Congratulations, Oklahoma!!

Not wanting to see innocent children in the hands of same sex homosexual 'parents' is not fascist, it is prudence.

As for executing the pedos, there is nothing fascist about that either, slimey bicth.

Being the parent of a well-adjusted 19 year old....what exactly are you trying to say about gay parents?

Lol, are you stupid or what?

I am saying two gay men should not be able to adopt a young boy, etc. That is prudence to not do that.

And frankly I don't like the idea of two perverts raising a child whether the child might be subject to their perversions or not. If a couple like to molest pet dogs, I don't think they should be able to adopt, for example, whether you and they think the couple would make the best damned parents on the planet, you stupid ****.

With a straight married couple, one of the parents will be sexually attracted to whatever gender child they adopt. Does that stop the adoptions?

If anyone is a pedo, they should not be allowed to adopt. PERIOD But unless there is some evidence that they are pedophiles, we will not convict them or treat them as such.

I think you are too stupid to have a vote, since you lack the intellect necessary to weigh all the options. But you still get your vote. So neither of us gets our wish, you ignorant tard.
Being the parent of a well-adjusted 19 year old....what exactly are you trying to say about gay parents?

I have this to say: Does your 19 year old know LGBTers emulate Harvey Milk? And, have you explained what type of queer sexuality Milk practiced to your son? And how it's Milk' sexuality that is iconized along with him?

What does your son say about all that? [19 is getting a little old for Harvey Milk's appetite, but it may still creep him out a little to know what the movement stands for]. Or don't you have a level of honesty with him on the topic?

Yes...she even went with us and helped at San Diego's unveiling of Harvey Milk St. Her other mom was a teenager in the Bay Area during that time and tells her about what it was like, and of course, she's seen Milk and asked how accurate it was.

She knows also there are people like you out there that she rolls her eyes over.

Wasn't Milk a known pederast?

Jim Jones Pal and Pedophile to Get Own Postage Stamp | FrontPage Magazine

You want to put up statues to known pedos??

Lol you are one sick bitch.
thanks for making it completely clear you're a fucking fascist badly disguised as a self proclaimed patriot !

Not wanting to see innocent children in the hands of same sex homosexual 'parents' is not fascist, it is prudence.

As for executing the pedos, there is nothing fascist about that either, slimey bicth.

Perhaps not.

But it is un-Constitutional and exhibits only hatred toward gay Americans, as there is no evidence in support of such accusations.

Yeah, just cause you say so, uh huh.

Lol, stupid ass
With a straight married couple, one of the parents will be sexually attracted to whatever gender child they adopt. Does that stop the adoptions?

If anyone is a pedo, they should not be allowed to adopt. PERIOD But unless there is some evidence that they are pedophiles, we will not convict them or treat them as such.

I think you are too stupid to have a vote, since you lack the intellect necessary to weigh all the options. But you still get your vote. So neither of us gets our wish, you ignorant tard.

How about the fact that Harvey Milk has been enshrined in law as the "embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world" and that kids are required to celebrate his sexual orientation [see my signature below] every year in schools? If you read my signature, you don't even have to convict anyone to have reasonable suspicion to act in defense of potential child endangerment. It's the one area of law where not only are you NOT required to have proof, but just reasonable suspicion. And also, if you have this lesser proof, this suspicion, you are REQUIRED BY LAW in most states and federally to report such suspected endangerment to authorities. The list of authorities charged with protecting children is long. The one at the top of course is the US Supreme Court.

How about people who elevate a child sex predator as their sexual-culture icon? Should they be allowed to adopt? Using your own example, if you were an adoption agent and two straight people came in your office, married, to adopt and were wearing "Free Jerry Sandusky!" T-shirts, would you adopt an orphan to them? If two gay, "married", people came in wearing Harvey Milk T-shirts, would you adopt to them? If no on the first set and yes on the second, please explain why?
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I have this to say: Does your 19 year old know LGBTers emulate Harvey Milk? And, have you explained what type of queer sexuality Milk practiced to your son? And how it's Milk' sexuality that is iconized along with him?

What does your son say about all that? [19 is getting a little old for Harvey Milk's appetite, but it may still creep him out a little to know what the movement stands for]. Or don't you have a level of honesty with him on the topic?

Yes...she even went with us and helped at San Diego's unveiling of Harvey Milk St. Her other mom was a teenager in the Bay Area during that time and tells her about what it was like, and of course, she's seen Milk and asked how accurate it was.

She knows also there are people like you out there that she rolls her eyes over.

My daughter emulates Harvey Milk. She advocates for equal rights, just as he did.

Milk also had sexual relations with children half his age.

What does your daughter think about that?
While I share everyone's joy at this ruling, I don't think it's somethign we shold applaud as it's unconstitutionality is a no-brainer.

Except no one is being discriminated against since any person can marry another person of the opposite sex no matter if homosexual or not.

Show me in the law where it says heterosexuals can marry someone of the same sex but homosexuals cannot.

Meanwhile it is interesting to see how many here enjoy seeing the will of the people of Oklahoma trampled on by fascist dictator magistrates who make up law as they go.


The nature of the discrimination is explained in the ruling:

As one can see, same-sex couples are clearly being discriminated against, as their 14th Amendment due process and equal protection rights have been violated by the challenged provision of the Oklahoma constitution.

Bullshit, don't throw out a link to some legalese crap pile and say it proves your point.

Where in the law does a heterosexual get to do something that a homosexual cannot do?
Yes...she even went with us and helped at San Diego's unveiling of Harvey Milk St. Her other mom was a teenager in the Bay Area during that time and tells her about what it was like, and of course, she's seen Milk and asked how accurate it was.

She knows also there are people like you out there that she rolls her eyes over.

Your indoctrinization of your daughter seems indeed complete. If a child can be trained to roll her eyes at the thought of someone objecting to a lifestyle that involves sodomizing teen orphans on drugs incapable of consent, the lesson of Sodom's culture being wiped out is indeed more pertinent than even I thought.

Thanks for that fine example of how even children in Sodom had no chance, no chance at all at redemption from their earliest formative years. Fine example. Thank you.

As I said, my daughter is very well adjusted and sees right thru people like you.

Being the parent of a well-adjusted 19 year old....what exactly are you trying to say about gay parents?

Lol, are you stupid or what?

I am saying two gay men should not be able to adopt a young boy, etc. That is prudence to not do that.

And frankly I don't like the idea of two perverts raising a child whether the child might be subject to their perversions or not. If a couple like to molest pet dogs, I don't think they should be able to adopt, for example, whether you and they think the couple would make the best damned parents on the planet, you stupid ****.

With a straight married couple, one of the parents will be sexually attracted to whatever gender child they adopt. Does that stop the adoptions?

If anyone is a pedo, they should not be allowed to adopt. PERIOD But unless there is some evidence that they are pedophiles, we will not convict them or treat them as such.

I think you are too stupid to have a vote, since you lack the intellect necessary to weigh all the options. But you still get your vote. So neither of us gets our wish, you ignorant tard.

The fact that the queer 'community' celebrates pederasts like Milk proves my point, fucking liar.
With a straight married couple, one of the parents will be sexually attracted to whatever gender child they adopt. Does that stop the adoptions?

If anyone is a pedo, they should not be allowed to adopt. PERIOD But unless there is some evidence that they are pedophiles, we will not convict them or treat them as such.

I think you are too stupid to have a vote, since you lack the intellect necessary to weigh all the options. But you still get your vote. So neither of us gets our wish, you ignorant tard.

How about the fact that Harvey Milk has been enshrined in law as the "embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world" and that kids are required to celebrate his sexual orientation [see my signature below] every year in schools? If you read my signature, you don't even have to convict anyone to have reasonable suspicion to act in defense of potential child endangerment. It's the one area of law where not only are you NOT required to have proof, but just reasonable suspicion. And also, if you have this lesser proof, this suspicion, you are REQUIRED BY LAW in most states and federally to report such suspected endangerment to authorities. The list of authorities charged with protecting children is long. The one at the top of course is the US Supreme Court.

How about people who elevate a child sex predator as their sexual-culture icon? Should they be allowed to adopt? Using your own example, if you were an adoption agent and two straight people came in your office, married, to adopt and were wearing "Free Jerry Sandusky!" T-shirts, would you adopt an orphan to them? If two gay, "married", people came in wearing Harvey Milk T-shirts, would you adopt to them? If no on the first set and yes on the second, please explain why?

Ok, if you have suspicions, then voice them to the authorities. As long as those suspicions are based on something the individual in question actually did, and not the fact that the individual is gay.
I rejoice that she will be raising her children in a better world than what it was 10-20 years ago, just like I am happy to have raised her in a world without the segregation I remember when I was a teenager.

Yes thank goodness your daughter is in a world poised on the verge of accepting or rejecting men in their 30s & 40s lurking the streets for vulnerable orphaned teen boys to bring home and sodomize one after the one after the other, rejected later past their "use by" date commits suicide.

Have you ever ACTUALLY read about Harvey Milk's sexual orientation? Might want to brush up on that before you render a world where it flourishes for "your daughter to enjoy"... are another one of "those" who cannot clearly see the difference between consent between adults and children. That's a bit scary.
Lol, are you stupid or what?

I am saying two gay men should not be able to adopt a young boy, etc. That is prudence to not do that.

And frankly I don't like the idea of two perverts raising a child whether the child might be subject to their perversions or not. If a couple like to molest pet dogs, I don't think they should be able to adopt, for example, whether you and they think the couple would make the best damned parents on the planet, you stupid ****.

With a straight married couple, one of the parents will be sexually attracted to whatever gender child they adopt. Does that stop the adoptions?

If anyone is a pedo, they should not be allowed to adopt. PERIOD But unless there is some evidence that they are pedophiles, we will not convict them or treat them as such.

I think you are too stupid to have a vote, since you lack the intellect necessary to weigh all the options. But you still get your vote. So neither of us gets our wish, you ignorant tard.

The fact that the queer 'community' celebrates pederasts like Milk proves my point, fucking liar.

The fact that you want to convict every gay person because of the actions of Milk proves you are a hate-mongering bigot.

The fact that you claim every gal celebrates Milk is simply your lie.
With a straight married couple, one of the parents will be sexually attracted to whatever gender child they adopt. Does that stop the adoptions?

If anyone is a pedo, they should not be allowed to adopt. PERIOD But unless there is some evidence that they are pedophiles, we will not convict them or treat them as such.

I think you are too stupid to have a vote, since you lack the intellect necessary to weigh all the options. But you still get your vote. So neither of us gets our wish, you ignorant tard.

How about the fact that Harvey Milk has been enshrined in law as the "embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world" and that kids are required to celebrate his sexual orientation [see my signature below] every year in schools? If you read my signature, you don't even have to convict anyone to have reasonable suspicion to act in defense of potential child endangerment. It's the one area of law where not only are you NOT required to have proof, but just reasonable suspicion. And also, if you have this lesser proof, this suspicion, you are REQUIRED BY LAW in most states and federally to report such suspected endangerment to authorities. The list of authorities charged with protecting children is long. The one at the top of course is the US Supreme Court.

How about people who elevate a child sex predator as their sexual-culture icon? Should they be allowed to adopt? Using your own example, if you were an adoption agent and two straight people came in your office, married, to adopt and were wearing "Free Jerry Sandusky!" T-shirts, would you adopt an orphan to them? If two gay, "married", people came in wearing Harvey Milk T-shirts, would you adopt to them? If no on the first set and yes on the second, please explain why?

Ok, if you have suspicions, then voice them to the authorities. As long as those suspicions are based on something the individual in question actually did, and not the fact that the individual is gay.

Well, several of the gay posters here who have children have stepped up to defend Harvey Milk's sexuality, even after they were reminded of the lurid details of it. In fact, when confronting gays on the internet now for some 10 years about the Harvey Milk issue, I've not encountered one single gay person who stepped up and denounced him. Either they fell silent and went away or more commonly, they stepped up to defend him; a thing against me which is impossible to do. So when ultimately backed into a corner they started arguing to lower the age of consent!

As if lowering the age of consent would erase the crime or the exacerbating co-crime of sodomizing someone while under they are under the influence of drugs or mentally ill.

So if any gay parent knows about Harvey Milk's tweak for scared, homeless teen boys on drugs and steps up to defend that "orientation", I should report them to authorities? My goodness, better build more jail cells..
I have this to say: Does your 19 year old know LGBTers emulate Harvey Milk? And, have you explained what type of queer sexuality Milk practiced to your son? And how it's Milk' sexuality that is iconized along with him?

What does your son say about all that? [19 is getting a little old for Harvey Milk's appetite, but it may still creep him out a little to know what the movement stands for]. Or don't you have a level of honesty with him on the topic?

Yes...she even went with us and helped at San Diego's unveiling of Harvey Milk St. Her other mom was a teenager in the Bay Area during that time and tells her about what it was like, and of course, she's seen Milk and asked how accurate it was.

She knows also there are people like you out there that she rolls her eyes over.

Wasn't Milk a known pederast?

Jim Jones Pal and Pedophile to Get Own Postage Stamp | FrontPage Magazine

You want to put up statues to known pedos??

Lol you are one sick bitch.

No...just a statutory rapist like Phil Robertson.
Not wanting to see innocent children in the hands of same sex homosexual 'parents' is not fascist, it is prudence.

As for executing the pedos, there is nothing fascist about that either, slimey bicth.

Being the parent of a well-adjusted 19 year old....what exactly are you trying to say about gay parents?

Lol, are you stupid or what?

I am saying two gay men should not be able to adopt a young boy, etc. That is prudence to not do that.

And frankly I don't like the idea of two perverts raising a child whether the child might be subject to their perversions or not. If a couple like to molest pet dogs, I don't think they should be able to adopt, for example, whether you and they think the couple would make the best damned parents on the planet, you stupid ****.

Good thing fascists like you don't get to make the rules here. You still have a chance in Russia though.
Good thing fascists like you don't get to make the rules here. You still have a chance in Russia though.

Oh, don't be so quick to assume lady. You think this SCOTUS is going to be the one in US History that forced [speaking of fascism] Utah to assimiliate gay and polygamy [next by precedent] marriage?

It would be an excellent excercise in mental health for you and others who think like you do to entertain the possibility that you will not win Utah...and all the legal implications that will follow that sobering announcement, should it come.

I at least, even knowing how sound of a case Utah has against Harvey Milkers, will allow as to how the case on some blind liberal whim might be found for Harvey Milkers to begin to have top-tier access to adoptable children via marriage in Utah. You should be equally flexible in allowing as how the Court instead might read its own words in DOMA/Windsor last year and refuse to overturn them, handing Utah [and all other sovereign states] a sound victory on marriage privelege and their democratic right to set parameters for it outside of race.

Mentally prepare for that day, for it may come. And if it does, it will be within the next calendar year...
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The only reference to "the ghey" when talking about S & G is when the angry mob wants to rape the angels and yet gays get all the rap for the destruction of BOTH cities.

But hey, why the fuck were the angels there in the first place? You guys cannot seriously believe that two entire cities had turned gay (except Lott and his wife, of course) and that's why they were wiped out, can you?

If both cities were all gay all the time...what the fuck was Lott still doing there?

The Bible relates that the men of the city came to Lots house asking for the men, which were the angels.

Other than that, it doesn't mention that the city was destroyed because of gay people.

Idolatry, adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, immorality. Not because the cities were entirely gay.

It uses they homosexuality as synecdoche for the entirety of their evil.
Being the parent of a well-adjusted 19 year old....what exactly are you trying to say about gay parents?

Lol, are you stupid or what?

I am saying two gay men should not be able to adopt a young boy, etc. That is prudence to not do that.

And frankly I don't like the idea of two perverts raising a child whether the child might be subject to their perversions or not. If a couple like to molest pet dogs, I don't think they should be able to adopt, for example, whether you and they think the couple would make the best damned parents on the planet, you stupid ****.

Good thing fascists like you don't get to make the rules here. You still have a chance in Russia though.

The Russians will survive us if we keep leaving things to pervs like you to turn everything into degenerate slime, like that pederast Harvey Milk.
I love watching the flopping, dying gasps of the anti gay movement.

With a straight married couple, one of the parents will be sexually attracted to whatever gender child they adopt. Does that stop the adoptions?

If anyone is a pedo, they should not be allowed to adopt. PERIOD But unless there is some evidence that they are pedophiles, we will not convict them or treat them as such.

I think you are too stupid to have a vote, since you lack the intellect necessary to weigh all the options. But you still get your vote. So neither of us gets our wish, you ignorant tard.

The fact that the queer 'community' celebrates pederasts like Milk proves my point, fucking liar.

The fact that you want to convict every gay person because of the actions of Milk proves you are a hate-mongering bigot.

The fact that you claim every gal celebrates Milk is simply your lie.

He helped to establish today's homo lobby. His values are the values of the homosexual bloc.

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