Congress Finally Challenges the Cuba Travel Ban

So they aren’t citizens?
You mean percentage-wise?

If they are citizens they are Swedish citizens. In America once you become a citizen, you are an American.
I understand that but how should I know who is and who isn't "a citizen". And I don't really care. If his name is Adbul and he can't speak Swedish worth a shit then he ain't a Swede as far as I am concerned.

I respectfully disagree, if they are citizens in America, whatever they speak, whatever the race, color or religion, they are Americans.
You disagree that I do not consider a person Swedish if his name is Abdul and he cannot speak Swedish? There is nothing to disagree with. If I think so then that is what I think. Anyway, the U.S. doesn't have a specific culture, we do.

If that is what you believe it’s all good with me.
I would believe that our government might want the Cuban government to fall and a new one replaces it that is closer to Western ideas or ways. Propping up a communist nation may be questionable. We gave China the keys to the city and they have embraced it with a Communist/Sweatshop Capitalist system.
Cuba only began leaning that far left when the U.S. boycotted and blockaded Cuba's democratic government. Washington was content with Cuba being strangled by the American Mafia and is still punishing Cuba for cleaning house. One more democratic nation the U.S. has destroyed.

Cuba only began leaning that far left when the U.S. boycotted and blockaded Cuba's democratic government.

Poor Castro, he didn't really want to be a Commie...…...
/—-/ Glastnos is just looking to start a food fight. Don’t humor him.
Cuba only began leaning that far left when the U.S. boycotted and blockaded Cuba's democratic government.
Poor Castro, he didn't really want to be a Commie...…...
You have a lot of reading to do if you want to catch up. Castro wasn't a Communist. He was friends with the U.S. before his revolution and he wanted to remain friends. He thought the U.S. would be pleased with him for throwing out the American mafia. He was shocked when the U.S. went against him.

Yeah, poor Castro, we made him do it.
I have no desire to support the Cuban regime.
If idiots like you want to give those assholes your money, I guess you should be free to do so.
So go forth, tovarish, post pictures if you get back.

It is not about Cuba, it is about why you, who claims to be a Conservative, support the Fed Govt telling you where you can and cannot go? They do ti to more than just Cuba.

Simple question. Why are you afraid to answer it?

It is not about Cuba,

It is about Cuba. When are you going?

support the Fed Govt telling you where you can and cannot go?

Can you link to where I said that? Thanks, tovarish.

You have been defending them doing so for the last 40 post. Do try and keep up with what you post.

You have been defending them doing so for the last 40 post.

Can you be more specific?

Read the thread.

support the Fed Govt telling you where you can and cannot go?

Still no link to where I said that? Thanks, tovarish.
It is not about Cuba, it is about why you, who claims to be a Conservative, support the Fed Govt telling you where you can and cannot go? They do ti to more than just Cuba.

Simple question. Why are you afraid to answer it?

It is not about Cuba,

It is about Cuba. When are you going?

support the Fed Govt telling you where you can and cannot go?

Can you link to where I said that? Thanks, tovarish.

You have been defending them doing so for the last 40 post. Do try and keep up with what you post.

You have been defending them doing so for the last 40 post.

Can you be more specific?

Read the thread.

support the Fed Govt telling you where you can and cannot go?

Still no link to where I said that? Thanks, tovarish.

Read the thread buddy, you made your position perfectly clear.
It is not about Cuba,

It is about Cuba. When are you going?

support the Fed Govt telling you where you can and cannot go?

Can you link to where I said that? Thanks, tovarish.

You have been defending them doing so for the last 40 post. Do try and keep up with what you post.

You have been defending them doing so for the last 40 post.

Can you be more specific?

Read the thread.

support the Fed Govt telling you where you can and cannot go?

Still no link to where I said that? Thanks, tovarish.

Read the thread buddy, you made your position perfectly clear.

So, you still have no link to prove your claim, thanks!
“The bipartisan bill I will introduce on Monday is about the right of Americans, not Cubans, to travel,” Senator Patrick Leahy stated, as he prepared to introduce the “Freedom for Americans to Travel to Cuba Act of 2019” this week. “Every member of Congress,” he declared, “especially those who have been to Cuba, should oppose restrictions on American citizens that have no place in the law books of a free society.”

In the House, Congressmen James McGovern and Tom Emmer introduced identical legislation last week, setting the stage for Congress to debate President Trump’s ongoing efforts to restrict travel in order to score electoral points in Florida. Although congressional proponents of free travel to Cuba have tried, and failed, to lift existing restrictions in the past, Trump’s recent flagrant assault on freedom to travel, along with the natural constituency of millions of citizens who have flocked to Cuba over the past few years, may combine to give this latest legislative initiative a better chance of success.

Few people are aware that Cuba is the only nation in the world to which a congressional statute prohibits US citizens from traveling for a simple vacation.
From the end of the Eisenhower administration to the mid-1990s, restrictions on travel, like the trade embargo itself, fell under executive authority; the restrictions were imposed by the president and could be rescinded by the president. That changed in 1996, when President Clinton signed the punitive Helms-Burton Act, which codified the embargo into law, along with restrictions on travel. After Clinton moved to create exemptions that would allow travel to Cuba for specific, non-touristic, purposes—journalism, education, religious activities, business transactions, professional meetings, etc.—Congress amended the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 to read: “the Secretary of the Treasury may not authorize travel-related transactions for travel to, from, or within Cuba for tourist activities.”

Congress Finally Challenges the Cuba Travel Ban

I'm planning to open a banana boat rental place on Guantanamo beach.
How nice of them to telegraph their motives for this bill. For a moment, I almost thought they cared about the freedoms and liberties of the American people. As we see by the highlighted part, we learn they are only concerned that Trump may get an electoral advantage and they cannot have any of that.
“The bipartisan bill I will introduce on Monday is about the right of Americans, not Cubans, to travel,” Senator Patrick Leahy stated, as he prepared to introduce the “Freedom for Americans to Travel to Cuba Act of 2019” this week. “Every member of Congress,” he declared, “especially those who have been to Cuba, should oppose restrictions on American citizens that have no place in the law books of a free society.”

In the House, Congressmen James McGovern and Tom Emmer introduced identical legislation last week, setting the stage for Congress to debate President Trump’s ongoing efforts to restrict travel in order to score electoral points in Florida. Although congressional proponents of free travel to Cuba have tried, and failed, to lift existing restrictions in the past, Trump’s recent flagrant assault on freedom to travel, along with the natural constituency of millions of citizens who have flocked to Cuba over the past few years, may combine to give this latest legislative initiative a better chance of success.

Few people are aware that Cuba is the only nation in the world to which a congressional statute prohibits US citizens from traveling for a simple vacation.
From the end of the Eisenhower administration to the mid-1990s, restrictions on travel, like the trade embargo itself, fell under executive authority; the restrictions were imposed by the president and could be rescinded by the president. That changed in 1996, when President Clinton signed the punitive Helms-Burton Act, which codified the embargo into law, along with restrictions on travel. After Clinton moved to create exemptions that would allow travel to Cuba for specific, non-touristic, purposes—journalism, education, religious activities, business transactions, professional meetings, etc.—Congress amended the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 to read: “the Secretary of the Treasury may not authorize travel-related transactions for travel to, from, or within Cuba for tourist activities.”

Congress Finally Challenges the Cuba Travel Ban

I'm planning to open a banana boat rental place on Guantanamo beach.
Hey that sounds like a great plan to me. One way tickets for all and no return.
You have a lot of reading to do if you want to catch up. Castro wasn't a Communist. He was friends with the U.S. before his revolution and he wanted to remain friends. He thought the U.S. would be pleased with him for throwing out the American mafia. He was shocked when the U.S. went against him.

Yeah, poor Castro, we made him do it.
I think it is fascinating that so many Americans chose voluntary ignorance on selected subjects. If you continue to restrict your knowledge to "Dick and Jane Easy Reader Books" and then fill in the blanks with your pretend conclusions then you'll never amount to anything.

Dick and Jane.jpg
You have a lot of reading to do if you want to catch up. Castro wasn't a Communist. He was friends with the U.S. before his revolution and he wanted to remain friends. He thought the U.S. would be pleased with him for throwing out the American mafia. He was shocked when the U.S. went against him.

Yeah, poor Castro, we made him do it.
I think it is fascinating that so many Americans chose voluntary ignorance on selected subjects. If you continue to restrict your knowledge to "Dick and Jane Easy Reader Books" and then fill in the blanks with your pretend conclusions then you'll never amount to anything.

View attachment 272838


I was a democrat until the US was mean to me and turned me into a Commie mass murderer...……..
You have a lot of reading to do if you want to catch up. Castro wasn't a Communist. He was friends with the U.S. before his revolution and he wanted to remain friends. He thought the U.S. would be pleased with him for throwing out the American mafia. He was shocked when the U.S. went against him.

Yeah, poor Castro, we made him do it.
I think it is fascinating that so many Americans chose voluntary ignorance on selected subjects. If you continue to restrict your knowledge to "Dick and Jane Easy Reader Books" and then fill in the blanks with your pretend conclusions then you'll never amount to anything.

View attachment 272838

View attachment 272839

I was a democrat until the US was mean to me and turned me into a Commie mass murderer...……..
Oh, I see you are reading book #2 now. How nice!

Dick and Jane 2b.jpg
You have a lot of reading to do if you want to catch up. Castro wasn't a Communist. He was friends with the U.S. before his revolution and he wanted to remain friends. He thought the U.S. would be pleased with him for throwing out the American mafia. He was shocked when the U.S. went against him.

Yeah, poor Castro, we made him do it.
I think it is fascinating that so many Americans chose voluntary ignorance on selected subjects. If you continue to restrict your knowledge to "Dick and Jane Easy Reader Books" and then fill in the blanks with your pretend conclusions then you'll never amount to anything.

View attachment 272838

View attachment 272839

I was a democrat until the US was mean to me and turned me into a Commie mass murderer...……..
Oh, I see you are reading book #2 now. How nice!

View attachment 272841

I was gonna have free and fair elections, but after the US was mean to me, I had to stay in power for 50 years.

I didn't want to do it...…..they made me!!!!!! No fair!!

It wasn't my fault!!!!!


I believed in democracy as well, but OBAMA kept kissing my butt.

So I had to stay in power for 10 more years.
You have a lot of reading to do if you want to catch up. Castro wasn't a Communist. He was friends with the U.S. before his revolution and he wanted to remain friends. He thought the U.S. would be pleased with him for throwing out the American mafia. He was shocked when the U.S. went against him.

Yeah, poor Castro, we made him do it.
I think it is fascinating that so many Americans chose voluntary ignorance on selected subjects. If you continue to restrict your knowledge to "Dick and Jane Easy Reader Books" and then fill in the blanks with your pretend conclusions then you'll never amount to anything.

View attachment 272838

View attachment 272839

I was a democrat until the US was mean to me and turned me into a Commie mass murderer...……..
Oh, I see you are reading book #2 now. How nice!

View attachment 272841

I was gonna have free and fair elections, but after the US was mean to me, I had to stay in power for 50 years.

I didn't want to do it...…..they made me!!!!!! No fair!!

It wasn't my fault!!!!!

View attachment 272842

I believed in democracy as well, but OBAMA kept kissing my butt.

So I had to stay in power for 10 more years.
Dunce 3.jpg
Yeah, poor Castro, we made him do it.
I think it is fascinating that so many Americans chose voluntary ignorance on selected subjects. If you continue to restrict your knowledge to "Dick and Jane Easy Reader Books" and then fill in the blanks with your pretend conclusions then you'll never amount to anything.

View attachment 272838

View attachment 272839

I was a democrat until the US was mean to me and turned me into a Commie mass murderer...……..
Oh, I see you are reading book #2 now. How nice!

View attachment 272841

I was gonna have free and fair elections, but after the US was mean to me, I had to stay in power for 50 years.

I didn't want to do it...…..they made me!!!!!! No fair!!

It wasn't my fault!!!!!

View attachment 272842

I believed in democracy as well, but OBAMA kept kissing my butt.

So I had to stay in power for 10 more years.
View attachment 272843

Yes, Obama was a stupid twat.
Almost as dumb as you.
I think it is fascinating that so many Americans chose voluntary ignorance on selected subjects. If you continue to restrict your knowledge to "Dick and Jane Easy Reader Books" and then fill in the blanks with your pretend conclusions then you'll never amount to anything.

View attachment 272838

View attachment 272839

I was a democrat until the US was mean to me and turned me into a Commie mass murderer...……..
Oh, I see you are reading book #2 now. How nice!

View attachment 272841

I was gonna have free and fair elections, but after the US was mean to me, I had to stay in power for 50 years.

I didn't want to do it...…..they made me!!!!!! No fair!!

It wasn't my fault!!!!!

View attachment 272842

I believed in democracy as well, but OBAMA kept kissing my butt.

So I had to stay in power for 10 more years.
View attachment 272843

Yes, Obama was a stupid twat.
Almost as dumb as you.
Obama can be called several things but "stupid" is not one of them. It is no surprise, however, that someone who is so keen to talk on subjects such as Cuba (without having the slightest knowledge) that you would also find yourself on your knees, well below the radar of Obama's intelligence.
View attachment 272839

I was a democrat until the US was mean to me and turned me into a Commie mass murderer...……..
Oh, I see you are reading book #2 now. How nice!

View attachment 272841

I was gonna have free and fair elections, but after the US was mean to me, I had to stay in power for 50 years.

I didn't want to do it...…..they made me!!!!!! No fair!!

It wasn't my fault!!!!!

View attachment 272842

I believed in democracy as well, but OBAMA kept kissing my butt.

So I had to stay in power for 10 more years.
View attachment 272843

Yes, Obama was a stupid twat.
Almost as dumb as you.
Obama can be called several things but "stupid" is not one of them. It is no surprise, however, that someone who is so keen to talk on subjects such as Cuba (without having the slightest knowledge) that you would also find yourself on your knees, well below the radar of Obama's intelligence.

So, which US policy forced Castro to remain "President" for 50 years?

You have any proof of Obama's intelligence?
Maybe his ability to stop the rise of the oceans, just by getting the Dem nomination?
Or was it his weakest economic recovery since WWII?
Was it the 63 house seats the Dems lost (63, holy shit!) in 2010?
So, which US policy forced Castro to remain "President" for 50 years?
Changing the subject so soon? Jeeze, you gave up so quickly on the main point. Ask me the pertinent question instead, if you dare. You know, the one about Castro & Communism that you are avoiding and trying to find an absurd escape from because you sense that you are way out on a limb and about to fall and crash.

You have any proof of Obama's intelligence?
Maybe his ability to stop the rise of the oceans, just by getting the Dem nomination?
Or was it his weakest economic recovery since WWII?
Was it the 63 house seats the Dems lost (63, holy shit!) in 2010?
Oh, stop being a silly boy by changing the subject.

Teacher 2.jpg
View attachment 272839

I was a democrat until the US was mean to me and turned me into a Commie mass murderer...……..
Oh, I see you are reading book #2 now. How nice!

View attachment 272841

I was gonna have free and fair elections, but after the US was mean to me, I had to stay in power for 50 years.

I didn't want to do it...…..they made me!!!!!! No fair!!

It wasn't my fault!!!!!

View attachment 272842

I believed in democracy as well, but OBAMA kept kissing my butt.

So I had to stay in power for 10 more years.
View attachment 272843

Yes, Obama was a stupid twat.
Almost as dumb as you.
Obama can be called several things but "stupid" is not one of them. It is no surprise, however, that someone who is so keen to talk on subjects such as Cuba (without having the slightest knowledge) that you would also find yourself on your knees, well below the radar of Obama's intelligence.
/——/ Obozo is sooooooo smart, he’s the only one who knows we have 57 states with one more to go CORPSMEN.
Oh, I see you are reading book #2 now. How nice!

View attachment 272841

I was gonna have free and fair elections, but after the US was mean to me, I had to stay in power for 50 years.

I didn't want to do it...…..they made me!!!!!! No fair!!

It wasn't my fault!!!!!

View attachment 272842

I believed in democracy as well, but OBAMA kept kissing my butt.

So I had to stay in power for 10 more years.
View attachment 272843

Yes, Obama was a stupid twat.
Almost as dumb as you.
Obama can be called several things but "stupid" is not one of them. It is no surprise, however, that someone who is so keen to talk on subjects such as Cuba (without having the slightest knowledge) that you would also find yourself on your knees, well below the radar of Obama's intelligence.
/——/ Obozo is sooooooo smart, he’s the only one who knows we have 57 states with one more to go CORPSMEN.

At least he knew they did not have airports in the 1700s.

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