accomplished. But the e-mail was on target in 2007; it's out of date now.

– Andrew Karter

So given the fact that in 2008 these upgrades were made and the bills were 10% higher according to his Utility bills, and given the fact the writer of the article didnt bother to get them gor 2009, they are basing this on the mere fact that the home is LEED cert. okay!

Not really. It isn't an article, it's Factcheck.

It was a completely straightforward presentation of the facts. Gore's homes were not energy efficient in 2006 and they are now in 2009.

Not hard to understand.
I can't believe your defending one of the biggest individual energy users in our nation, Sarah. Are you really this far in the tank for the hard left? Did you even read the rest of my post? Are you Ok with what's could very well happen with unemployment, and the poorest get hit with a tax hike in their everyday life? Think long and hard on this, Sarah, without your partisan glasses on.
all you people who voted this regime in,, owes the rest of us an apology!

that's how i felt for the last 8 years. :eek: WELCOME to the club!

What goes around, comes around and no one seems to remember that, when in power, it seems! :(

good morning willow


Huh ... you just wait until THIS fascist regime comes back around. The post-Jimmy Carter Era Pt II. Y'all have just ensured "Democrat" will REMAIN a dirty word.:lol:
all you people who voted this regime in,, owes the rest of us an apology!

that's how i felt for the last 8 years. :eek: WELCOME to the club!

What goes around, comes around and no one seems to remember that, when in power, it seems! :(
It's actually pretty much the same Congress. Really doesn't matter much who the POTUS is, except now they have absolute power, one-party rule.... Basically a dictatorship, with no checks or balances.

That will begin to be corrected come 2010, it always is.

Hell, at the rate he's going and some of the shit he's pulled, look for the 2010 midterms to be canceled. :eusa_eh:
that's how i felt for the last 8 years. :eek: WELCOME to the club!

What goes around, comes around and no one seems to remember that, when in power, it seems! :(
It's actually pretty much the same Congress. Really doesn't matter much who the POTUS is, except now they have absolute power, one-party rule.... Basically a dictatorship, with no checks or balances.

That will begin to be corrected come 2010, it always is.

Hell, at the rate he's going and some of the shit he's pulled, look for the 2010 midterms to be canceled. :eusa_eh:
naw, i doubt he'd have a nads to try that
Unemployment grew in 2008 by 1.2 million – an increase of 66.4% compared to 2007. The official unemployment rate is now 13.9% which is its highest level in 9 years.
The figures provided by the Spanish National Institute for Statistics (INE) were compiled using the results of the survey on the active population carried out by thisorganization. The figures for the increase in the number of unemployed provided by the Public Employment Service (previously known as INEM) show that unemployment rose by 999,000 in 2008.
News from Spain: Unemployment in Spain rises to 14 percent
According to a study by Dr. Gabriel Calzada, an economics professor at Juan Carlos University in Madrid, on the effect of public aid to renewable energy sources on employment, if the U.S. adopts the Spanish model as proposed by President Obama, for each job created, the “U.S. should expect a loss of at least 2.2 jobs on average, or about 9 jobs lost for every 4 created.”

Dr. Calzada further found that the high-energy costs associated with these policies have driven high-energy reliant businesses, like manufacturing, to cheaper places. And of the green jobs created, two-thirds were temporary installment and construction jobs.

Other countries have similar job-loss stories to share. As the economic realities of Australia’s much-heralded cap-and-trade policies began to sink in, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced a delay in its implementation. A headline in The Australian says it all: “Carbon Plan Will Cause Jobs Carnage.”

There are examples all over of this moronic policy and its effects. Take CA. for example, and it's 20 plus billion dollar budget problem , is this the model you wish to make every state follow, because thats exactly whats in the bill.
It's actually pretty much the same Congress. Really doesn't matter much who the POTUS is, except now they have absolute power, one-party rule.... Basically a dictatorship, with no checks or balances.

That will begin to be corrected come 2010, it always is.

Hell, at the rate he's going and some of the shit he's pulled, look for the 2010 midterms to be canceled. :eusa_eh:
naw, i doubt he'd have a nads to try that

He probably has lawyers involved to see if he has the nads for that.
We didn't ask for the Gores' electric bills, so we can't say how much efficiency improvement the family has accomplished. But the e-mail was on target in 2007; it's out of date now.

– Andrew Karter

So given the fact that in 2008 these upgrades were made and the bills were 10% higher according to his Utility bills, and given the fact the writer of the article didnt bother to get them gor 2009, they are basing this on the mere fact that the home is LEED cert. okay!

Not really. It isn't an article, it's Factcheck.

It was a completely straightforward presentation of the facts. Gore's homes were not energy efficient in 2006 and they are now in 2009.

Not hard to understand.
I can't believe your defending one of the biggest individual energy users in our nation, Sarah. Are you really this far in the tank for the hard left? Did you even read the rest of my post? Are you Ok with what's could very well happen with unemployment, and the poorest get hit with a tax hike in their everyday life? Think long and hard on this, Sarah, without your partisan glasses on.

The big lie. The price of oil goes crazy and people default on their loans they could barely keep up with to begin with, banks fail and who gets blamed? The banks, of course.

Let's try and not learn from that and jack taxes on everything to the point the poverty level is anything under $30k.:cuckoo:

Absolutely brilliant. If they were old enough I'd swear these morons designed HMS Titanic.
BTW--included in this 3 a.m. amendment--those of us that own forest land will be paid to keep our trees. I own at least 200-300 forest trees on my property- & an additional 500 on our other property-SO I AM WAITING for my check from you! Thanks in advance for my check.

PS--PLEASE do not stop breathing & exhaling (emitting CO2) before those of us with trees--checks come in! Thanks so much for breathing!

I wouldn't hold my breath on that. To get any money on those trees you will have to give up any future rights to harvest any of those trees, most likely create a easement reserve around them which means you can only cut brush with a permit to do so. For you, the value of the land will be gone except for your little carbon check. Of course if your land is swamp land, and otherwise unuseable, it might be a good deal for you.
H. J. Res. 5:
111th CongressThis is a joint resolutions (H.J.Res. or S.J.Res.) in the U.S. Congress. Joint resolutions serve two purposes. First, they are used exactly as bills to enact law, generally for limited matters. Used this way, they must be passed by both the House and Senate and must be signed by the President before becoming law. Joint resolutions are also used to propose amendments to the Constitution. Used this way, they must be passed by both the House and Senate and be ratified by three-quarters of the states, but do not require the signature of the President, to become a part of the Constitution.

Bill numbers restart from 1 every two years. Each two-year cycle is called a session of Congress. This bill was created in the 111th Congress, in 2009-2010.

The titles of bills are written by the bill's sponsor and are a part of the legislation itself. GovTrack does not editorialize bill summaries.

2009-2010 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second...

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President
H. J. Res. 5: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second... (

The lunacy has already started folks.
It's actually pretty much the same Congress. Really doesn't matter much who the POTUS is, except now they have absolute power, one-party rule.... Basically a dictatorship, with no checks or balances.

That will begin to be corrected come 2010, it always is.

Hell, at the rate he's going and some of the shit he's pulled, look for the 2010 midterms to be canceled. :eusa_eh:
naw, i doubt he'd have a nads to try that

I didn't think he'd have the nads to try half the shit he has.
H. J. Res. 5:
111th CongressThis is a joint resolutions (H.J.Res. or S.J.Res.) in the U.S. Congress. Joint resolutions serve two purposes. First, they are used exactly as bills to enact law, generally for limited matters. Used this way, they must be passed by both the House and Senate and must be signed by the President before becoming law. Joint resolutions are also used to propose amendments to the Constitution. Used this way, they must be passed by both the House and Senate and be ratified by three-quarters of the states, but do not require the signature of the President, to become a part of the Constitution.

Bill numbers restart from 1 every two years. Each two-year cycle is called a session of Congress. This bill was created in the 111th Congress, in 2009-2010.

The titles of bills are written by the bill's sponsor and are a part of the legislation itself. GovTrack does not editorialize bill summaries.

2009-2010 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second...

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President
H. J. Res. 5: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second... (

The lunacy has already started folks.

I'm sure a poll will soon follow this.
Well--I knew there were some political pay-offs to get this bill off of the ground. It's called government extortion: Here it is along with deals made to democrat congressmen in farm states. No one knows yet how much they got in this bill:


"At its heart, the bill was a trade-off, less than the White House initially sought though it was more than Republicans said was acceptable. Some of the dealmaking had a distinct political feel. Rep. Alan Grayson, a first-term Democrat, won a pledge of support that $50 million from the proceeds of pollution permit sales in the bill would go to a proposed new hurricane research facility in his district in Orlando, Fla."

But hey--with this congress what's another 50 million here & there?
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We didn't ask for the Gores' electric bills, so we can't say how much efficiency improvement the family has accomplished. But the e-mail was on target in 2007; it's out of date now.

– Andrew Karter

So given the fact that in 2008 these upgrades were made and the bills were 10% higher according to his Utility bills, and given the fact the writer of the article didnt bother to get them gor 2009, they are basing this on the mere fact that the home is LEED cert. okay!

Not really. It isn't an article, it's Factcheck.

It was a completely straightforward presentation of the facts. Gore's homes were not energy efficient in 2006 and they are now in 2009.

Not hard to understand.
I can't believe your defending one of the biggest individual energy users in our nation, Sarah. Are you really this far in the tank for the hard left? Did you even read the rest of my post? Are you Ok with what's could very well happen with unemployment, and the poorest get hit with a tax hike in their everyday life? Think long and hard on this, Sarah, without your partisan glasses on.

And what are you defending, Meister? I think it's Repbulican obstruction which in essence represents your own partisan glasses.

I just left a link to fact check where they say Al Gore is not one of the biggest individual energy users in our nation and you continue to say that is not the case.

The rest of your post is not correct either. The poor are not being hit and I wish you would start posting links because I simply don't believe you anymore. Now that I backchecked that one comment and it turned out to be false, I am skeptical from here forward.
Not really. It isn't an article, it's Factcheck.

It was a completely straightforward presentation of the facts. Gore's homes were not energy efficient in 2006 and they are now in 2009.

Not hard to understand.
I can't believe your defending one of the biggest individual energy users in our nation, Sarah. Are you really this far in the tank for the hard left? Did you even read the rest of my post? Are you Ok with what's could very well happen with unemployment, and the poorest get hit with a tax hike in their everyday life? Think long and hard on this, Sarah, without your partisan glasses on.

And what are you defending, Meister? I think it's Repbulican obstruction which in essence represents your own partisan glasses.

I just left a link to fact check where they say Al Gore is not one of the biggest individual energy users in our nation and you continue to say that is not the case.

The rest of your post is not correct either. The poor are not being hit and I wish you would start posting links because I simply don't believe you anymore. Now that I backchecked that one comment and it turned out to be false, I am skeptical from here forward.
except they ignored FACTS
just like YOU do
Not really. It isn't an article, it's Factcheck.

It was a completely straightforward presentation of the facts. Gore's homes were not energy efficient in 2006 and they are now in 2009.

Not hard to understand.
I can't believe your defending one of the biggest individual energy users in our nation, Sarah. Are you really this far in the tank for the hard left? Did you even read the rest of my post? Are you Ok with what's could very well happen with unemployment, and the poorest get hit with a tax hike in their everyday life? Think long and hard on this, Sarah, without your partisan glasses on.

And what are you defending, Meister? I think it's Repbulican obstruction which in essence represents your own partisan glasses.

I just left a link to fact check where they say Al Gore is not one of the biggest individual energy users in our nation and you continue to say that is not the case.

The rest of your post is not correct either. The poor are not being hit and I wish you would start posting links because I simply don't believe you anymore. Now that I backchecked that one comment and it turned out to be false, I am skeptical from here forward.

Al Gore’s Personal Electricity Consumption Up 10% Despite “Energy-Efficient” Renovations
Energy guzzled by Al Gore’s home in past year could power 232 U.S. homes for a month

NASHVILLE – In the year since Al Gore took steps to make his home more energy-efficient, the former Vice President’s home energy use surged more than 10%, according to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research.

“A man’s commitment to his beliefs is best measured by what he does behind the closed doors of his own home,” said Drew Johnson, President of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. “Al Gore is a hypocrite and a fraud when it comes to his commitment to the environment, judging by his home energy consumption.”

In the past year, Gore’s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month.
Pullen for the Party: Al Gore's Energy Consumption

Sarah, he IS one of the most individual energy consumers in the United States. For the love of God, read it and weep. I guess you really didn't read the Warren Buffett article that I posted on this thread. A democrat stating that it is a tax hike. I guess I was wrong about you, and you really are that stupid to believe that the tax increases will not affect the poor. Drink some of your Kool-Aid dear, your looking parched. :cuckoo:
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