Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him

The 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution


Passed by Congress July 6, 1965. Ratified February 10, 1967. The 25th Amendment changed a portion of Article II, Section 1


In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.


Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.


Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.


Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

This may become necessary, and it will be the GOP that does it.
You people are certifiable.
What the hell? Ca you believe this headline? Utter desperation from the worst leftist rag in America.

Presidential psychology is quickly becoming a bipartisan issue. Recently, Senator Al Franken said that he and several of his GOP colleagues shared the opinion that President Donald Trump is “not right mentally.” Shortly thereafter, 35 mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers — took to the pages of the New York Times to register their own concerns that the President was demonstrating “grave emotional instability.”

These controversial armchair diagnoses are powerless on their own. But what if there was something that Senator Franken and his concerned colleagues could actually do? Constitutionally speaking, there might be

This ridiculous story, along with a video is @ Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him
Trump does have serious mental issues, why haven't you figured that out by now

No, but I sure as hell believe he brings it out in progressive cry-babies:

Snowflakes Melting: Huge Rise in Personality Disorders Among Millennials

There's no great mystery to what's going on. People who train themselves to be cool and clear of mind will find themselves becoming more cool and clear of mind.

People who train themselves to go to pieces over every damn thing will find themselves getting better and better at going to pieces over every damn thing.

When you valorize a mental disorder and turn it into a virtue to be cultivated, guess what you're gonna get? More mental disorders.
What the hell? Ca you believe this headline? Utter desperation from the worst leftist rag in America.

Presidential psychology is quickly becoming a bipartisan issue. Recently, Senator Al Franken said that he and several of his GOP colleagues shared the opinion that President Donald Trump is “not right mentally.” Shortly thereafter, 35 mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers — took to the pages of the New York Times to register their own concerns that the President was demonstrating “grave emotional instability.”

These controversial armchair diagnoses are powerless on their own. But what if there was something that Senator Franken and his concerned colleagues could actually do? Constitutionally speaking, there might be

This ridiculous story, along with a video is @ Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him
Trump does have serious mental issues, why haven't you figured that out by now

No, but I sure as hell believe he brings it out in progressive cry-babies:

Snowflakes Melting: Huge Rise in Personality Disorders Among Millennials

There's no great mystery to what's going on. People who train themselves to be cool and clear of mind will find themselves becoming more cool and clear of mind.

People who train themselves to go to pieces over every damn thing will find themselves getting better and better at going to pieces over every damn thing.

When you valorize a mental disorder and turn it into a virtue to be cultivated, guess what you're gonna get? More mental disorders.
I've never seen anything like it in all my days. What will they do when a real crisis comes their way?
The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.

This applies to obummer every bit as much. Funny how you didn't care when it was a progressive narcissist in power.

Calling Obama a narcissist is an ignorant statement; Obama was as self effacing as an POTUS could be.

Your use of progressive - a pejorative when used by you - is foolish. Progressives seek equal rights for all. RWers fear and hate those who challenge their beliefs.

What a farcical answer. obama had every trait of the narcissist. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.

This applies to obummer every bit as much. Funny how you didn't care when it was a progressive narcissist in power.

Calling Obama a narcissist is an ignorant statement; Obama was as self effacing as an POTUS could be.

Your use of progressive - a pejorative when used by you - is foolish. Progressives seek equal rights for all. RWers fear and hate those who challenge their beliefs.

What a farcical answer. obama had every trait of the narcissist. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
I suspect he is a sociopath as well.
He will get the exact same chance that you gave President Obama.
I gave Obama more than a year but I disliked his ineffectual foreign policy and his leftist/progressive policies, they are not what made America great

I voted for him the first time because he claimed to be what the trumpster is currently being. Namely a POTUS for the people. obummer lied and was just another pawn of the elite. He did their bidding and fucked over the middle class.
What has Trump done for the middle class?
He is going to give them tax cuts, his tough stance on illegal immigration helps the middle class and the jobs that are starting to come back.
What jobs are starting to come back? you really can't be serious
What does his stance on immigration do to help the middle class, they aren't the ones picking fruit in the fields

The only person demonstrating extreme ignorance, bordering on intellectual dishonesty is you pal. You have been shown the businesses that are coming back, or coming here for the first time thanks to the trump election. The fact that you continue to bleat this mindless meme is very telling about you, and your lack of character.
He will get the exact same chance that you gave President Obama.
I gave Obama more than a year but I disliked his ineffectual foreign policy and his leftist/progressive policies, they are not what made America great

I voted for him the first time because he claimed to be what the trumpster is currently being. Namely a POTUS for the people. obummer lied and was just another pawn of the elite. He did their bidding and fucked over the middle class.
What has Trump done for the middle class?
He is going to give them tax cuts, his tough stance on illegal immigration helps the middle class and the jobs that are starting to come back.
What jobs are starting to come back? you really can't be serious
What does his stance on immigration do to help the middle class, they aren't the ones picking fruit in the fields
Fruit grows on trees. Not in fields. The Mexican immigrants didn't come here to pick fruit. That was in the 70's. Today they are competing for construction jobs, DOT, high paying jobs. Not picking fruit!

The Democrat Party Is Not In Complete Disarray!
I gave Obama more than a year but I disliked his ineffectual foreign policy and his leftist/progressive policies, they are not what made America great

I voted for him the first time because he claimed to be what the trumpster is currently being. Namely a POTUS for the people. obummer lied and was just another pawn of the elite. He did their bidding and fucked over the middle class.
What has Trump done for the middle class?
He is going to give them tax cuts, his tough stance on illegal immigration helps the middle class and the jobs that are starting to come back.
What jobs are starting to come back? you really can't be serious
What does his stance on immigration do to help the middle class, they aren't the ones picking fruit in the fields
Fruit grows on trees. Not in fields. The Mexican immigrants didn't come here to pick fruit. That was in the 70's. Today they are competing for construction jobs, DOT, high paying jobs. Not picking fruit!

Seriously, here is how this goes down. This is why btw we have a high Non Participation Rate.

The Obama Admin intentionally looked the other way and allowed Construction Companies to hire Illegals.

But they went further than that. They helped Employers obtain Tax IDs and other documentation to legitimize FELONY hiriing of Illegals.
American Plumbers, Drywallers, Roofers, Electricians, Painters, Carpenters, Brick Layers, Concrete Finishers were being shut out of a lot of projects especially in The Southwest.

It is a FELONY to assist an Illegal in obtaining a TAX ID. It is a felony for THE IRS to accept a tax return from an illegal or payroll taxes from an Employer taken from an Illegal's Paycheck.

It is also a Felony to assist an illegal in obtaining a Drivers License.

The Obama Administration is the most lawless presidency in our Nation's 240 year history. He should have been impeached, but you cannot impeach a Black President without The Dems Burning Down Their Own Cities.

So it was either watch America Burn, or Watch Obama Burn The Constitution and put out the fires later.
Last edited:
The left has come completely unglued. It is utterly pathetic and a shameful thing to put on display for the world to see.

What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.

This applies to obummer every bit as much. Funny how you didn't care when it was a progressive narcissist in power.

Calling Obama a narcissist is an ignorant statement; Obama was as self effacing as an POTUS could be.

Your use of progressive - a pejorative when used by you - is foolish. Progressives seek equal rights for all. RWers fear and hate those who challenge their beliefs.

What a farcical answer. obama had every trait of the narcissist. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
I suspect he is a sociopath as well.

While he certainly has more than a couple of the traits associated with that personality disorder i won't hop on that bandwagon yet.
What the hell? Ca you believe this headline? Utter desperation from the worst leftist rag in America.

Presidential psychology is quickly becoming a bipartisan issue. Recently, Senator Al Franken said that he and several of his GOP colleagues shared the opinion that President Donald Trump is “not right mentally.” Shortly thereafter, 35 mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers — took to the pages of the New York Times to register their own concerns that the President was demonstrating “grave emotional instability.”

These controversial armchair diagnoses are powerless on their own. But what if there was something that Senator Franken and his concerned colleagues could actually do? Constitutionally speaking, there might be

This ridiculous story, along with a video is @ Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him
Trump does have serious mental issues, why haven't you figured that out by now

No, but I sure as hell believe he brings it out in progressive cry-babies:

Snowflakes Melting: Huge Rise in Personality Disorders Among Millennials

There's no great mystery to what's going on. People who train themselves to be cool and clear of mind will find themselves becoming more cool and clear of mind.

People who train themselves to go to pieces over every damn thing will find themselves getting better and better at going to pieces over every damn thing.

When you valorize a mental disorder and turn it into a virtue to be cultivated, guess what you're gonna get? More mental disorders.
I've never seen anything like it in all my days. What will they do when a real crisis comes their way?

We'll soon find out, Trump tweets while Bannon and Miller plot a fake war, hoping to change the dialogue from Trump's sanity to something they feel is more serious - for those who want more detail rent "Wag the Dog", a fiction soon to be a major news story.
He will get the exact same chance that you gave President Obama.
I gave Obama more than a year but I disliked his ineffectual foreign policy and his leftist/progressive policies, they are not what made America great

I voted for him the first time because he claimed to be what the trumpster is currently being. Namely a POTUS for the people. obummer lied and was just another pawn of the elite. He did their bidding and fucked over the middle class.
What has Trump done for the middle class?
He is going to give them tax cuts, his tough stance on illegal immigration helps the middle class and the jobs that are starting to come back.
What jobs are starting to come back? you really can't be serious
What does his stance on immigration do to help the middle class, they aren't the ones picking fruit in the fields

Oh! Lookey here! Here's another company bringing jobs here to the US thanks to the trumpster! You LOSE again! You seem to be doing that a lot in this thread..

Samsung Plans U.S. Expansion, Would Shift Manufacturing From Mexico
Samsung Plans U.S. Expansion, Would Shift Manufacturing From Mexico
What the hell? Ca you believe this headline? Utter desperation from the worst leftist rag in America.

Presidential psychology is quickly becoming a bipartisan issue. Recently, Senator Al Franken said that he and several of his GOP colleagues shared the opinion that President Donald Trump is “not right mentally.” Shortly thereafter, 35 mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers — took to the pages of the New York Times to register their own concerns that the President was demonstrating “grave emotional instability.”

These controversial armchair diagnoses are powerless on their own. But what if there was something that Senator Franken and his concerned colleagues could actually do? Constitutionally speaking, there might be

This ridiculous story, along with a video is @ Congress Can Remove Donald Trump From Office Without Impeaching Him
Trump does have serious mental issues, why haven't you figured that out by now

No, but I sure as hell believe he brings it out in progressive cry-babies:

Snowflakes Melting: Huge Rise in Personality Disorders Among Millennials

There's no great mystery to what's going on. People who train themselves to be cool and clear of mind will find themselves becoming more cool and clear of mind.

People who train themselves to go to pieces over every damn thing will find themselves getting better and better at going to pieces over every damn thing.

When you valorize a mental disorder and turn it into a virtue to be cultivated, guess what you're gonna get? More mental disorders.
I've never seen anything like it in all my days. What will they do when a real crisis comes their way?

We'll soon find out, Trump tweets while Bannon and Miller plot a fake war, hoping to change the dialogue from Trump's sanity to something they feel is more serious - for those who want more detail rent "Wag the Dog", a fiction soon to be a major news story.

And yet it was the rhetoric that the shrilary, your hero, that was beating the war drums. The trumpster has been doing everything possible to take us away from that particular disaster.
What is more shameful, and greatly disturbing, is to allow a man who appears to be a narcissist and a megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and our Nuclear Arsenal.

I hope that the Republican Party still has adults who will do the right thing for our nation, and the world, & within the rule of law to remove President Trump from office before he does something irreparable.

This applies to obummer every bit as much. Funny how you didn't care when it was a progressive narcissist in power.

Calling Obama a narcissist is an ignorant statement; Obama was as self effacing as an POTUS could be.

Your use of progressive - a pejorative when used by you - is foolish. Progressives seek equal rights for all. RWers fear and hate those who challenge their beliefs.

What a farcical answer. obama had every trait of the narcissist. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
I suspect he is a sociopath as well.

While he certainly has more than a couple of the traits associated with that personality disorder i won't hop on that bandwagon yet.

If you did you would name them. I'll help:

Trump manifests the personality disorders outlined in Cluster B, these people tend to be dramatic, emotional & attention-seeking; their moods labile and often shallow. They have often intense interpersonal conflicts and
  • Antisocial
  • Histrionic
  • Narcissistic
You can look up examples in DSM-IV: The Clinicians' Guide to Diagnosis.

Obama does not manifest these characteristics an there is no evidence you can offer to prove that they do (once you figure out the meaning of the three bullet points above; Trump on the other hand manifests these characteristics daily.

Doubt me? Buy the book:

9780898625684 - DSM-IV Made Easy : The Clinician's |
This applies to obummer every bit as much. Funny how you didn't care when it was a progressive narcissist in power.

Calling Obama a narcissist is an ignorant statement; Obama was as self effacing as an POTUS could be.

Your use of progressive - a pejorative when used by you - is foolish. Progressives seek equal rights for all. RWers fear and hate those who challenge their beliefs.

What a farcical answer. obama had every trait of the narcissist. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
I suspect he is a sociopath as well.

While he certainly has more than a couple of the traits associated with that personality disorder i won't hop on that bandwagon yet.

If you did you would name them. I'll help:

Trump manifests the personality disorders outlined in Cluster B, these people tend to be dramatic, emotional & attention-seeking; their moods labile and often shallow. They have often intense interpersonal conflicts and
  • Antisocial
  • Histrionic
  • Narcissistic
You can look up examples in DSM-IV: The Clinicians' Guide to Diagnosis.

Obama does not manifest these characteristics an there is no evidence you can offer to prove that they do (once you figure out the meaning of the three bullet points above; Trump on the other hand manifests these characteristics daily.

Doubt me? Buy the book:

9780898625684 - DSM-IV Made Easy : The Clinician's |

May I suggest you get the newest edition? The DSM V has been available for several years now, my wife got hers pretty much immediately upon publication. I would expect a government worker to know that. You know, you're all supposedly so special and all.
Well DNC paid Trolls are getting Over Time Pay today, especially considering now that they all have Psychology degrees.

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