Congratulations, Oklahoma!!

Why? How? We were either going to procreate or not. How does being able to protect our families like you do change that?

Worshipping Harvey Milk does not convince people that you are one prone to protecting a child's best interest. The equivalent [and I know how your ilk likes equality] would be straight people wearing "Free Jerry Sandusky" t-shirts when they went in to adopt a child.

You're not getting how worshipping a child sex predator and espousing child welfare cannot exist in the same conceptual universe, are you?
The PEOPLE of Oklahoma banned queer marriage. They did this with 75 percent support of the vote.

And a single federal judge negated it.

The PEOPLE don't want it.

But an activist judge thinks they're wrong.

So there is a stay until the appeals are done.

Have fun waiting.

Welcome to the United States and the federal courts' power to declare laws unconstitutional. It's part of the wonderful system of checks and balances we have here. :D

Actually, it's how tyranny of a minority is accomplished.

And judges who legislate from the bench are actually breaking the law. In case you didn't know. It's how we had RvW forced upon us too.

If the Right (or Left) doesn't want a court to declare a law unconstitutional......don't write an unconstitutional law. Pretty easy.
If the Right (or Left) doesn't want a court to declare a law unconstitutional......don't write an unconstitutional law. Pretty easy.

Good advice. And I hope the US Supreme Court remembers it when they weigh the 1st Amendment rights of christians, mormons and muslims to practice their faith without governement interference: particularly when it comes to the mortal sin [see Jude 1 of the Bible and Poets 26 of the Koran] of enabling a homosexual-promotional culture. Eternal damnation to the pit of fire is no slap on the wrist..

I also hope The Court remembers to uphold childrens', particularly orphaned-childrens', constitutional rights and rights per CAPTA, explained in more detail in my signature.

They can weigh these against a cult's "constitutional" "rights" when considering if 'LGBT' is the end of the line of possibilities. And of course there's the sticky wicket of making behaviors equivalent to a class or race outside of religion. Goodbye penal system. All one has to do from there on is chant, without scientific backup or proof, that one is "born this way" and anything goes. If you deny them based on your "old fashioned prude ideals", you are a "bigot", "hater" or a "[whatever]-aphobe"...

I had an old friend I was worried about. He was a compulsive thief. He didn't even need the things he stole but he felt completely sweaty, shakey and tense if he didn't get his "fix". He said he always had felt that way. Indeed he would say he was "born that way". Most compulsive behaviors feel that way. We are probably old fashioned as the world shifts from capitalism to socialism to deny my friend his habit. What bigots and haters are we to deny him his "birth" right?
If the Right (or Left) doesn't want a court to declare a law unconstitutional......don't write an unconstitutional law. Pretty easy.

Good advice. And I hope the US Supreme Court remembers it when they weigh the 1st Amendment rights of christians, mormons and muslims to practice their faith without governement interference: particularly when it comes to the mortal sin [see Jude 1 of the Bible and Poets 26 of the Koran] of enabling a homosexual-promotional culture. Eternal damnation to the pit of fire is no slap on the wrist..

I also hope The Court remembers to uphold childrens', particularly orphaned-childrens', constitutional rights and rights per CAPTA, explained in more detail in my signature.

They can weigh these against a cult's "constitutional" "rights" when considering if 'LGBT' is the end of the line of possibilities. And of course there's the sticky wicket of making behaviors equivalent to a class or race outside of religion. Goodbye penal system. All one has to do from there on is chant, without scientific backup or proof, that one is "born this way" and anything goes. If you deny them based on your "old fashioned prude ideals", you are a "bigot", "hater" or a "[whatever]-aphobe"...

I had an old friend I was worried about. He was a compulsive thief. He didn't even need the things he stole but he felt completely sweaty, shakey and tense if he didn't get his "fix". He said he always had felt that way. Indeed he would say he was "born that way". Most compulsive behaviors feel that way. We are probably old fashioned as the world shifts from capitalism to socialism to deny my friend his habit. What bigots and haters are we to deny him his "birth" right?

Wait....does our country have to have a "CULTURE" that fits christians, mormons (I thought mormons WERE christians) and muslims...or else it is taking away their 1st amendment rights?

Wait....does our country have to have a "CULTURE" that fits christians, mormons (I thought mormons WERE christians) and muslims...or else it is taking away their 1st amendment rights?


No, not a "culture", specifically Jude 1 and Poets 26 of the Bible and Koran respectively. Jude 1 discusses how the city of Sodom and men lying with men [the Koran's reference to Sodom's destruction] was destroyed along with all the homosexuals AND their enablers. They were sent of the pit of fire for eternity. Jude was about returning to warn christians of what they were warned of before and of Sodom held out as that example. Jude instructs that if they fail to heed the warnings again, other cities like Sodom will fall to the same fate and all those who enabled go down with them.

This isn't some general "cult" issue. This is a specified mandate from God in the Bible and Koran that forbids the enabling or promotion of homosexuality for christians or muslims.

When asking people to live in a culture that approves or silently grumbles in disapproval of gays "marrying", it isn't a small thing. Jude reminds christians that silent inaction or rolling over is equal to the sin of enabling. Jude urges them to "earnestly contend for the common salvation" lest they fall to the Pit along with the damned.

So this isn't a general thing: it's specific. The state cannot command the faithful to deny their faith to accomodate butt sex...and thereby be damned for eternity.
Wait....does our country have to have a "CULTURE" that fits christians, mormons (I thought mormons WERE christians) and muslims...or else it is taking away their 1st amendment rights?


No, not a "culture", specifically Jude 1 and Poets 26 of the Bible and Koran respectively. Jude 1 discusses how the city of Sodom and men lying with men [the Koran's reference to Sodom's destruction] was destroyed along with all the homosexuals AND their enablers. They were sent of the pit of fire for eternity. Jude was about returning to warn christians of what they were warned of before and of Sodom held out as that example. Jude instructs that if they fail to heed the warnings again, other cities like Sodom will fall to the same fate and all those who enabled go down with them.

This isn't some general "cult" issue. This is a specified mandate from God in the Bible and Koran that forbids the enabling or promotion of homosexuality for christians or muslims.

When asking people to live in a culture that approves or silently grumbles in disapproval of gays "marrying", it isn't a small thing. Jude reminds christians that silent inaction or rolling over is equal to the sin of enabling. Jude urges them to "earnestly contend for the common salvation" lest they fall to the Pit along with the damned.

So this isn't a general thing: it's specific. The state cannot command the faithful to deny their faith to accomodate butt sex...and thereby be damned for eternity.
So...we have to live by your fairy tales?
So...we have to live by your fairy tales?

No, you have to respect and not infringe upon the Bible and Koran's "fairly tales". Especially when those "fairy tales" spell out eternal damnation for failing to heed the specific mandate in Jude 1 and Poets 26, respectively, to not enable homosexual promotion or culture.

An entire city was destroyed and held out as an example to the faithful to heed. The Bible is an account of history until I learn differently. Every day archaelologists are uncovering discoveries that support instead of detract from the Biblical accounts. Better safe than sorry. You cannot impose a belief [gay sex cult] on another religion to the point of its oblivion. One must fall in this case. One must be obliterated. Eternal damnation is a big deal with christians. Not a slap on the wrist. On the issue of marriage, the cult of Harvey Milk may not stand in the same room with christians/muslims. One group has to leave.
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Your grasp of reality is imploding dude.

Get yourself help before its too late.

No, wait, go have a party with your butt-buddies and live it up, go bare-backing, lol.
more fantasy revealed !
gotta break it to you jimbob, you wouldn't know reality if it bitch slapped you..and it has on several occasions.

Reality indeed has bitch slapped me a number of times, but it was in real life, not by some dipshit on the internet, bitch.
Why? How? We were either going to procreate or not. How does being able to protect our families like you do change that?

Worshipping Harvey Milk does not convince people that you are one prone to protecting a child's best interest. The equivalent [and I know how your ilk likes equality] would be straight people wearing "Free Jerry Sandusky" t-shirts when they went in to adopt a child.

You're not getting how worshipping a child sex predator and espousing child welfare cannot exist in the same conceptual universe, are you?

Wait..Harvey Milk was a child sex predator because he dated a 16 year old (that he was with for 5 years)? He did what Phil Robertson says to do...
So...we have to live by your fairy tales?

No, you have to respect and not infringe upon the Bible and Koran's "fairly tales". Especially when those "fairy tales" spell out eternal damnation for failing to heed the specific mandate in Jude 1 and Poets 26, respectively, to not enable homosexual promotion or culture.

An entire city was destroyed and held out as an example to the faithful to heed. The Bible is an account of history until I learn differently. Every day archaelologists are uncovering discoveries that support instead of detract from the Biblical accounts. Better safe than sorry. You cannot impose a belief [gay sex cult] on another religion to the point of its oblivion. One must fall in this case. One must be obliterated. Eternal damnation is a big deal with christians. Not a slap on the wrist. On the issue of marriage, the cult of Harvey Milk may not stand in the same room with christians/muslims. One group has to leave.

Nobody is infringing on your fairy tale.
Not at all. There is clearly some obsession going on.

On whose part, then? The Gay Marriage Mafia? The Traditionalists? The Media for giving the matter so much coverage?

We have been instituting policies and new cultural norms since 68 that have been killing our demographic growth rates, do you think that a mere trifle?

Gay marriage will be another such blow to our demographic growth.

Why are you people so angry? You're always insulting or attacking people for no reason. I made no comment regarding the legality or trivality of the topic. In fact I specified that up front.
Wait..Harvey Milk was a child sex predator because he dated a 16 year old (that he was with for 5 years)? He did what Phil Robertson says to do...

Here's how you just defined "dating". Harvey Milk was 33 when he began "dating" the minor orphaned homeless teen Jack Mckinley in New York. Jack was incapable of consent to being sodomized by 33 year old Milk because Jack was 1. a minor 2. mentally ill 3. on drugs. Those are three felonies right there when sodomy is involved. That he travelled from New York to California and back committing these felonies with a minor means he also violated the MANN Act.

Jack Mckinley was so messed up in the head he tried to kill himself many times and actually did succeed on Milk's birthday. Milk discarded Mckinley as he did many other homeless drug addicted teens one by one as they age beyond his sexual appetite age. At 21, McKinley had definitely outlived his shelf-life in the eyes of the predator Harvey Milk.

And when Harvey Milk was "dating" this poor boy, he also officiated publicly as his parental guardian. A father sodomizing his dependent is intolerable. Yet here you are defening it.

That is problematic for you and all the other LGBTers I've seen defending him in the exact same spirit. Very problematic..
Gay marriage will be another such blow to our demographic growth.

Why? How? We were either going to procreate or not. How does being able to protect our families like you do change that?

With so many non-child bearing pairs getting marriage tax breaks, people will lose sight of the demographic function of giving people an incentive to have children and so the birth rate drops.

And of course you don't think that is true despite the many warnings over the last 70 years being completely vindicated with our disastrous birth rate we now have, lol.

The pervs are choking off natural sexual function so that fewer are having children, along with other things like cost of living and artificial standards being put so high few want the hassle of having kids anyway.
Not at all. There is clearly some obsession going on.

On whose part, then? The Gay Marriage Mafia? The Traditionalists? The Media for giving the matter so much coverage?

We have been instituting policies and new cultural norms since 68 that have been killing our demographic growth rates, do you think that a mere trifle?

Gay marriage will be another such blow to our demographic growth.

Why are you people so angry? You're always insulting or attacking people for no reason. I made no comment regarding the legality or trivality of the topic. In fact I specified that up front.

Fuck you, bitch.
On whose part, then? The Gay Marriage Mafia? The Traditionalists? The Media for giving the matter so much coverage?

We have been instituting policies and new cultural norms since 68 that have been killing our demographic growth rates, do you think that a mere trifle?

Gay marriage will be another such blow to our demographic growth.

Why are you people so angry? You're always insulting or attacking people for no reason. I made no comment regarding the legality or trivality of the topic. In fact I specified that up front.

Fuck you, bitch.

Curious......Are you prone to these type of responses while carrying your concealed weapon ?
Gay marriage will be another such blow to our demographic growth.

Why? How? We were either going to procreate or not. How does being able to protect our families like you do change that?

With so many non-child bearing pairs getting marriage tax breaks, people will lose sight of the demographic function of giving people an incentive to have children and so the birth rate drops.

And of course you don't think that is true despite the many warnings over the last 70 years being completely vindicated with our disastrous birth rate we now have, lol.

The pervs are choking off natural sexual function so that fewer are having children, along with other things like cost of living and artificial standards being put so high few want the hassle of having kids anyway.

Procreation is a requirement for civil marriage in which state? Oh yeah...none of them.

By the way, 1 in 4 gay couples are raising children.

We have nothing to do with your inability to procreate...and we're procreating on our own.
Wait..Harvey Milk was a child sex predator because he dated a 16 year old (that he was with for 5 years)? He did what Phil Robertson says to do...

Here's how you just defined "dating". Harvey Milk was 33 when he began "dating" the minor orphaned homeless teen Jack Mckinley in New York. Jack was incapable of consent to being sodomized by 33 year old Milk because Jack was 1. a minor 2. mentally ill 3. on drugs. Those are three felonies right there when sodomy is involved. That he travelled from New York to California and back committing these felonies with a minor means he also violated the MANN Act.

Jack Mckinley was so messed up in the head he tried to kill himself many times and actually did succeed on Milk's birthday. Milk discarded Mckinley as he did many other homeless drug addicted teens one by one as they age beyond his sexual appetite age. At 21, McKinley had definitely outlived his shelf-life in the eyes of the predator Harvey Milk.

And when Harvey Milk was "dating" this poor boy, he also officiated publicly as his parental guardian. A father sodomizing his dependent is intolerable. Yet here you are defening it.

That is problematic for you and all the other LGBTers I've seen defending him in the exact same spirit. Very problematic..

"Look, you wait ‘til they get to be 20 years old the only picking that’s going to take place is your pocket. You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks." Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame
"Look, you wait ‘til they get to be 20 years old the only picking that’s going to take place is your pocket. You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks." Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame

I don't watch Duck Dynasty. And, two wrongs don't make a right. I don't consider child welfare a topic of trivia or hairsplitting. If you believe children may be in danger, you report that danger. That's what my signature does...
Why are you people so angry? You're always insulting or attacking people for no reason. I made no comment regarding the legality or trivality of the topic. In fact I specified that up front.

Fuck you, bitch.

Curious......Are you prone to these type of responses while carrying your concealed weapon ?

Are you stupid as well as stuborn?
What part of 'fuck you' did you not understand?

I ido not give a flying shit what you have to say or think about anything. You are a fucking idiot and a coward.

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