Congres paid hush money to win elections

Damn you Trump sheep are getting desperate

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Nice retort.

Keep up the good work Mr. Sessions

An observation, not a retort.

But I have to admit it is good to see you sheep make some progress. No longer can you deny the actions of your savior, so now comes the justification and the whataboutism.

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Votto is a Trumper?
Unlike a “slush fund” which would be off the books, the fund is a line item and every year its activity can be viewed by the public in Treasury reports — for example money laid out from the fund in Fiscal Year 2016 can be viewed here under “Awards and Settlements, Office of Compliance.” In FY 2016 the fund paid out a total of $491,733.97.

Oh, and...

House passes bill to force lawmakers to pay their own sexual harassment settlements

"This bipartisan legislation is a shining example of how Congress should work,'' Byrne said. "Republicans and Democrats came together to bring the congressional workplace into the 21st century and ensure that Congress plays by the same rules as the private sector"
To be fair, they are 2 different issues. IF Trump used campaign funds to pay them off, he should be properly fined and whatever else they do for punishment.
If he didnt, who gives a flying fuck? Its SEX ffs

I agree. Pay the fine like Obama did.
Unlike a “slush fund” which would be off the books, the fund is a line item and every year its activity can be viewed by the public in Treasury reports — for example money laid out from the fund in Fiscal Year 2016 can be viewed here under “Awards and Settlements, Office of Compliance.” In FY 2016 the fund paid out a total of $491,733.97.

Oh, and...

House passes bill to force lawmakers to pay their own sexual harassment settlements

"This bipartisan legislation is a shining example of how Congress should work,'' Byrne said. "Republicans and Democrats came together to bring the congressional workplace into the 21st century and ensure that Congress plays by the same rules as the private sector"
So good of them to pay for their own harassment! And for me to think they didnt have it in them to take some responsibility! Congress is the awesome!
Deer fucking geebuz :rolleyes:
I can't say I'm surprised at all.

Another great use of our hard earned tax dollars.
To be fair, they are 2 different issues. IF Trump used campaign funds to pay them off, he should be properly fined and whatever else they do for punishment.

Doesn't appear as though the funds that were used to "pay them off" came from campaign funds; looks like the money came from the Trump Organization (his business entity).

"Cohen, the former lawyer of U.S. President Donald Trump, received $130,000 from Trump Organization, which the company recorded as a legal expense, according to the report, which cited two officials with knowledge of the matter."

Manhattan prosecutors reportedly considering criminal charges against Trump Organization

And it appears that the Manhattan DA is considering investigating whether or not the Trump Organization properly booked the expense..

"The district attorney's office is considering starting a state investigation to look into how the company accounted for that reimbursement and whether business records were falsified, the report said. Such actions could be charged as a low-level felony or misdemeanor, but would become a felony if it's done to commit or conceal another crime, it added."

If this story is correct, the whole "Cohen affair" is much ado about nothing from a legal standpoint since it boils down to a low level charge against the business, unless of course the hush money was used to conceal some other crime of which there has been no evidence presented to the public at this point.

Of course who knows how much it'll damage Daffy Don politically.:dunno:
To be fair, they are 2 different issues. IF Trump used campaign funds to pay them off, he should be properly fined and whatever else they do for punishment.

Doesn't appear as though the funds that were used to "pay them off" came from campaign funds; looks like the money came from the Trump Organization (his business entity).

"Cohen, the former lawyer of U.S. President Donald Trump, received $130,000 from Trump Organization, which the company recorded as a legal expense, according to the report, which cited two officials with knowledge of the matter."

Manhattan prosecutors reportedly considering criminal charges against Trump Organization

And it appears that the Manhattan DA is considering investigating whether or not the Trump Organization properly booked the expense..

"The district attorney's office is considering starting a state investigation to look into how the company accounted for that reimbursement and whether business records were falsified, the report said. Such actions could be charged as a low-level felony or misdemeanor, but would become a felony if it's done to commit or conceal another crime, it added."

If this story is correct, the whole "Cohen affair" is much ado about nothing from a legal standpoint since it boils down to a low level charge against the business, unless of course the hush money was used to conceal some other crime of which there has been no evidence presented to the public at this point.

Of course who knows how much it'll damage Daffy Don politically.:dunno:
I havent looked into it very much, but i remember reading that cohen admitted to campaign funding violations, specifically.
Thanks for the info, fox!
Trump using his own funds for hush money....... Mother F*cker!!!!....IMPEACH! IMPEACH!
Congressional members using taxpayer funds for hush money...... no big deal.

Such as it is in America
I havent looked into it very much, but i remember reading it said cohen admitted to campaign funding violations, specifically.
Thanks for the info, fox!

No problem and Cohen DID plead guilty to campaign funding violations but the violations he plead to involved exceeding the personal donation limit (which are around $5200) because in the plea the pay offs were being considered campaign contributions. However if the CNBC story is true, the money didn't come out of Cohens pocket, it came out of Trump's business so Cohen copped to crimes he didn't actually commit, which isn't uncommon in plea deals.
I havent looked into it very much, but i remember reading it said cohen admitted to campaign funding violations, specifically.
Thanks for the info, fox!

No problem and Cohen DID plead guilty to campaign funding violations but the violations he plead to involved exceeding the personal donation limit (which are around $5200) because in the plea the pay offs were being considered campaign contributions. However if the CNBC story is true, the money didn't come out of Cohens pocket, it came out of Trump's business so Cohen copped to crimes he didn't actually commit, which isn't uncommon in plea deals.
LOL so this is one big fucking joke
I can't say I'm surprised at all.

Another great use of our hard earned tax dollars.

Uh-huh, According to the K Street Think Tank The Center for Washington Plutocracy; Congress critters paying hush money to women they've sexually assaulted represents a perfectly legitimate use of our HARD earned tax dollars.:D
I havent looked into it very much, but i remember reading it said cohen admitted to campaign funding violations, specifically.
Thanks for the info, fox!

No problem and Cohen DID plead guilty to campaign funding violations but the violations he plead to involved exceeding the personal donation limit (which are around $5200) because in the plea the pay offs were being considered campaign contributions. However if the CNBC story is true, the money didn't come out of Cohens pocket, it came out of Trump's business so Cohen copped to crimes he didn't actually commit, which isn't uncommon in plea deals.
LOL so this is one big fucking joke
Uh-Huh, pretty much the norm in Partisan Politics..... 50% bullshit, 49% utter nonsense and 1% just plain stupid.
I havent looked into it very much, but i remember reading it said cohen admitted to campaign funding violations, specifically.
Thanks for the info, fox!

No problem and Cohen DID plead guilty to campaign funding violations but the violations he plead to involved exceeding the personal donation limit (which are around $5200) because in the plea the pay offs were being considered campaign contributions. However if the CNBC story is true, the money didn't come out of Cohens pocket, it came out of Trump's business so Cohen copped to crimes he didn't actually commit, which isn't uncommon in plea deals.
LOL so this is one big fucking joke
Uh-Huh, pretty much the norm in Partisan Politics..... 50% bullshit, 49% utter nonsense and 1% just plain stupid.

You forgot the .5% makes good sense.
I havent looked into it very much, but i remember reading it said cohen admitted to campaign funding violations, specifically.
Thanks for the info, fox!

No problem and Cohen DID plead guilty to campaign funding violations but the violations he plead to involved exceeding the personal donation limit (which are around $5200) because in the plea the pay offs were being considered campaign contributions. However if the CNBC story is true, the money didn't come out of Cohens pocket, it came out of Trump's business so Cohen copped to crimes he didn't actually commit, which isn't uncommon in plea deals.
LOL so this is one big fucking joke
Uh-Huh, pretty much the norm in Partisan Politics..... 50% bullshit, 49% utter nonsense and 1% just plain stupid.

You forgot the .5% makes good sense.
You sure you aint giving them too much credit? lol
Damn you Trump sheep are getting desperate

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/----/ Libtard reactions to the Clintoon Lewinsky
One reason liberals let Bill Clinton off the hook in the ’90s? They were afraid of looking like prudes.
"I intend to reclaim my family life for my family. It’s nobody's business but ours. Even presidents have private lives. It is time to stop the pursuit of personal destruction and the prying into private lives and get on with our national life.” - Billy Clinton

Central to Clinton and his defenders’ argument was the implication that anyone who judged him was guilty of puritanism and outrage, a quintessentially American obsession with sex that belied an inability to greet sexual misconduct with a Gallic shrug. In a New York Times op-ed, feminist writer Gloria Steinem reserved most of her ire for “the media's obsession with sex qua sex,” which she considered “offensive to some, titillating to many and beside the point to almost everybody.” Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes dismissed the accusations against Clinton as “sex, puritanism and trivialization,” implying in a Spanish-language op-ed that the media fascination with Clinton could be traced back to the sexual morality of Puritan settlers.
Did you even read your own link, that said that this claim is false?

Although there is a U.S. Treasury fund devoted to paying settlements, it is not a “slush fund” which implies it is secret and utilized for illicit purposes. The fund is administered by the Office of Compliance (OOC), which was established in 1995 with the Congressional Accountability Act and is used for the payment of awards and settlements. The OOC is overseen by the House Administration and Senate Rules committees.

Unlike a “slush fund” which would be off the books, the fund is a line item and every year its activity can be viewed by the public in Treasury reports — for example money laid out from the fund in Fiscal Year 2016 can be viewed here under “Awards and Settlements, Office of Compliance.” In FY 2016 the fund paid out a total of $491,733.97.
The dumbass actually tried to defend using tax money so politicians could pay off bimbos!

Read it again. That is not what he did.
sure he did.
Rationalization-fest 2018 continues I see.

Care to elaborate?
I see not one example of someone rationalizing anything.
Holding one person guilty for something, and pointing out that the very people outraged by his actions... commit the same offense is not rationalizing.
Damn you Trump sheep are getting desperate

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Nice retort.

Keep up the good work Mr. Sessions

An observation, not a retort.

But I have to admit it is good to see you sheep make some progress. No longer can you deny the actions of your savior, so now comes the justification and the whataboutism.

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Votto is a Trumper?

No, I'm just pointing to the hypocrisy of the deep state that is hopelessly corrupt.

It's not that I like Trump, I think he is a sleeze ball, but judging from those in DC, he is Mother Theresa in comparison.
Unlike a “slush fund” which would be off the books, the fund is a line item and every year its activity can be viewed by the public in Treasury reports — for example money laid out from the fund in Fiscal Year 2016 can be viewed here under “Awards and Settlements, Office of Compliance.” In FY 2016 the fund paid out a total of $491,733.97.

The total amount doesn't tell us exactly what Congressmen committed what acts of Sexual Harassment or who the victims are.

And MORE IMPORTANTLY, these amounts were not reported on the offending congresspeople's federal campaign financing reports, even though keeping it quiet was a help to their campaign. It is a felony if the congressman did not put this on their form, and they need sent to prison.
ding ding ding

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