Congratulations, Oklahoma!!

Do you support Harvey Milk?

Was Harvey Milk not a pederast?

Does that not then mean that you support pederasts?

Just tell me where I am mistaken and I will correct myself.

But you did say Milk was one of your heroes, right?

Went to his statue and all that, right?

And raised your adopted daughter by Milk's principles, you said, right?

Answer the question.

I cant until you answer my questions, bitch.

Answer the question, coward.

Discrimination is natural and a preferable part of society as we discriminate against hiring felons, for example. We discriminate against pedophiles, pederasts, dog fuckers, thieves, murderers and so on.

Just because you want special treatment and for everyone to pretend that your perversions are totally OK is not a fault of mine, but are your hallucinations and fantasies.

And so discrimination against things one finds to be evil, sick, perverted and unhealthy is not only justified it is expected, bitch.

Being treated equally isn't "special".

Discrimination is natural and a preferable part of society as we discriminate against hiring felons, for example. We discriminate against pedophiles, pederasts, dog fuckers, thieves, murderers and so on.

Just because you want special treatment and for everyone to pretend that your perversions are totally OK is not a fault of mine, but are your hallucinations and fantasies.

And so discrimination against things one finds to be evil, sick, perverted and unhealthy is not only justified it is expected, bitch.

Being treated equally isn't "special".

He's a coward and also not bright enough to know the difference.
So you want to be a Harbey Milk fan, over looking his pederasty, and you demand that no one ever mention it?

You are a fucking hypocrite.

lol, pathetic loser, roflmao

So, you are accusing me of supporting people who have sex with minors.

Do you support Harvey Milk?

Was Harvey Milk not a pederast?

Does that not then mean that you support pederasts?

Just tell me where I am mistaken and I will correct myself.

But you did say Milk was one of your heroes, right?

Went to his statue and all that, right?

And raised your adopted daughter by Milk's principles, you said, right?

1. Yes
2. No, he was a statutory rapist like Phil Robertson
3. No
4. No
I will no longer comment on Harvey Milk since many here regard him as a hero and to point out that he is also a pederast in response is a violation of forum rules.
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I will no longer comment on Harvey Milk since many here regard him as a hero and to point out that he is also a pederast in response is a violation of forum rules.
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I will no longer comment on Harvey Milk since many here regard him as a hero and to point out that he is also a pederast in response is a violation of forum rules.
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I love watching the flopping, dying gasps of the anti gay movement.


Lol, how many states have VOTED to legalize gay marriage?

Lol, how many states have NOT VOTED to legalize gay marriage But had a fascist federal judge IMPOSE gay marriage by dictate?

In how many states is gay marriage STILL ILLEGAL?

Lol, hardly dying gasps Milk-bois.

Eleven actually. Three states have voted for marriage equality by popular vote and eight through their state legislators. Only 6 have been by court order. How many states voted to legalize interracial marriage? It took "activist judges" to rule on interracial marriage (in 1967)...long before the public found these marriages "acceptable".

1) Do you support Harvey Milk?
2) Was Harvey Milk not a pederast?
3) Does that not then mean that you support pederasts?
Just tell me where I am mistaken and I will correct myself.

1. Yes
2. No, he was a statutory rapist like Phil Robertson
3. No

No, Harvey Milk was BOTH a statutory rapist and a pederast, him being 33 and his young boy a mere 16 years of age. That is a pederast.

So you support Milk a pederast, but don't support pederasts?

I think you are very confused, dishonest and a lying bitch.

Not at all confused. I can disagree with Milk's personal life and still honor what he did for the gay community.

Jack McKinley was a hustler when he met Milk. Did you ever stop to ask yourself why he was on the street in the first place?
Jack McKinley was a hustler when he met Milk. Did you ever stop to ask yourself why he was on the street in the first place?

I will no longer comment on Harvey Milk since many here regard him as a hero and to point out that he is also a pederast in response is a violation of forum rules.
Another hero of the left and the homo lobby is Alfred Kinsey, whose *studies* of the sex abuse of infants as well as sex offenders, prison inmates and male prostitutes, lead to the determination by him, (and then accepted by the APA, the homo bloc, and all teachers, apparently) that 10 percent of the male population is homosexual, and all kids are sexual from birth.

These are the heroes of the left. Their unfortunate personal proclivities must not be spoken of.
Jack McKinley was a hustler when he met Milk. Did you ever stop to ask yourself why he was on the street in the first place?

I will no longer comment on Harvey Milk since many here regard him as a hero and to point out that he is also a pederast in response is a violation of forum rules.

I think you know that's not why you were, obviously, warned.

You can still comment on other areas you are ignoring due to their inconvenience.

This one for example.
Jack McKinley was a hustler when he met Milk. Did you ever stop to ask yourself why he was on the street in the first place?

I will no longer comment on Harvey Milk since many here regard him as a hero and to point out that he is also a pederast in response is a violation of forum rules.

I think you know that's not why you were, obviously, warned.

You can still comment on other areas you are ignoring due to their inconvenience.

This one for example.

I'm not going to play cat-n-mouse.

If I cant talk about the topic then I wont.

Simple as that. You queers want people to play on your terms and with hidden mines.

Fuck that and fuck you too.
I'm not going to play cat-n-mouse.

If I cant talk about the topic then I wont.

Simple as that. You queers want people to play on your terms and with hidden mines.

Fuck that and fuck you too.

Discussing Harvey Milk's sexuality is completely open and fair game. He sodomized homeless teens on drugs.

From his biography "Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" [page 180].
I will no longer comment on Harvey Milk since many here regard him as a hero and to point out that he is also a pederast in response is a violation of forum rules.

I think you know that's not why you were, obviously, warned.

You can still comment on other areas you are ignoring due to their inconvenience.

This one for example.

I'm not going to play cat-n-mouse.

If I cant talk about the topic then I wont.

Simple as that. You queers want people to play on your terms and with hidden mines.

Fuck that and fuck you too.

You’re obviously insane.
I'm not going to play cat-n-mouse.

If I cant talk about the topic then I wont.

Simple as that. You queers want people to play on your terms and with hidden mines.

Fuck that and fuck you too.

Discussing Harvey Milk's sexuality is completely open and fair game. He sodomized homeless teens on drugs.

From his biography "Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" [page 180].

You’re at liberty to discuss it if you want, provided you understand it’s legally irrelevant, as well as a failed attempt at demagoguery.
What people don't really understand, is that these situations are teaching the government that it can subvert the will of the people anytime, and at any place that it wishes now upon the issues, and it will slowly become as Nazi Germany was soon enough but in an opposite way due the different types of issues that are involved here. Just yall wait and see now, because it's coming.

The government is using these issues to test the power of it's judgeships over this nation now, and over it's people, and if you all think it will stop with gay marriage, then you are sadly mistaken. The gay's, well they don't care what they are elevating the power of this government too, just as long as they get their way, but it all will come at a price, just yall wait and see now.

Whose to say that once the government realizes this power, that it won't embark on another journey, and that journey is one that sheds itself of these things in which it just used to gain power with ? Otherwise whose to say that it isn't compromising it's true values that may actually be in opposition to these things also, but it is just going along for the moment, because it has to keep power through the numbers, and that means all the numbers combined. Then it will soon no longer need of these things, and then what gay people ? Look for it, because it's coming.
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The gay's and other groups are elevating the power of this government to unsafe levels, and that is the part in which they all don't realize for what it is that they are doing, because they are to blinded by their own selfishness to see the forest through the tree's anymore.

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