Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him

If Obama made it 8 years no President will have trouble making it, but for a corrupt media. They have been put on notice though so it's unlikely.
He will get the exact same chance that you gave President Obama.
I gave Obama more than a year but I disliked his ineffectual foreign policy and his leftist/progressive policies, they are not what made America great
No republicans gave obama even a day. Whats a leftist/progressive policy
look it up
Even you dont know sweetie
I know what it is, it's surprising that you don't
You dont know shyte. A typical low information voter, sweets
I told you the establishment politicians are pissed Trump took over the White House. Elections are supposed to be rigged by the parties. An establishment candidate who is bought and paid for is supposed to win. The status quo is supposed to be maintained. They lie to voters every 4 years then go right back to business as usual.
You really think that Rump can lead this country? Hasn't he screwed up enough?
What has he screwed up ? So far he's pretty much on track for what he promised to do and what he was elected for. .
You can start with health care and add in immigration, all in a month
He did what he said he was going to do repeal and replace and i'm unaware of anything he has done to screw up immigration other than making sure the laws of the land are followed.
Whats been replaced? How did Trumps immigration order do in the courts? This new one will do the same. He has no phyucking idea what he is doing
Are you going to hate on Trump his entire term? What if the economy explodes and everyone including you does better financially?
I gave Obama more than a year but I disliked his ineffectual foreign policy and his leftist/progressive policies, they are not what made America great
No republicans gave obama even a day. Whats a leftist/progressive policy
look it up
Even you dont know sweetie
I know what it is, it's surprising that you don't
You dont know shyte. A typical low information voter, sweets
Refrain from the insults. I know quite a bit
The left have lost their collective minds. They just can't believe that Trump beat their criminal candidate.

Some of us are disappointed that we once again underestimated the sheer stupidity of Americans. Both candidates were garbage, so we're collectively screwed. There were no winners the night of November 8th.
As the duly elected President of the United States, ALL Americans must give Trump a Chance, at least one year.
He will get the exact same chance that you gave President Obama.
I gave Obama more than a year but I disliked his ineffectual foreign policy and his leftist/progressive policies, they are not what made America great
No republicans gave obama even a day. Whats a leftist/progressive policy

What if one was say..An Independent or Democrat? Hmm? That never entered your pea-brain, did it?
Some of us are disappointed that we once again underestimated the sheer stupidity of Americans. Both candidates were garbage, so we're collectively screwed. There were no winners the night of November 8th.
As the duly elected President of the United States, ALL Americans must give Trump a Chance, at least one year.
He will get the exact same chance that you gave President Obama.
I gave Obama more than a year but I disliked his ineffectual foreign policy and his leftist/progressive policies, they are not what made America great
No republicans gave obama even a day. Whats a leftist/progressive policy

What if one was say..An Independent or Democrat? Hmm? That never entered your pea-brain, did it?
I think he left..
The left have lost their collective minds. They just can't believe that Trump beat their criminal candidate.

Some of us are disappointed that we once again underestimated the sheer stupidity of Americans. Both candidates were garbage, so we're collectively screwed. There were no winners the night of November 8th.
As the duly elected President of the United States, ALL Americans must give Trump a Chance, at least one year.

Nah. This election was my final straw in showing how broken and corrupt our political system is. At least before Obama the congresscritters and other lifetime professional politicians tried to maintain the illusion that they weren't pursuing their own agendas and robbing us taxpayers blind. Today, not so much. Insulting our intelligence is their way of life.

Both candidates are con artists and anyone with the tiniest semblance of brain function can see they are corrupt. I refuse to give con artists any credibility or respectability.
As the duly elected President of the United States, ALL Americans must give Trump a Chance, at least one year.
He will get the exact same chance that you gave President Obama.
I gave Obama more than a year but I disliked his ineffectual foreign policy and his leftist/progressive policies, they are not what made America great
No republicans gave obama even a day. Whats a leftist/progressive policy

What if one was say..An Independent or Democrat? Hmm? That never entered your pea-brain, did it?
I think he left..

He's still online. Probably will cut and run, though.
The left have lost their collective minds. They just can't believe that Trump beat their criminal candidate.

Some of us are disappointed that we once again underestimated the sheer stupidity of Americans. Both candidates were garbage, so we're collectively screwed. There were no winners the night of November 8th.
As the duly elected President of the United States, ALL Americans must give Trump a Chance, at least one year.

Nah. This election was my final straw in showing how broken and corrupt our political system is. At least before Obama the congresscritters and other lifetime professional politicians tried to maintain the illusion that they weren't pursuing their own agendas and robbing us taxpayers blind. Today, not so much. Insulting our intelligence is their way of life.

Both candidates are con artists and anyone with the tiniest semblance of brain function can see they are corrupt. I refuse to give con artists any credibility or respectability.
Granted but I still have faith in the Constitution and the American people.
He's doing a great job so far. Dismantling the progressive nightmare that was being inflicted on this country is going to allow the middle class to prosper once again.
What exactly will make the middle class prosper? Specifics please

Jobs, and industry coming back to THIS country. Getting rid of governmental regulations that don't do what they claim and cost the middle class their hard earned cash. Getting rid of the batshit crazy energy policy of the obummer admin that were continuously raising the cost to warm the homes of the middle class, drive their cars, and buy their food. The rich don't care because they are rich, and the poor don't care because they get government handouts, but the middle class was getting screwed royally.

Why do you think they ABANDONED the Democrat Party in the states that were gutted by NAFTA? NAFTA was great for the ruling elite but it ripped the heart out of the blue collar workers and the dems did NOTHING!. They flapped their gums about how they felt the workers pain but then did NOTHING.

That's why the shrilary lost.
What jobs are coming back? What industries are coming back? NONE

Oh, you poor, poor ignorant person. Instead of just yelling hysterically how about you actually go out and read something from sources other than your little echo chamber.


Trump's win pushed this manufacturer to return to the U.S.

Trump's win pushed this manufacturer to return to the U.S.

TAIPEI — iPhones might one day soon carry “Made in America” labels.

Key Apple assembler Hon Hai Precision Industry, also known as Foxconn Technology Group, has been studying the possibility of moving iPhone production to the U.S., sources told the Nikkei Asian Review.

“Apple asked both Foxconn and Pegatron, the two iPhone assemblers, in June to look into making iPhones in the U.S.,” a source said. “Foxconn complied, while Pegatron declined to formulate such a plan due to cost concerns.”

Foxconn, based in the gritty, industrial Tucheng district in suburban Taipei, and its smaller Taiwanese rival churn out more than 200 million iPhones annually from their massive Chinese campuses.

IT IS HAPPENING: Apple in talks of moving manufacturing to the USA

Meet the Chinese Billionaire Who’s Moving Manufacturing to the U.S. to Cut Costs
Kevin Lui
Dec 21, 2016
moving operations the other way round.

And now, the head of a leading Chinese glass maker making the same move has openly questioned if his country really is such a lucrative destination for offshore factories, reports Hong Kong newspaper the South China Morning Post.

"Overall speaking, the tax burden for manufacturers in China is 35% higher than in the U.S.," Cao Dewang told China Business Network in an interview. He added that a combination of cheap land, reasonable energy prices and other incentives means that, despite higher manufacturing costs, he can still make more money by making glass in the U.S. than by exporting Chinese-made panes to the U.S. market.

Meet the Chinese Billionaire Who's Moving Manufacturing to the U.S. to Cut Costs
what does any of this have to do with Rump

Read the article and learn something.
The left have lost their collective minds. They just can't believe that Trump beat their criminal candidate.

Some of us are disappointed that we once again underestimated the sheer stupidity of Americans. Both candidates were garbage, so we're collectively screwed. There were no winners the night of November 8th.
As the duly elected President of the United States, ALL Americans must give Trump a Chance, at least one year.

Nah. This election was my final straw in showing how broken and corrupt our political system is. At least before Obama the congresscritters and other lifetime professional politicians tried to maintain the illusion that they weren't pursuing their own agendas and robbing us taxpayers blind. Today, not so much. Insulting our intelligence is their way of life.

Both candidates are con artists and anyone with the tiniest semblance of brain function can see they are corrupt. I refuse to give con artists any credibility or respectability.
Granted but I still have faith in the Constitution and the American people.

I have faith in exactly one of those things.
Absent impeachment I don't see a mechanism provided to congress through the constitution. Are they pulling this out of their rear ends?
The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

Am I bad man because I find humor in it?
No, you're not a bad man. It is something we have not seen before. I don't think anyone has. When we are totally shocked by outrageous behavior I think we sometimes laugh because it's just too bizarre! What else can you do? I was wondering tonight if I am bad for talking about a 3rd term when I know they are already boiling over after 1 month. I kind of feel by telling them he's a two term president that I am lancing that wound open so all the junk can come out but it just keeps coming! Like lava out of a volcano, there just seems to be no end! In other words, perhaps I am provoking them to anger and I feel that I'm wrong to do that. I will try not to mention the third term anymore.

Thanks Marion. Your soul searching on that one has helped me search my own soul.
Impeachment is probably the easiest method; of course Trump could hear the country calling and resign. It may well be that it will be the Republican party, fearing destruction, that calls for, and begins the impeachment process.

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