Congratulations to Trump for Managing the COVID19 far

No one will ever be prepared for the next outbreak of unknown germs. Simply because it is unknown.

What is more than simply suspicious about the democrats hoaxing this virus is their categorization of tests positive. How many are actually sick? They can't give out that number with the frequency of testing positive. It would be far fewer and of those already compromised. So they ladle out the term of tests positive knowing that the left will automatically conflate the term with being sick.

How did Democrats get China to go along with this “hoax” ?
We have no idea what China is doing or saying. Everything is coming through the democrat controlled media.


That is why the thousands of dead in China is just a HOAX
Trump knows better
And you know how many in China are dead? Just how do you know???
Ask China if it is a hoax

You watch too much Fox News

China is a communist/socialist country so they have no idea how to effectively respond other than to use military force against innocent you see when they simply lock people up in buildings ..........

This is why we don't want socialist medicine here....

They have 1.4 billion people and we can't even give healthcare to 330 million.
Who says 330 million Americans are not getting healthcare?

I know you dont believe that I bet plenty of libs do

ER is not healthcare. Due to the republicans and tramp more people are losing healthcare and some never had it.
The Something-for-nothing crowd that obamacare catered to is only a small minority of America

Apparently you don't know a thing about the ACA.
China is a communist/socialist country so they have no idea how to effectively respond other than to use military force against innocent you see when they simply lock people up in buildings ..........

This is why we don't want socialist medicine here....

They have 1.4 billion people and we can't even give healthcare to 330 million.
Who says 330 million Americans are not getting healthcare?

I know you dont believe that I bet plenty of libs do

ER is not healthcare. Due to the republicans and tramp more people are losing healthcare and some never had it.
The Something-for-nothing crowd that obamacare catered to is only a small minority of America

Apparently you don't know a thing about the ACA.
I know that I already had good healthcare before obama came along
Trump ""the tests are out there""
Pence "" Not enough tests out there""
Trump is the most inconsistent pos ever in our WH
GEOrge Soros Who is a shareholder of the GEO group that houses the sudden flood of immigrants. I'll betcha he has ties with the GEOvax who is working on a vaccine for the coronavirus.

Local company joins race to develop a coronavirus vaccine, as WHO calls outbreak a global emergency

Illegal alien champions Gates, Soros profit by jailing them - WND

George Soros & Bill Gates Partner with China on Coronavirus Drug! - Civilian Intelligence Network

The two most EVIL globalists of our time: George Soros and Bill Gates

It is a hoax. This is the AIDS crisis, Alar scare, Y2K melt down and War of the Worlds. President Trump is acting spectacularly well in both running the country and placating the hysteria.
All quotes are from wikipedia.

AIDS is not a hoax. Lots of people have died from that disease. "In 2018 about 37.9 million people were living with HIV and it resulted in 770,000 deaths."

Y2K was not a hoax. I know that because I was employed for about6 years and fixing Y2K issues was a major part of that. I know for a fact that back then little was done to trap for null dates or dates outside of normal ranges, and that often meant the application would crash. Given how so many things like safety systems, aircraft auto pilots and security apps crashed with bad date values, it was not a joke or a hoax.

These things were somehow managed well, and so absent huge disasters predicted by Chicken Littles, some morons think it was never really a problem when they in fact were problems, huge problems.
He has done a shit job, does he still feel its a hoax devised by the democrats?
It is a hoax. This is the AIDS crisis, Alar scare, Y2K melt down and War of the Worlds. President Trump is acting spectacularly well in both running the country and placating the hysteria.

The only question....can the democrat party members in the press hype this all the way to November? Can they hide the fact that it is going to fizzle out in a couple more weeks or can they keep pretending that it is worse than the regular flu? Considering how many people die each year from the regular flu vs. this one?
My step grandson works for a hospital. Yesterday people were streaming into the ER thinking they had the virus. No one did. Two people had colds. The doctors are already whispering bullshit.

The point of the hoax is to stop the huge gatherings at Trump rallies. They know that Joe Biden has no following. They can't let Trump have any.

apparently some 70 employees of that nursing home in washington are now showing symptoms.
He has done a shit job, does he still feel its a hoax devised by the democrats?
It is a hoax. This is the AIDS crisis, Alar scare, Y2K melt down and War of the Worlds. President Trump is acting spectacularly well in both running the country and placating the hysteria.

The only question....can the democrat party members in the press hype this all the way to November? Can they hide the fact that it is going to fizzle out in a couple more weeks or can they keep pretending that it is worse than the regular flu? Considering how many people die each year from the regular flu vs. this one?

This is the "ignore it & it will go away" approach.

The regular flu kills a lot of people so a new virus that could kill thousands is irrelevant.

I hope you Trumpetters do nothing & attend all the big rallies & events that you can. Thren you can bring it hop;e to the kids.

CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus
By J. Edward Moreno - 03/07/20 05:41 PM EST
CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus

coronavirus Mar. 7, 2020
Trump Vows to Keep Holding Rallies, Despite CPAC Attendee’s Coronavirus Case
By Chas Danner

Trump Vows More Rallies Despite CPAC Coronavirus Case

Now the morons want to investigate Hunter Biden rather than devote their time to the dread disease we are UNPREPARED to deal with because of our morons in the WH and Senate Yes Hunter will be found innocent but like Hill was found innocent ONLY AFTER the election

& building tennis courts ... don't forget that!
He has done a shit job, does he still feel its a hoax devised by the democrats?
It is a hoax. This is the AIDS crisis, Alar scare, Y2K melt down and War of the Worlds. President Trump is acting spectacularly well in both running the country and placating the hysteria.

The only question....can the democrat party members in the press hype this all the way to November? Can they hide the fact that it is going to fizzle out in a couple more weeks or can they keep pretending that it is worse than the regular flu? Considering how many people die each year from the regular flu vs. this one?

This is the "ignore it & it will go away" approach.

The regular flu kills a lot of people so a new virus that could kill thousands is irrelevant.

I hope you Trumpetters do nothing & attend all the big rallies & events that you can. Thren you can bring it hop;e to the kids.

CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus
By J. Edward Moreno - 03/07/20 05:41 PM EST
CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus

coronavirus Mar. 7, 2020
Trump Vows to Keep Holding Rallies, Despite CPAC Attendee’s Coronavirus Case
By Chas Danner

Trump Vows More Rallies Despite CPAC Coronavirus Case
More rallies means less republicans Go,,mingle with your pals Say hi to trump Cough on him to show this disease is a hoax

ya, but the problem with that is they will become brainless petri dishes & become a threat for us thinking bipeds...
You’ve done a crappy job spreading slander and lies and propaganda for the last 4 years.

Trump is still in Office and will be re-elected in a landslide thanks to vile, hateful people like you.

He has done a shit job, does he still feel its a hoax devised by the democrats?
It is a hoax. This is the AIDS crisis, Alar scare, Y2K melt down and War of the Worlds. President Trump is acting spectacularly well in both running the country and placating the hysteria.

The only question....can the democrat party members in the press hype this all the way to November? Can they hide the fact that it is going to fizzle out in a couple more weeks or can they keep pretending that it is worse than the regular flu? Considering how many people die each year from the regular flu vs. this one?

This is the "ignore it & it will go away" approach.

The regular flu kills a lot of people so a new virus that could kill thousands is irrelevant.

I hope you Trumpetters do nothing & attend all the big rallies & events that you can. Thren you can bring it hop;e to the kids.

CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus
By J. Edward Moreno - 03/07/20 05:41 PM EST
CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus

coronavirus Mar. 7, 2020
Trump Vows to Keep Holding Rallies, Despite CPAC Attendee’s Coronavirus Case
By Chas Danner

Trump Vows More Rallies Despite CPAC Coronavirus Case
More rallies means less republicans Go,,mingle with your pals Say hi to trump Cough on him to show this disease is a hoax

ya, but the problem with that is they will become brainless petri dishes & become a threat for us thinking bipeds...
Got bad news my friend The already are brainless How can anyone with a brain support this slug Trump A more vile politician can't be found although Graham and McConnell come close
The only question....can the democrat party members in the press hype this all the way to November? Can they hide the fact that it is going to fizzle out in a couple more weeks or can they keep pretending that it is worse than the regular flu? Considering how many people die each year from the regular flu vs. this one?

This is the "ignore it & it will go away" approach.

The regular flu kills a lot of people so a new virus that could kill thousands is irrelevant.

I hope you Trumpetters do nothing & attend all the big rallies & events that you can. Thren you can bring it hop;e to the kids.

CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus
By J. Edward Moreno - 03/07/20 05:41 PM EST
CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus

coronavirus Mar. 7, 2020
Trump Vows to Keep Holding Rallies, Despite CPAC Attendee’s Coronavirus Case
By Chas Danner

Trump Vows More Rallies Despite CPAC Coronavirus Case
More rallies means less republicans Go,,mingle with your pals Say hi to trump Cough on him to show this disease is a hoax

ya, but the problem with that is they will become brainless petri dishes & become a threat for us thinking bipeds...
Got bad news my friend The already are brainless How can anyone with a brain support this slug Trump A more vile politician can't be found although Graham and McConnell come close

oh i know they are - but combine that with coronakooties & we will be in even worse doo doo.
You’ve done a crappy job spreading slander and lies and propaganda for the last 4 years.

Trump is still in Office and will be re-elected in a landslide thanks to vile, hateful people like you.

He has done a shit job, does he still feel its a hoax devised by the democrats?
Your leader has made America the most hated nation in the world No wonder repubs are the most hated party You idolize an idiot a moron not fit for the job
.There is one message that former vice president Joe Biden may be reluctant to use but that Bloomberg can hammer home: Trump is mentally unfit to hold office — any office, but especially the presidency....Trump seems to believe that he “knows more about” everything (energy, medicine, diplomacy, nuclear weapons, intelligence, law enforcement, trade, etc.) than anyone, and yet his gaping ignorance and refusal to learn the basic facts imperil the country and the economy....It is not simply that Trump is an ignorant narcissist; rather, the concern is that his ignorant narcissism poses a risk to the country — one that brings us to the brink of war with Iran, emboldens Russia and leaves the United States vulnerable to a pandemic, which in turn may bring on a recession."
Trump has done so many good things.
1) He declared a national health emergency.

2) He organized a national response headed by his number 2 man, VP Pence.

3) He has removed government bureaucratic regs that would slow down a vaccine, and we may have one by end of April now.

4) He is focusing national efforts to re-establish the medical equipment, drugs and other supplies like masks back in the USA so we have control of how we respond and not rely on China who has been prioritizing their own citizens. (Who'd a thunk that?)

5) Trump has organized all the state level testing and medical facilities that respond to pandemics under the CDC and have all these institutions sharing data and resources.

6) Trump has helped to delay the spread of this virus at every turn, restricting travel, sealing the border and testing migrants, and prioritizing the health of ordinary Americans over the profits of Wall Street.

7) He has obtained almost 4 times the funding he asked for and is putting it to good work in buttressing the funding of the fight on COVID19 across the country.

8) As a result we have seen nothing comparable to the disaster in Europe and China.

Mr President, you are America's top resource. Stay healthy and get re-elected.
Cutting the CDC budget by $750 million, distributing misinformation on availability of test kits, time to develop a vaccine, going to work with mild symptoms, and taking credit for congress passage of an emergency spending package introduced by democrats and receiving huge by partisan support in both house of congress is not good management. What Trump did would be done by any president. What Trump said would not.
It is a hoax. This is the AIDS crisis, Alar scare, Y2K melt down and War of the Worlds. President Trump is acting spectacularly well in both running the country and placating the hysteria.
All quotes are from wikipedia.

AIDS is not a hoax. Lots of people have died from that disease. "In 2018 about 37.9 million people were living with HIV and it resulted in 770,000 deaths."

Y2K was not a hoax. I know that because I was employed for about6 years and fixing Y2K issues was a major part of that. I know for a fact that back then little was done to trap for null dates or dates outside of normal ranges, and that often meant the application would crash. Given how so many things like safety systems, aircraft auto pilots and security apps crashed with bad date values, it was not a joke or a hoax.

These things were somehow managed well, and so absent huge disasters predicted by Chicken Littles, some morons think it was never really a problem when they in fact were problems, huge problems.
These asshats don't even know wth bioweapons are........... They think there are more than 2 genders that should tell the entire NORMAL word something is way way off. One doesnn't have to believe in gawd dam God to see it feel it, know it etc..
Cutting the CDC budget by $750 million,

The House of Representative controls the budget, Sirah.

distributing misinformation on availability of test kits,

The test kits are coming out in record time, your comment is total partisan spin bullshit.

time to develop a vaccine,

Several are in testing, again in record time, so once again, your comment is total partisan spin bullshit.

going to work with mild symptoms, and

And we should crash the economy on the mere suspision of COVID19? That is hysteria, not pandemic management.

taking credit for congress passage of an emergency spending package introduced by democrats and

Well, he did ask for it, and the Dems cooperated in giving him more. Sounds like a win to me.

receiving huge by partisan support in both house of congress is not good management.

Bipartisan efforts are not good management? roflmao, so it's only good management when you steam roll the other party? Sounds like a Democrat.

What Trump did would be done by any president.

Except, none have done this in 80 years. Obama certainly did not to control H1N1.

What Trump said would not.

Because they are coached little milk-toast empty suits.

The President is trying to lead this country, and he would be doing a great job of it if you god damned Democrats would stop ankle biting him constantly.
This will be used to cancel the elections " REMEMBER" that lol. No i'm not kidding this virus will be used just watch those headlines you'll see those who don't have gold fish memory............

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