Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him

Trump has a Doctorate Degree in Manipulation

The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.
The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.
Keep dreaming, no one is going to remove Trump from office, they should have removed Obama from office but no one did. Get used to Trump as president for 8 years
I told you the establishment politicians are pissed Trump took over the White House. Elections are supposed to be rigged by the parties. An establishment candidate who is bought and paid for is supposed to win. The status quo is supposed to be maintained. They lie to voters every 4 years then go right back to business as usual.
You really think that Rump can lead this country? Hasn't he screwed up enough?
Are you feeling alright? President Trump has only been in office for a little over a month now. He hasn't screwed anything up. He's fixing what Obama did and that is going to take a while. Don't worry. By the end of his second term he will have most of it worked out I believe. If not we have control of House and Senate and we may just get a 3rd term. Here's hoping!
He hasn't screwed up his immigration orders, or his health care? What has he done right
What the hell? Ca you believe this headline? Utter desperation from the worst leftist rag in America.

Presidential psychology is quickly becoming a bipartisan issue. Recently, Senator Al Franken said that he and several of his GOP colleagues shared the opinion that President Donald Trump is “not right mentally.” Shortly thereafter, 35 mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers — took to the pages of the New York Times to register their own concerns that the President was demonstrating “grave emotional instability.”

These controversial armchair diagnoses are powerless on their own. But what if there was something that Senator Franken and his concerned colleagues could actually do? Constitutionally speaking, there might be

This ridiculous story, along with a video is @ Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him
The desperation is so great that they have now resorted to saying we are desperate! Desperate for what? We have a great President, control of the House and the Senate, what do we have to be desperate for?

They are no longer making any sense.
What has Rump accomplished? he ran on a promise of jobs, but so far absolutely nothing
The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.
Keep dreaming, no one is going to remove Trump from office, they should have removed Obama from office but no one did. Get used to Trump as president for 8 years
What did you have against Obama? Didn't he fix the Bush disaster fast enough?
The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.

Keep dreaming, no one is going to remove Trump from office, they should have removed Obama from office but no one did. Get used to Trump as president for 8 years

I'm not dreaming, since Trump took the oath of office, it has been a nightmare. That you don't know that tells the educated and thinking majority who voted not for trump, that people like you are mentally and emotionally retarded.
What the hell? Ca you believe this headline? Utter desperation from the worst leftist rag in America.

Presidential psychology is quickly becoming a bipartisan issue. Recently, Senator Al Franken said that he and several of his GOP colleagues shared the opinion that President Donald Trump is “not right mentally.” Shortly thereafter, 35 mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers — took to the pages of the New York Times to register their own concerns that the President was demonstrating “grave emotional instability.”

These controversial armchair diagnoses are powerless on their own. But what if there was something that Senator Franken and his concerned colleagues could actually do? Constitutionally speaking, there might be

This ridiculous story, along with a video is @ Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him
The desperation is so great that they have now resorted to saying we are desperate! Desperate for what? We have a great President, control of the House and the Senate, what do we have to be desperate for?

They are no longer making any sense.
What has Rump accomplished? he ran on a promise of jobs, but so far absolutely nothing
You think a President can create jobs in a month? You need a reality check
What the hell? Ca you believe this headline? Utter desperation from the worst leftist rag in America.

Presidential psychology is quickly becoming a bipartisan issue. Recently, Senator Al Franken said that he and several of his GOP colleagues shared the opinion that President Donald Trump is “not right mentally.” Shortly thereafter, 35 mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers — took to the pages of the New York Times to register their own concerns that the President was demonstrating “grave emotional instability.”

These controversial armchair diagnoses are powerless on their own. But what if there was something that Senator Franken and his concerned colleagues could actually do? Constitutionally speaking, there might be

This ridiculous story, along with a video is @ Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him
The desperation is so great that they have now resorted to saying we are desperate! Desperate for what? We have a great President, control of the House and the Senate, what do we have to be desperate for?

They are no longer making any sense.
What has Rump accomplished? he ran on a promise of jobs, but so far absolutely nothing
You think a President can create jobs in a month? You need a reality check
he hasn't even tried, nothing
The left have lost their collective minds. They just can't believe that Trump beat their criminal candidate.

Some of us are disappointed that we once again underestimated the sheer stupidity of Americans. Both candidates were garbage, so we're collectively screwed. There were no winners the night of November 8th.
I told you the establishment politicians are pissed Trump took over the White House. Elections are supposed to be rigged by the parties. An establishment candidate who is bought and paid for is supposed to win. The status quo is supposed to be maintained. They lie to voters every 4 years then go right back to business as usual.
You really think that Rump can lead this country? Hasn't he screwed up enough?

He's doing a great job so far. Dismantling the progressive nightmare that was being inflicted on this country is going to allow the middle class to prosper once again.
The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.

Keep dreaming, no one is going to remove Trump from office, they should have removed Obama from office but no one did. Get used to Trump as president for 8 years

I'm not dreaming, since Trump took the oath of office, it has been a nightmare. That you don't know that tells the educated and thinking majority who voted not for trump, that people like you are mentally and emotionally retarded.

A nightmare for the left
I told you the establishment politicians are pissed Trump took over the White House. Elections are supposed to be rigged by the parties. An establishment candidate who is bought and paid for is supposed to win. The status quo is supposed to be maintained. They lie to voters every 4 years then go right back to business as usual.
You really think that Rump can lead this country? Hasn't he screwed up enough?

He's doing a great job so far. Dismantling the progressive nightmare that was being inflicted on this country is going to allow the middle class to prosper once again.
What exactly will make the middle class prosper? Specifics please
The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.

This applies to obummer every bit as much. Funny how you didn't care when it was a progressive narcissist in power.
The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.

Keep dreaming, no one is going to remove Trump from office, they should have removed Obama from office but no one did. Get used to Trump as president for 8 years

I'm not dreaming, since Trump took the oath of office, it has been a nightmare. That you don't know that tells the educated and thinking majority who voted not for trump, that people like you are mentally and emotionally retarded.

A nightmare for progressives. For normal people, and the middle class it's been pretty damned good!
The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.

This applies to obummer every bit as much. Funny how you didn't care when it was a progressive narcissist in power.
If Obama would have tried to do even a fraction of what Rump has, he would have been impeachedched
The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.

Keep dreaming, no one is going to remove Trump from office, they should have removed Obama from office but no one did. Get used to Trump as president for 8 years

I'm not dreaming, since Trump took the oath of office, it has been a nightmare. That you don't know that tells the educated and thinking majority who voted not for trump, that people like you are mentally and emotionally retarded.
Exactly what has been good? Can you give us some datail?

A nightmare for progressives. For normal people, and the middle class it's been pretty damned good!
The left have lost their collective minds. They just can't believe that Trump beat their criminal candidate.

Some of us are disappointed that we once again underestimated the sheer stupidity of Americans. Both candidates were garbage, so we're collectively screwed. There were no winners the night of November 8th.
As the duly elected President of the United States, ALL Americans must give Trump a Chance, at least one year.
The left have lost their collective minds. They just can't believe that Trump beat their criminal candidate.

Some of us are disappointed that we once again underestimated the sheer stupidity of Americans. Both candidates were garbage, so we're collectively screwed. There were no winners the night of November 8th.
As the duly elected President of the United States, ALL Americans must give Trump a Chance, at least one year.
He will get the exact same chance that you gave President Obama.

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