Congratulations, Oklahoma!!

I'm not going to play cat-n-mouse.

If I cant talk about the topic then I wont.

Simple as that. You queers want people to play on your terms and with hidden mines.

Fuck that and fuck you too.

Discussing Harvey Milk's sexuality is completely open and fair game.

Not by the forum rules at this site.

If Joe Blow says he like Harvey Milk, then you inform him that Milk was a pederast, then that *could* be interpreted as you saying that Joe is also a pederast, which is a bannable offense.

Gays want everything to their advantage, poor dears. They want to piss on Christ and get you punished for being a homophobe if you disagree. They want to build statues to evil men and then punish you for pointing out that these were evil men.

They don't want discussion, they want all of us who disagree with them to shut up and be sent to a re-education camp.
The gay's and other groups are elevating the power of this government to unsafe levels, and that is the part in which they all don't realize for what it is that they are doing, because they are to blinded by their own selfishness to see the forest through the tree's anymore.

Yeah, they are fools ignorant of history, or else they would know that every time the hardcore left takes power, after it purges the leaders of the country, they then purge each other. Look at the men who rose to power with Lenin or the Jacobins or Mao.

Few lived to an old age then died of natural causes.

The left eats their own, but they can always count on more fools who think it cant happen to them.
I'm not going to play cat-n-mouse.

If I cant talk about the topic then I wont.

Simple as that. You queers want people to play on your terms and with hidden mines.

Fuck that and fuck you too.

Discussing Harvey Milk's sexuality is completely open and fair game. He sodomized homeless teens on drugs.

From his biography "Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" [page 180].

You’re at liberty to discuss it if you want, ....

No, we are not. It is against the forum rules to tell you queers that any of your heroes were pedophiles, pederasts or anything else that is still regarded as morally disgusting.

You want everything on terms that are an advantage to you. You cannot handle open discussion, obviously.
I think you know that's not why you were, obviously, warned.

You can still comment on other areas you are ignoring due to their inconvenience.

This one for example.

I'm not going to play cat-n-mouse.

If I cant talk about the topic then I wont.

Simple as that. You queers want people to play on your terms and with hidden mines.

Fuck that and fuck you too.

You’re obviously insane.

eat shit you little punk ass bitch
Awww, poor Jimmy got a little warning and now he's gonna take his balls and go home...not that he brought them to begin with.

Don't equate gays with pedophiles and you'll be dandy like candy Jimmy Boi, but if you'd rather run and cry 'cause we whooped your ass, by all means don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha!
Awww, poor Jimmy got a little warning and now he's gonna take his balls and go home...not that he brought them to begin with.

Don't equate gays with pedophiles and you'll be dandy like candy Jimmy Boi, but if you'd rather run and cry 'cause we whooped your ass, by all means don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha!

I never equated homosexuality to pedophilia.

I was simply pointing out that some of the homosexuals admired for their ability to 'get things done' were also preying on children.

That is a bannable offense, because you poor dears cant simply discuss things openly.

You queers will always bitch and whine if anyone disagrees with you, and demand you get special treatment, special rules and anyone opposed be punished for that.

All because you know that deep down in your hearts you are perverted unnatural twisted evil little cretins and you lock your partners into the same evil cesspool you are in.

So go fuck off, I don't give a shit what you think.
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What people don't really understand, is that these situations are teaching the government that it can subvert the will of the people anytime, and at any place that it wishes now upon the issues, and it will slowly become as Nazi Germany was soon enough but in an opposite way due the different types of issues that are involved here. Just yall wait and see now, because it's coming.

No, what they are teaching is that you can't pass laws that violate the US Constitution.

The government is using these issues to test the power of it's judgeships over this nation now, and over it's people, and if you all think it will stop with gay marriage, then you are sadly mistaken. The gay's, well they don't care what they are elevating the power of this government too, just as long as they get their way, but it all will come at a price, just yall wait and see now.

The government isn't doing anything. People are suing. (and winning)

Whose to say that once the government realizes this power, that it won't embark on another journey, and that journey is one that sheds itself of these things in which it just used to gain power with ? Otherwise whose to say that it isn't compromising it's true values that may actually be in opposition to these things also, but it is just going along for the moment, because it has to keep power through the numbers, and that means all the numbers combined. Then it will soon no longer need of these things, and then what gay people ? Look for it, because it's coming.

Whose to say pigs won't fly out your ass either. :rolleyes:
Awww, poor Jimmy got a little warning and now he's gonna take his balls and go home...not that he brought them to begin with.

Don't equate gays with pedophiles and you'll be dandy like candy Jimmy Boi, but if you'd rather run and cry 'cause we whooped your ass, by all means don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha!

I never equated homosexuality to pedophilia.

I was simply pointing out that some of the homosexuals admired for their ability to 'get things done' were also preying on children.

That is a bannable offense, because you poor dears cant simply discuss things openly.

You queers will always bitch and whine if anyone disagrees with you, and demand you get special treatment, special rules and anyone opposed be punished for that.

All because you know that deep down in your hearts you are perverted unnatural twisted evil little cretins and you lock your partners into the same evil cesspool you are in.

So go fuck off, I don't give a shit what you think.

Yeah, you kinda did (the offensive post appears to have been removed so I can't show you where you did it) and you got warned, get over it.

Now can you debate like a good boy or just throw epithets around because your arguments are losing so badly?
Discussing Harvey Milk's sexuality is completely open and fair game. He sodomized homeless teens on drugs.

From his biography "Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" [page 180].

You’re at liberty to discuss it if you want, ....

No, we are not. It is against the forum rules to tell you queers that any of your heroes were pedophiles, pederasts or anything else that is still regarded as morally disgusting.

You want everything on terms that are an advantage to you. You cannot handle open discussion, obviously.

You can tell us that, that's perfectly okay. What you can't do is say that because we support X for A then we must also support B because X does that too.
Awww, poor Jimmy got a little warning and now he's gonna take his balls and go home...not that he brought them to begin with.

Don't equate gays with pedophiles and you'll be dandy like candy Jimmy Boi, but if you'd rather run and cry 'cause we whooped your ass, by all means don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha!

I never equated homosexuality to pedophilia.

I was simply pointing out that some of the homosexuals admired for their ability to 'get things done' were also preying on children.

That is a bannable offense, because you poor dears cant simply discuss things openly.

You queers will always bitch and whine if anyone disagrees with you, and demand you get special treatment, special rules and anyone opposed be punished for that.

All because you know that deep down in your hearts you are perverted unnatural twisted evil little cretins and you lock your partners into the same evil cesspool you are in.

So go fuck off, I don't give a shit what you think.

Yeah, you kinda did (the offensive post appears to have been removed so I can't show you where you did it) and you got warned, get over it.

Now can you debate like a good boy or just throw epithets around because your arguments are losing so badly?

'yeah, blah blah blah, we win you lose' lololol.

You have proven all your claims to only want to be treated fairly are nothing more than bullshit.

You want people to tell you that you are not pervs, and only the gutless and the idiots will do that.

Piss off
You’re at liberty to discuss it if you want, ....

No, we are not. It is against the forum rules to tell you queers that any of your heroes were pedophiles, pederasts or anything else that is still regarded as morally disgusting.

You want everything on terms that are an advantage to you. You cannot handle open discussion, obviously.

You can tell us that, that's perfectly okay. What you can't do is say that because we support X for A then we must also support B because X does that too.

Again more bullshit.

Forum rules say that I cannot point out that so-and-so is a pederast if you or one of your queer buddies say they like the perverted so-and-so.

My statement would most likely be understood to mean that you 1) don't know all the details about the perv, or 2) that you are overlooking the details.

But since someone might suppose that I meant that this NECESARILY means that you must also support those same perversion, then it is a bannable offense.

I just wonder what the mods are going to do when the GLBT community returns to supporting NAMBLA like they used to do. Ban everyone that links to any such stories, or what? lol

But you queers, I am done with you. Go to hell.
I never equated homosexuality to pedophilia.

I was simply pointing out that some of the homosexuals admired for their ability to 'get things done' were also preying on children.

That is a bannable offense, because you poor dears cant simply discuss things openly.

You queers will always bitch and whine if anyone disagrees with you, and demand you get special treatment, special rules and anyone opposed be punished for that.

All because you know that deep down in your hearts you are perverted unnatural twisted evil little cretins and you lock your partners into the same evil cesspool you are in.

So go fuck off, I don't give a shit what you think.

Yeah, you kinda did (the offensive post appears to have been removed so I can't show you where you did it) and you got warned, get over it.

Now can you debate like a good boy or just throw epithets around because your arguments are losing so badly?

'yeah, blah blah blah, we win you lose' lololol.

You have proven all your claims to only want to be treated fairly are nothing more than bullshit.

You want people to tell you that you are not pervs, and only the gutless and the idiots will do that.

Piss off, ****

How has that been "proven" exactly? I really don't care what you call me. Do you think anything you've said here is something I've never heard? I've been hearing it since I came out in 1983. Know what's different between then and now? There are fewer people like you saying them. A lot fewer. It's no longer the cool thing to be a big old fag basher. You've fallen out of fashion like the mullet...oh sure, a few ignorant rednecks still think like you and have mullets, but you get laughed at.

Another huge difference between 1983 and now? I'm legally married to my same sex partner 1983 that would have been impossible. How's that for progress?
Yeah, you kinda did (the offensive post appears to have been removed so I can't show you where you did it) and you got warned, get over it.

Now can you debate like a good boy or just throw epithets around because your arguments are losing so badly?

'yeah, blah blah blah, we win you lose' lololol.

You have proven all your claims to only want to be treated fairly are nothing more than bullshit.

You want people to tell you that you are not pervs, and only the gutless and the idiots will do that.

Piss off, ****

How has that been "proven" exactly? I really don't care what you call me. Do you think anything you've said here is something I've never heard? I've been hearing it since I came out in 1983. Know what's different between then and now? There are fewer people like you saying them. A lot fewer. It's no longer the cool thing to be a big old fag basher. You've fallen out of fashion like the mullet...oh sure, a few ignorant rednecks still think like you and have mullets, but you get laughed at.

Another huge difference between 1983 and now? I'm legally married to my same sex partner 1983 that would have been impossible. How's that for progress?

lol, whatever, you lying whore.
No, we are not. It is against the forum rules to tell you queers that any of your heroes were pedophiles, pederasts or anything else that is still regarded as morally disgusting.

You want everything on terms that are an advantage to you. You cannot handle open discussion, obviously.

You can tell us that, that's perfectly okay. What you can't do is say that because we support X for A then we must also support B because X does that too.

Again more bullshit.

Forum rules say that I cannot point out that so-and-so is a pederast if you or one of your queer buddies say they like the perverted so-and-so.

My statement would most likely be understood to mean that you 1) don't know all the details about the perv, or 2) that you are overlooking the details.

But since someone might suppose that I meant that this NECESARILY means that you must also support those same perversion, then it is a bannable offense.

I just wonder what the mods are going to do when the GLBT community returns to supporting NAMBLA like they used to do. Ban everyone that links to any such stories, or what? lol

But you queers, I am done with you. Go to hell.

You're misinterpreting the forum rules methinks. You can say Milk was anything you like. What you can't say is that because I honor Milk's contributions to the gay community that I must also support pedophilia. Is that clear enough for you to understand?

You really never learn do you? NAMBLA now? :lol:
Jimmie Boi, I feel sorry for you. Really, I do. It must be frustrating for you to lose so badly...and it makes you so angry. Perhaps a time out would be best for you.

It's MLK day...honor his memory with some silent reflection.
You can tell us that, that's perfectly okay. What you can't do is say that because we support X for A then we must also support B because X does that too.

Again more bullshit.

Forum rules say that I cannot point out that so-and-so is a pederast if you or one of your queer buddies say they like the perverted so-and-so.

My statement would most likely be understood to mean that you 1) don't know all the details about the perv, or 2) that you are overlooking the details.

But since someone might suppose that I meant that this NECESARILY means that you must also support those same perversion, then it is a bannable offense.

I just wonder what the mods are going to do when the GLBT community returns to supporting NAMBLA like they used to do. Ban everyone that links to any such stories, or what? lol

But you queers, I am done with you. Go to hell.

You're misinterpreting the forum rules methinks. You can say Milk was anything you like. What you can't say is that because I honor Milk's contributions to the gay community that I must also support pedophilia. Is that clear enough for you to understand?

That is quite simply a lie. You will get banned for merely mentioning that Milk is a pederast if someone else says they admire him, etc. No one need specify that they think the fan bois is a pederast themselves, but you know that.

Its just one more of your queer lies and special treatment.
Jimmie Boi, I feel sorry for you. Really, I do. It must be frustrating for you to lose so badly...and it makes you so angry. Perhaps a time out would be best for you.

It's MLK day...honor his memory with some silent reflection.

'bla blah blah'...whatever.

Again more bullshit.

Forum rules say that I cannot point out that so-and-so is a pederast if you or one of your queer buddies say they like the perverted so-and-so.

My statement would most likely be understood to mean that you 1) don't know all the details about the perv, or 2) that you are overlooking the details.

But since someone might suppose that I meant that this NECESARILY means that you must also support those same perversion, then it is a bannable offense.

I just wonder what the mods are going to do when the GLBT community returns to supporting NAMBLA like they used to do. Ban everyone that links to any such stories, or what? lol

But you queers, I am done with you. Go to hell.

You're misinterpreting the forum rules methinks. You can say Milk was anything you like. What you can't say is that because I honor Milk's contributions to the gay community that I must also support pedophilia. Is that clear enough for you to understand?

That is quite simply a lie. You will get banned for merely mentioning that Milk is a pederast if someone else says they admire him, etc. No one need specify that they think the fan bois is a pederast themselves, but you know that.

Its just one more of your queer lies and special treatment.

:lol: Really, 'cause you've done it like 4 times in the last 5 minutes.

Let me test your theory...

Harvey Milk was a pederast.

Now let's see if I get warned shall we?
You can tell us that, that's perfectly okay. What you can't do is say that because we support X for A then we must also support B because X does that too.

Again more bullshit.

Forum rules say that I cannot point out that so-and-so is a pederast if you or one of your queer buddies say they like the perverted so-and-so.

My statement would most likely be understood to mean that you 1) don't know all the details about the perv, or 2) that you are overlooking the details.

But since someone might suppose that I meant that this NECESARILY means that you must also support those same perversion, then it is a bannable offense.

I just wonder what the mods are going to do when the GLBT community returns to supporting NAMBLA like they used to do. Ban everyone that links to any such stories, or what? lol

But you queers, I am done with you. Go to hell.

You're misinterpreting the forum rules methinks. You can say Milk was anything you like. What you can't say is that because I honor Milk's contributions to the gay community that I must also support pedophilia. Is that clear enough for you to understand?

You really never learn do you? NAMBLA now? :lol:

He can say it. Then he'll get banned. We get banned even if we reference stuff you perverts say on the board..even if you aren't banned for actually saying it. I know because it happens to me all the time.
You're misinterpreting the forum rules methinks. You can say Milk was anything you like. What you can't say is that because I honor Milk's contributions to the gay community that I must also support pedophilia. Is that clear enough for you to understand?

That is quite simply a lie. You will get banned for merely mentioning that Milk is a pederast if someone else says they admire him, etc. No one need specify that they think the fan bois is a pederast themselves, but you know that.

Its just one more of your queer lies and special treatment.

:lol: Really, 'cause you've done it like 4 times in the last 5 minutes.

Let me test your theory...

Harvey Milk was a pederast.

Now let's see if I get warned shall we?

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