Congratulations to Trump for Managing the COVID19 far

Orange Jesus is telling people that anyone can get a coronavirus test, but there are hardly any test kits in the country.
You dont know what the hell you are talking about, dude.

There are currently about a million kits ready and 4 million on the way.

There are plenty of test kits, Chicken Little.

BTW, you can laugh at the hard numbers all you want, but the primary factor in the impact of this disease is how far to the left your government is.

Italy's Open Borders leftwing idiots running the country before Conte has made Italy the epicenter of the disease in Europe with France and Germany close behind.
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Orange Jesus is telling people that anyone can get a coronavirus test, but there are hardly any test kits in the country.
You dont know what the hell you are talking about, dude.

There are currently about a million kits ready and 4 million on the way.

There are plenty of test kits, Chicken Little.

Orange Jesus said anyone can get tested now.

And here you are, on your knees, bowing to your Orange God.
Bow to your Orange God, Trump Worshippers

Then Trump cut Azar off. “But I think, importantly, anybody, right now and yesterday, that needs a test gets a test. They’re there, they have the tests, and the tests are beautiful. Anybody that needs a test gets a test,” Trump said.​

This is untrue. Vice President Pence told reporters Thursday that the US didn’t have enough test kits to meet demand. New York governor Andrew Cuomo announced that his state would develop its own coronavirus tests because the federal government version wasn’t available in enough quantity. In California, the first US resident to contract Covid-19 through community contact didn’t get tested for four days after entering the hospital, even though doctors asked for the test, because the criteria for testing were so strict, and only the CDC had test kits. The number of tests available, and the number actually completed, has varied depending on which government official was speaking. Federal officials have said they intended to distribute anywhere from thousands to millions of kits, and that as of Friday that 5,861 tests have been conducted. But that’s actually the number of samples tested, and some tests require more than one sample—so that number doesn’t reflect the actual number of individual people tested. A recent tally in The Atlantic confirmed only 1,895 people had been tested. For comparison, South Korea is testing 10,000 people every day. This lack of data is critical—public health workers need to know how fast an outbreak is spreading, and where, if they’re going to be able to respond to it. An example: People are still arguing over how potentially deadly the virus SARS-CoV-2 is, because they don’t know the baseline number of people infected in the US, because too few people are getting tested. Health workers are flying blind.​

WASHINGTON -- The CDC has shipped enough COVID-19 test kits to U.S. public health labs to test about 75,000 people, according to the FDA commissioner.

Another 2.1 million tests for COVID-19 will be sent to commercial labs by Monday, which is enough to test 850,000 people, said Stephen Hahn, MD, during an off-camera White House press briefing Saturday, adding that manufacturers have told him that they can ramp up production and ship 4 million more tests by the end of next week...

In his prepared remarks, Hahn argued that the outbreak is "dynamic and constantly evolving," which has created "some confusion about the quantity of diagnostic tests available and how many patients can be tested."

Hahn acknowledged that there were were initially manufacturing problems with the CDC's test that have been resolved. However, those issues created downstream complications for developers, some of whom were relying on the CDC test to serve as the basis for their own, he said.

In late February, the FDA issued a new policy to ease regulatory burdens for labs that want to develop their own tests as a means of scaling testing capacity.

Also at a late February House committee hearing, CDC Director Robert Redfield, MD, said the agency broadened COVID-19 testing criteria.

As of March 7, the CDC has tested 1,583 people since the first cases were discovered, Hahn stated. Additionally, between the CDC and public health labs, 5,861 tests have been completed as of March 6, but officials at the briefing could not provide the total number of patients tested by both the agency and outside labs, according to The Hill....​

Toro, you are such a gay pajama bois
Bow to your Orange God, Trump Worshippers

Then Trump cut Azar off. “But I think, importantly, anybody, right now and yesterday, that needs a test gets a test. They’re there, they have the tests, and the tests are beautiful. Anybody that needs a test gets a test,” Trump said.​

This is untrue. Vice President Pence told reporters Thursday that the US didn’t have enough test kits to meet demand. New York governor Andrew Cuomo announced that his state would develop its own coronavirus tests because the federal government version wasn’t available in enough quantity. In California, the first US resident to contract Covid-19 through community contact didn’t get tested for four days after entering the hospital, even though doctors asked for the test, because the criteria for testing were so strict, and only the CDC had test kits. The number of tests available, and the number actually completed, has varied depending on which government official was speaking. Federal officials have said they intended to distribute anywhere from thousands to millions of kits, and that as of Friday that 5,861 tests have been conducted. But that’s actually the number of samples tested, and some tests require more than one sample—so that number doesn’t reflect the actual number of individual people tested. A recent tally in The Atlantic confirmed only 1,895 people had been tested. For comparison, South Korea is testing 10,000 people every day. This lack of data is critical—public health workers need to know how fast an outbreak is spreading, and where, if they’re going to be able to respond to it. An example: People are still arguing over how potentially deadly the virus SARS-CoV-2 is, because they don’t know the baseline number of people infected in the US, because too few people are getting tested. Health workers are flying blind.​
VP Pence is talking about potential demand down the road, and no, we still need to get more kits, but we have enough for the immediate present circumstances with more coming.

Democrat scare mongering is just disgusting.
If a car was barreling down the street towards you at 70 mph, and Trump said it was safe to stand on the road, his worshippers would stand on the street.
You are a blooming certified idiot.
Orange Jesus said anyone can get tested now.
And here you are, on your knees, bowing to your Orange God.
Anyone that NEEDS the test, jack ass.

My Gawd, you really are deaf to the impact that panics will have, arent you?

Or you are just an amoral sociopath like the left usually harbors.
Orange Jesus said anyone can get tested now.
And here you are, on your knees, bowing to your Orange God.
Anyone that NEEDS the test, jack ass.

My Gawd, you really are deaf to the impact that panics will have, arent you?

Or you are just an amoral sociopath like the left usually harbors.

Yeah, you run with that, Orange Jesus Worshipper.

Now get your carpet down and bow towards Trump Tower!

Just a a few logical thoughts some never have it. lol

Wait until this chit happens. :

Coronavirus: Italy Orders Massive Shutdown; Cruise Ship Gets OK To Dock In California
Yep just The Flu and the Globalists and Commie Tyrants are using it as an excuse to Oppress People and Manipulate Economies.
Implied DOW off 1300 Trump should step down before he bankrupts America as he has all his businesses

I thought this was Obummer's Economy?

You should leave the forum. And I think Sanders, and Biden, commie 1 and commie 2 should simply quit, because they are just going to stuff all that campaign cash in their pockets as they get the beat down of their lives and The President is re-elected in a landslide.

It's just The Flu. Tell your masters that you aren't good at your job. You need more practice at spreading your lying propaganda.

The Oil Feud is Russia's doing. So you must be a Russian Asset, right Comrade? Why do Leftist always promote Russian Propaganda?
We all know where the buck stops and all Trump's effort to put this mess on Obama, the media, Russia, Biden, etc, etc will fail as it always does. That's one interesting thing about the presidency. The president get's to the take credit for all kinds of the good stuff that happens during his time in office, even stuff that would have happen without him. However, when the shit hits the fan, the public will blame the president. It goes with the job.
We all know where the buck stops and all Trump's effort to put this mess on Obama, the media, Russia, Biden, etc, etc will fail as it always does. That's one interesting thing about the presidency. The president get's to the take credit for all kinds of the good stuff that happens during his time in office, even stuff that would have happen without him. However, when the shit hits the fan, the public will blame the president. It goes with the job.

That is not true because, in the case of Trump, the media gives him 0 credit for anything good and 100% blame for anything bad. I fear your POV is antiquated.
he actually said he doesn't want our fellow american CITIZENS to come off the ship that's stationed off the coast of cali - cause it would spike the numbers recorded by the CDC. apparently his PR optics is all he's CONcerned about & not the health & welfare of americans.

will he be tossing them boxes of kleenex next?


That's why they were first off following children and the contagious.

Moron! :anj_stfu:
Orange Jesus said anyone can get tested now.
And here you are, on your knees, bowing to your Orange God.
Anyone that NEEDS the test, jack ass.

My Gawd, you really are deaf to the impact that panics will have, arent you?

Or you are just an amoral sociopath like the left usually harbors.

Yeah, you run with that, Orange Jesus Worshipper.

Now get your carpet down and bow towards Trump Tower!
Now you are just trolling on a very serious topic.

That is what you have devolved to?
We all know where the buck stops and all Trump's effort to put this mess on Obama, the media, Russia, Biden, etc, etc will fail as it always does. That's one interesting thing about the presidency. The president get's to the take credit for all kinds of the good stuff that happens during his time in office, even stuff that would have happen without him. However, when the shit hits the fan, the public will blame the president. It goes with the job.
So why are almost all USA community acquired cases in blue states and cities?

Yes, the buck stops with POTUS when it involves things under his control, but 99.99% of the COVID19 is well outside of his control.

COVID19 is a virus, and you think Trump can just wave his magic 'Oval Office wand' and make a natural pandemic just halt in its tracks?

I am thankful Trump was clear minded enough to take decisive action early instead of taking his 'experts' advise and wait to see what happened.

Compared to every other advanced industrialized nation with a large population, (other than India), we have done very very well in managing this pandemic.

Good Gawd, compared to Europe we dont have a COVID19 problem, so think about it a moment.
China, far left centralized government, check. Huge COVID problem, check.
European Union, far left centralized government, check. Huge COVID problem, check.
Iran, theocratic centralized government, check. Huge COVID problem, check.


But how is the USA doing compared to the top 30 worst countries, which includes all of European Union nations?


USA has only 1.3 cases per million population.

Thank you President Trump!
he actually said he doesn't want our fellow american CITIZENS to come off the ship that's stationed off the coast of cali - cause it would spike the numbers recorded by the CDC. apparently his PR optics is all he's CONcerned about & not the health & welfare of americans.

will he be tossing them boxes of kleenex next?


That's why they were first off following children and the contagious.

Moron! :anj_stfu:

LOL! only because he was contradicted & he said he would go with the advice of the PROFESSIONALS. he personally didn't want anybody coming off that boat.

Trump has done so many good things.
1) He declared a national health emergency.

2) He organized a national response headed by his number 2 man, VP Pence.

3) He has removed government bureaucratic regs that would slow down a vaccine, and we may have one by end of April now.

4) He is focusing national efforts to re-establish the medical equipment, drugs and other supplies like masks back in the USA so we have control of how we respond and not rely on China who has been prioritizing their own citizens. (Who'd a thunk that?)

5) Trump has organized all the state level testing and medical facilities that respond to pandemics under the CDC and have all these institutions sharing data and resources.

6) Trump has helped to delay the spread of this virus at every turn, restricting travel, sealing the border and testing migrants, and prioritizing the health of ordinary Americans over the profits of Wall Street.

7) He has obtained almost 4 times the funding he asked for and is putting it to good work in buttressing the funding of the fight on COVID19 across the country.

8) As a result we have seen nothing comparable to the disaster in Europe and China.

Mr President, you are America's top resource. Stay healthy and get re-elected.
Keeping your head up Trump`s ass is the best way to prevent the virus. You`re safe.

We all know where the buck stops and all Trump's effort to put this mess on Obama, the media, Russia, Biden, etc, etc will fail as it always does. That's one interesting thing about the presidency. The president get's to the take credit for all kinds of the good stuff that happens during his time in office, even stuff that would have happen without him. However, when the shit hits the fan, the public will blame the president. It goes with the job.
So why are almost all USA community acquired cases in blue states and cities?

Yes, the buck stops with POTUS when it involves things under his control, but 99.99% of the COVID19 is well outside of his control.

COVID19 is a virus, and you think Trump can just wave his magic 'Oval Office wand' and make a natural pandemic just halt in its tracks?

I am thankful Trump was clear minded enough to take decisive action early instead of taking his 'experts' advise and wait to see what happened.

Compared to every other advanced industrialized nation with a large population, (other than India), we have done very very well in managing this pandemic.

Good Gawd, compared to Europe we dont have a COVID19 problem, so think about it a moment.
China, far left centralized government, check. Huge COVID problem, check.
European Union, far left centralized government, check. Huge COVID problem, check.
Iran, theocratic centralized government, check. Huge COVID problem, check.

View attachment 311440

But how is the USA doing compared to the top 30 worst countries, which includes all of European Union nations?

View attachment 311439

USA has only 1.3 cases per million population.

Thank you President Trump!
Thank the 2 oceans that have kept us semi-isolated from the rest of the world. Trump? Are you crazy?

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