Congratulations, Oklahoma!!

He helped to establish today's homo lobby. His values are the values of the homosexual bloc.

And worse still, that sexualized value system is enshrined by law in California, the petri dish of what growth is to come in your state. He is as described legally in California "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world". Bill Text - SB-572 Harvey Milk Day: official designation.

Ask any gay or their supporters like WinterBorn about Harvey Milk; even when they know what he has done to teen orphaned boys, and they jump to his defense.

It's like true checkmate in a game of chess. If they remain silent they're abetting Milk. If they denounce him, people will press them as to "why all of a sudden?". If they defend him they are the same as him in value and deed. There is no way out. Gays have pinned their value system on a child sex predator and now they will live with those consequences. Like I advised Seawytch before: don't pin your hopes on a win against Utah for you may be very bitterly disappointed. And a win for Utah has domino-implications.
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The Bible relates that the men of the city came to Lots house asking for the men, which were the angels.

Other than that, it doesn't mention that the city was destroyed because of gay people.

Idolatry, adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, immorality. Not because the cities were entirely gay.

Well today is Sunday so I'll enjoy pointing you out as wrong by quoting the Bible itself. The city itself was destroyed for a gay-promoting culture, not mere individual gays within. [See my post #204 below] And you're right though about one thing: not everyone in Sodom was gay. Many were mere enablers of the overall gay culture within. All of them were sent to the Pit of Fire. Good observation!

Romans 1:

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Jude 1:

3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

Thanks for proving my point, it was idolatry, fornication, uncleanness (which covers all sorts of actions), and homosexuality. It wasn't just homosexuality as the scriptures quoted proved.

So, I'm not seeing where I'm wrong. Please enlighten me.
I will no longer comment on Harvey Milk since many here regard him as a hero and to point out that he is also a pederast in response is a violation of forum rules.
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I will no longer comment on Harvey Milk since many here regard him as a hero and to point out that he is also a pederast in response is a violation of forum rules.
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Good thing fascists like you don't get to make the rules here. You still have a chance in Russia though.

Oh, don't be so quick to assume lady. You think this SCOTUS is going to be the one in US History that forced [speaking of fascism] Utah to assimiliate gay and polygamy [next by precedent] marriage?

It would be an excellent excercise in mental health for you and others who think like you do to entertain the possibility that you will not win Utah...and all the legal implications that will follow that sobering announcement, should it come.

I at least, even knowing how sound of a case Utah has against Harvey Milkers, will allow as to how the case on some blind liberal whim might be found for Harvey Milkers to begin to have top-tier access to adoptable children via marriage in Utah. You should be equally flexible in allowing as how the Court instead might read its own words in DOMA/Windsor last year and refuse to overturn them, handing Utah [and all other sovereign states] a sound victory on marriage privelege and their democratic right to set parameters for it outside of race.

Mentally prepare for that day, for it may come. And if it does, it will be within the next calendar year...

Right....just as people like you used to say that no state would ever have legal gay marriage. :D

How'd that prediction work out?
The fact that the queer 'community' celebrates pederasts like Milk proves my point, fucking liar.

The fact that you want to convict every gay person because of the actions of Milk proves you are a hate-mongering bigot.

The fact that you claim every gal celebrates Milk is simply your lie.

I never said every gal celebrates Milk, I said the gay community celebrates Milk and ignores his pederasty.

That you ignore that FACT shows you really couldn't care less either, but you have to try to make an irrelevant rhetorical dodge so you say a clearly hollow 'but not me!'

You stupid lying ****-face.
^ example of the moral right wing. :D
Good thing fascists like you don't get to make the rules here. You still have a chance in Russia though.

Oh, don't be so quick to assume lady. You think this SCOTUS is going to be the one in US History that forced [speaking of fascism] Utah to assimiliate gay and polygamy [next by precedent] marriage?

It would be an excellent excercise in mental health for you and others who think like you do to entertain the possibility that you will not win Utah...and all the legal implications that will follow that sobering announcement, should it come.

I at least, even knowing how sound of a case Utah has against Harvey Milkers, will allow as to how the case on some blind liberal whim might be found for Harvey Milkers to begin to have top-tier access to adoptable children via marriage in Utah. You should be equally flexible in allowing as how the Court instead might read its own words in DOMA/Windsor last year and refuse to overturn them, handing Utah [and all other sovereign states] a sound victory on marriage privelege and their democratic right to set parameters for it outside of race.

Mentally prepare for that day, for it may come. And if it does, it will be within the next calendar year...

Right....just as people like you used to say that no state would ever have legal gay marriage. :D

How'd that prediction work out?

Lol, attribute something 'people like you' used to say to a specific person, then tell them to defend it, is as stupid as it gets, but not nearly the most stupid thing to have come out of you.
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Oh, don't be so quick to assume lady. You think this SCOTUS is going to be the one in US History that forced [speaking of fascism] Utah to assimiliate gay and polygamy [next by precedent] marriage?

It would be an excellent excercise in mental health for you and others who think like you do to entertain the possibility that you will not win Utah...and all the legal implications that will follow that sobering announcement, should it come.

I at least, even knowing how sound of a case Utah has against Harvey Milkers, will allow as to how the case on some blind liberal whim might be found for Harvey Milkers to begin to have top-tier access to adoptable children via marriage in Utah. You should be equally flexible in allowing as how the Court instead might read its own words in DOMA/Windsor last year and refuse to overturn them, handing Utah [and all other sovereign states] a sound victory on marriage privelege and their democratic right to set parameters for it outside of race.

Mentally prepare for that day, for it may come. And if it does, it will be within the next calendar year...

Right....just as people like you used to say that no state would ever have legal gay marriage. :D

How'd that prediction work out?

Lol, attribute something 'people like you' used to say to a specific person, then tell them to defend it, is as stupid as it gets, but not nearly the most stupid thing to have come out of you.

You might want to edit that last bit, "moral" Rwr.
I love watching the flopping, dying gasps of the anti gay movement.


Actually, those opposed to equal protection rights for same-sex couples look stupid now.

And perverts who keep comparing black people to sexual perverts look stupid for all eternity.

It's really funny how pervs in Western Europe, and the English speaking nations are so full of hubris and arrogance to think they speak for the whole globe and basic morality itself.

The fact is that almost all of mankind through all of mankind's history has long known that perverts are slime and beneath contempt.

But the continued comparison of homosexuals to blacks is the most ignorant and stupid of all.

Discrimination is discrimination no matter how you try to justify it.
I will no longer comment on Harvey Milk since many here regard him as a hero and to point out that he is also a pederast in response is a violation of forum rules.
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Discrimination is natural and a preferable part of society as we discriminate against hiring felons, for example. We discriminate against pedophiles, pederasts, dog fuckers, thieves, murderers and so on.

Just because you want special treatment and for everyone to pretend that your perversions are totally OK is not a fault of mine, but are your hallucinations and fantasies.

And so discrimination against things one finds to be evil, sick, perverted and unhealthy is not only justified it is expected, bitch.
Lol, attribute something 'people like you' used to say to a specific person, then tell them to defend it, is as stupid as it gets, but not nearly the most stupid thing to have come out of you.

You might want to edit that last bit, "moral" Rwr.

So you want to be a Harbey Milk fan, over looking his pederasty, and you demand that no one ever mention it?

You are a fucking hypocrite.

lol, pathetic loser, roflmao

So, you are accusing me of supporting people who have sex with minors.
I will no longer comment on Harvey Milk since many here regard him as a hero and to point out that he is also a pederast in response is a violation of forum rules.
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JimBo would you patrol with your gun and protect your gay neighbors ?

I would and I have protected gay friends.

But I have NEVER said to them that what their sexual behavior was anything but sin.

But that was before the Gay Mafia decided it could not tolerate dissent one little bit, so I guess I am now an enemy of the state, lol.
So you want to be a Harbey Milk fan, over looking his pederasty, and you demand that no one ever mention it?

You are a fucking hypocrite.

lol, pathetic loser, roflmao

So, you are accusing me of supporting people who have sex with minors.

Do you support Harvey Milk?

Was Harvey Milk not a pederast?

Does that not then mean that you support pederasts?

Just tell me where I am mistaken and I will correct myself.

But you did say Milk was one of your heroes, right?

Went to his statue and all that, right?

And raised your adopted daughter by Milk's principles, you said, right?

Answer the question.
I will no longer comment on Harvey Milk since many here regard him as a hero and to point out that he is also a pederast in response is a violation of forum rules.
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