Congrats to the Successful...You're Taxes Are Going Up!

Democrats like taxes because they don't pay them.

I'm a Democrat. I pay taxes. You're a liar.:eusa_liar:

No one mentions that families will get back tax money breaks by April.

Winers, winers, losers.:lol:
That's it, punish success and give it to people who choose to be poor. That's what socialists do best. Give 'em money for votes. This once great nation will be nothing more than just another socialist state by the time we get to vote again. Ronald Regan was the last decent president, since then, nothing but liberals. Now you morons have elected a pure socialist. Yippee!

Raising taxes on the rich to the level they were at when Clinton was in office is not socialism.

It's just good sense.

but spending more and more every year is just plain stupid.

without spending cuts, there will be no deficit reduction.
Obama also seeks to increase tax collections, mainly by making good on his promise to eliminate some of the temporary tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003. While the budget would keep the breaks that benefit middle-income families, it would eliminate them for wealthy taxpayers, defined as families earning more than $250,000 a year. Those tax breaks would be permitted to expire on schedule in 2011.

That means the top tax rate would rise from 35 percent to 39.6 percent, the tax on capital gains would jump to 20 percent from 15 percent for wealthy filers and the tax on estates worth more than $3.5 million would be maintained at the current rate of 45 percent.

Obama also proposes "a fairly aggressive effort on tax enforcement" that would target corporate loopholes, the official said. And Obama's budget seeks to tax the earnings of hedge fund managers as normal income rather than at the lower 15 percent capital gains rate.

Overall, tax collections under the plan would rise from about 16 percent of the economy this year to 19 percent in 2013, while federal spending would drop from about 26 percent of the economy, another post-World War II high, to 22 percent.


They were TEMPORARY tax cuts were they not?

I am, however, not at all sure that increasing capital gain taxes is a good idea at this time.

Personally I still think capital gains should be a progressive system whereby the taxes decrease based on how long one has had the asset that one is selling.

So somebody who bought a stock 1o years ago, pays a capital gain on the gains at a much lower rate than someone who is a day trader.
Democrats like taxes because they don't pay them.

if that were even half true than why do the red states take more of our tax money than they pay in taxes while blue states take more than they pay?

do you really think if you say something often enough, it becomes true?

Jillian, are you saying that the Federal Government taxes blue states at a higher rate than red states? Are you saying that blue states have more cities, more people, more jobs, thus paying more taxes overall? Are you saying blue states themselves tax at higher rates for state income taxes, property taxes, user taxes, sales taxes, etc?

What exactly is (and has been for months), your point with this canard?
if that were even half true than why do the red states take more of our tax money than they pay in taxes while blue states take more than they pay?

Jill are you not saying the same thing here about the RED and the Blue?.....that they both take more than what they pay in?
The rich will just move their wealth out of the United States. 'Taxing the rich' has a nice ring to it, but it never works.
all this from an idiot who hires tax cheats into his administration,,, :lol: the perfect jackass! :lol:
Democrats like taxes because they don't pay them.

Reminds me of this:

''There's a huge scientific breakthrough today. Researchers say they're very close to finding someone from Obama's Cabinet who's actually paid their taxes,'' Jay Leno said on NBC's Tonight Show.
My taxes going up was a given the day the Dems took control of all three branches of government.
You have a choice.

1)Soak the Rich and let them complain about it.

2)Cut Defense and worry about Foreign terrorists

3)Cut social Programs and worry about Crime

If the rich ever turn to crime or become traitors let me know. Until, bend them over, BIG BROTHER!!

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