Congress Finally Challenges the Cuba Travel Ban

Which is my whole point.
Oh really. It’s been that way my whole life. The gov does tell us where we can go and when we can come back. It’s called passports and visas. The only people who can travel wherever they want without government control are the illegals.
That is what makes me laugh when the U.S. claims to be the Leader of Freedom and having more freedom than any other country on earth. I am from Sweden. We have NO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS whatsoever.
/——/So the Swedish Government doesn’t give a rat’s patoot what happens to you. Sad.

Why do you need the Fed Govt to be your nanny? Can you not make choices for yourself?
/——/ I don’t and that’s why I’ll never vote for a democRAT

This whole thread is about the Fed Govt being a nanny state, and you support. Do try and keep up with your own post
Oh really. It’s been that way my whole life. The gov does tell us where we can go and when we can come back. It’s called passports and visas. The only people who can travel wherever they want without government control are the illegals.
That is what makes me laugh when the U.S. claims to be the Leader of Freedom and having more freedom than any other country on earth. I am from Sweden. We have NO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS whatsoever.
/——/So the Swedish Government doesn’t give a rat’s patoot what happens to you. Sad.

Why do you need the Fed Govt to be your nanny? Can you not make choices for yourself?
/——/ I don’t and that’s why I’ll never vote for a democRAT

This whole thread is about the Fed Govt being a nanny state, and you support. Do try and keep up with your own post
/—-/ the US placing sanctions on a Commie dictatorship isn’t a Nanny State. You’re twisting yourself into a pretzel over a non issue.
Which is my whole point.
Oh really. It’s been that way my whole life. The gov does tell us where we can go and when we can come back. It’s called passports and visas. The only people who can travel wherever they want without government control are the illegals.
That is what makes me laugh when the U.S. claims to be the Leader of Freedom and having more freedom than any other country on earth. I am from Sweden. We have NO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS whatsoever.
What does it take to travel to Sweden? Do I need a passport? A visa? Or Nothing at all?

Just a passport proving you are who you said you were. My daughter went there last year very last minute. No visa or anything. Hell, she didn't even ask the Fed Govt for permission like you think she is supposed to do
So there are restrictions as to who may enter Sweden and how long they may stay! Fancy that.
If you are trying to make a correlation about travel restrictions then you have fallen flat on your face. We do not need any permission by our government to travel to any country in the world.
Oh really. It’s been that way my whole life. The gov does tell us where we can go and when we can come back. It’s called passports and visas. The only people who can travel wherever they want without government control are the illegals.
That is what makes me laugh when the U.S. claims to be the Leader of Freedom and having more freedom than any other country on earth. I am from Sweden. We have NO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS whatsoever.
What does it take to travel to Sweden? Do I need a passport? A visa? Or Nothing at all?

Just a passport proving you are who you said you were. My daughter went there last year very last minute. No visa or anything. Hell, she didn't even ask the Fed Govt for permission like you think she is supposed to do
So there are restrictions as to who may enter Sweden and how long they may stay! Fancy that.
/—-/ Scroll down to safety and security for an eye opener: Sweden International Travel Information
What does your government have to do with Sweden? My government does not hinder us from travel to anywhere in the world. The fact that the U.S. has restrictions for its own citizens is your problem, not mine.
Have at it dude! You might find yourself having a hard time getting a passport and a visa!
Which is my whole point.
Oh really. It’s been that way my whole life. The gov does tell us where we can go and when we can come back. It’s called passports and visas. The only people who can travel wherever they want without government control are the illegals.
That is what makes me laugh when the U.S. claims to be the Leader of Freedom and having more freedom than any other country on earth. I am from Sweden. We have NO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS whatsoever.
/——/So the Swedish Government doesn’t give a rat’s patoot what happens to you. Sad.
The only one who is sad in this discussion is you. What is your problem? The U.S. places restrictions on its own citizens. FACT. Sweden does not FACT. Your inferiority complex has nothing to do with it but it seems to cause you great pain. You poor fellow. :itsok:
Was in Sweden years ago, my son went there regularly on business. It’s olay as a country, certainly not where I would want to live. Lots in the news a few years back about people setting off explosives and hand grenades, never did understand that.
Arab, Somali, and Afghani migrants by thousands. Now you understand.
“The bipartisan bill I will introduce on Monday is about the right of Americans, not Cubans, to travel,” Senator Patrick Leahy stated, as he prepared to introduce the “Freedom for Americans to Travel to Cuba Act of 2019” this week. “Every member of Congress,” he declared, “especially those who have been to Cuba, should oppose restrictions on American citizens that have no place in the law books of a free society.”

In the House, Congressmen James McGovern and Tom Emmer introduced identical legislation last week, setting the stage for Congress to debate President Trump’s ongoing efforts to restrict travel in order to score electoral points in Florida. Although congressional proponents of free travel to Cuba have tried, and failed, to lift existing restrictions in the past, Trump’s recent flagrant assault on freedom to travel, along with the natural constituency of millions of citizens who have flocked to Cuba over the past few years, may combine to give this latest legislative initiative a better chance of success.

Few people are aware that Cuba is the only nation in the world to which a congressional statute prohibits US citizens from traveling for a simple vacation.
From the end of the Eisenhower administration to the mid-1990s, restrictions on travel, like the trade embargo itself, fell under executive authority; the restrictions were imposed by the president and could be rescinded by the president. That changed in 1996, when President Clinton signed the punitive Helms-Burton Act, which codified the embargo into law, along with restrictions on travel. After Clinton moved to create exemptions that would allow travel to Cuba for specific, non-touristic, purposes—journalism, education, religious activities, business transactions, professional meetings, etc.—Congress amended the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 to read: “the Secretary of the Treasury may not authorize travel-related transactions for travel to, from, or within Cuba for tourist activities.”

Congress Finally Challenges the Cuba Travel Ban

I'm planning to open a banana boat rental place on Guantanamo beach.

Cuba is a shithole, why do you want to go there?

Maybe to see antique cars from the 1950's still running on Cuban streets?

Besides that, you're right. If people want a Caribbean vacay, they can go to Grand Cayman, Cancun, Puerto Rico, the Dominican or Florida. They can do a cruise, visit the Bahamas, Aruba or the Virgin Islands.

All of those places have a lot better amenities than the Socialist Hell Hole of Cuba.

If they want to see something different, they can go to Haiti for the witch doctors like Papa Shango who is from Port Au Prince.
Have at it dude! You might find yourself having a hard time getting a passport and a visa!
Which is my whole point.
Oh really. It’s been that way my whole life. The gov does tell us where we can go and when we can come back. It’s called passports and visas. The only people who can travel wherever they want without government control are the illegals.
That is what makes me laugh when the U.S. claims to be the Leader of Freedom and having more freedom than any other country on earth. I am from Sweden. We have NO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS whatsoever.
/——/So the Swedish Government doesn’t give a rat’s patoot what happens to you. Sad.
The only one who is sad in this discussion is you. What is your problem? The U.S. places restrictions on its own citizens. FACT. Sweden does not FACT. Your inferiority complex has nothing to do with it but it seems to cause you great pain. You poor fellow. :itsok:
/—-/ The only thing causing me pain are your pointless Strawman arguments.
/—-/ the US placing sanctions on a Commie dictatorship isn’t a Nanny State. You’re twisting yourself into a pretzel over a non issue.
So you mean the U.S forbids you from travell to every Communist State? The U.S. government must be afraid you will turn into a Communist! :itsok:
/—-/ the US placing sanctions on a Commie dictatorship isn’t a Nanny State. You’re twisting yourself into a pretzel over a non issue.
So you mean the U.S forbids you from travell to every Communist State? The U.S. government must be afraid you will turn into a Communist! :itsok:
/—-/ Since I’ll never visit one of your Socialist hellholes, it’s a moot point. Now go pound sand.
“The bipartisan bill I will introduce on Monday is about the right of Americans, not Cubans, to travel,” Senator Patrick Leahy stated, as he prepared to introduce the “Freedom for Americans to Travel to Cuba Act of 2019” this week. “Every member of Congress,” he declared, “especially those who have been to Cuba, should oppose restrictions on American citizens that have no place in the law books of a free society.”

In the House, Congressmen James McGovern and Tom Emmer introduced identical legislation last week, setting the stage for Congress to debate President Trump’s ongoing efforts to restrict travel in order to score electoral points in Florida. Although congressional proponents of free travel to Cuba have tried, and failed, to lift existing restrictions in the past, Trump’s recent flagrant assault on freedom to travel, along with the natural constituency of millions of citizens who have flocked to Cuba over the past few years, may combine to give this latest legislative initiative a better chance of success.

Few people are aware that Cuba is the only nation in the world to which a congressional statute prohibits US citizens from traveling for a simple vacation.
From the end of the Eisenhower administration to the mid-1990s, restrictions on travel, like the trade embargo itself, fell under executive authority; the restrictions were imposed by the president and could be rescinded by the president. That changed in 1996, when President Clinton signed the punitive Helms-Burton Act, which codified the embargo into law, along with restrictions on travel. After Clinton moved to create exemptions that would allow travel to Cuba for specific, non-touristic, purposes—journalism, education, religious activities, business transactions, professional meetings, etc.—Congress amended the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 to read: “the Secretary of the Treasury may not authorize travel-related transactions for travel to, from, or within Cuba for tourist activities.”

Congress Finally Challenges the Cuba Travel Ban

I'm planning to open a banana boat rental place on Guantanamo beach.

Cuba is a shithole, why do you want to go there?

Why do you support the Fed Govt telling you where you can and cannot go?

Is that really the sort of thing a Conservative should support?

You can go to that shithole if you'd like.
Plenty of stupid Americans go to that and other shitholes every year.
Go for it.
Post your pics.

Actually it was Bill Clinton who signed the restrictions on visiting Cuba back in the 1990's, with the Bipartisan Helms-Burton Law.
/—-/ the US placing sanctions on a Commie dictatorship isn’t a Nanny State. You’re twisting yourself into a pretzel over a non issue.
So you mean the U.S forbids you from travell to every Communist State? The U.S. government must be afraid you will turn into a Communist! :itsok:
/—-/ Since I’ll never visit one of your Socialist hellholes, it’s a moot point. Now go pound sand.
You must be a very sad and lonely person. :itsok:
Was in Sweden years ago, my son went there regularly on business. It’s olay as a country, certainly not where I would want to live. Lots in the news a few years back about people setting off explosives and hand grenades, never did understand that.
Arab, Somali, and Afghani migrants by thousands. Now you understand.

No, please tell me why Swedish citizens like blowing each other up.
Last edited:
/—-/ the US placing sanctions on a Commie dictatorship isn’t a Nanny State. You’re twisting yourself into a pretzel over a non issue.
So you mean the U.S forbids you from travell to every Communist State? The U.S. government must be afraid you will turn into a Communist! :itsok:
/—-/ Since I’ll never visit one of your Socialist hellholes, it’s a moot point. Now go pound sand.
You must be a very sad and lonely person. :itsok:

I think someone can live a very full and meaningful life without ever visiting a Socialist Hell Hole.
That is what makes me laugh when the U.S. claims to be the Leader of Freedom and having more freedom than any other country on earth. I am from Sweden. We have NO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS whatsoever.
/——/So the Swedish Government doesn’t give a rat’s patoot what happens to you. Sad.

Why do you need the Fed Govt to be your nanny? Can you not make choices for yourself?
/——/ I don’t and that’s why I’ll never vote for a democRAT

This whole thread is about the Fed Govt being a nanny state, and you support. Do try and keep up with your own post
/—-/ the US placing sanctions on a Commie dictatorship isn’t a Nanny State. You’re twisting yourself into a pretzel over a non issue.

Now it is all of a sudden about sanctions , it was not about sanctions when you made this stupid fucking post...So the Swedish Government doesn’t give a rat’s patoot what happens to you. Sad.

The Govt can put sanctions on a country without telling me I am not allowed to go there. With each post you highlight just how big of a statist you are.
“The bipartisan bill I will introduce on Monday is about the right of Americans, not Cubans, to travel,” Senator Patrick Leahy stated, as he prepared to introduce the “Freedom for Americans to Travel to Cuba Act of 2019” this week. “Every member of Congress,” he declared, “especially those who have been to Cuba, should oppose restrictions on American citizens that have no place in the law books of a free society.”

In the House, Congressmen James McGovern and Tom Emmer introduced identical legislation last week, setting the stage for Congress to debate President Trump’s ongoing efforts to restrict travel in order to score electoral points in Florida. Although congressional proponents of free travel to Cuba have tried, and failed, to lift existing restrictions in the past, Trump’s recent flagrant assault on freedom to travel, along with the natural constituency of millions of citizens who have flocked to Cuba over the past few years, may combine to give this latest legislative initiative a better chance of success.

Few people are aware that Cuba is the only nation in the world to which a congressional statute prohibits US citizens from traveling for a simple vacation.
From the end of the Eisenhower administration to the mid-1990s, restrictions on travel, like the trade embargo itself, fell under executive authority; the restrictions were imposed by the president and could be rescinded by the president. That changed in 1996, when President Clinton signed the punitive Helms-Burton Act, which codified the embargo into law, along with restrictions on travel. After Clinton moved to create exemptions that would allow travel to Cuba for specific, non-touristic, purposes—journalism, education, religious activities, business transactions, professional meetings, etc.—Congress amended the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 to read: “the Secretary of the Treasury may not authorize travel-related transactions for travel to, from, or within Cuba for tourist activities.”

Congress Finally Challenges the Cuba Travel Ban

I'm planning to open a banana boat rental place on Guantanamo beach.

Cuba is a shithole, why do you want to go there?

Maybe to see antique cars from the 1950's still running on Cuban streets?

Besides that, you're right. If people want a Caribbean vacay, they can go to Grand Cayman, Cancun, Puerto Rico, the Dominican or Florida. They can do a cruise, visit the Bahamas, Aruba or the Virgin Islands.

All of those places have a lot better amenities than the Socialist Hell Hole of Cuba.

If they want to see something different, they can go to Haiti for the witch doctors like Papa Shango who is from Port Au Prince.

It is not about if Cuba is a great place to visit, it is about if the Fed Govt should restrict where you can go
Was in Sweden years ago, my son went there regularly on business. It’s olay as a country, certainly not where I would want to live. Lots in the news a few years back about people setting off explosives and hand grenades, never did understand that.
Arab, Somali, and Afghani migrants by thousands. Now you understand.

No, please tell me why Swedish citizens like blowing ea
No idea what you are talking about.
/—-/ the US placing sanctions on a Commie dictatorship isn’t a Nanny State. You’re twisting yourself into a pretzel over a non issue.
So you mean the U.S forbids you from travell to every Communist State? The U.S. government must be afraid you will turn into a Communist! :itsok:
/—-/ Since I’ll never visit one of your Socialist hellholes, it’s a moot point. Now go pound sand.
You must be a very sad and lonely person. :itsok:

I think someone can live a very full and meaningful life without ever visiting a Socialist Hell Hole.
You can have a very full and meaningful life visiting every country. In fact, then your life would be even more full and meaningful.
Was in Sweden years ago, my son went there regularly on business. It’s olay as a country, certainly not where I would want to live. Lots in the news a few years back about people setting off explosives and hand grenades, never did understand that.
Arab, Somali, and Afghani migrants by thousands. Now you understand.

No, please tell me why Swedish citizens like blowing ea
No idea what you are talking about.

Sorry not sure what happened. Why are Swedish citizens blowing each other up?
/——/So the Swedish Government doesn’t give a rat’s patoot what happens to you. Sad.

Why do you need the Fed Govt to be your nanny? Can you not make choices for yourself?
/——/ I don’t and that’s why I’ll never vote for a democRAT

This whole thread is about the Fed Govt being a nanny state, and you support. Do try and keep up with your own post
/—-/ the US placing sanctions on a Commie dictatorship isn’t a Nanny State. You’re twisting yourself into a pretzel over a non issue.

Now it is all of a sudden about sanctions , it was not about sanctions when you made this stupid fucking post...So the Swedish Government doesn’t give a rat’s patoot what happens to you. Sad.

The Govt can put sanctions on a country without telling me I am not allowed to go there. With each post you highlight just how big of a statist you are.
The boy is not well. He seems to be OK with the U.S. dictating where he can visit and where he may not. No sweat. But he is losing his mind and frothing at the mouth over the fact that most governments do not restrict their citizens. As I said, the boy is not well.

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