Congratulations, Oklahoma!!

It doesn’t matter what he ‘thinks’ because this is an irrelevant, ignorant, hateful, moronic, and failed ‘argument’; in fact, this type of hate is compelling evidence in support of the fact that laws designed to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights are predicated solely on animus toward gay Americans.

That's it? That's your rebuttal to Harvey Milk: orphaned-minor/teen sex predator being nominated as Pope to the church of LGBT?

The equivalent would be electing Jerry Sandusky to the sporting hall of fame for his "outreach to youth"


The Church of Latter Day Saints elevating Warren Jeffs to the top ranks of their outfit.

I'll be then you'd say these were compelling and relevant topics to discuss. Just not when it's LGBTs elevating Harvey Milk, or "Captain Lurker" as their "pope", right? Then it's "ignorant, hateful, moronic, failed...etc. etc. etc."

You're losing this debate. Are you aware of that? The simplicity of logic is cutting you to the quick...
what logic?
you've based you bogus argument on the irrelevant presumed innocence of Harvey milk's boyfriend .
he had be street hustler for years before they met, the orphaned teen/ victim shtick doesn't fly..
any argument based on that false presumption is meaningless.
Again, go fuck yourself, fascist.

Hey JimBowie, do you think if lawyers for Utah frame the case as "Harvey Milk v Utah" that they'll have a good legal chance at winning?

I mean, all they'd have to do is discuss orphans, adoption, marriage and its perks [elevation to top-tier to adopt]. Should be a pretty compelling argument. You don't adopt orphans to people who worship a guy's "sexual accomplishments" as their "sexual civil rights leader" who took in orphans and sodomized them while officiating as their father figure.

Your thoughts?

I think it should be illegal for homosexuals to adopt children of the same sex.

I think adult homosexuals who are caught having sex with minors should be put up against a wall and shot in the head as should any pedophile.

Not sure what that leaves uncovered, but I think you get the gist.
Again, go fuck yourself, fascist.

Hey JimBowie, do you think if lawyers for Utah frame the case as "Harvey Milk v Utah" that they'll have a good legal chance at winning?

I mean, all they'd have to do is discuss orphans, adoption, marriage and its perks [elevation to top-tier to adopt]. Should be a pretty compelling argument. You don't adopt orphans to people who worship a guy's "sexual accomplishments" as their "sexual civil rights leader" who took in orphans and sodomized them while officiating as their father figure.

Your thoughts?

I think it should be illegal for homosexuals to adopt children of the same sex.

I think adult homosexuals who are caught having sex with minors should be put up against a wall and shot in the head as should any pedophile.

Not sure what that leaves uncovered, but I think you get the gist.
thanks for making it completely clear you're a fucking fascist badly disguised as a self proclaimed patriot !
thanks for making it completely clear you're a fucking fascist badly disguised as a self proclaimed patriot !

Or he's a gay posing as someone violent towards gays to milk sympathy for gays. It wouldnt' be the first time and it surely won't be the last. They are get at their goals [see my signature for details]
thanks for making it completely clear you're a fucking fascist badly disguised as a self proclaimed patriot !

Or he's a gay posing as someone violent towards gays to milk sympathy for gays. It wouldnt' be the first time and it surely won't be the last. They are get at their goals [see my signature for details]
I've seen your sig and it's a classic reactionary homophobe response..sure you guys aren't twins?
Hey JimBowie, do you think if lawyers for Utah frame the case as "Harvey Milk v Utah" that they'll have a good legal chance at winning?

I mean, all they'd have to do is discuss orphans, adoption, marriage and its perks [elevation to top-tier to adopt]. Should be a pretty compelling argument. You don't adopt orphans to people who worship a guy's "sexual accomplishments" as their "sexual civil rights leader" who took in orphans and sodomized them while officiating as their father figure.

Your thoughts?

I think it should be illegal for homosexuals to adopt children of the same sex.

I think adult homosexuals who are caught having sex with minors should be put up against a wall and shot in the head as should any pedophile.

Not sure what that leaves uncovered, but I think you get the gist.
thanks for making it completely clear you're a fucking fascist badly disguised as a self proclaimed patriot !

Not wanting to see innocent children in the hands of same sex homosexual 'parents' is not fascist, it is prudence.

As for executing the pedos, there is nothing fascist about that either, slimey bicth.
thanks for making it completely clear you're a fucking fascist badly disguised as a self proclaimed patriot !

Or he's a gay posing as someone violent towards gays to milk sympathy for gays. It wouldnt' be the first time and it surely won't be the last. They are get at their goals [see my signature for details]

Orrrr, I detest pedophiles for personal reasons and you are the poseur instead.
thanks for making it completely clear you're a fucking fascist badly disguised as a self proclaimed patriot !

Or he's a gay posing as someone violent towards gays to milk sympathy for gays. It wouldnt' be the first time and it surely won't be the last. They are get at their goals [see my signature for details]
I've seen your sig and it's a classic reactionary homophobe response..sure you guys aren't twins?

lol, fruit fight!
lol, fruit fight!

Dude, have you read some of my posts? We're on the same side of the argument. And I have my own personal reasons for not caring much for pedophiles or their avid supporters. It's just that when you hurl violence at gays they sprint straight to their PR people and wave it around as a sympathy flag. They have gotten WAY too much mileage with that stunt already. Just don't give them more.

I'm pretty sure the nation/city state of Sodom was quite well established before it was destroyed. In case you missed the point of the christian condition, it is to be tested as long as possible in an atmosphere where sin is everywhere. The condition of Sodom was one where even if a good christian wanted to avoid sin, there was no physical way to. El Diablo's ways had run so rampant that all peer pressure was directed to homosexuality and general lewd indulgences of every type, as I understand the description of Sodom. Men lying with men had no doubt even been incorporated in the laws of the city, and taught to children as "normal". Once a program of teaching kids outright or by example that a forbidden practice is "normal", there is no hope. Homo sapiens formative years are very difficult to undo, even with the most faithful soul inside that imprinted matrix.

So, then, one day, God had had enough. With no hope even for the children of Sodom, He plucked the one person who turned away the creepers and the lurkers, their enablers. Then God levelled the place & sent everyone to the Pit of Fire that was in it and making it roll along.

Sodom didn't appear on the map one day by judicial fiat. The culture grew out of control as indulgent cultures always do.

Okay, a couple of things here.

First, I find it interesting that you think that there were "Christians" in Sodom. (Which happened thousands of years before Christ.)

Second, reading Genesis 19, I guess I'm having a hard time understanding what God thinks of as Righteous.

He saves Lot and his family. (Except poor Mrs. Lot. She got turned into a condiment)

Now, this good man Lot offered his daughters up for Gang rape. His supposedly VIRGIN daughters. Before the Angels blinded everyone.

Then Lot had drunken sex with both of them while they were living in a cage.

And this is what God considered righteous?

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Okay, a couple of things here.

First, I find it interesting that you think that there were "Christians" in Sodom. (Which happened thousands of years before Christ.)

Second, reading Genesis 19, I guess I'm having a hard time understanding what God thinks of as Righteous.

He saves Lot and his family. (Except poor Mrs. Lot. She got turned into a condiment)

Now, this good man Lot offered his daughters up for Gang rape. His supposedly VIRGIN daughters. Before the Angels blinded everyone.

Then Lot had drunken sex with both of them while they were living in a cage.

And this is what God considered righteous?

Well I didn't write the Bible. They have different levels of sin in it though. The others you mentioned apparently fall under "venial" or "cardinal". Aiding and abetting a homosexual culture is a "mortal" sin that gets you damned for eternity. Maybe for the others it's purgatory or something? In any event, you or I don't make the rules. But christians' & muslims' God does make the rules. You can't ask the faithful to commit a mortal sin to enable a homosexual-promoting culture. That's like asking gays to sleep with the opposite sex.

Well I didn't write the Bible. They have different levels of sin in it though. The others you mentioned apparently fall under "venial" or "cardinal". Aiding and abetting a homosexual culture is a "mortal" sin that gets you damned for eternity. Maybe for the others it's purgatory or something? In any event, you or I don't make the rules. But christians' & muslims' God does make the rules. You can't ask the faithful to commit a mortal sin to enable a homosexual-promoting culture. That's like asking gays to sleep with the opposite sex.

You know what, I really do want a little more evidence than a 3000 year old book written by ignorant, bronze age sheepherders before deciding what is a venial sin.

In short. I think that offering your children up for gang rape is a much more serious sin than being gay. So would 99.9% of the population.

You also work on the assumption that I'm really bothering to "ask" you bible thumping assholes for anything. Fuck that. we're just going to change the laws, and if you guys discriminate, we sue your asses. Done.
lol, fruit fight!

Dude, have you read some of my posts? We're on the same side of the argument. And I have my own personal reasons for not caring much for pedophiles or their avid supporters. It's just that when you hurl violence at gays they sprint straight to their PR people and wave it around as a sympathy flag. They have gotten WAY too much mileage with that stunt already. Just don't give them more.

I didn't hurl violence at gays, dude, if you would read closer and actually think about what I posted.

I was referring to gay pedophiles, which are known to exist and nowhere do I imply that all homosexuals are pedos, so don't bother going there.
Federal judge strikes down Oklahoma ban on same-sex marriage - U.S. News

Oklahoma's ban on same-sex marriage was struck down Tuesday by a federal judge who declared it a fundamental violation of equal rights.

U.S. Senior District Judge Terence Kern ruled in Tulsa that a state constitutional amendment limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples ran afoul of the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the 14th Amendment.

The ruling won't immediately let same-sex couples get married in Oklahoma, however. Kern stayed the ruling pending resolution of a similar challenge to Utah's ban on same-sex marriage, which is being heard by the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver.

Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights activist group, said it was clear that Kern "has come to the conclusion that so many have before him — that the fundamental equality of lesbian and gay couples is guaranteed by the United States Constitution."

But Gov. Mary Fallin said she was "disappointed" by the ruling, noting that the restriction was passed by Oklahoma voters nine years ago with 75 percent support.

"The people of Oklahoma have spoken on this issue," Fallin said in a statement. "I support the right of Oklahoma's voters to govern themselves on this and other policy matters."

Policy matters!? This is not about policy matters. Nobody gets to vote on whether people have the same rights you do.

While I share everyone's joy at this ruling, I don't think it's somethign we shold applaud as it's unconstitutionality is a no-brainer. Of course it should get struck down, it's common-sense discrimination and would be like applauding the arrest of a child-murderer.
I think it should be illegal for homosexuals to adopt children of the same sex.

I think adult homosexuals who are caught having sex with minors should be put up against a wall and shot in the head as should any pedophile.

Not sure what that leaves uncovered, but I think you get the gist.
thanks for making it completely clear you're a fucking fascist badly disguised as a self proclaimed patriot !

Not wanting to see innocent children in the hands of same sex homosexual 'parents' is not fascist, it is prudence.

As for executing the pedos, there is nothing fascist about that either, slimey bicth.

No, it's fascist. If keeping children from sexual assault were your goal, then no men would ever be allowed to adopt children, ever and no male family member would ever be allowed near adopted children, ever.

Gays can and do adopt children of either and or both genders and we have them all on our own.

Get over it.
The only reference to "the ghey" when talking about S & G is when the angry mob wants to rape the angels and yet gays get all the rap for the destruction of BOTH cities.

But hey, why the fuck were the angels there in the first place? You guys cannot seriously believe that two entire cities had turned gay (except Lott and his wife, of course) and that's why they were wiped out, can you?

If both cities were all gay all the time...what the fuck was Lott still doing there?
Federal judge strikes down Oklahoma ban on same-sex marriage - U.S. News

Oklahoma's ban on same-sex marriage was struck down Tuesday by a federal judge who declared it a fundamental violation of equal rights.

U.S. Senior District Judge Terence Kern ruled in Tulsa that a state constitutional amendment limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples ran afoul of the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the 14th Amendment.

The ruling won't immediately let same-sex couples get married in Oklahoma, however. Kern stayed the ruling pending resolution of a similar challenge to Utah's ban on same-sex marriage, which is being heard by the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver.

Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights activist group, said it was clear that Kern "has come to the conclusion that so many have before him — that the fundamental equality of lesbian and gay couples is guaranteed by the United States Constitution."

But Gov. Mary Fallin said she was "disappointed" by the ruling, noting that the restriction was passed by Oklahoma voters nine years ago with 75 percent support.

"The people of Oklahoma have spoken on this issue," Fallin said in a statement. "I support the right of Oklahoma's voters to govern themselves on this and other policy matters."

Policy matters!? This is not about policy matters. Nobody gets to vote on whether people have the same rights you do.

While I share everyone's joy at this ruling, I don't think it's somethign we shold applaud as it's unconstitutionality is a no-brainer.

Except no one is being discriminated against since any person can marry another person of the opposite sex no matter if homosexual or not.

Show me in the law where it says heterosexuals can marry someone of the same sex but homosexuals cannot.

Meanwhile it is interesting to see how many here enjoy seeing the will of the people of Oklahoma trampled on by fascist dictator magistrates who make up law as they go.
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thanks for making it completely clear you're a fucking fascist badly disguised as a self proclaimed patriot !

Not wanting to see innocent children in the hands of same sex homosexual 'parents' is not fascist, it is prudence.

As for executing the pedos, there is nothing fascist about that either, slimey bicth.

No, it's fascist.

Fascism has nothing to do with sexuality, idiot, as the fascists in Italy and the Nazis of Germany had plenty of known pervs in their parties from their very start.

You are a pathetic loser who has to view everything in the world according to your sexual obsessions, but that does not change what fascism is, dumbass.
You know what, I really do want a little more evidence than a 3000 year old book written by ignorant, bronze age sheepherders before deciding what is a venial sin.

In short. I think that offering your children up for gang rape is a much more serious sin than being gay. So would 99.9% of the population.

You also work on the assumption that I'm really bothering to "ask" you bible thumping assholes for anything. Fuck that. we're just going to change the laws, and if you guys discriminate, we sue your asses. Done.

Sue away. But when you do, remember it's a very costly and time consuming project with ultimately the 1st Amendment standing between you and your goal at the end of the appeal's process.

I'm not a bible thumper. I'm not even christian. I just was christian and have a background somewhat in the topic and just a broad general interest in ancient history and quite a lot of other things

And I know how to use a search engine.

It doesn't matter what you think about the Bible and which sins are worse than others. It doesn't even matter what your speculated & inflated claim of "99.9%" of other people think. You can't answer for the christian God and why some sins are worse than others. Neither can the ordinary christian. They are taught to abide by their faith and not parse out the big stuff: just obey the big examples. Sodom was one of those in that all its people were wiped off the map and sent to the pit of fire for enabling a homosexual-promoting culture.

Let's take a look at that last bit and at least try to parse it out in the way an all-seeing logical creator figure might look at it. No, I'm not God, but I like to fancy that God would be logical above all other things when trying to achieve an objective:

You grumble because a man who offered his daughters up for gang rape is not equal to or worse than the sin of an entire city promoting deviant homosexuality. Think of it this way: numbers. Which sin would have the potential for numbers of people to fall to the Pit of Fire? Perhaps God, being a logical being [remember my premise], surmised that an individual committing one terrible sin under duress [as gay sex crazed men were banging on his door threatening to knock it down, demanding sexual access to his devout male guests inside] is not as great a long-term damager to his overall project.

Let's say that overall project is to test and reap as many good strong souls from this planet to take to Heaven and dwell there with him: for whatever reason. God has its reasons.

So one individual who probably figured those lurkers banging on his door wouldn't even look at or touch his daughters anyway, committed, yes, a terrible sin of offering them up for gang rape. But it was his sin, limited to him, and he could later atone for it and improve himself hopefully to shine in the final reckoning.

Let's say though in Sodom's case, there existed a gigantic matrix, a social stew. It was much much larger than one individual and as such had much greater power of influence over the individual souls within. Thousands of them. Perhaps tens or even hundreds of thousands of them [again, remember "numbers"]. A culture of tolerance towards homosexuality and its lack of self awareness or control, being spawned of a base nature of the "animal man" and conditioning, means the entire city gives the individuals within it not a chance. ie: the city and its social mileu had taken on a life of its own. As such, it did not give the various individuals within it even a fighting chance to redeem their souls.

Someone I was speaking with not long ago even had a formula for the tipping point of where God smites entire areas and wipes the slate clean to start over again. It was something like 80%-20%. He said that if a social matrix reaches a point of 80% saturation of a sinning behavior cultural value, that's when the Big Guy steps in with his bad-ass angels and cleans house, or busts a cap.

The numbers game of saving souls means if one person does a terrible thing, it's one terrible thing that person can try to mitigate or atone for later. If an entire matrix that houses multitudes of people goes awry, there is no hope because of the nature of social pressures, to redeem any of them inside. And so to the pit of fire they go for enabling the mess to exist in the first place.

And this is why in Jude the passages says to "earnestly contend" for "the common salvation". And it held out Sodom and other social matrixes like it as an example of what will happen if you don't. If early in Sodom's history, good people stood up and earnestly contended for the faith and common salvation, perhaps that city would still be standing somewhere today where it once stood?

We are at that crux right now, that turning point in our version of Sodom right here in the US. Given that LGBTers are already being open about celebrating sex with minors who are addled on drugs [see my signature], I'd say we've almost crossed over the tipping point.

All according to if God is a logical being who wants the greatest number of souls to strengthen themselves against the temptation of sin and to ascend to chill with him in his Crib. Hence the MORTAL sin of enabling an entire social matrix to pressure sin into people through their formative years in childhood even vs the random sin commited by a man in duress.

And what do you know, gays are pumping out laws in California one after the other designed to make and keep gay "normal" in kids eyes.

1. Requiring them to celebrate Harvey Milk in school.

2. Blocking their access to therapy to change their orientation until kids are 18, even if they know themselves it is artificial and gotten by being molested by a same-sex perp when they were young. By 18 their habit will be too ingrained to change, dontcha know..

3. Forcing kids to accept "transgender" [mentally ill] children to use opposite gender bathrooms to complete their fantasy of not wanting to accept the gender they were born into.

This is the Sodom stuff that was warned about. To me the most chilling part of all of it is not the actions of the meat puppets serving their Sin Master; for they literally are on autopilot and know not what they do. It's the people who know what is wrong and sit quietly by, not wanting to rock the boat or risk any criticism: even when it comes to protecting their own children against what they know full well is advancing upon them!
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The only reference to "the ghey" when talking about S & G is when the angry mob wants to rape the angels and yet gays get all the rap for the destruction of BOTH cities.

But hey, why the fuck were the angels there in the first place? You guys cannot seriously believe that two entire cities had turned gay (except Lott and his wife, of course) and that's why they were wiped out, can you?

If both cities were all gay all the time...what the fuck was Lott still doing there?

The Bible relates that the men of the city came to Lots house asking for the men, which were the angels.

Other than that, it doesn't mention that the city was destroyed because of gay people.

Idolatry, adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, immorality. Not because the cities were entirely gay.

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