Congrats to President Obama on a deserved proposal at renaming a street in NY after him.

It will be a great honor for Trump to have the street in front of his residence named after the Great Obama
Trump was born and raised in NY

Do you think NY will honor their native son?
Considering how well Obama got along with Wall St. and how he fought to bail his buddies out with TARP, it is very fitting.
What makes this proposal even more of a powerful statement is the location in Manhatten of this street being renamed one of America's top presidents of all time that being President Obama.

Petition calls to rename street in front of Trump Tower after Obama
/——-/ They already named a street in NYC after Obama.
Could you liberals get any more petty? You've become pathetic...

As petty as claiming a former president illegally tapped your wires?

No...Obama figured out a way to use his Justice Department to LEGALLY tap the phone lines of the Democrat's political opponent! He out Nixoned Nixon!
Too funny

How blindly they accept Trumps lies

Trump was astute enough to figure out that the Democrats were sleazy enough to do underhanded things like duping a FISA court judge into issuing wire taps on people affiliated with the Trump campaign, Winger! Hillary is as dirty as the day is long and Barry comes from a long line of Chicago Machine politicians. What's amusing is that liberal apologists like yourself still can't admit that the side that was doing it's best to win a campaign with sleazy tactics was never the Trump was ALWAYS the Clinton campaign!

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