Congratulations to Trump for Managing the COVID19 far

The only question....can the democrat party members in the press hype this all the way to November? Can they hide the fact that it is going to fizzle out in a couple more weeks or can they keep pretending that it is worse than the regular flu? Considering how many people die each year from the regular flu vs. this one?

This is the "ignore it & it will go away" approach.

The regular flu kills a lot of people so a new virus that could kill thousands is irrelevant.

I hope you Trumpetters do nothing & attend all the big rallies & events that you can. Thren you can bring it hop;e to the kids.

CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus
By J. Edward Moreno - 03/07/20 05:41 PM EST
CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus

coronavirus Mar. 7, 2020
Trump Vows to Keep Holding Rallies, Despite CPAC Attendee’s Coronavirus Case
By Chas Danner

Trump Vows More Rallies Despite CPAC Coronavirus Case
More rallies means less republicans Go,,mingle with your pals Say hi to trump Cough on him to show this disease is a hoax

ya, but the problem with that is they will become brainless petri dishes & become a threat for us thinking bipeds...
Got bad news my friend The already are brainless How can anyone with a brain support this slug Trump A more vile politician can't be found although Graham and McConnell come close
You think the clintons, obama, bernie, or biden are any better?

I think they are worse
No one will ever be prepared for the next outbreak of unknown germs. Simply because it is unknown.

What is more than simply suspicious about the democrats hoaxing this virus is their categorization of tests positive. How many are actually sick? They can't give out that number with the frequency of testing positive. It would be far fewer and of those already compromised. So they ladle out the term of tests positive knowing that the left will automatically conflate the term with being sick.

How did Democrats get China to go along with this “hoax” ?
We have no idea what China is doing or saying. Everything is coming through the democrat controlled media.


That is why the thousands of dead in China is just a HOAX
Trump knows better
And you know how many in China are dead? Just how do you know???
They actually report it
Trump has done so many good things.
1) He declared a national health emergency.

2) He organized a national response headed by his number 2 man, VP Pence.

3) He has removed government bureaucratic regs that would slow down a vaccine, and we may have one by end of April now.

4) He is focusing national efforts to re-establish the medical equipment, drugs and other supplies like masks back in the USA so we have control of how we respond and not rely on China who has been prioritizing their own citizens. (Who'd a thunk that?)

5) Trump has organized all the state level testing and medical facilities that respond to pandemics under the CDC and have all these institutions sharing data and resources.

6) Trump has helped to delay the spread of this virus at every turn, restricting travel, sealing the border and testing migrants, and prioritizing the health of ordinary Americans over the profits of Wall Street.

7) He has obtained almost 4 times the funding he asked for and is putting it to good work in buttressing the funding of the fight on COVID19 across the country.

8) As a result we have seen nothing comparable to the disaster in Europe and China.

Mr President, you are America's top resource. Stay healthy and get re-elected.
Cutting the CDC budget by $750 million, distributing misinformation on availability of test kits, time to develop a vaccine, going to work with mild symptoms, and taking credit for congress passage of an emergency spending package introduced by democrats and receiving huge by partisan support in both house of congress is not good management. What Trump did would be done by any president. What Trump said would not.

We need to start calling him President Coronavirus
You lie. Why do you bother lying?

Selling your soul just for political gain is not worth the return.
You’ve done a crappy job spreading slander and lies and propaganda for the last 4 years.

Trump is still in Office and will be re-elected in a landslide thanks to vile, hateful people like you.

He has done a shit job, does he still feel its a hoax devised by the democrats?
Your leader has made America the most hated nation in the world No wonder repubs are the most hated party You idolize an idiot a moron not fit for the job
Cutting the CDC budget by $750 million,

The House of Representative controls the budget, Sirah.

distributing misinformation on availability of test kits,

The test kits are coming out in record time, your comment is total partisan spin bullshit.

time to develop a vaccine,

Several are in testing, again in record time, so once again, your comment is total partisan spin bullshit.

going to work with mild symptoms, and

And we should crash the economy on the mere suspision of COVID19? That is hysteria, not pandemic management.

taking credit for congress passage of an emergency spending package introduced by democrats and

Well, he did ask for it, and the Dems cooperated in giving him more. Sounds like a win to me.

receiving huge by partisan support in both house of congress is not good management.

Bipartisan efforts are not good management? roflmao, so it's only good management when you steam roll the other party? Sounds like a Democrat.

What Trump did would be done by any president.

Except, none have done this in 80 years. Obama certainly did not to control H1N1.

What Trump said would not.

Because they are coached little milk-toast empty suits.

The President is trying to lead this country, and he would be doing a great job of it if you god damned Democrats would stop ankle biting him constantly.
You are confused. The House does not control the budget. The budget process begins with the president submission of the budget. It then goes to the House. The House effectively creates it's on budget based on the President's budget. Typically, the House will pass that budget and send it to the Senate. The Senate will also create it's own version of the Budget. The House and Senate versions may be fairly close if the same party controls both houses or miles apart if control of congress is shared. According to the rules laid down, the two houses will negotiate changes and usually ending up using Budget Reconciliation to arrive at a final budget. So the truth is both the president and the two houses of congress create the budget.
Possibly where you are confused is all spending bills begin in the House but they must be approved by the Senate.

Congress does not manage the government therefore partisan or bipartisan support for bills in congress is irrelevant. Congress creates the laws and allocates money to used by the president to manage the government.

Just a a few logical thoughts some never have it. lol

Wait until this chit happens. :

Coronavirus: Italy Orders Massive Shutdown; Cruise Ship Gets OK To Dock In California
he actually said he doesn't want our fellow american CITIZENS to come off the ship that's stationed off the coast of cali - cause it would spike the numbers recorded by the CDC. apparently his PR optics is all he's CONcerned about & not the health & welfare of americans.

will he be tossing them boxes of kleenex next?

He is talking about American in a ship like mice.
You lie. Why do you bother lying?

Selling your soul just for political gain is not worth the return.
You’ve done a crappy job spreading slander and lies and propaganda for the last 4 years.

Trump is still in Office and will be re-elected in a landslide thanks to vile, hateful people like you.

He has done a shit job, does he still feel its a hoax devised by the democrats?
Your leader has made America the most hated nation in the world No wonder repubs are the most hated party You idolize an idiot a moron not fit for the job

^^^ irony at its best ^^^

Just a a few logical thoughts some never have it. lol

Wait until this chit happens. :

Coronavirus: Italy Orders Massive Shutdown; Cruise Ship Gets OK To Dock In California
Yep just The Flu and the Globalists and Commie Tyrants are using it as an excuse to Oppress People and Manipulate Economies.
Cutting the CDC budget by $750 million,

The House of Representative controls the budget, Sirah.

distributing misinformation on availability of test kits,

The test kits are coming out in record time, your comment is total partisan spin bullshit.

time to develop a vaccine,

Several are in testing, again in record time, so once again, your comment is total partisan spin bullshit.

going to work with mild symptoms, and

And we should crash the economy on the mere suspision of COVID19? That is hysteria, not pandemic management.

taking credit for congress passage of an emergency spending package introduced by democrats and

Well, he did ask for it, and the Dems cooperated in giving him more. Sounds like a win to me.

receiving huge by partisan support in both house of congress is not good management.

Bipartisan efforts are not good management? roflmao, so it's only good management when you steam roll the other party? Sounds like a Democrat.

What Trump did would be done by any president.

Except, none have done this in 80 years. Obama certainly did not to control H1N1.

What Trump said would not.

Because they are coached little milk-toast empty suits.

The President is trying to lead this country, and he would be doing a great job of it if you god damned Democrats would stop ankle biting him constantly.
You are confused. The House does not control the budget. The budget process begins with the president submission of the budget. It then goes to the House. The House effectively creates it's on budget based on the President's budget. Typically, the House will pass that budget and send it to the Senate. The Senate will also create it's own version of the Budget. The House and Senate versions may be fairly close if the same party controls both houses or miles apart if control of congress is shared. According to the rules laid down, the two houses will negotiate changes and usually ending up using Budget Reconciliation to arrive at a final budget. So the truth is both the president and the two houses of congress create the budget.
Possibly where you are confused is all spending bills begin in the House but they must be approved by the Senate.

Congress does not manage the government therefore partisan or bipartisan support for bills in congress is irrelevant. Congress creates the laws and allocates money to used by the president to manage the government.
The House controls the budget -- the president's budget is ALWAYS seen as a symbolic measure.....especially Trump's last budget....

Just a a few logical thoughts some never have it. lol

Wait until this chit happens. :

Coronavirus: Italy Orders Massive Shutdown; Cruise Ship Gets OK To Dock In California
Yep just The Flu and the Globalists and Commie Tyrants are using it as an excuse to Oppress People and Manipulate Economies.
Implied DOW off 1300 Trump should step down before he bankrupts America as he has all his businesses

Just a a few logical thoughts some never have it. lol

Wait until this chit happens. :

Coronavirus: Italy Orders Massive Shutdown; Cruise Ship Gets OK To Dock In California
Yep just The Flu and the Globalists and Commie Tyrants are using it as an excuse to Oppress People and Manipulate Economies.
Implied DOW off 1300 Trump should step down before he bankrupts America as he has all his businesses

I thought this was Obummer's Economy?

You should leave the forum. And I think Sanders, and Biden, commie 1 and commie 2 should simply quit, because they are just going to stuff all that campaign cash in their pockets as they get the beat down of their lives and The President is re-elected in a landslide.

It's just The Flu. Tell your masters that you aren't good at your job. You need more practice at spreading your lying propaganda.

The Oil Feud is Russia's doing. So you must be a Russian Asset, right Comrade? Why do Leftist always promote Russian Propaganda?
Last edited:

Just a a few logical thoughts some never have it. lol

Wait until this chit happens. :

Coronavirus: Italy Orders Massive Shutdown; Cruise Ship Gets OK To Dock In California
Yep just The Flu and the Globalists and Commie Tyrants are using it as an excuse to Oppress People and Manipulate Economies.
Implied DOW off 1300 Trump should step down before he bankrupts America as he has all his businesses
You should leave the forum. And I think Sanders, and Biden, commie 1 and commie 2 should simply quit, because they are just going to stuff all that campaign cash in their pockets as they get the beat down of their lives and The President is re-elected in a landslide.

It's just The Flu. Tell your masters that you aren't good at your job. You need more practice at spreading your lying propaganda.

The Oil Feud is Russia's doing. So you must be a Russian Asset, right Comrade? Why do Leftist always promote Russian Propaganda?
TREE ordinarily I laugh at your posts but with the DOW off 1800 I can't I want the imbecile in our WH to step down He struck out with the preparing for virus

Just a a few logical thoughts some never have it. lol

Wait until this chit happens. :

Coronavirus: Italy Orders Massive Shutdown; Cruise Ship Gets OK To Dock In California
Yep just The Flu and the Globalists and Commie Tyrants are using it as an excuse to Oppress People and Manipulate Economies.

They just cant get it did you see the STOCKS!!!!

Just a a few logical thoughts some never have it. lol

Wait until this chit happens. :

Coronavirus: Italy Orders Massive Shutdown; Cruise Ship Gets OK To Dock In California
Yep just The Flu and the Globalists and Commie Tyrants are using it as an excuse to Oppress People and Manipulate Economies.
Implied DOW off 1300 Trump should step down before he bankrupts America as he has all his businesses
You should leave the forum. And I think Sanders, and Biden, commie 1 and commie 2 should simply quit, because they are just going to stuff all that campaign cash in their pockets as they get the beat down of their lives and The President is re-elected in a landslide.

It's just The Flu. Tell your masters that you aren't good at your job. You need more practice at spreading your lying propaganda.

The Oil Feud is Russia's doing. So you must be a Russian Asset, right Comrade? Why do Leftist always promote Russian Propaganda?
TREE ordinarily I laugh at your posts but with the DOW off 1800 I can't I want the imbecile in our WH to step down He struck out with the preparing for virus
Why do you promote Russian Propaganda? You know Putin chose Hillary. That is why he created The Dirty Russian Dossier for her.

Putin got all the sweetheart deals from Obamma and Hillary. He got control of Libyan Oil Fields.

He got his hooks in to Syria, and Obama allowed him to build Air Bases there and a Naval Base.

Obama gave him 4 of our Aleutian Islands with Massive Oil and Gas Deposits.

Obama and Clinton sold them 20% of our Uranium in the Uranium One Deal despite Putin's company Rosatom, paying out millions in bribes to people like Holder, McCain, and Hillary Clinton to make the deal happen. As soon as the deal was made, Putin swept in with Rosatom and bought Uranium One. Mueller, McCabe and Comey kept the Bribery Scheme hush hush until after the deal was over.

Obama and Clinton also gave Putin a wink and a nod and let him take The Crimea, and let him invade the Oil Fields in Ukraine.

Obama and the Democrats also was dirty dealing with Burisma which is a Russian Controlled Oil and Gas company which WOW WHAT A COINCIDENCE controlled the VERY areas of Ukraine that Putin invaded.

And for the Icing on top of The CAKE. Obama became a War Criminal when he violated International Law, and US Law when he flew pallets of cash under cover of darkness to Europe (because it's illegal to wire money, or give Iran American Dollars) had $150 Billion in Obama Bucks Converted in to Obama Euros, and then flown to Iran so Iran could take $150 Billion in Obama Buck, and Buy Obama Bombs, from Obama's Best Friend Putin.

And now we have an Oil Feud, started by Russia, and a COVID 19 Scare started by China, and The Communist Left Stream Media pounding The PULPIT like
Nikita Khrushchev telling The American PEOPLE!





And there you are locked arm in arm with Stalin and Mao, and Bernie Sanders and Biden!

Heil Schiffler!
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It make sense now why people are hyping the COVID 19 Flu from China, and Ramping up Fears over The Oil Feud started by Russia.

It's never been clearer that China and Russia want someone pliable, effeminate, soft, and who won't stand up for America.

Any old Commie Democrat DemNazi would do the trick.

Just like in 2016 when The Democrats allied with Russia to start the Russian Collusion Narrative just a few months out before the Election, now we have Russia and China trying to start a panic to help The Democrats defeat President Trump Again.

The Shortest distance between two points is a STRAIGHT LINE.

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