Congratulations, Oklahoma!!

I'm left wondering, if this is such a slam-dunk for gay marriage as the Harvey Milk club is so sure it is, why was a stay issued in Utah? Why did the judge for Oklahoma make a stay part of the "overturned" package?

Why didn't SCOTUS last Summer just say that states don't have the "unquestioned authority" under the context of the discussion of gay marriage and be done with it?

There are still some very curious anomolies lingering which may not necessarily be such a guaranteed "in your face" victory for the Harvey-Milkers...?
when all other bullshit fails use the anomalies ploy.....

Don't think she cares for your tactics; she probably prefers honesty and integrity, but thanks for helping out, cum bucket.
I'm left wondering, if this is such a slam-dunk for gay marriage as the Harvey Milk club is so sure it is, why was a stay issued in Utah? Why did the judge for Oklahoma make a stay part of the "overturned" package?

Why didn't SCOTUS last Summer just say that states don't have the "unquestioned authority" under the context of the discussion of gay marriage and be done with it?

There are still some very curious anomolies lingering which may not necessarily be such a guaranteed "in your face" victory for the Harvey-Milkers...?
when all other bullshit fails use the anomalies ploy.....

Don't think she cares for your tactics; she probably prefers honesty and integrity, but thanks for helping out, cum bucket.
why do I not care what she cares for...
thanks fro sharing your fantasy about having buckets of cum poured all over you...and you say you're not gay!
Wow, sounds like feeling mutual all around, fucktard.

Go piss on yourself
so you're a golden shower guy too!

Your grasp of reality is imploding dude.

Get yourself help before its too late.

No, wait, go have a party with your butt-buddies and live it up, go bare-backing, lol.
more fantasy revealed !
gotta break it to you jimbob, you wouldn't know reality if it bitch slapped you..and it has on several occasions.
so you're a golden shower guy too!

Your grasp of reality is imploding dude.

Get yourself help before its too late.

No, wait, go have a party with your butt-buddies and live it up, go bare-backing, lol.
more fantasy revealed !
gotta break it to you jimbob, you wouldn't know reality if it bitch slapped you..and it has on several occasions.

Reality indeed has bitch slapped me a number of times, but it was in real life, not by some dipshit on the internet, bitch.
Flame war aside...

I repeat:

I'm left wondering, if this is such a slam-dunk for gay marriage as the Harvey Milk club is so sure it is, why was a stay issued in Utah? Why did the judge for Oklahoma make a stay part of the "overturned" package?

Why didn't SCOTUS last Summer just say that states don't have the "unquestioned authority" under the context of the discussion of gay marriage and be done with it?

There are still some very curious anomolies lingering which may not necessarily be such a guaranteed "in your face" victory for the Harvey-Milkers...?
The PEOPLE of Oklahoma banned queer marriage. They did this with 75 percent support of the vote.

And a single federal judge negated it.

The PEOPLE don't want it.

But an activist judge thinks they're wrong.

So there is a stay until the appeals are done.

Have fun waiting.

Welcome to the United States and the federal courts' power to declare laws unconstitutional. It's part of the wonderful system of checks and balances we have here. :D

Actually, it's how tyranny of a minority is accomplished.

And judges who legislate from the bench are actually breaking the law. In case you didn't know. It's how we had RvW forced upon us too.


‘Legislating from the bench’ is an ignorant, partisan rightwing contrivance and myth – there is no such thing.

If states err by enacting legislation offensive to the Constitution, and that legislation is invalidated by the courts, the states have only themselves to blame, not the judges following settled and accepted case law in good faith.

Last, Roe is the progeny of Griswold and Eisenstadt, representing a consistent and appropriate application of privacy rights jurisprudence limiting the states’ authority to interfere with citizens’ personal lives. Consequently nothing was ‘forced’ on any citizen; rather, it was the states that were compelled to respect the individual liberty of every American.
Flame war aside...

I repeat:

I'm left wondering, if this is such a slam-dunk for gay marriage as the Harvey Milk club is so sure it is, why was a stay issued in Utah? Why did the judge for Oklahoma make a stay part of the "overturned" package?

Why didn't SCOTUS last Summer just say that states don't have the "unquestioned authority" under the context of the discussion of gay marriage and be done with it?

There are still some very curious anomolies lingering which may not necessarily be such a guaranteed "in your face" victory for the Harvey-Milkers...?

You may repeat it as many times as you wish, and every time you repeat it, it makes no sense as the first time you stated it.
Welcome to the United States and the federal courts' power to declare laws unconstitutional. It's part of the wonderful system of checks and balances we have here. :D

Actually, it's how tyranny of a minority is accomplished.

And judges who legislate from the bench are actually breaking the law. In case you didn't know. It's how we had RvW forced upon us too.


‘Legislating from the bench’ is an ignorant, partisan rightwing contrivance and myth – there is no such thing.

If states err by enacting legislation offensive to the Constitution, and that legislation is invalidated by the courts, the states have only themselves to blame, not the judges following settled and accepted case law in good faith.

Last, Roe is the progeny of Griswold and Eisenstadt, representing a consistent and appropriate application of privacy rights jurisprudence limiting the states’ authority to interfere with citizens’ personal lives. Consequently nothing was ‘forced’ on any citizen; rather, it was the states that were compelled to respect the individual liberty of every American.

Lol, wow, so much bullshit and so little time to burn it all!


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This episode shows how worthless the GOP is as political opposition. The bimbo governor Marry Fallin, who is a second rate version of Sarah Palin, has done nothing to address the issue. All she has done is voice her "disapproval". Where is a formal legal injunction from the governor's office, on behalf of those who elected her?

This just goes to show, even in "red states", the GOP is spineless and useless.
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Flame war aside...

I repeat:

I'm left wondering, if this is such a slam-dunk for gay marriage as the Harvey Milk club is so sure it is, why was a stay issued in Utah? Why did the judge for Oklahoma make a stay part of the "overturned" package?

Why didn't SCOTUS last Summer just say that states don't have the "unquestioned authority" under the context of the discussion of gay marriage and be done with it?

There are still some very curious anomolies lingering which may not necessarily be such a guaranteed "in your face" victory for the Harvey-Milkers...?

You may repeat it as many times as you wish, and every time you repeat it, it makes no sense as the first time you stated it.

Sounds like an evasive response. It makes perfect sense. So reply to its specifics without sweeping it aside like that. It sounds like it scares you more than it "doesn't make sense"...
Are they honest-to-God gonna sing "Don't cry for me, Argentina" Every. Damn. Time. a state does the right thing??

It wasn't a state that did it, Bop, it was a FEDERAL JUDGE over-ruling duly passed Oklahoma law.

It's kind of funny how you seem to think a federal judge speaks for Oklahoma, lol.
Flame war aside...

I repeat:

You may repeat it as many times as you wish, and every time you repeat it, it makes no sense as the first time you stated it.

Sounds like an evasive response. It makes perfect sense. So reply to its specifics without sweeping it aside like that. It sounds like it scares you more than it "doesn't make sense"...

What you asked makes TOTAl sense, but libtards refuse to respond to things they don't like, then try to posture as though you just didn't word it right for them to comprehend!

I used to think this was a rights issue. Now it just seems like some creepy obsession to see some rectal froth churning.
Not at all. There is clearly some obsession going on.

On whose part, then? The Gay Marriage Mafia? The Traditionalists? The Media for giving the matter so much coverage?

We have been instituting policies and new cultural norms since 68 that have been killing our demographic growth rates, do you think that a mere trifle?

Gay marriage will be another such blow to our demographic growth.

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