Congres paid hush money to win elections

Rationalization-fest 2018 continues I see.

Care to elaborate?
I see not one example of someone rationalizing anything.
Holding one person guilty for something, and pointing out that the very people outraged by his actions... commit the same offense is not rationalizing.

clearly the point of the thread is to equate Trump’s actions to that of others to somehow cast him in a better light than the blob deserves.

Perhaps I should dub it “Whatabout-fest 2018” or “Theydidittoo-fest 2018”. You can submit your own suggestions to what to call the full damage control mode you trump ass kissers are currently in if you like.

Then you are taking it wrong. And perhaps you are the one rationalizing eh?
I take it as pointing out obvious hypocrisy. The irony is thick is it not?

No, but your cranium is.

Having a thick cranium is a good thing.
Thank you
All I hope for is that this does enough damage for the Dems to take at least part of congress. It is never good for the country for one party to hold all the power.

What a sad state of affairs; the best we can hope for is that Crime Family-R fucks up enough so that Crime Family-D can take back some power so that we can achieve gridlock and corruption as usual in Washington can continue unabated.

I say we just go back to British Rule, at least when the Crown was in charge we could always hope the heir to throne was better than the current schmuck holding the scepter.

It is a sad state of affairs but as long as the two party system holds sway it will never get better.
Agreed, the duopoly is a cancer on society and an excuse for the people to abandon critical thinking in favor of brand names and propaganda.

Don’t want to go back to the monarchy but would love to see a more British style parliamentary style of government with more than two parties
Personally I'd rather see political parties cease to exist; they're nothing but breeding grounds for megalomania, deceit and corruption.

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." -- William Shakespeare, Hamlet
All I hope for is that this does enough damage for the Dems to take at least part of congress. It is never good for the country for one party to hold all the power.

What a sad state of affairs; the best we can hope for is that Crime Family-R fucks up enough so that Crime Family-D can take back some power so that we can achieve gridlock and corruption as usual in Washington can continue unabated.

I say we just go back to British Rule, at least when the Crown was in charge we could always hope the heir to throne was better than the current schmuck holding the scepter.

It is a sad state of affairs but as long as the two party system holds sway it will never get better.
Agreed, the duopoly is a cancer on society and an excuse for the people to abandon critical thinking in favor of brand names and propaganda.

Don’t want to go back to the monarchy but would love to see a more British style parliamentary style of government with more than two parties
Personally I'd rather see political parties cease to exist; they're nothing but breeding grounds for megalomania, deceit and corruption.

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." -- William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Create a third part if you like but the cancer remains and will spread to the third party

No, the issue is the collectivist power created by the Progressive movement over the last century.

The President and federal government was never meant to have this much power and control over the country.

The only solution is limiting the power and scope of the federal government and returning it to Federalism like it was set up.

The Article V movement is the only political movement I know of that sees this.
We have no idea who the money went to, so right now, yes they paid of porn stars and many other women. I can't be honest about what? I just stated that Trump lied about this. His first lie. so not sure what you're referring to as usual. I wish you would use english.

BTW, I have asked and asked for you all to post a lie. you fail every time, that's on you stupid fk.

No…you said this “is the first lie I will confirm trump told”…meaning that there are others; you just don’t have the stones to speak the truth.

Here…lets play a game….

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

Trump said he would list China as a currency manipulator. He didn’t . Is that a lie?

Okay…time to dial up examples of others lying as to make the blob’s lies somewhat less.

:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:
how you figure?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: first means first. I never implied others, you did. and I have asked and asked for an example of others from you and you failed. so, you remain a failure.

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

actually what he said was he was under an audit and after the audit he would release them. Is he still under audit? do you know? me personally, I don't care about his finances. I don't care about any candidates finances. Not sure the purpose of that stupid act.

But, if he isn't under an audit anymore, then yes that would be a lie.

A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:

Population You!​
I object to every politician who lies to me. obammy told me that my health insurance wouldn't go up. that affects me directly and that's the biggest lie that someone can commit one that affects me. I give two shits about lies about dates in the past that have nothing to do with me, trump's money matters don't affect me personally, nor you, so why in a day when every mofo politician lies, does that one bother you so much. It doesn't affect you at all.

repeal and replace. gotta pass it to find out what's in it. what kind of governing is all of this. I want them all out, repubs and dems if they lie or don't do the people's business. It's really quite simple for me.
BTW, I really want to know how Maxine Waters has millions when she is a career politician making thousands.
We have no idea who the money went to, so right now, yes they paid of porn stars and many other women. I can't be honest about what? I just stated that Trump lied about this. His first lie. so not sure what you're referring to as usual. I wish you would use english.

BTW, I have asked and asked for you all to post a lie. you fail every time, that's on you stupid fk.

No…you said this “is the first lie I will confirm trump told”…meaning that there are others; you just don’t have the stones to speak the truth.

Here…lets play a game….

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

Trump said he would list China as a currency manipulator. He didn’t . Is that a lie?

Okay…time to dial up examples of others lying as to make the blob’s lies somewhat less.

:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:
how you figure?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: first means first. I never implied others, you did. and I have asked and asked for an example of others from you and you failed. so, you remain a failure.

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

actually what he said was he was under an audit and after the audit he would release them. Is he still under audit? do you know? me personally, I don't care about his finances. I don't care about any candidates finances. Not sure the purpose of that stupid act.

But, if he isn't under an audit anymore, then yes that would be a lie.

A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:

Population You!​
I have never been in one so I have no idea how long it is. you? AGain, I stated, if he isn't, then he lied.

According to H&R Block, most take less than a year.
It’s been 3 for the blob if there ever was an audit to start with.

But keep playing stupid…its the one role you don’t need much acting lessons for.
No…you said this “is the first lie I will confirm trump told”…meaning that there are others; you just don’t have the stones to speak the truth.

Here…lets play a game….

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

Trump said he would list China as a currency manipulator. He didn’t . Is that a lie?

Okay…time to dial up examples of others lying as to make the blob’s lies somewhat less.

:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:
how you figure?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: first means first. I never implied others, you did. and I have asked and asked for an example of others from you and you failed. so, you remain a failure.

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

actually what he said was he was under an audit and after the audit he would release them. Is he still under audit? do you know? me personally, I don't care about his finances. I don't care about any candidates finances. Not sure the purpose of that stupid act.

But, if he isn't under an audit anymore, then yes that would be a lie.

A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:

Population You!​
I object to every politician who lies to me. obammy told me that my health insurance wouldn't go up. that affects me directly and that's the biggest lie that someone can commit one that affects me. I give two shits about lies about dates in the past that have nothing to do with me, trump's money matters don't affect me personally, nor you, so why in a day when every mofo politician lies, does that one bother you so much. It doesn't affect you at all.

repeal and replace. gotta pass it to find out what's in it. what kind of governing is all of this. I want them all out, repubs and dems if they lie or don't do the people's business. It's really quite simple for me.
BTW, I really want to know how Maxine Waters has millions when she is a career politician making thousands.

She won all her money at the dog race track by putting all her money on Nancy Pelosi to win.
No…you said this “is the first lie I will confirm trump told”…meaning that there are others; you just don’t have the stones to speak the truth.

Here…lets play a game….

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

Trump said he would list China as a currency manipulator. He didn’t . Is that a lie?

Okay…time to dial up examples of others lying as to make the blob’s lies somewhat less.

:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:
how you figure?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: first means first. I never implied others, you did. and I have asked and asked for an example of others from you and you failed. so, you remain a failure.

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

actually what he said was he was under an audit and after the audit he would release them. Is he still under audit? do you know? me personally, I don't care about his finances. I don't care about any candidates finances. Not sure the purpose of that stupid act.

But, if he isn't under an audit anymore, then yes that would be a lie.

A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:

Population You!​
I have never been in one so I have no idea how long it is. you? AGain, I stated, if he isn't, then he lied.

According to H&R Block, most take less than a year.
It’s been 3 for the blob if there ever was an audit to start with.

But keep playing stupid…its the one role you don’t need much acting lessons for.
so you ignore what I said. how white of you mofo! I said it would be a lie if he wasn't. and it doesn't affect me. how does it affect you?
We have no idea who the money went to, so right now, yes they paid of porn stars and many other women. I can't be honest about what? I just stated that Trump lied about this. His first lie. so not sure what you're referring to as usual. I wish you would use english.

BTW, I have asked and asked for you all to post a lie. you fail every time, that's on you stupid fk.

No…you said this “is the first lie I will confirm trump told”…meaning that there are others; you just don’t have the stones to speak the truth.

Here…lets play a game….

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

Trump said he would list China as a currency manipulator. He didn’t . Is that a lie?

Okay…time to dial up examples of others lying as to make the blob’s lies somewhat less.

:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:
how you figure?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: first means first. I never implied others, you did. and I have asked and asked for an example of others from you and you failed. so, you remain a failure.

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

actually what he said was he was under an audit and after the audit he would release them. Is he still under audit? do you know? me personally, I don't care about his finances. I don't care about any candidates finances. Not sure the purpose of that stupid act.

But, if he isn't under an audit anymore, then yes that would be a lie.

A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:

Population You!​
I object to every politician who lies to me. obammy told me that my health insurance wouldn't go up. that affects me directly and that's the biggest lie that someone can commit one that affects me. I give two shits about lies about dates in the past that have nothing to do with me, trump's money matters don't affect me personally, nor you, so why in a day when every mofo politician lies, does that one bother you so much. It doesn't affect you at all.

repeal and replace. gotta pass it to find out what's in it. what kind of governing is all of this. I want them all out, repubs and dems if they lie or don't do the people's business. It's really quite simple for me.

Yeah…you seem really offended.
Did you even read your own link, that said that this claim is false?

Although there is a U.S. Treasury fund devoted to paying settlements, it is not a “slush fund” which implies it is secret and utilized for illicit purposes. The fund is administered by the Office of Compliance (OOC), which was established in 1995 with the Congressional Accountability Act and is used for the payment of awards and settlements. The OOC is overseen by the House Administration and Senate Rules committees.

Unlike a “slush fund” which would be off the books, the fund is a line item and every year its activity can be viewed by the public in Treasury reports — for example money laid out from the fund in Fiscal Year 2016 can be viewed here under “Awards and Settlements, Office of Compliance.” In FY 2016 the fund paid out a total of $491,733.97.
The problem with your link is it doesn't tell us anything. WHO is getting paid and for what reason....that would be open and transparent.....just making some generic line item doesn't tell us squat.
No…you said this “is the first lie I will confirm trump told”…meaning that there are others; you just don’t have the stones to speak the truth.

Here…lets play a game….

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

Trump said he would list China as a currency manipulator. He didn’t . Is that a lie?

Okay…time to dial up examples of others lying as to make the blob’s lies somewhat less.

:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:
how you figure?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: first means first. I never implied others, you did. and I have asked and asked for an example of others from you and you failed. so, you remain a failure.

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

actually what he said was he was under an audit and after the audit he would release them. Is he still under audit? do you know? me personally, I don't care about his finances. I don't care about any candidates finances. Not sure the purpose of that stupid act.

But, if he isn't under an audit anymore, then yes that would be a lie.

A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:

Population You!​
I object to every politician who lies to me. obammy told me that my health insurance wouldn't go up. that affects me directly and that's the biggest lie that someone can commit one that affects me. I give two shits about lies about dates in the past that have nothing to do with me, trump's money matters don't affect me personally, nor you, so why in a day when every mofo politician lies, does that one bother you so much. It doesn't affect you at all.

repeal and replace. gotta pass it to find out what's in it. what kind of governing is all of this. I want them all out, repubs and dems if they lie or don't do the people's business. It's really quite simple for me.

Yeah…you seem really offended.
offended about what? again, I give two shits about trump's taxes, it doesn't affect me. I gave you my position. what is it you don't get?
how you figure?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: first means first. I never implied others, you did. and I have asked and asked for an example of others from you and you failed. so, you remain a failure.

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

actually what he said was he was under an audit and after the audit he would release them. Is he still under audit? do you know? me personally, I don't care about his finances. I don't care about any candidates finances. Not sure the purpose of that stupid act.

But, if he isn't under an audit anymore, then yes that would be a lie.

A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:

Population You!​
I have never been in one so I have no idea how long it is. you? AGain, I stated, if he isn't, then he lied.

According to H&R Block, most take less than a year.
It’s been 3 for the blob if there ever was an audit to start with.

But keep playing stupid…its the one role you don’t need much acting lessons for.
so you ignore what I said. how white of you mofo! I said it would be a lie if he wasn't. and it doesn't affect me. how does it affect you?

No you said you get offended when you’re lied to. Clearly this is just another in a long list of trump’s lies.
And when confronted…you fall back to the trump default of “I don’t care”.
how you figure?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: first means first. I never implied others, you did. and I have asked and asked for an example of others from you and you failed. so, you remain a failure.

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

actually what he said was he was under an audit and after the audit he would release them. Is he still under audit? do you know? me personally, I don't care about his finances. I don't care about any candidates finances. Not sure the purpose of that stupid act.

But, if he isn't under an audit anymore, then yes that would be a lie.

A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:

Population You!​
I object to every politician who lies to me. obammy told me that my health insurance wouldn't go up. that affects me directly and that's the biggest lie that someone can commit one that affects me. I give two shits about lies about dates in the past that have nothing to do with me, trump's money matters don't affect me personally, nor you, so why in a day when every mofo politician lies, does that one bother you so much. It doesn't affect you at all.

repeal and replace. gotta pass it to find out what's in it. what kind of governing is all of this. I want them all out, repubs and dems if they lie or don't do the people's business. It's really quite simple for me.

Yeah…you seem really offended.
offended about what? again, I give two shits about trump's taxes, it doesn't affect me. I gave you my position. what is it you don't get?

One last time….

The taxes don’t matter:His lying to the American people does.
Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

actually what he said was he was under an audit and after the audit he would release them. Is he still under audit? do you know? me personally, I don't care about his finances. I don't care about any candidates finances. Not sure the purpose of that stupid act.

But, if he isn't under an audit anymore, then yes that would be a lie.

A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:

Population You!​
I object to every politician who lies to me. obammy told me that my health insurance wouldn't go up. that affects me directly and that's the biggest lie that someone can commit one that affects me. I give two shits about lies about dates in the past that have nothing to do with me, trump's money matters don't affect me personally, nor you, so why in a day when every mofo politician lies, does that one bother you so much. It doesn't affect you at all.

repeal and replace. gotta pass it to find out what's in it. what kind of governing is all of this. I want them all out, repubs and dems if they lie or don't do the people's business. It's really quite simple for me.

Yeah…you seem really offended.
offended about what? again, I give two shits about trump's taxes, it doesn't affect me. I gave you my position. what is it you don't get?

One last time….

The taxes don’t matter:His lying to the American people does.
lying about what? what has he lied about that affects you? I've asked you now three times. care to answer?

BTW, sure his taxes matter, you won't leave it alone.
Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

actually what he said was he was under an audit and after the audit he would release them. Is he still under audit? do you know? me personally, I don't care about his finances. I don't care about any candidates finances. Not sure the purpose of that stupid act.

But, if he isn't under an audit anymore, then yes that would be a lie.

A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:

Population You!​
I have never been in one so I have no idea how long it is. you? AGain, I stated, if he isn't, then he lied.

According to H&R Block, most take less than a year.
It’s been 3 for the blob if there ever was an audit to start with.

But keep playing stupid…its the one role you don’t need much acting lessons for.
so you ignore what I said. how white of you mofo! I said it would be a lie if he wasn't. and it doesn't affect me. how does it affect you?

No you said you get offended when you’re lied to. Clearly this is just another in a long list of trump’s lies.
And when confronted…you fall back to the trump default of “I don’t care”.
not at all what I said. thanks for misrepresenting my statement. so you.

I said,

I object to every politician who lies to me. obammy told me that my health insurance wouldn't go up. that affects me directly and that's the biggest lie that someone can commit

never said offended. so, if you can't quote me correctly, fk off.
A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:

Population You!​
I have never been in one so I have no idea how long it is. you? AGain, I stated, if he isn't, then he lied.

According to H&R Block, most take less than a year.
It’s been 3 for the blob if there ever was an audit to start with.

But keep playing stupid…its the one role you don’t need much acting lessons for.
so you ignore what I said. how white of you mofo! I said it would be a lie if he wasn't. and it doesn't affect me. how does it affect you?

No you said you get offended when you’re lied to. Clearly this is just another in a long list of trump’s lies.
And when confronted…you fall back to the trump default of “I don’t care”.
not at all what I said. thanks for misrepresenting my statement. so you.

I said,

I object to every politician who lies to me. obammy told me that my health insurance wouldn't go up. that affects me directly and that's the biggest lie that someone can commit

never said offended. so, if you can't quote me correctly, fk off.

The fact is Trump is lying to you and you’re not objecting in any way…hence your last 300 posts on why you love him so much.

This concludes our discussion on this thread since we’re not talking about the silly rationalization in the OP any longer.
I have never been in one so I have no idea how long it is. you? AGain, I stated, if he isn't, then he lied.

According to H&R Block, most take less than a year.
It’s been 3 for the blob if there ever was an audit to start with.

But keep playing stupid…its the one role you don’t need much acting lessons for.
so you ignore what I said. how white of you mofo! I said it would be a lie if he wasn't. and it doesn't affect me. how does it affect you?

No you said you get offended when you’re lied to. Clearly this is just another in a long list of trump’s lies.
And when confronted…you fall back to the trump default of “I don’t care”.
not at all what I said. thanks for misrepresenting my statement. so you.

I said,

I object to every politician who lies to me. obammy told me that my health insurance wouldn't go up. that affects me directly and that's the biggest lie that someone can commit

never said offended. so, if you can't quote me correctly, fk off.

The fact is Trump is lying to you and you’re not objecting in any way…hence your last 300 posts on why you love him so much.

This concludes our discussion on this thread since we’re not talking about the silly rationalization in the OP any longer.
so to close off with my comments, I told you what lies bother me. ones that affect my personal life. If you are too naive to understand that, that's your own stupidity. and again, the OP was spot fking on.
No…you said this “is the first lie I will confirm trump told”…meaning that there are others; you just don’t have the stones to speak the truth.

Here…lets play a game….

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

Trump said he would list China as a currency manipulator. He didn’t . Is that a lie?

Okay…time to dial up examples of others lying as to make the blob’s lies somewhat less.

:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:
how you figure?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: first means first. I never implied others, you did. and I have asked and asked for an example of others from you and you failed. so, you remain a failure.

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

actually what he said was he was under an audit and after the audit he would release them. Is he still under audit? do you know? me personally, I don't care about his finances. I don't care about any candidates finances. Not sure the purpose of that stupid act.

But, if he isn't under an audit anymore, then yes that would be a lie.

A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
:spinner:Rationalization-Fest 2018:spinner:

Population You!​
I object to every politician who lies to me. obammy told me that my health insurance wouldn't go up. that affects me directly and that's the biggest lie that someone can commit one that affects me. I give two shits about lies about dates in the past that have nothing to do with me, trump's money matters don't affect me personally, nor you, so why in a day when every mofo politician lies, does that one bother you so much. It doesn't affect you at all.

repeal and replace. gotta pass it to find out what's in it. what kind of governing is all of this. I want them all out, repubs and dems if they lie or don't do the people's business. It's really quite simple for me.
BTW, I really want to know how Maxine Waters has millions when she is a career politician making thousands.

The same way they all do.
Congress is exempt from the same insider trading laws that we are held to - did you know that?
She, like many other congressional members/senators.... have extraordinary luck in investments. Amazing luck. Since they do not count investments as income, it can appear their net worth is not that much... so Waters net worth is only $2,000,000...however she has many times that in investment value. Afterall she lives in a $4.5 mil mansion.
how you figure?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: first means first. I never implied others, you did. and I have asked and asked for an example of others from you and you failed. so, you remain a failure.

Trump said that he will release his tax returns. He didn’t release them. Is that a lie?

actually what he said was he was under an audit and after the audit he would release them. Is he still under audit? do you know? me personally, I don't care about his finances. I don't care about any candidates finances. Not sure the purpose of that stupid act.

But, if he isn't under an audit anymore, then yes that would be a lie.

A 3 year audit?
What about the ensuing years?

His finances are one thing; lying to you should be something you object to. But just like a battered spouse…you just sit there and take it and put on a happy face.
Welcome to
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I object to every politician who lies to me. obammy told me that my health insurance wouldn't go up. that affects me directly and that's the biggest lie that someone can commit one that affects me. I give two shits about lies about dates in the past that have nothing to do with me, trump's money matters don't affect me personally, nor you, so why in a day when every mofo politician lies, does that one bother you so much. It doesn't affect you at all.

repeal and replace. gotta pass it to find out what's in it. what kind of governing is all of this. I want them all out, repubs and dems if they lie or don't do the people's business. It's really quite simple for me.
BTW, I really want to know how Maxine Waters has millions when she is a career politician making thousands.

The same way they all do.
Congress is exempt from the same insider trading laws that we are held to - did you know that?
She, like many other congressional members/senators.... have extraordinary luck in investments. Amazing luck. Since they do not count investments as income, it can appear their net worth is not that much... so Waters net worth is only $2,000,000...however she has many times that in investment value. Afterall she lives in a $4.5 mil mansion.
I know all of that. I'm merely letting people know who they support really. liars guns and money...cause the shit has hit the fan.
Do you always get stuck on useless technicalities and completely ignore the real situation on the basis of your ignorance?

It's not a useless technicality. It isn't what you portrayed it as.

It was a fund that is used to pay off ALL claims of workplace litigation for an organization that employs thousands of people (not just 535 member of Congress but thousands of staff.)

The total amount doesn't tell us exactly what Congressmen committed what acts of Sexual Harassment or who the victims are.

And MORE IMPORTANTLY, these amounts were not reported on the offending congresspeople's federal campaign financing reports, even though keeping it quiet was a help to their campaign. It is a felony if the congressman did not put this on their form, and they need sent to prison.

Um. No. NOt even close. This fund covered all forms of workplace litigation, not just sexual harassment, and all members of Staff, not just the congressmen.

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