Congrats to Joe Biden and his administration. His first good move since becoming potus.

Untitled drawing - 2021-03-19T090404.483.png
Sanctioning China.

Credit where credit is due.
Well that can't be right. We all know Joe is owned by china, right?

China owns joe lock stock and barrell.....Joe's handlers thought this stupid move would make Joe look tough to the American People.....what a bunch of amateurs.

I have warned you morons time and again....Russia is not the threat...he might get away with sanctions on Russia....Not China.

Joe and his handlers are playing checkers....the Chinese are grand master Chess Players.

China will set up a military confrontation of a serious enough nature that the biden regime will have no choice but to respond in a limited fashion....this is exactly what China wants...they will pick the time and the place and will humiliate the American response....they have been planning for this for a long time....but were too fearful of Trump to put it into is the time for it......thanks to the stupid biden regime.
Oh, you mean..

I note, with amusement, that you don't deny the charge! You must know that anyone who has read your posts knows your favorite hobby-horse.
I don't misspell for hyperbolic effect- the local troll does- I don't use hyperbole, the local troll does, I don't use a straw man, the local troll does- the local troll can't legitimately refute anything I post- N.O.T.H.I.N.G.- note that while you're pretending to make notes.
Sanctioning China.

Credit where credit is due.

Seems to me I remember the Dems jumping all over Trump for putting sanctions on China.

It was a great idea and I'm surprised the Stuttering fuck is even thinking about sanctions on China.
Can you provide an example of Dems criticizing sanctions on China?
Sanctioning China.

Credit where credit is due.

Hard to believe people actually fall for this.

First of all, the current administration is far more aligned with Communism than our Constitution.
2nd, Joe Biden IS NOT calling the shots. Who believes he is? Seriously ???

Finally, there will be no real sanctions. If anything this is a back door gift to China and will benefit China in the end and mostly harm America.
Did you know 9 out of 10 "Stimulus" dollars will actually go to China ??? My God, the Communists are so far ahead in their strategies
These are tricks and illusions they continue to play and people continue to believe "because they said so"

when it comes to the government and the media.....believe nothing. In fact, it's often exactly the opposite
For anyone who think those sanctions will mean a thing, here you go. DO NOT piss of China. Joe is a good boy.

Sanctioning China.

Credit where credit is due.
Yes, even though this is nothing but window dressing and has no real teeth in it, I suppose it's a good thing that Beijing Biden is actually attempting to APPEAR like he respects U.S. sovereignty.

He should apply the same window dressing to the southern border.

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